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Iran army will cut off hand of Western bullies: Ahmadinejad

He is not fit for this job, Iran needs to bring in some one who knows how to handle matters diplomatically ....

Do you really think he is the real leader of the country? The Real leader is the head of the state and "he" is forming the country's relationships. Ahamdinejad is just a puppet.
Or maybe he is thinking the otherway round.He knows that the US is stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan and will not attack in the very near future.If Israel attacks Iran then almost all muslim countries will support Iran and he will be seen as a hero.

What "muslim" world. There is no such thing. It's every man for himself. Did the "muslim" world help lebanon? Are they helping Palestine?

If he is hoping to call Americas' bluff, and expect the "ummah" will support him, well then he has another thing coming.
He forgot to note that they, the IRG's, would have to function without their head, if it can to that. Iran's head would quickly follow any loss of our supremely arrogant hand.

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin arrogant-, arrogans, present participle of arrogare
1 : exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner.

Ahmadinejad = arrogant

You got my word man :)

Iran is an invincible super power and she will beat the chit out of America :)

He is not fit for this job, Iran needs to bring in some one who knows how to handle matters diplomatically ....

No they are blinded by regime, they think ahmedinejad is handling very well
You know I'm really sorry to say this, but it's is entirely Iran's fault that it finds itself in this mess. Way back in 1980s and 1990s when the CTBT and NPT were getting discussed, India stood out and asked the US (& the rest of the world) to s**ew themselves. We didn't sign, we didn't approve and if there were sanctions we were ready to face them. While we were busy being a pain in the a** for the rest of the world, we also told tehran (who were incidentally pressurizing us to sign it) that dudes, you put your signature on these treaties, you'll have obligations that u'll have to stick to. Iran eventually signed and we didn't. Our stand on nuclear weapons development and the 1998 testing has always been consistent- dudes we didn't sign so who are you to ask? Iran on the other hand has put it's signature and acting funny. The point is not that you may be having a nuclear program, the point is that if you thought it was of strategc importance you shouldn't have signed it to start with. And in the whole process India is now put through all kinds of embarrasing positions with regard to one of it's dearest friends.
Do you really think he is the real leader of the country? The Real leader is the head of the state and "he" is forming the country's relationships. Ahamdinejad is just a puppet.

The real leader is not a good diplomat either! Look at China and learn how to be a good diplomat, even if you want to be the single party in power.
lol properganda you guys watch all of you will say ahmedeenajad got waht is comeing for him ...... all of you will say that..... why beaucse this properganda that the west shows the only take a context of his spech and dont tell the rest. its like saying jihad is holy war with the infadel but in truth we know is as a struggle.... get it?
Iran is next soviet union and Ahmedinejad is next Boris Yeltsin. Both will be history soon!
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