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Iran arrests Azeri nationals for spying

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How did Azerbaijani language lose "vocal harmony typical of Turkic langauges", since you are such a well-informed gentlemen on this subject, I would like to see some examples. As a matter of fact, Azerbaijani language features more "original Turkic" features comapred to Anatolian Turkish for instance.

Azerbaijani language itself is a unique branch of Oghuz languages, so how is that even possible that this language were learnt by "other peoples"?

You should ask Xavier that. I'm not a expert of Turkish language, but just quoting an respected expert on this subject. You can of course deny it, but I'm tending to believe the word of professor more than the word of a internet 'scholar'.
I'm an Iranian Azeri myself, and I don't accept state of Iran occupying Southern Azerbaijan. The only way is independence.

Why you are portraying it something like a matter between Republic of Azerbaijan and Iran is beyond me.

You should ask Xavier that. I'm not a expert of Turkish language, but just quoting an respected expert on this subject. You can of course deny it, but I'm tending to believe the word of professor more than the word of a internet 'scholar'.

Huh, if we could see some examples, then we could talk.

Is he even aware of Azerbaijani literature that dates back to 12th century. Hes claim would be verifiable if Azerbaijani language was identical to Turkmen or Anatolian Turkish.
Arian I know, but my comment was merely about ethnicity, I personally don't support Azerbaijan if they're really following seperatist policy.
I'm an Iranian Azeri myself, and I don't accept state of Iran occupying Southern Azerbaijan. The only way is independence.

Why you are portraying it something like a matter between Republic of Azerbaijan and Iran is beyond me.

Soon your country will rejoin the motherland Iran as well if you guys want to make any military move against Iran and you know it better than anyone else. For now, try to take back your occupied lands from Armenia, then talk about Iran. Armenia is more than enough for you guys.
I'm an Iranian Azeri myself, and I don't accept state of Iran occupying Southern Azerbaijan. The only way is independence.

Why you are portraying it something like a matter between Republic of Azerbaijan and Iran is beyond me.

Independence? You sound quite arrogant and delusional. Maybe you were thinking Iranians would give the area that belongs to Iranian hegemony for more than 3000 years as present to Azerbaijan the next moment you are celebrating your 92 years of independency. :lol:
Arian I know, but my comment was merely about ethnicity, I personally don't support Azerbaijan if they're really following seperatist policy.

I agree with you. It's natural that neighbors share cultural values, and in the case of Azerbaijan and Iran, it's very natural, and should be seen positively. We could simply expand our ties with them, but they don't want it, they want tension with us so they could expand their separatist policies. If they had chosen to befriend Iran, instead of confronting, we could've helped them very much, but instead of that, they try to provoke us by any means. Very sad.
Some examples from medieval Azerbaijani literature

Do you check the links you send?

He was from Khorasan by origin. He was sufi sheikh Jamaladdin Ahmad Zakir's student.[1] He wrote in Azeri and Persian under the Azeri pseudonym "Izzeddin Hasanoglu" and Persian pseudonym "Pur-Hasan" (Hasan's son).

Azeris and Persians never had enmity, it's your state policy to create enmity between Persians and Azeris so your delusional Aliyev could talk about greater Azerbaijan.
You guys are trying to create a strong sense of nationalism by making enemy out of your old friends. Very wise policy, NOT.
Independence? You sound quite arrogant and delusional. Maybe you were thinking Iranians would give the area that belongs to Iranian hegemony for more than 3000 years as present to Azerbaijan the next moment you are celebrating your 92 years of independency. :lol:

What do you mean by "you", I'm a person here that are from Southern Azerbaijan.

And I have more right to talk about it than some Persian.
What do you mean by "you", I'm a person here that are from Southern Azerbaijan.

And I have more right to talk about it than some Persian.

Ir.Tab is from Tabriz, your so-called Southern Azerbaijan, ask him what he thinks about your crap.
What do you mean by "you", I'm a person here that are from Southern Azerbaijan.

And I have more right to talk about it than some Persian.

There is no such things as 'southern' Azerbaijan. You sound just as delusional as those Kurds who keep referring to North-and South-Kurdistan. Azeri's are Iranians. Period. You should listen to Ahmad Kasravi.
How did Azerbaijani language lose "vocal harmony typical of Turkic langauges", since you are such a well-informed gentlemen on this subject, I would like to see some examples. As a matter of fact, Azerbaijani language features more "original Turkic" features comapred to Anatolian Turkish for instance.

Azerbaijani language itself is a unique branch of Oghuz languages FYI. We have texts from 12th century written in Azerbaijani, that is, distinguished from Turkmen and Anatolian Turkish. Izzeddin Hasanoglu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have Fuzuli, Nasimi and Shah Ismail writing in Azerbaijani language in medieval times.

So that this is a langauge supposedly learn by "other peoples" is a total BS.
Like it or not Azerbaijani language is heavily influenced by Persian and in some extent Arabic.especially during the times before 19th century,it borrowed a large part of its vocabulary from these 2 language.Azerbaijan itself is a Persian language,derived from Atropates,one of the satrapis of Persian empire.But in modern times,government of Azerbaijan is trying to de-persianize its language,just like what modern Turkey did to Ottomans language which that too,used lots of Persian and Arabic vocabulary.
You read further here:
Today′s Azerbaijani languages evolved from the Eastern Oghuz branch of Western (Oghuz) Turkic[11] which spread to Southwestern Asia during medieval Turkic migrations, and has been heavily influenced by Persian.[12] Arabic also influenced the language, but Arabic words were mainly transmitted through the intermediary of literary Persian.[13]
Azerbaijani gradually supplanted the Iranian languages in what is now northern Iran (most notably the Tat, Azari, and Middle Persian varieties), and a variety of Caucasian languages in the Caucasus, particularly Udi. By the beginning of the 16th century, it had become the dominant language of the region, and was a spoken language in the court of the Safavid Empire. However, minorities in both Azerbaijan and Iran continue to speak the earlier Iranian languages to this day, and Middle- and Modern Persian loanwords are numerous in the Azerbaijani language.
The historical development of Azerbaijani can be divided into two major periods: early (c. 16th to 18th century) and modern (18th century to present). Azerbaijani differs from its descendant in that it contained a much greater amount of Persian, and Arabic loanwords, phrases and syntactic elements. Early writings in Azerbaijani also demonstrate linguistic interchangeability between Oghuz and Kypchak elements in many aspects (such as pronouns, case endings, participles, etc.). As Azerbaijani gradually moved from being merely a language of epic and lyric poetry to being also a language of journalism and scientific research, its literary version has become more or less unified and simplified with the loss of many archaic Turkic elements, stilted Iranisms and Ottomanisms, and other words, expressions, and rules that failed to gain popularity among Azerbaijani-speaking masses.
Do you check the links you send?

Azeris and Persians never had enmity, it's your state policy to create enmity between Persians and Azeris so your delusional Aliyev could talk about greater Azerbaijan.
You guys are trying to create a strong sense of nationalism by making enemy out of your old friends. Very wise policy, NOT.

Yes, I do, and our friend should read them and stop claiming such BS's. If it were to Persians, they would claim that Azeri Turkish did not exist in older times or are some "foreign language" to Azeri Turks themselves.

Persians can never be friend of Azeri Turks, because you are Persians, we are Turks. Put an Azeri Turk into a same room with Persian, the Azeri Turk should only know his own mother langauge, now tell me if they would be able to communicate.

Of course not, and an Azeri Turk would neither be able to communicate with a Eskimo or Arab or Chinese. Then what the hell is that makes Persians different from an Eskimo, Arab or Chinese to Azeri Turks in this case? Nothing.

That is what makes a self-idenity of a nation. I see no point why Azeri Turks should live under same state as a Persian.
Yes, I do, and our friend should read them and stop claiming such BS's. If it were to Persians, they would claim that Azeri Turkish did not exist in older times or are some "foreign language" to Azeri Turks themselves.

Persians can never be friend of Azeri Turks, because you are Persians, we are Turks. Put an Azeri Turk into a same room with Persian, the Azeri Turk should only know his own mother langauge, now tell me if they would be able to communicate.

Of course not, and an Azeri Turk would neither be able to communicate with a Eskimo or Arab or Chinese.

That is what makes a self-idenity of a nation. I see no point why Azeri Turks should live under same state as a Persian.

Iranians by culture.
Iranians by religion.
Iranians by ethnic.


Yeah sure, repeat it because it will become true.

The fact is that someone from Tabriz and someone from Shiraz with only knowing their mother langauge would be totally foreigners to each other.

I used a children's example to explain it you, but probably you people are not able to even understand a children's way.
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