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Iran Bought 26 Ton Gold From Turkiye

are u for real ? ??? seriously we are not giving those golds for free. they are PAYING FOR it. You "ulusalcı" guys tottaly lost your minds. U even accuse goverment for selling golds? Really ? You guys come this far or just trolling ?

You serious? You talk like if the GOLD DID CAME OUT TURKISH GROUND FOR FREE!!!
Aziz kardesim, Iranlillnin yorumuna bak herseyi cok guzel anlatiyor.

Sorry for Turkish.
Iran has been doing this for what, a decade now? All Middle Eastern countries are hoarding gold, Iran included. China and India too. Just because it's Iran, then it has to be about war lol

The US dollar is losing value, the Iranian Rial is losing value thanks to the banking issues and the sanctions, the Euro is tanking etc... gold's where it's at. Another good thing is the RMB. Iran is doing business with China and accepting RMB and I guess converting all the toxic Western currencies to gold.

Exactly right, the entire world is going for gold right now. :tup:

One of the most fundamental rules of investment... when currencies are becoming risky or unstable, go for gold/silver instead.
Exactly right, the entire world is going for gold right now. :tup:

One of the most fundamental rules of investment... when currencies are becoming risky or unstable, go for gold/silver instead.

Okuyun sunu okuyun ogrenin.
I would agree that it is a wrong move by the state to sell valuable gold, since gold is a solid material whereas the dollar, euro or lira is just papers that can lose value anytime, especially in this time of recession. The wrongdoings of AKP is to be so insistent on following USA that in the end it affects Turkey. We still don't have a fully independent voice which is really sad.
Bu olay bana ulkedeki altin stokunu amerikan dolari ile degistiren Adnan Menderesin durumunu hatirlatti. Ozaman kadar ulkenin merkez bankasi altin stoklarken dolar stoklamaya basladi. Gerci Adnan Menderes hakkettigi cezayi aldi ve sallandirildi. Onun izinden giden Tayyip'in sallandigi gunleride yakinda goruruz diye umidediyorum.
Apparently the reason why our exports grew 10 percent in the first monthts this years is because the central bank sold gold from our own reserves, this was probably a public stunt/propaganda to show that the economy is doing well and that the account deficit is declining.
Altin gibi degerli varligi paraya karsi satilir mi yaw. Onca parayi hangi zaman zarfi icerisinde ve neye yatiracaklar ki? Fabrika mi kuracaklar? Sanayi mi acacaklar? Liman mi yaptiracaklar? Yoksa kendi sulalerini mi zenginlestirecekler?

Gececeksiniz bunlari. Boyle rezil politika insanlik tarihinde gorulmemis.


AKP is not selling gold but selling the country.
Altin gibi degerli varligi paraya karsi satilir mi yaw. Onca parayi hangi zaman zarfi icerisinde ve neye yatiracaklar ki? Fabrika mi kuracaklar? Sanayi mi acacaklar? Liman mi yaptiracaklar? Yoksa kendi sulalerini mi zenginlestirecekler?

Gececeksiniz bunlari. Boyle rezil politika insanlik tarihinde gorulmemis.


AKP is not selling gold but selling the country.

They know very well how to sell? ...:lol:
I would agree that it is a wrong move by the state to sell valuable gold, since gold is a solid material whereas the dollar, euro or lira is just papers that can lose value anytime, especially in this time of recession. The wrongdoings of AKP is to be so insistent on following USA that in the end it affects Turkey. We still don't have a fully independent voice which is really sad.

Why do you say ''the State'' AKP is not the same as state. It's the Government and Goverments come and go while State will be there for eternal... Gold belongs to the State, AKP sell them like it belongs to them ''babasinin mali gibi'' yani.

Typiccal AKP mentality, do something wrong blame on the Army, sell the gold blame on the State.

You serious? You talk like if the GOLD DID CAME OUT TURKISH GROUND FOR FREE!!!

It doesnt belong to them they have no right to sell it and make the Turkish State poor and weak.
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