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‘Iran and Egypt going to offset Saudi and US in Mid-East’

the civilized Iran along with her people were under our control.

:lol::lol::lol: You talking about 1500 years ago??

LMAO, Iran never controlled Saudi Arabia. While we controlled pretty much all the rest of Middle East. Why? Well we looked at that desert and said, FVCK IT!!! Would be a stain on our empire's reputation to go near that place.
:lol::lol::lol: You talking about 1500 years ago??

LMAO, Iran never controlled Saudi Arabia. While we controlled pretty much all the rest of Middle East. Why? Well we looked at that desert and said, FVCK IT!!! Would be a stain on our empire's reputation to go near that place.

the so called desert is controlling the world's economy as we speak... what empire your talking about oh the one that got destroyed by Omar ( rw) ... be careful the descendants of the people who controlled you are still leaving in that desert.
the so called desert is controlling the world's economy as we speak... what empire your talking about oh the one that got destroyed by Omar ( rw) ... be careful the descendants of the people who controlled you are still leaving in that desert.

You seem to be trying really hard to leave that desert. Don't worry, collect some money, work hard. Try and get a foreign visa, and one day you may be able to escape.

Also by your logic, the descendants of Changiz Khan are still living in Mongolia, does that mean that they are going to take over whole of Eurasia again? Nice logic :rofl:
Right now,Egypt is dependent on Saudi oil money,let me make you sure Egyptians do not have any love for SA.You should wait a little more when Egypt's economy becomes stronger,then how they will set themselves free from cheap Saudi and Arab oil money.

On a side note,believe me,you are the last person we need to sympathize with.

It will be an honor if you don't attend the summit,you don't know how much you make us happy.

BlackEagle:It seems something is annoying you so bad with that picture .(If you know what I mean):lol:
If there will be no contracts then it's ok? I thought she was one of the 40000!:lol:

Now, on a serious note, it's nice to see Iran desperate to get our attention and friendship but unfortunately will not get any unless they change the regime.
the so called desert is controlling the world's economy as we speak... what empire your talking about oh the one that got destroyed by Omar ( rw) ... be careful the descendants of the people who controlled you are still leaving in that desert.

Your entire country is controlled by west, you are their slave. that's why you're forced to buy their cars and their overpriced planes. . today we **** on you people and all you can do is become terrorists and blow yourselves up.:lol:
Only agents and slaves of America are going to be upset at Iran Egypt ties
Welcome to the forum bro. :-)

Egypt wants nothing to do with terrorists loving saudis and other gulf arabs.
they want the path of progress and self sufficiency, and Iran can help them in that.
America will do it's best to keep Egypt dependant on it for everything.
While Egypt has to have better and stronger ties with Iran and its great people in all fields, it is still important to have great relation with Saudi Arabia and its kind people. All Middle Eastern countries should work together, and that includes Iran and Saudi Arabia. We can all help eachother.

Why is it bad to have good relation with both Iran and Saudi Arabia ? They are both important players in the Middle East and they are both not violent toward other Middle Eastern countries. My country, like yours have close relations with Israel for God sake, and you think it is bad to have close relations with Iran ?

who is Iran and Egypt to offset the arabian Kingdom. Iran is under sanction,, Egypt heavily depends on the saudi money. all of these fiction articles do not represent the realty on the ground.:lol:
Even if this is true, is this something you should be proud of ?? You think that only money prevents Egypt becoming Saudi Arabia enemy ? Shame on you
The huges doesn't even know the basics of middle east politics.
the so called desert is controlling the world's economy as we speak... what empire your talking about oh the one that got destroyed by Omar ( rw) ... be careful the descendants of the people who controlled you are still leaving in that desert.
Are you actually trying to make them hate Sahaba ??? What is your problem with Iran anyway ? Saudi Arabia and Iran had good ties before the Iranian revolution anyway because they both were US allies. You are creating an enemy out of nothing just to make the US happy.
Welcome to the forum bro. :-)

While Egypt has to have better and stronger ties with Iran and its great people in all fields, it is still important to have great relation with Saudi Arabia and its kind people. All Middle Eastern countries should work together, and that includes Iran and Saudi Arabia. We can all help eachother.

I think the most Iran can ask is for regional countries to be independent. Cause only then you would look for your own national interests, as opposed to those of the US or the West in general. And when you look out for your own national interests what you say becomes true. i.e. Regional cooperation, trade, mutual security and stability become paramount. Wars of aggression, fomenting intrigue and providing a base for outside forces to project their power becomes contradictory to your own national interests. But unfortunately we're not there yet...
Why is it bad to have good relation with both Iran and Saudi Arabia ? They are both important players in the Middle East and they are both not violent toward other Middle Eastern countries. My country, like yours have close relations with Israel for God sake, and you think it is bad to have close relations with Iran ?

we have nothing against Iran having relations with us (arab) however their current regime is preventing us from doing so... either the regime get toppled or fix up their diplomatic equation...
just to correct you.. Saudi arabia and Egypt are the important players in the middle east
I think the most Iran can ask is for regional countries to be independent. Cause only then you would look for your own national interests, as opposed to those of the US or the West in general. And when you look out for your own national interests what you say becomes true. i.e. Regional cooperation, trade, mutual security and stability become paramount. Wars of aggression, fomenting intrigue and providing a base for outside forces to project their power becomes contradictory to your own national interests. But unfortunately we're not there yet...
We have to get there if we want any chance to protect our countries from foreign interference, and if we want to have any chance of prosperity and development.
we have nothing against Iran having relations with us (arab) however their current regime is preventing us from doing so... either the regime get toppled or fix up their diplomatic equation...
just to correct you.. Saudi arabia and Egypt are the important players in the middle east

As I said, this regime is most friendlies you will get. "Arabs" are many groups of people. hezbollag are arabs and they love Iran so they talk as if some wahabi represent all arabs. some arabs love Iran and some hate it. I rather Iran being heated by wahabis than them liking Iran.
I think the most Iran can ask is for regional countries to be independent. Cause only then you would look for your own national interests, as opposed to those of the US or the West in general. And when you look out for your own national interests what you say becomes true. i.e. Regional cooperation, trade, mutual security and stability become paramount. Wars of aggression, fomenting intrigue and providing a base for outside forces to project their power becomes contradictory to your own national interests. But unfortunately we're not there yet...

Iran should not be bothered by other countries external affairs . Saudi arabia for example has relation with both the west and east why china are not bothered by the relation of saudi arabia with the US/Europe... etc. same apply to many countries. Iran should look for a better diplomatic strategy that serve their interest without any dictates on others..
we have nothing against Iran having relations with us (arab) however their current regime is preventing us from doing so... either the regime get toppled or fix up their diplomatic equation...
just to correct you.. Saudi arabia and Egypt are the important players in the middle east
How would you like it if Muslim countries decided to cut ties with Saudi Arabia and stops sending people to perform Haj until Saudi Arabia changes its governing system and replace the ruling family, and respect human and women rights ? Replacing a regime is something that comes from inside. It is something that the people should ask for, not other countries, or it would never be actual change that would last!! Relations between Middle Eastern countries, and Muslim countries specifically should not change no matter what regime is governing. It should be based on the interest of people, and the regimes. All Middle Eastern countries should work together, period!!!
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