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Iran Army gains capability to intercept, redirect enemy missiles

OK, no one wants to be silly, but SA should intercept these cruise missiles if it doesn't want to get badly hurt afterward.
So, stop being silly, because no one in the middle east is willing to sacrifice his country for Americans sitting comfortably in their homes 10 000 km away while bragging mouths like yours are defending them.

Please try to correct your English first and educate yourself on these matters before posting again, I'll give you let's say a100 years. Would that be enough?
If not please let us know, we will give you more.

The same goes for you, or doesn't it?

Do you mean the US experiment with low tech or the most advanced?

What are you talking about? You are trying to attack my "English", and at the same time trying to beat around the bush because you can't answer the facts that I linked? Prove the facts wrong, do not try to avoid the cold hard truth. Heh ;)

"a100 years"

"middle east"


You make yourself look like a fool!
Care to elaborate on the real topic at hand? Ahh, that's right you can't. ;)
All drones are made with 'expendable' technology in anycase due to their inherent vulnerability at this point, but FYI the most advanced drone would probably be the X-47B.

Of course you'd have to ask the DoD for a definitive answer and they wouldn't answer.

All of this is typical trolling by Iran's generals

they have a long and illustrious history of it.

how anyone is gullible enough to fall for their crap is beyond me, perhaps some people are just really desperate to believe it? Move along:coffee:

There really is no state on earth that lies more (and uses more propaganda) than the U.S. The Iranian government is far more credible than the American "regime".
Hi Trolls !
it doesn't matter what you think ... We are powerful :coffee:


U guys need to accept reality once in awhile, especially when all the odds are stacked up against u.

There really is no state on earth that lies more (and uses more propaganda) than the U.S. The Iranian government is far more credible than the American "regime".

Dude the Iranian government just spun an 'Alibaba and the 40 Thieves' style fairytale and sold it to their public giving false hopes and reassurances. Nothing gets worse than that.
OK, no one wants to be silly, but SA should intercept these cruise missiles if it doesn't want to get badly hurt afterward.
So, stop being silly, because no one in the middle east is willing to sacrifice his country for Americans sitting comfortably in their homes 10 000 km away while bragging mouths like yours are defending them.

Please try to correct your English first and educate yourself on these matters before posting again, I'll give you let's say a100 years. Would that be enough?
If not please let us know, we will give you more.

The same goes for you, or doesn't it?

Do you mean the US experiment with low tech or the most advanced?

With a post like that .. you wanted to show every one how rude you can get !

SC is the Shia from Canada ! .... now be upfront and claim that you posted without your " religious compulsions"

People a lot more learned than me are trying to tell you some thing in this thread, why don't you read all posts.
People do not know what they are talking about. These people go on what they think can happen, and not what actually happens.

The various "Jamming" of GPS that you point to is based on huge signal noise sources and a great deal of power and do not "confuse" the system as you seem to think (ie:false readings) but simply overwhelm the GPS signal itself. Such jammers are easily located and destroyed IF you're actually shooting already. Unfortunatly it is not so cut and dried when there isn't an actual "shooting-war" going on. (Your example of North Korea) Point of fact most "GPS" guidance systems can NOT recieve GPS signals in any direction EXCEPT from "above" them so the ONLY way to "interfer" with a GPS signal is either to push out enough noise and power to overwhelm the signal (which paints a huge target on yourself and gets one killed rapidly) or to have a weaker, more directed "source" with the SAME frequency and input protocals as the original signal source somewhere "in-between" the GPS satillite and the reciever.

To which you provide the answer of the "enemy" putting up satellite(s) to do just that...

Which shows you don't understand how GPS works, or the difficulty of doing such a thing. GPS satellites are in Low Earth Orbit and there are hundreds of them. Now, while I don't have the exact numbers a simple check tells me that CIVILAN GPS systems, for example a hand held or car unit uses at least THREE GPS satellite signals in coordination to find it's location. A MILITARY system would use many more than that. Now in order to "spoof" a UAV or UCAV, (let alone a GPS guided bomb) you would have to intercept and over-ride each and EVERY one of those signals (satellites) with one of your own. So you now have to launch a complete GPS satellite network simply to try and interfere with "my" GPS network, but worse yet I don't need to have anything BUT a signal and a known orbit if I have ANY type of INS system and/or I "know" where I started, and where I'm going to guide me to the general area of the target!

And you have to have enough satellites in orbit for me to have multiple signals (all with the proper protocol, wave-length, and pulse train, etc) over my entire flight time. And they HAVE to come in at the proper "angle" to the reciever so you can't simply put a big satellite into GEO because it won't "move" the proper way a LEO satellite will!

Vulnerability of UAVs and remotely GPS guided weapons

Some inputs regarding GPS.

The article that you have sited is mostly correct with some exceptions.

1.GPS system uses 4 satellites to find it's position rather than three.Three satellites theoretically could triangulate its position but when signals are travelling at speed of light,even small variation like that of a microsecond could cause an error of 300 meters.Thus the requirement of four satellites.

2.The receiver compares time reading transmitted by clocks on GPS satellites with it's internal clock and calculated it's position using the lag to determine it's position.

3.A GPS system consist of 24 satellites in an orbit at 55[SUP]o[/SUP] azimuth.Only US (GPS) and Russian (GLONASS) is a GPS system with global coverage.Chinese are coming up with COMPASS and Europeans with GALILEO.Apart from this INDIA is coming up with GAGAN which would be a regional GPS system with 12 satellites covering only Eastern Hemisphere.

4.The error in signal transmitted by satellites is to the tune of 20 meters horizontally and 30 meters vertically.The source of error in GPS system are- Solar particle showers,ionosphere,water vapour in troposphere and the biggest being water vapour in lower troposphere.

5.To achieve acurracy of within 1 m horizontally and 2 m vertically,a GPS system uses 2 receivers.One receiver is with the projectile and another is at a fixed location on ground.The one with fixed location calculated error for the region and transmit it to other receivers which corrects their position based on it.

6.As far as my knowledge goes,most of the cruise missiles use Inertial navigation systemwhich does not require outside Inputs at all. Even if a missile is using a GPS system,there would also be a self contained Inertial navigation system in missile.Reason being that GPS signals could be jammed and also that there would not be second transmitter and job of adjusting the trajectory would be done by INS while passing over predetermined coordinates.I do not have knowledge on this so someone who works with military may be a better source.

7.GPS signals are not received from Top only but from all the directions.

So in order to redirect a GPS guided missile,

1.Enemy has to know about transmitting frequency.This is a relatively easy job.

2.Enemy needs to have a copy of OS.Military systems are usually not run on windows or mac's.Enemy need to have a copy of OS which GPS system is using.To get this enemy need to have a mole at least among middle level officials.Also OS is not written by one person so if espionage is being done from source,it need to have a large number of moles.The problem for espionage from middle level is that the operator is spying may not have access to whole of OS but just the portion pertaining to his work.

3.Enemy need to have codes and passwords for that particular day so need to have moles among operators.

4.After this has been achived,Enemy need to have a way to mimic GPS satellites,for it at least 4 satellites with highly accurate clocks onboard are needed.

5.If a missile is hacked it could be made to crash or malfunction but for redirecting,missile need to have a physical ability to be redirected.

These are in the realm of fantasy and so difficult that even countries more resourceful than Iran have said FK it we would make a system to shoot down missiles.

In short Iranian claim is troll and even a Undergraduate could see through this bullshit.

Iran is disclosing and hyping some technologies as a deterrence, so enemies would think twice before attacking. That said, Iran isnt disclosing all its capabilities, quite some tech. remains secret. There were many interviews with Iran's generals claiming they have plenty of secret tech "in the sleeves".

No when your enemies know that you claim are more fictional than 1001 Arabian Nights.

With a post like that .. you wanted to show every one how rude you can get !

SC is the Shia from Canada ! .... now be upfront and claim that you posted without your " religious compulsions"

People a lot more learned than me are trying to tell you some thing in this thread, why don't you read all posts.

SC is the major fundamentalist troll here (another being Zarvan).His answer to every problem is look inside Quran and try to argue with him and you would be dubbed as muslim hater.

Arguing with him is pointless.

You should not expect much logical reasoning from a person who belives that human are made from Clay and sperm.
well can you tell me you think what made an airplane autonomous
Your response answers your question; Artificial Intelligence

and also landing and take off and refueling is nowhere terminator like capabilities . if the plane by itself decided it's time to go on patrol and then start the engine and fly to the operation area and in mid of its patrol say to itself let go patrol another area and then say that car look suspicious and fire a missile toward it then it will be terminator like capabilities . Autonomous mean having sort of artificial intelligence not doing some routine protocol when you are told to do them without the help.
I am not saying that it has 100% Terminator like capabilities. However, it is being developed on similar concepts. Of course, X47-B will be monitored by human operators.

Here is an official hint:

The mission operator monitors the X-47B air vehicle’s operation, but does not actively “fly” it via remote control as is the case for other unmanned systems currently in operation.

Point is that X47-B is (currently) capable of flying by itself and (will be) smart enough to make some important decisions on its own during an operation when it will be ready for deployment. Of course, mission related instructions will be given to it by a human operator. Full autonomy can be granted to it but their is a dilemma upon the idea of a machine making life and death related decisions on its own. This is why 'human monitoring' option will remain.

Terminators work in similar manner. While all Terminators can operate without guidance, make their own decisions during operations, and even have learning capacity (which varies among the models); they still follow orders of their owners or else they just stand idle.

by the way if you read the article they just tested the software and no actual refueling happened . you knew there is one small technical problem for doing a real refueling test right now , well as a matter of fact right now non of the two prototype X47-b have the necessary equipment for mid-flight refueling installed on them.so the actual refueling test is scheduled for 2014.

by the way I don't know how similar this X47-b is to X47-A but if it use the same approach as X47-A then the exhaust of the engine of this plane have no stealth feature .
As I have stated before, this program is in experimental phase. Therefore, many hardware and software related experiments will be conducted to develop the autonomous capabilities of the product. Proper synchronisation between hardware and its programming is necessary for a machine to perform a function at physical level by itself.
Your response answers your question; Artificial Intelligence

I am not saying that it has 100% Terminator like capabilities. However, it is being developed on similar concepts. Of course, X47-B will be monitored by human operators.

Here is an official hint:

The mission operator monitors the X-47B air vehicle’s operation, but does not actively “fly” it via remote control as is the case for other unmanned systems currently in operation.

Point is that X47-B is (currently) capable of flying by itself and (will be) smart enough to make some important decisions on its own during an operation when it will be ready for deployment. Of course, mission related instructions will be given to it by a human operator. Full autonomy can be granted to it but their is a dilemma upon the idea of a machine making life and death related decisions on its own. This is why 'human monitoring' option will remain.

don't you think RQ-170 was also capable of fly and land and do the patrol without any input from the operator ?
Don't you think that RQ-170 is also capable of doing the aligning maneuver before refueling that X47-b did just by a software upgrade ?
in fact one of the more popular theory about how Iran get it's hand on RQ-170 is spoofing that according to it Iran substituted the GPS signal with some fake one so the airplane fooled to land in the wrong place and as the proof they point to the damage to the airplane which was consistent in landing on a rough field .
don't you think RQ-170 was also capable of fly and land and do the patrol without any input from the operator ?
Don't you think that RQ-170 is also capable of doing the aligning maneuver before refueling that X47-b did just by a software upgrade ?
in fact one of the more popular theory about how Iran get it's hand on RQ-170 is spoofing that according to it Iran substituted the GPS signal with some fake one so the airplane fooled to land in the wrong place and as the proof they point to the damage to the airplane which was consistent in landing on a rough field .
No, RQ-170 have very limited autonomous capabilities - similar to that of Global Hawk drone.

The RQ-170, in possession of Iran, went missing after its operator lost its control.

And software upgrades do not make a machine autonomous. The hardware has to be designed with Artifical Intelligence capabilities. The programming simply activates those functions.
Yes, N.Koreans satiated of honor, eating it, building with it living it, soon to be in Iran...

I would prefer starving to death over becoming a slave of the West/Israel. This must be really hard to understand for those who lack this kind of honor....
No, RQ-170 have very limited autonomous capabilities - similar to that of Global Hawk drone. It neither can take off by itself and nor it can refuel in mid-air. It can land by itself though, if contact with its operator is lost.

The RQ-170, in possession of Iran, went missing after its operator lost its control.

And software upgrades do not make a machine autonomous. The hardware has to be designed with Artifical Intelligence capabilities. The programming simply activates those functions.

well the Artificial intelligence routine is just a piece of software programing , nothing is special about hardware the same microprocessor ,the same memory chip , the same hard disk , the same everything . and if a Plane can land without pilot input it also can take off without any help ,it just need a software to tell it what to do . to see what I say go and buy a Flight simulator like Microsoft Flight Simulator X , then first do a take off with any plane you like , after that try to land that plane in realistic mode and you'll see the difference .

about refueling ,that's also a software to do the procedure that can be installed on any drone if the drone have the equipment for refueling .
I would prefer starving to death over becoming a slave of the West/Israel. This must be really hard to understand for those who lack this kind of honor....

Funny/ironic/hypocritical that this blurb coming from Turkish/Dutch national....
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