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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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@Falcon29 Pray for me brother and all Muslims, Pakistanis, Afghans, Turks, Arabs, etc. I know you are a religious person, and Allah swt answers your duas.

It is laylat ul qadr tonight (maybe.) We pray for peace with Iran and the best for Iranians too.

@Falcon29 Pray for me brother and all Muslims, Pakistanis, Afghans, Turks, Arabs, etc. I know you are a religious person, and Allah swt answers your duas.

It is laylat ul qadr tonight (maybe.) We pray for peace with Iran and the best for Iranians too.


Will do brother, and pray for us too. I hope your prayers and my prayers are answered inshallah.
No, it doesn't. The only relations you are talking about is when they milk you and sell you junks that can't shoot down even a bunch of simple rockets thrown by militants at you. You don't have a well-known cinema, you don't have well-known scientists, your only famous products in Europe are oil and the hijackers that performed 9/11.

Even posts here confirm that the majority of people think that Iranians are different from their regime, while Saudis are pretty much what their regime is. I have talked to Arabs. Including Sunni ones who opposed Iran. I have never seen a Palestinian, a Christian Lebanese, an Algerian or a Moroccan or even people from Kuwait, Bahrain or Qatar that like you guys.

Pakistanis said that. I didn't say that. This is for the second time.

LOL. How many universities does Saudi Arabia have in 1000 top universities in the QS ranking? You have only 2 or 3 good universities that you keep their rankings high by hiring people to put your affiliations there. No one in academia takes you guys seriously. Literally no one. How many journals do you have in Web of Science or Scopus? Let's talk numbers. Tell me how many Saudi universities are in top rankings? Then prove it. Show me how many journals you have in Scopus or Web of Science.

What kind of industries do you have except oil and petrochemicals? LOL. Let's talk about them. The only reason your HDI is higher than Iran is because your GDP per capita is higher than Iran. And that's because Iran is under economic sanctions. Even the Americans humiliate you constantly by bossing you around. We produce almost all engineering stuff inside Iran. You won't be able to produce carbon fibers in 50 years. You can't produce a light bulb on your own, let alone a jet engine. This is something everyone knows. You're a client state constantly humiliated by Trump.

Did you mention NASA? The head of NASA's JPL that landed on Mars for the first time was Firouz Naderi, an Iranian engineer. Maryam Mirzakhani became the world's first woman to win a Fields Medal. Caucher Birkar became the second Iranian to win a Fields Medal. Cumrun Vafa is highly considered as one of the world's leading physicists at Harvard. Nima Arkani Hamed is considered by many to be the best theoretical physicist focused on String Theory. On the other hand, the only person from Saudi Arabia that is well-known is MBS and Abdul Wahhab. LOL
Just for your quick info, there are no 'Saudi Arabian' or Saudi influenced channels in Pakistan plus you wont find any Saudi in Pakistan recruiting Pakistanis for Yemen neither they do in Saudi Arabia even though they can easily hire atleast hundreds of Pakistanis living in KSA to fight for them in Yemen but they dont, unlike what Iran is doing in Syria. I know it must be very surprising for you but this is the reality.
Pre-modern :)) So, that sums it up. You don't have any scholars now.

I really don't bother with this trolling long-term (there is an entire "made in KSA thread with 100's upon 100's of updates in every technological field that you can think of almost)

but here are a few recent "news"

Four Saudi students to compete at international science and engineering fair


Saudi scientists win major award for groundbreaking studies


3 Saudi Arabian women found themselves on Forbes list of leading women pioneers/scientists in the field of artificial intelligence in the world. Latifa Al-Abdulkarim, Deema Al-Athel and Moudhi Al-Jamea.


Saudi’s ACWA Power to build $2.5bn Uzbekistan renewable energy plants
ACWA Power will build a 1,500MW CCGT power plant, a 500MW-1000MW wind power plant, and a training centre


Here is a Science Magazine (one of the most reputable science magazines in the world) that talks about the impressive scientific growth in KSA. 4 year old article.


Recent Saudi Arabian manufactured turbo jet engine with Brazilian cooperation



Saudi Arabian woman working for NASA

who has founded her own rocket company


As I said don't compare KSA alone with some well-established Iranian diaspora in the US (makes zero sense) or even KSA vs Iran (as I wrote KSA is doing better per capita as confirmed by every ranking) since there are 2.5 times more Iranians, compare it with Arabia/Arab Mashriq as a whole.

Also KSA was held hostage since 1979 until the late era of King Abdullah due to the numerous moronic laws in place. KSA is a totally different country than what it once was, to the point that Iran has much more "strict" laws on paper than KSA has today.

Take a look at literacy rates, how KSA handled the coronavirus compared to Iran or other neighbors, percentage of college educated people, percentage of Western educated (leading US universities) per capita etc. Moreover 75% of KSA's population is below 35 years. Those people that studied in the West and helped establish renowned Saudi Arabian learning institutions such as KAUST and many others need 1 decade to establish themselves. As seen by my recent links (those are all recent achievements) the fruits are showing.

Anyway I have no illusions, KSA has a lot to improve and thankfully most of the self-imposed state-sanctioned restrictions are making life easier for everyone and helps uncover/discover gems talent wise. Yet there are still structural problems such as women in KSA being some of the most educated out there yet not making even 25% of the workforce in the country. Other serious criticism can be labelled as well. For instance an education too focused on religious education in the past. Average English teachers until not long ago etc.

So your claims are literally false, no offense. I know that you hate Arabs/obsess about Arabs/have inferiority complexes/still have historical grudges due to historical events ages ago. In realty, whether you or I like it, Arabs and Iran have a lot in common and face many of the same challenges and have many of the same strengths.

Just for your quick info, there are no 'Saudi Arabian' or Saudi influenced channels in Pakistan plus you wont find any Saudi in Pakistan recruiting Pakistanis for Yemen neither they do in Saudi Arabia even though they can easily hire atleast hundreds of Pakistanis living in KSA to fight for them in Yemen but they dont, unlike what Iran is doing in Syria. I know it must be very surprising for you but this is the reality.

In his universe, native groups such as the Taliban who follow Pashtunwali and native South Asian Deobandism (let us call it conservative Hanafism - PDF is fund of using all types of names, Wahhabi and what not, lol), are a product of "KSA". He is completely clueless. Next he will claim that ISIS is "Saudi Arabian", even though its entire leadership from start to beginning does not number even 1 single Saudi Arabian, ISIS was never present in KSA and KSA never even remotely adopted what ISIS did nor did KSA kill/presecute non-Muslims in KSA (which there are more of than in Iran) or destroy pre-Islamic artifacts etc.

The logics equals this:


and we both know how Shias in KSA are treated compared to non-Shias in Iran. Baloch and Sunni Kurds are some of the most impoverished and marginalized people in Iran (coincidence) along with the Sunni Persians and Sunni Arabs in the South (not talking about al-Ahwaz here) and compare that to Shias in KSA who are some of the most affluent in all of KSA, lol.
Lies... your people have done countless bombing in Karachi, Parachinar, GB, all over Pakistan in order to create sectarian hatred. Will you condemn shiite sectarianism as strongly as you condemn sunnis behind our backs?

Its not just shiite sectarianism that the Mullah regime supports but in the last few years BLA as well. Just today 6 Pakistani army soilders were killed. Will your mullah regime condemn this as the Shah once did???
show evidence and the last time that I checked it was shia mosques that were being targetted

Oh come on! At least we don't need lectures from Iran whose history is full of proxies,murders etc. Recently you killed your men in so called naval warfare. Stop hiring our people. There is a price to be paid for everything. Dance naked in your own country but don't use our people.i Don't care about Iran or Saudia. I don't care about your useless war with Arabs. Stop recruiting youth.
well those proxies usually are not Iranian .and shit happened when you play with live ammunition , you hit your own , F-16 , hit your own warship , gave wrong info to the usa and they bombed your own army based on that info.
and don't forget this chinese proverb that the best fight is the one that others do for you.

Current supreme leader is an Azeri Turk too.
who care , Azeris are Iranian and have the same right as other Iranian , nobody can stop them if they work hard and achieve any psition . its their right ,like any other iranian ,its the person who decide he reach greatness or he waste his life
Who are you trying to fool? This conflict is not about 'religious sites' and why would Syrians attack their own religious sites? What religious sites are you even talking about?

Iran is recruiting these Pakistani's to make up for lost manpower, they are often used in offensives and on front lines rather than being near religious sites as you seem to suggest.

Is the Baghdad-Damascus highway a religious site?
I don't give a damn. Stop trying to push Pakistani minorities over the edge with a stick. The problem is exacerbated when people here get behind other regional narratives while accusing the minority of doing the same and labeling them as traitors. 36 pages of vile bigoted propaganda hatred.
@Falcon29 Pray for me brother and all Muslims, Pakistanis, Afghans, Turks, Arabs, etc. I know you are a religious person, and Allah swt answers your duas.

It is laylat ul qadr tonight (maybe.) We pray for peace with Iran and the best for Iranians too.


I never had a problem with you brother, my problem was your unnecessary attacks aimed at 500 million Arabs, when you should just have sticked to criticizing Arab regimes which Arabs do all the time among themselves. I know that you have no hatred against Arabs, unlike certain others here, so I forgive whatever you wrote in the past and I hope that you do the same thing. No hard feelings from my part.

As for Pakistani relations with any country of the world, that is the business/affairs of Pakistanis, I am not going to meddle in that, my presence in this thread was solely due to the Arab angle of this story and the fact that some of your compatriots and certain Iranian trolls where trying to equate (falsely) empty claims of KSA using Pakistanis as mercenaries or cannon fodder in such a shameful manner as the Iranians are doing under bogus pretexts of some 30 year old shrine, whose origin lies in Egypt and not Syria to begin with. Those liars/false accusers have yet to reply to my posts due to them knowing about their lies. Similarly lies about some KSA funded schools and tv channels. Utter nonsense that even Pakistanis here disprove.

who care , Azeris are Iranian and have the same right as other Iranian , nobody can stop them if they work hard and achieve any psition . its their right ,like any other iranian ,its the person who decide he reach greatness or he waste his life

Your supreme leader is "Azeri" but at the same time he wears a black Turban and claims a paternal Hashemite lineage? In what world does that make sense? If his claims are true he is of Arab descent (lineage and paternal lineage) but of Azeri cultural stock/admixture.

Speaking about Azeris, the longest ruling Iranian Muslim dynasty, if not Iranian dynasty, were actually of Arab origin as well. They later became patrons of Iranian culture.


They ruled from 861 until 1538. Did not know about that until recently.
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Yes but Iran is internationally recognised terrorism supporter, hence the sanctions
not Internationally only by 3 or 4 country or even less , I didn't count them but you don't even need 1 hand finger to count them.
and guess what , we also consider two of them as state sponsor of terrorism and one of them as embodiment of terrorism . well guess you can't satisfy anybody .

These Pakistani groups will be used to attack both Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Iran has already used it's Iraqi proxies to attack Saudi Arabia. It sends Lebanese Hezbollah to train Houthi rebels. Tomorrow it will use these Pakistani groups to attack Turkey or Saudi Arabia. This is a problem no one in region can afford to have.
exactly when we used Iraqi to attack KSA

No Iranian supporter answered this question of yours.

They are equating FSA with Daesh, but two are not related. Daesh is a US proxy, we all know this, but Assad also used Daesh to discredit FSA.
Btw what cultural site did HTS attack? Can you even name one? The HTS head is a Syrian , why would he destroy his own nations heritage?
Al-nusra attack on cultral places is counted around 17

Indeed, Daesh has been dealt with and all that remains is the Syrian opposition. But they will only mention that same one faction(Daesh) even though it came later in conflict. It did lots of damage and is an abhorrent group, the world took care of it and it is banned everywhere. Now we need Iran to stop creating sectarian proxies in Muslim nations. Otherwise overall security of region will continue to deteriorate. You cannot claim to be revolutionary as well when you crackdown in worst imaginable ways on revolution of Syrian people.
there is no religious clause in contracts when Iran made a proxy, each proxy has a goal and the ones who sign must adhere to that goal

Let me give you a history lesson... Prior to 79 before when the region fell into turmoil, the relationship between Afghanistan and Iran was a good one. Then came khoemini and the Shia regime, they interfered anywhere and everywhere, during our civil war Hazara militants were being supplied by them and were even chanting "Long live Khomeini". What was their problem? We never had any business with them, yet out of nowhere they stuck their nose where it didn't belong.
you cry about Hazarah , but don't mention every other Militant group in Afghanistan , very intresting

Fast forward to 2001 and they helped the Americans topple the Taliban regime, and today they are helping the Taliban fight USA. Even the puppet government is hostile towards them, and they went as far as saying that when US withdraws then the next government, the Taliban, must have a limited role... Limited role? Who are they decide the affairs of our nation.?
wrong , first It was Pakistan and many other arab nations who helped usa , the only help Iran provided was difuse the situation in Harat and stop another tragedy like Faluja .
and as far as I'm aware taliban is not fighting USA , and our help to them is only limited in fight against ISIS and several time we tried to meditate between them and Central government but any time usa stopped our work.

All imam bargah should recruit militants for Iran. Train them in Pakistan and then handover to Iran , so that Iran can send them to fight against Turkey, Saudia and other countries in Syria and wherever Iran wants.
they never sent to fight KSA or Turkey

The 27th February move by Iran was a low blow though, India and Pakistan nearly went to a war and Iran started with their threats on their side.
we stated our threat because what happened 10 day earllier not because of your conflict with india . the attack by that pakistani suicide bomber killed more of our civillian and forces than that supposed war with India inflicted on both side.
In short it had nothing to do with India

I will try again.

Since the creation of Pakistan in 1947, which Pakistanis have been used as mercenaries by KSA? Which Pakistanis have KSA ever used as proxies home and abroad?

In fact while we are at it, which proxy group anywhere on this planet are aligned to KSA and toying the KSA (government) line? Who are those groups exactly?

Yet we have Pakistani and Iranian users here shamelessly trying to equate KSA with Iran.:lol:

Iran uses gullible brainwashed Pakistani and Afghani Shias as cannon fodder in Syria. There are videos of those people being turned into fertilizer and not even receiving any respect after they are dead from their so-called Shia brethren. The Pakistani state cannot even stop preventing Shia fanatics from gathering in the 10.000's in broad daylight during Ramadan and during a widespread coronavirus pandemic.

There are several Shia Pakistani members here on PDF who are more loyal to the Iranian regime the their own country and who have adopted Iranian regime positions in conflict zones that they have nothing to do with. Hence the Arab-obsession from some Pakistani users here on PDF. They were taught that by their masters, not the average Pakistani person who has no problem with Arabs, never had and never will have. I have never seen a similar behavior from Pakistani users living in KSA or other Arab countries on PDF the other way around.
you knew there is an intresting book called "Saudi Arabia in the 1980s - Foreign Policy, Security and oil" by William B. Quandt that caim you guys used pakistany mercenary in Yemen border at those time . but to be honnest I don't knew if its true or not.

but let be honnest there are a lot different way of exploitation and using mercenaries is only one of them

Taliban, even though they ideologically have nothing to do with KSA, are blamed as a creation of KSA on PDF. So when such lies are pandered 24/7 you can expect anything.
Taliban was created by pakistan , but the Madrassa that their ideology come from was created by KSA

Exactly! Zero evidence of Saudis meddling in internal affairs of Pakistan or recruiting Pakistanis for proxy wars while we have naked evidence of Iran doing the same thing with impunity.

But the best thing is, their days are numbered. I have never seen so many people talking against Iran and her lovers in my circle and social media before. Alhamdulilah majority is getting to know the dirty games of Wilayat e Faqih.
I provided at least one book that claim otherwise

Your supreme leader is "Azeri" but at the same time he wears a black Turban and claims a paternal Hashemite lineage? In what world does that make sense? If his claims are true he is of Arab descent (lineage and paternal lineage) but of Azeri cultural stock/admixture.

Speaking about Azeris, the longest ruling Iranian Muslim dynasty, if not Iranian dynasty, were actually of Arab origin as well. They later became patrons of Iranian culture.


They ruled from 861 until 1538. Did not know about that until recently.
well who care if there is one arab line in his parentage , look at his family tree and you see 100s of persian and Azeri line if you go back , but you only care about that one Arab line , very intresting wonder how dilliute the arabic genetic material have come after marrying so much with Azeri and Persian families.

and well as I said it's not important who the people are it's important that they are Iranian by the way the yellow part where all the power of Shirvanshahs located

and they were vassals far far far more than being independent
exactly when we used Iraqi to attack KSA

wrong , first It was Pakistan and many other arab nations who helped usa , the only help Iran provided was difuse the situation in Harat and stop another tragedy like Faluja .
and as far as I'm aware taliban is not fighting USA , and our help to them is only limited in fight against ISIS and several time we tried to meditate between them and Central government but any time usa stopped our work.

you knew there is an intresting book called "Saudi Arabia in the 1980s - Foreign Policy, Security and oil" by William B. Quandt that caim you guys used pakistany mercenary in Yemen border at those time . but to be honnest I don't knew if its true or not.

but let be honnest there are a lot different way of exploitation and using mercenaries is only one of them

Taliban was created by pakistan , but the Madrassa that their ideology come from was created by KSA

well who care if there is one arab line in his parentage , look at his family tree and you see 100s of persian and Azeri line if you go back , but you only care about that one Arab line , very intresting wonder how dilliute the arabic genetic material have come after marrying so much with Azeri and Persian families.

and well as I said it's not important who the people are it's important that they are Iranian by the way the yellow part where all the power of Shirvanshahs located

and they were vassals far far far more than being independent

As if we don't know who supported that overall harmless (in hindsight) drone attack?:lol:

Now you are foolishly lying about Arabs playing a role in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. Care to educate all of us about that role?

No such thing. Find me a quote from that book and the source of the claim if it exists. I don't think you know the difference between using non-military religious cannon fodder (often young impoverished boys) and actual military (mostly advisers and trainers) with a country (Pakistan) that KSA has had a security pact/understanding with for decades. Those soldiers (if they even existed in the first place) never saw any combat.

The only example in the Arab world (that I can think of) where Pakistani soldiers were used in a conflict was during Black September and that was by Jordan, not KSA. And the degree of this support is shrouded in mystery as well.

Nonsense. Taliban has absolutely nothing to do with KSA. They follow Pashtunwali which has nothing to do with KSA. They are Deobandis/Hanafis, which don't exist in KSA. Hanafis do exist but not Deobandis mixed with Pashtunwalism, lol. So more Iranian propaganda in this thread, I am afraid.

I think that I already had this discussion with you.

Your lineage is defined by your father's lineage and his father's lineage. You inherit your father's surname etc. Y-DNA works in the same way for a reason. It is inherited by the male line.

Secondly I also already told you that Sadah families in Iran are mostly new arrivals from the Arab world (Eastern Arabia, Southern Lebanon, Hijaz and Iraq) that arrived during the Safavid era which began less than 15 generations ago. Those people tended to intermarry with other Sadah families which is why all those Iranian clerical families are closely intermarried with Lebanese Shia, Iraqi Shia, Arabian Shia etc. clerical Sadah families.

Arab Shia Ulama

After the conquest, Ismail began transforming the religious landscape of Iran by imposing Twelver Shiism on the populace. Since most of the population embraced Sunni Islam and since an educated version of Shiism was scarce in Iran at the time, Ismail imported a new Shia Ulama corps from traditional Shiite centers of the Arabic speaking lands, largely from Jabal Amil (of Southern Lebanon), Mount Lebanon, Syria, Eastern Arabia and Southern Iraq in order to create a state clergy.[38][39][40][41]Ismail offered them land and money in return for loyalty. These scholars taught the doctrine of Twelver Shiism and made it accessible to the population and energetically encouraged conversion to Shiism.[35][42][43][44] To emphasize how scarce Twelver Shiism was then to be found in Iran, a chronicler tells us that only one Shia text could be found in Ismail's capital Tabriz.[45] Thus it is questionable whether Ismail and his followers could have succeeded in forcing a whole people to adopt a new faith without the support of the Arab Shiite scholars.[37] The rulers of Safavid Persia also invited these foreign Shiite religious scholars to their court in order to provide legitimacy for their own rule over Persia.[46]

Abbas I of Persia, during his reign, also imported more Arab Shia Ulama to Iran, built religious institutions for them, including many Madrasahs (religious schools) and successfully persuaded them to participate in the government, which they had shunned in the past (following the Hidden imam doctrine).[47]


I think that Khamanei would be rather disappointed if you denied him his claimed Arab heritage, lol. Be it his black turban, his surname, identity etc. And let us be honest, he seems extremely obsessed about events in the Arab world to the degree that he is probably more invested in Arab affairs than most ordinary Arabs are, lol.

Well, I just find it funny that the longest ruling Iranian dynasty in history was of Arab origin. BTW from what I have read that territory varied greatly, after all they ruled for almost 800 years continuously.

Anyway neighboring Arab lands and Southern and Western Iran have had ancient ties that are several millennia old. It dates back to the Elamite/Sumer/Dilmun/Magan etc. eras.
As if we don't know who supported that overall harmless (in hindsight) drone attack?:lol:
well as far as I'm aware Ansar-Allah admitted to it
Now you are foolishly lying about Arabs playing a role in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. Care to educate all of us about that role?
Kuwait provided Overflight right and bases
Oman offered the use of its airspace and bases
Qatar offered the use of Al-Odeid Airbase
Sudan offered logistic support
UAE provided Intelligence and Al-Minhad airbase as a support hub for Australian, Newzealand and Canadian air-force

are not those also Arab countries , why you only consider only KSA as Arab country ?
No such thing. Find me a quote from that book and the source of the claim if it exists. I don't think you know the difference between using non-military religious cannon fodder (often young impoverished boys) and actual military (mostly advisers and trainers) with a country (Pakistan) that KSA has had a security pact/understanding with for decades. Those soldiers (if they even existed in the first place) never saw any combat.
no such thing as non-military religious cannon fodder . they all get the necessary training

I think that I already had this discussion with you.

Your lineage is defined by your father's lineage and his father's lineage. You inherit your father's surname etc. Y-DNA works in the same way for a reason. It is inherited by the male line.
wrong as i Said , you get far far more genetic material from your mother than father . you only get a small y chromosome excelusively from your paternal line on other hand you get more important Mithocondrial genome from your maternal line
Secondly I also already told you that Sadah families in Iran are mostly new arrivals from the Arab world (Eastern Arabia, Southern Lebanon, Hijaz and Iraq) that arrived during the Safavid era which began less than 15 generations ago. Those people tended to intermarry with other Sadah families which is why all those Iranian clerical families are closely intermarried with Lebanese Shia, Iraqi Shia, Arabian Shia etc. clerical Sadah families.
you are wrong on that . Sadah family came older than that , they come at the Taime Maamoon (Abbaside Khalif)
the fake Sadah family come into existence at the time of Safavide
I think that Khamanei would be rather disappointed if you denied him his claimed Arab heritage, lol.
I don't recall he ever claimed to be arab not Iranian, can you point me to that .
Well, I just find it funny that the longest ruling Iranian dynasty in history was of Arab origin. BTW from what I have read that territory varied greatly, after all they ruled for almost 800 years continuously.

as I said they ruled in today Azerbaijan and they were a vassal for the majority of their rule not an independent dynasty . also you must understand having Arab ancestry don't disqualify you from being Iranian and the funny part is they never claimed being Arab , they consider themselves as Iranian and Persian

Anyway neighboring Arab lands and Southern and Western Iran have had ancient ties that are several millennia old. It dates back to the Elamite/Sumer/Dilmun/Magan etc. eras.
and they were not Arab
well as far as I'm aware Ansar-Allah admitted to it

Kuwait provided Overflight right and bases
Oman offered the use of its airspace and bases
Qatar offered the use of Al-Odeid Airbase
Sudan offered logistic support
UAE provided Intelligence and Al-Minhad airbase as a support hub for Australian, Newzealand and Canadian air-force

are not those also Arab countries , why you only consider only KSA as Arab country ?

no such thing as non-military religious cannon fodder . they all get the necessary training

wrong as i Said , you get far far more genetic material from your mother than father . you only get a small y chromosome excelusively from your paternal line on other hand you get more important Mithocondrial genome from your maternal line

you are wrong on that . Sadah family came older than that , they come at the Taime Maamoon (Abbaside Khalif)
the fake Sadah family come into existence at the time of Safavide

I don't recall he ever claimed to be arab not Iranian, can you point me to that .

as I said they ruled in today Azerbaijan and they were a vassal for the majority of their rule not an independent dynasty . also you must understand having Arab ancestry don't disqualify you from being Iranian and the funny part is they never claimed being Arab , they consider themselves as Iranian and Persian

and they were not Arab

And who supports them actively if not Iran? Martians?

Offered. Where those bases ever used expect for Kuwait and UAE?

That is not "active" support. Active support is financing or providing soldiers or equipment. The invasion of Afghanistan was facilitated by countries closer to Afghanistan.

Anyway if that marginal support was provided it was provided to target AQ elements not for the US to be in Afghanistan for 19 + years.

I am sure that you forgot Iran and US intelligence sharing on Afghanistan and Iranian help for the US invasion of Afghanistan next door?

There is. I know that Iran's entire influence is limited to proxies that are bankrolled by Iran and toying the Iranian line but in international law there is a difference between mercenaries and actual armies hence your comparison (if what you state is even accurate) makes no sense.

Baseless claim. Sadah families tend to intermarry with other Sadah families even to this day. The Safavid era did not begin or end 1000's of years ago. It happened fairly "recently" in terms of generations.

100's of sources claim otherwise. See the link and references.


They were an Arab dynasty originally and you are lying continuously once again. They never denied their Arab heritage.

From the late 8th century, Shirvan was under the rule of the members of the Arab family of Yazid ibn Mazyad al-Shaybani (d. 801), who was named governor of the region by the Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid.[3][5] His descendants, the Yazidids, would rule Shirvan as independent princes until the 14th century.[3] By origin, the Yazidids were Arabs of the Shayban tribe and belonged to high ranking generals and governors of the Abbasid army.[5] In the chaos that engulfed the Abbasid Caliphate after the death of the Caliph al-Mutawakkil in 861, the great-grandson of Yazid b. Mazyad Shaybani, Haytham ibn Khalid, declared himself independent and assumed the ancient title of Shirvanshah. The dynasty continuously ruled the area of Shirvan either as an independent state or a vassal state until the Safavid times.[2]

One of the important books in the early history of this dynasty is the anonymous Taʾrikh Bab al-Abwab ("History of Darband"), preserved by the Ottoman historian Münejjim Bashi (Chief Astronomer), the last date of which concerning the dynasty is 468/1075. A translation of this important work into English language was published by the orientalist Vladimir Minorsky in 1958.[5][6] We know from this book that the history of the Shirvan Shahs was closely tied with that of the Arab Hashimid family in Darband (Bab al-Abwab) and intermarriage between the two Arab families was common with Yazidids often ruling for various periods in the latter town.[2]

Of course after 800 years of rule they would have intermarried with Persians, Georgians, Caucasians, Arabs of Caucasus and Iran etc. hence why I wrote that they eventually adopted an Iranian identity which is natural after so many years. Does not change their origins though.

BTW are you kidding me?


What you are talking about are the tiny organelles that live within human cells (mitochondria) which you only inherit from your mother. Those are energy-producing factories of the cell that generate energy from the food that you consume. The difference in inheritance is microscopic and not worth even mentioning.

We normally have one set of chromosomes from each parent even though, in rare cases, you can inherit undetected chromosomal anomalies from one parent thus increasing the overall inheritance from parent x or y. It is called uniparental disomy and it is the result of an error during meiosis.
Members are requested to not derail a thread with off-topic discussions. If this discussion is branching off in a new direction, please consider opening a new thread accordingly starting with reference to the branch-off post in this thread.

The Iranian grudge against Arabs is propagated in Abundance to Pakistan through Iranian mouthpiece Imam Bargah network.
So why are you surprised?
We as Pakistani should only like what Iran likes and dislike what Iran dislikes. The end.
Are you privy to these matters in person? It is better to offer some evidence in relation.

They are in the position to influence minds of Pakistani Shia pilgrims while visiting Iran and Iraq.
So you’re saying that Iran supports the BLA terrorists in Pakistan

And you have the temerity to criticize Pakistan?
Iran might be supporting BLA,, i am not sure. I am sure your ISI allowed Jundollah and Jaish Ul adl to attack Iran via Balochistan border on behalf of GCC/Saudis. no one is a saint.THe main difference between Iran and Pakistan here is that they both support "terrorists", but Pakistan pretends it doesnt while Iran is upfront and open(relatively) about it.

KSA is producing nothing except oil and petrochemicals. If you think otherwise, let's bring this discussion into an international forum, not a forum where the majority of users are from the Middle East. How about that? Send me a message in my inbox, and we will discuss everything there. Deal?

And you're off-topic here. And as I told you, I have my hands full with 3 Pakistanis now. So, do you accept the challenge? If yes, send me a message.

And the part that shows you don't know what science is, as expected from a Saudi national, is that you say hardly anyone knows about Maryam Mirzakhani. LOL Even people with general information know her. But of course, not Saudis without any scientific knowledge.
THis guy's logic is not good!!! he said that SIne Saudi Arabia produced the founder of Islam, therefore, the country produces the best people???? OMMGGG..what kind of logic is this? i wonder if @ArabianEmpires&Caliphates has infected him with that ARab ethno-superiority virus.

The best thing is to let the Iranians decide then. I can sbow you an equal number of Iranians who despise the Khomeini regime.
listen! this is the same BS in Syria- apparently there are tons of people who are against "the regime", but in reality, their numbers and capacity isnt high enough to OVERTURN the current govt....thats why some have go go get help from foreigners At the end of the day, a decisive majority of Iranians support the system, because the system doesnt have to oppress most of its population to stay in power. what you people see as mean behavior by regime towards some citizens is probably just the symptoms of a statist power...Iran is very centralized and militarized, thats the nature of the country.

Saudis are nice and very religious-minded people. All my run-ins with them have been positive and respectful.

Saudis get a bad reputation, and certain countries promote hatred of them (west, russia, China, Iran, etc.,) but Saudi people are very down to Earth and sociable people.
You're passionate about licking the Saudi Arabian "boot". seriously. you say Saudis are very nice and religious, then why are Saudis responsible for most suicide bombings in the Middle East in the past 20 years or so??? I guess you are one of those Pakistani SUnnis who has 100% allegiance to KSA and sees no flaw in them. thats ok, as long as you know you are not believing reality, you are just doing confirmation bias and feeding yourself what you want to hear.

Even if they believe she was buried in Damascus, why would Muslims destroy her shrine?
Religious intolerance by Sunni extremists!- Just like those same Sunni extremists destroyed the Al-Askari shrine in Iraq and almost set off a global Sunni- SHia war. Sunni extremists must take responsibilty for what they've done.
there is no Syrian Muslim who would want to attack a shrine of an Muslim Arab granddaughter of the Prophet that was born in Mecca.
This is a generalization and assumption. can you back it up?
It seems Iran is trying to find reasons to convince Shia's to be recruited to make up for manpower loss of Syrian regime.
Iran doesnt need a reason, because Iran paid cash or/ and those SHiites from Pakistan are willing enough to fight with Iran in Syria. stop making up fake narratives.

Let's make it easy for Iran.
you dont need to, since you already did by allowing Iran recruit your citizens.

Stop your off-topic rants and your racism against Pakistanis and Arabs.
the people on this thread who accuse others of being racist or sectarian,especially with no reference to the specific comment, are most like the racists, only they're projecting.
Taliban, TTP , ISIS. All claim exactly the same.
They fight to kill people and capture women, these fight to defend Ahlulbayt Shrines, and bring security to Sunnis, Shiites, Christians, Alawites, etc....
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