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Iran bans women from universities

The correct sentence is that Iranian women outnumbered men in Universities not outperformed them like some ignorant people and flame trollers want to say unjustifiably.

These are mostly programs that attract more women than men, and if there are consistently 90% females in a program something must be done about it at least to see why and make adjustments.

The title of the thread is too inflammatory, false and incorrect.

To outnumber in universities , girls have to outperform guys in entrance tests
Stopping someone from a major just because the student happens to be a female.


What will be next big thing on Mooooolahs and Ayatooooolah's list?

This is a HUGE joke, and rotten egg on the face of Ayatoooolahs. It is time they are kicked out of the halls of government and shoved back into hojras of Qum from where this plague emerged to begin with.

Iranians are so bright, their civilzation so old, and yet these beardoes are making their lives as difficult as possible.

And the Iranians who are bright, and their civilzation so old, take all this Moooolah cr@p just because it is packaged in the cover of religion.


In Pakistan we have special seats for girls in public universities and for some courses like mining there is no reservation - can you tell the reason why?
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