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Iran : China and Russia will not get involved with the US drone


Mar 15, 2011
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Mr Sorouri said Iran experts were in the 'final stages of cracking (the drone's) code'.
He also denied accusations from the U.S. that Iran didn't have the technology to replicate the drone, and that it would only be able to do so with Russian of Chinese help.

He added: 'We will not need Russian or Chinese cooperation to copy the drone.
'They will definitely not be involved. This great defensive capability is reserved for us, and we are not ready to share it with others.

Dick Cheney rips Obama for failing to act on downed US drone in Iran | Mail Online
That' quite narrow minded.

Only fall into what the US want. Perfectly Wrong.
That just might be a little over there head but hey! they shot down a latest STEALTH drone!
Let's just see what unfolds!
Its a PR stunt, what it really says IMO "we will not GIVE AWAY drone, but all 3 parties will cooperate/share trade secrets."
Mr Sorouri said Iran experts were in the 'final stages of cracking (the drone's) code'.
He also denied accusations from the U.S. that Iran didn't have the technology to replicate the drone, and that it would only be able to do so with Russian of Chinese help.

He added: 'We will not need Russian or Chinese cooperation to copy the drone.
'They will definitely not be involved. This great defensive capability is reserved for us, and we are not ready to share it with others.

Dick Cheney rips Obama for failing to act on downed US drone in Iran | Mail Online

"and we are not ready to share it with others."
We want better offers for the trade of the technology. ;)
It means one thing and only. Any one who has ever been to an eastern market place knows how negotiations go for buying and selling stuff. This is called Bazar mentality. When a shop keeper tells you that he does not want to sell something, he does not really mean that, what he means is that the offer has been way lower than what he expected it to be. It means one thing and only. That Iran did not get the offer it wants from Russians or Chinese. But I have a feeling negotiations are on-going. That is how Bazar works.
Most probably Iranians were interested in some platform technologies they do not have eg. air defense platform technology but Russians and Chinese just wanted to pay money or had offered an outdated technology platform which Iran did not need. Anyways, Iranians have the upper hand here and with confidence and persistence can eventually get what they want.
"and we are not ready to share it with others."
We want better offers for the trade of the technology. ;)

Russia and China are the only allies you got left in the world, if i were iran i invite them to a tea party and show them the drone
Russia and China are the only allies you got left in the world, if i were iran i invite them to a tea party and show them the drone

It's OK. What did we do in 1980's when both the Soviets and the Americans had turned against us? Although China and Iran are friends from many aspects, historically,culturally, politically, etc... but China can't claim to be our ally as long as it doesn't support Iran in the UNSC and the Russians have made it clear that they aren't our military ally.
Even if Iranians have done a deal with China or Russia why would they make it public???

That is another possibility. If Iranians even get S-400 and S-500 technology and incorporate it in their Bavar-373, neither Iranians nor Russians will ever admit to it. Iranians will say it is a completely indigenous design, while Russians will say we never knew anything about Bavar-373 project. The same way when Russia builds a RQ-170 clone, it will say, it is a completely indigenous design and has nothing to do with American RQ-170 or its Iranian clone. It is called politics.
It's OK. What did we do in 1980's when both the Soviets and the Americans had turned against us? Although China and Iran are friends from many aspects, historically,culturally, politically, etc... but China can't claim to be our ally as long as it doesn't support Iran in the UNSC and the Russians have made it clear that they aren't our military ally.

we did support Iran many times in the unsc may be not all the time, but we always in favour of iran, infact china always on the side of all muslim countries.
we did support Iran many times in the unsc may be not all the time, but we always in favour of iran, infact china always on the side of all muslim countries.

Did you ever use your veto right in the UNSC against sanctioning Iran? Do you remember the 4th round of the UNSC sanctions? China was saying no to sanctions until the last moment, but suddenly out of the blue the USA claimed that it had reached a deal with China and Russia to impose further sanctions on Iran and guess what? China voted yes to impose the 4th round of the UNSC sanctions against Iran.
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