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Iran Army gains capability to intercept, redirect enemy missiles

The only missiles which cant be fooled are "dumb" bombs, as there is nothing to fool in them :) Whether advanced US missiles can or cannot be tricked, by Iran or somebody else, is anyone's guess. What history teaches us, for any weapon tech. countermeasures appears. Sometimes it takes many years, sometimes only few countries can do that, etc. thats different topic. Fact remains - scientific and military industry never stops working, and Iran is catching up with impressive tempo.
Right...So what I see here is a generalized commentary on technology. Nothing explanatory on how Iran is supposed to be able to take control of a precision guided munition. Even a high schooler can say what you just said.

You take US excuse at a face value. US drones werent affected by some random internet virus, its was unique and specific spyware, which US experts had a very hard time cleaning up. Whats more - US didnt had any clue what that spyware was doing. Spoofing data? Sitting Trojan horse? They dont know. Therefore to accept their later "no big deal" explanation is hardly the best idea, considering US doesnt know who did it and why.
No need to take US at 'face value'. Take the real world. If Iran was able to 'hack' into the UAV program, why only one gained? Do you really think we have been idle since then?

I can show you thousands of US claims which were either lies, or unfounded hype. All countries do it, including superpower as US. They have more muscle to back it up, but that doesnt make them immune from lies/hype, especially when it serves their goals.
Including Iran as well.

Thats another US face-saving talks I dont buy. RQ-170 is the most advanced drone US has. It was such a secret, not only its specific capabilities were hidden, but not even official photos were released. Its sensors are extremely sensitive and advanced, probably equipped with AESA radar too.

So how again its "not a cutting-edge weapon by Western standards", if US doesnt even have better ones? And regardless if US releases something better today - RQ-170 is decades ahead of Iranian own drones program. So despite how much US downplays RQ-170 capture in damage control talks, fact remains it will allow Iran to reduce tech. gap faster.
No. the RQ-170 is not the most advanced. The majority of components are commercial off the shelf (COTS).
Right...So what I see here is a generalized commentary on technology. Nothing explanatory on how Iran is supposed to be able to take control of a precision guided munition. Even a high schooler can say what you just said.

No need to take US at 'face value'. Take the real world. If Iran was able to 'hack' into the UAV program, why only one gained? Do you really think we have been idle since then?

Including Iran as well.

No. the RQ-170 is not the most advanced. The majority of components are commercial off the shelf (COTS).

the RQ-170 is not the most advanced !?

OK ! which is ... ?
I think they announced it to give a sense of security to their nation that dont worry about enemy missile technology..... A common Iranian will believe it as he wont be questioning "HOW?"....

As far reality is concerned dont think iran posses such technology because i think its not possible or way to difficult.... Because if it was US wouldn't be spending so much on Patriot system..
Since this entire concept is non-believable for you, look up ancient missiles countermeasures like flares. Missile's infrared guidance is tricked, and it misses. Now guidance systems are more advanced - same as countermeasures.

I dont know what exactly Iran has developed or how it works, I'm just pointing out its not some alien tech :azn:
I am not talking about countermeasures or even stoping the missile, what confuses me is that these guys are claiming to actually redirect it.:blink:
Redirecting a missile with current or even next generation tech is not possible.....
The only thing they need to hack is the GPS signal for GPS guided missiles.

And for everything else, they just use good old decoys.
Missiles do not use GPS, that is used before launch for initial targeting. After launch they use INS( Inertial Navigation System).....

didn't you knew that our air force were playing Tag Game with alien UFOs since 40 years ago, you cant even imagine how deep our friendship with them is

well that's SCUD , a modern ballistic missile can do some basic maneuver to escape ABM , so technically its possible to change the target of these missiles after their launch
I never said that it can't maneuver, I am just saying that it cannot change it's course.......
There is a difference
maneuvering may mean falling a 100 kms away from the original target, whereas rerouting means a missile falling on Iran, rerouted in mid flight, to fall on USA instead....:lol:

I don't think Iran's system is designed against ballistic missiles. Its probable opponents, Israel and USA, don't use ballistic missiles. They use cruise missiles. Which definitely have complex guidance systems that could potentially be spoofed.
It is a ballistic missile which threatens Iran. not a cruise missile. You need to come in very close range to fire one...
And the cruise missiles would be so numerous in a potential attack, that it would be no use of trying to stop one...
If Iran is developing a such a complex system for cruise missiles then it is simply wasting it's time.....
again they start...
many members have no infromation in any military field but they just say meaningless things!

iajdani you seems to be a general?! lol! what do you know from iran?! you better close your mouse when you have no new infromation about something.!

i am asking questions with logic you say about sci fi movies! يكي بهش بگه اصلاح كنه
خيلي از اين كره خرا بدم مياد، فقط چرت ميگند!

Mate if Iran has really achieved such a technological breakthrough, well done and congrats :tup:

What is your media saying about this though? Any insights as to how this is being done?
Enemy: Missiles armed and locked on target...
Iran: [with a small wave of his hand] You don't need to attack here.
Enemy: We don't need to attack here.
Iran: These aren't the targets you're looking for.
Enemy: These aren't the targets we're looking for.
Iran: You can go home now.
Enemy: We can go home now.
Iran: Move along.
Enemy: Move along... move along.
Well, the war is coming June/July, we will come to know, who intercepts what ?
I have respect for the nation, their culture and sovereignty, but I'm fed up with hearing them doing something brilliant every other day.
Iran is disclosing and hyping some technologies as a deterrence, so enemies would think twice before attacking. That said, Iran isnt disclosing all its capabilities, quite some tech. remains secret. There were many interviews with Iran's generals claiming they have plenty of secret tech "in the sleeves".
Actually even a minor hint from Iran is sufficient for its enemies to take corrective measures at their end. And expect some major surprises from USA and Israel too.

The only missiles which cant be fooled are "dumb" bombs, as there is nothing to fool in them :) Whether advanced US missiles can or cannot be tricked, by Iran or somebody else, is anyone's guess. What history teaches us, for any weapon tech. countermeasures appears. Sometimes it takes many years, sometimes only few countries can do that, etc. thats different topic. Fact remains - scientific and military industry never stops working, and Iran is catching up with impressive tempo.
Care to provide details about all other missiles that have been fooled during tests conducted by Iranians?

And how is Iran going to redirect US missiles? Watching too much Sci-Fi stuff these days?

You take US excuse at a face value. US drones werent affected by some random internet virus, its was unique and specific spyware, which US experts had a very hard time cleaning up. Whats more - US didnt had any clue what that spyware was doing. Spoofing data? Sitting Trojan horse? They dont know. Therefore to accept their later "no big deal" explanation is hardly the best idea, considering US doesnt know who did it and why.
Member Gambit has covered this part, I believe.

I can show you thousands of US claims which were either lies, or unfounded hype. All countries do it, including superpower as US. They have more muscle to back it up, but that doesnt make them immune from lies/hype, especially when it serves their goals. Unlike US, Iran doesnt go to war every other year, so their exact capabilities remains unknown.
You should worry about Iran actually. We all know that which country is leading in the field of science and technology among Iran and USA.

Thats another US face-saving talks I dont buy. RQ-170 is the most advanced drone US has. It was such a secret, not only its specific capabilities were hidden, but not even official photos were released. Its sensors are extremely sensitive and advanced, probably equipped with AESA radar too.
The insider information came from a US technician who has been working with US planes and drones. It is not official face-saving tactic. The guy pointed out that only cameras and sensors of this drone are advanced. The rest is pretty much mediocre.

This also explains that why USA did not went out of its way to destroy the remains of this drone after loss, which it usually does with its important assets.

So how again its "not a cutting-edge weapon by Western standards", if US doesnt even have better ones? And regardless if US releases something better today - RQ-170 is decades ahead of Iranian own drones program. So despite how much US downplays RQ-170 capture in damage control talks, fact remains it will allow Iran to reduce tech. gap faster.
You assume too much.

US drone program has progressed much further then RQ-170 model. Hint below.

the RQ-170 is not the most advanced !?

OK ! which is ... ?
X47-B (far more advanced then RQ-170).

Source: This X-47B Robotic Drone Will Carry 4,500 Pounds Of Bombs And Make Its Own Decisions - Business Insider

RQ-170 was more like a 'stop gap' measure with some weaknesses.

nothing is impossible ...
Ever heard about a constraint known as 'budget', miss?
Iran is disclosing and hyping some technologies as a deterrence, so enemies would think twice before attacking. That said, Iran isnt disclosing all its capabilities, quite some tech. remains secret. There were many interviews with Iran's generals claiming they have plenty of secret tech "in the sleeves".

So other countries extract information on Iranian military through Iranian media? :cheesy:
the RQ-170 is not the most advanced !?

OK ! which is ... ?

All drones are made with 'expendable' technology in anycase due to their inherent vulnerability at this point, but FYI the most advanced drone would probably be the X-47B.

Of course you'd have to ask the DoD for a definitive answer and they wouldn't answer.

All of this is typical trolling by Iran's generals

they have a long and illustrious history of it.

how anyone is gullible enough to fall for their crap is beyond me, perhaps some people are just really desperate to believe it? Move along:coffee:
Actually even a minor hint from Iran is sufficient for its enemies to take corrective measures at their end. And expect some major surprises from USA and Israel too.

Care to provide details about all other missiles that have been fooled during tests conducted by Iranians?

And how is Iran going to redirect US missiles? Watching too much Sci-Fi stuff these days?

Member Gambit has covered this part, I believe.

You should worry about Iran actually. We all know that which country is leading in the field of science and technology among Iran and USA.

The insider information came from a US technician who has been working with US planes and drones. It is not official face-saving tactic. The guy pointed out that only cameras and sensors of this drone are advanced. The rest is pretty much mediocre.

This also explains that why USA did not went out of its way to destroy the remains of this drone after loss, which it usually does with its important assets.

You assume too much.

US drone program has progressed much further then RQ-170 model. Hint below.

X47-B (far more advanced then RQ-170).

Source: This X-47B Robotic Drone Will Carry 4,500 Pounds Of Bombs And Make Its Own Decisions - Business Insider

RQ-170 was more like a 'stop gap' measure with some weaknesses.

Ever heard about a constraint known as 'budget', miss?

X47-B !?

OK ! but why RQ-170 was secret ? :coffee:
X47-B !?

OK ! but why RQ-170 was secret ? :coffee:
Because of its missions. The SR-71's missions are still secret but the aircraft itself is of decades old technology. There are plenty of publicly available pictures of the SR-71's cockpit. Look them up and see how primitive those analog gauges are to modern day aircrafts. The common mistake here is to assume that just because something is 'secret' it must mean it is of the highest level of technological progress possible.
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