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Iran . China , Russia and Syria to hold millitary exercise

in addition the number of troops is around 90000 , 400 jet fighters and 1000 tanks . and also china has succeeded to get permission from Egypt for its 12 warships to sail through the Suez Canal to reach the Mediterranean Sea .
meanwhile russian nuclear aircraft carrier , submarines and distroyers with Iranian submarines will participate in this war game .
How will that exercise happen when Syria is almost in civil war?
How will that exercise happen when Syria is almost in civil war?

What civil war?? You mean American/Israeli and Saudi paid mercenaries who are pretending they represent Syrians. They will be exterminated

Is every inch of the Syrian soil in a civil war now? They'll find several kilometers of inhabited areas and launch the military drills in there.

Civil war means Syrians are fighting each other. I have now come to the conclusion this is just a western paid mercenaries fighting with Syrian Army so no civil war
Iran . China , Russia and Syria to held millitary exercise :

base on unofficial sources biggest military exercise in the ME will be held by Iran . China , Russia and Syria early July in Syria .


Sounds great! :woot:

این منبع خبری تاکید کرد که این رزمایش پس از پاکسازی کامل سوریه انجام خواهد شد؛ پاکسازی*ای که هم*اکنون چند روزی است در چندین شهر محل تجمع گروهک*های مسلح آغاز شده است.


My friend, what does this mean?
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