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Iqbal and the Vision of True Pakistan | PKKH.tv


Oct 10, 2012
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Iqbal and the Vision of True Pakistan | PKKH.tv


PKKH Editorial on Iqbal Day

آگ ہے، اولاد ابراہیم ہے، نمرود ہے
کیا کسی کو پھر کسی کا امتحان مقصود ہے

Tyrants and flames once more on Abraham’s race have glared;

For whom this new ordeal, or by Whose hand prepared?

The Nation is today observing the 135th birth anniversary of Hakeem-ul-Ummat, Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, who envisioned the concept of the “Two Nation Theory”, which gave a directionless Muslim community of the sub-continent a path of struggle, which was later led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah for a destination we call today, Pakistan. The historic event and address of “Illah Abbad” was the point in history from where Muslims of the sub-continent started thinking about a homeland where they would experiment their religion and its implications with complete freedom; unlike the concept of United India, where they would have to compromise every now and then. Later, it was again Iqbal, who before his death called upon Jinnah back from self-exile and insisted on him to lead Muslims home.

نگہ بلند، سخن دلنواز، جاں پرسوز

یہی ہے رخت سفر میر کارواں کے لئے

High vision, winsome speech, a passionate soul-

This is the entire luggage for a leader of a caravan.

Pakistan, since its inception, never saw a decade without chaos or instability. After the death of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan never had any visionary leader or “Meer-e-Karwan” as Iqbal had envisioned; who could cope with the problems that this newly born state was facing. The problem to handle a neighbor, whose policies were hostile towards Pakistan and who made this region fragile by occupying states like Kashmir and Junagadh was the most important task of all. Unfortunately, our leadership never took seriously what Iqbal would have wished for and what Jinnah would have believed in.

Today, after 63 years, though Pakistan lost one of its parts, it survived. The problems of the neighbors of Pakistan not only affected the society of Pakistan badly; but also paved the way for terrorism and extremism and gave birth to political and economic instability of the country.

Due to the lack of conviction and honesty in its elites, Pakistan always faced a deficit in the lot of visionary leadership; and because of this deficit, the upcoming generation of Pakistan is now facing a new dilemma – the phenomenon of Secularism. It is the same class and ideology which negates the very basis of the “Two Nation Theory”, the very ideology that gave birth to the idea of Pakistan. Due to the failed leadership and failed commitment that was made for Pakistan to turn it into an experimental lab for Islamic rule of law, Seculars are now playing at their own will to defame the very idea of Pakistan. We see “Aman ki Asha”and similar slogans on our screens every day. We see people bashing Islamic teachings and their implications as barbaric acts and we see pseudo intellectuals talking about a state with no borders and intermixing of all religions with no moral grounds but “Humanity”. We see distorted facts being presented by the same class that teaches our new generation that Iqbal or Jinnah never envisioned for a separate state and that “Partition was a mistake in the first place”.

Our new generation is in a fix and confusion as to what path they should adapt. It is the same situation which Muslims of the sub-continent were facing pre-partition. On one side there were the pseudo-scholars who were calling Muslims to a “united Muslim India” and on the other side there were “unionists” who were calling the same Muslims to a “Secular approach” and to live with a class of opposition with a compromise on their religion, culture and roots.

Today our nation and especially our youth need to re-visit what Iqbal dreamt of, they need to adapt to the same approach to survive, to aim high and to cope with the problems with a motivational factor of self-confidence as a self-esteemed nation.

نشان راہ دکھاتے تھے جو ستاروں کو

ترس گئے ہیں کسی مرد راہ داں کے لیے

Once who were beacons to the brightest stars,

Have long been awaiting a guide to show them the way now.

But despite all odds, we speak of hope as Iqbal did for the Muslims of the sub-continent. Those who talk about a “failed Pakistan” should now read the writing of wall on this very day. On this day, all their arguments stand hollow and devoid of any rational stance. This day is the answer to all those who negate the concept of the two nation theory by inducing their simulated attempts like Aman ki Asha. The “two nation theory” has not become defunct; rather it’s as alive today as it was in 1947. This day specifically reminds us of our duties, especially to all those who vow to stand firm on the ideology of Pakistan.

We, as a nation, are indebted to this great leader and reformer who jolted and ignited the Muslims of the subcontinent to strive for a homeland. Pakistan is certainly not a mistake, but a reality which haunts many till this day. Iqbal could not see the creation of Pakistan, but he enabled many to see the dawn and feel the fragrance of freedom.

The youth of Pakistan is the new soul of this country. We dedicate this day to our new generation. We deliver the message of our great legend once again for our upcoming and rising new blood which survived all these years of chaos and confusion. The message is very clear and we hope that this new blood will revive what our previous generations failed to deliver.

اٹھا ساقیا پردہ اس راز سے

لڑا دے ممولے کو شہباز سے

Come lift the veil off mysteries,

And make the mere wagtail takes eagle on.

زمانے کے انداز بدلے گئے

نیا راگ ہے ساز بدلے گئے

The times have changed; so have their signs.

New is the music, and so are the instruments.

ہوا اس طرح فاش راز فرنگ

کہ حیرت میں ہے شیشہ باز فرنگ

The magic of the West has been exposed,

And the magician stands aghast.

After giving the Ummah this vision and mission, Iqbal prayed and wished for the new generation and we end our Editorial with the same prayer and wish:

شراب کہن پھر پلا ساقیا

وہی جام گردش میں لا ساقیا

O Saki, serve me that old wine again,
Let that old cup go round once more.

مجھے عشق کے پر لگا کر اڑا

مری خاک جگنو بنا کر اڑا

Lend me the wings of Love and make me fly.
Turn my dust to fireflies that flit about

خرد کو غلامی سے آزاد کر

جوانوں کو پیروں کا استاد کر

Free young men’s minds from slavery,
And make them mentors of the old

ہری شاخ ملّت تیرے نم سے ہے

نفس اس بدن میں ترے دم سے ہے

The millat’s tree is green thanks to your sap:
You are its body’s breath.

تڑپنے پھڑکنے کی توفیق دے

دل مرتضیٰ، سوزصدیق دے

Give it the strength to vibrate and to throb;
Lend it the heart of Murtaza, the fervor of Siddiq

جگر سے پھر وہی تیر پار کر

تمنا کو سینوں میں بیدار کر

Drive that old arrow through its heart
Which will revive desire in it.

ترے آسمانوں کے تاروں کی خیر

زمیں کے شب زندہ داروں کی خیر

Blest be the stars of Your heavens; blest be
Those who spend their nights praying to You

جوانوں کو سوز جگر بخش دے

میرا عشق میری نظر بخش دے

Endow the young with fervent souls;
Grant them my vision and my love.

what is the problem in a secular state of Pakistan? How does being secular i.e allowing Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist to follow their religious practices and giving them equal rights as Pakistan citizens, a cause of concern to Pakistan or Muslims of Pakistan?

most importantly, what is the concern(s) here with being secular, that as the article proposes makes it important for Pakistan to avoid being secular? The article says nothing about these concerns. But just says don't be secular! Why?
what is the problem in a secular state of Pakistan? How does being secular i.e allowing Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist to follow their religious practices and giving them equal rights as Pakistan citizens, a cause of concern to Pakistan or Muslims of Pakistan?

most importantly, what is the concern(s) here with being secular, that as the article proposes makes it important for Pakistan to avoid being secular? The article says nothing about these concerns. But just says don't be secular! Why?

Being Seular means, you are negating all that struggle which you made for partition and being Muslims if believe that we can actually handle affairs of minorities and other religions with more effectivness then Secularism itself, then why a man made religion or philosphy to be adapted? Secularims itself take its "good habbits" from religion, then why negate religion on the basis of actions carried out by some deviated personalities? Seculars themselves are not clear as yet about their own thought process,how can they cope with big problems of Humanity and mankind. So religion for Pakistan is a most appropriate phenomenan.
Being Seular means, you are negating all that struggle which you made for partition and being Muslims if believe that we can actually handle affairs of minorities and other religions with more effectivness then Secularism itself, then why a man made religion or philosphy to be adapted? Secularims itself take its "good habbits" from religion, then why negate religion on the basis of actions carried out by some deviated personalities? Seculars themselves are not clear as yet about their own thought process,how can they cope with big problems of Humanity and mankind. So religion for Pakistan is a most appropriate phenomenan.

It is not that "seculars" are not clear about their own thought process.

It's just that they have a different thought process, than what you have.

They believe in tolerance towards the thought process of others.... if someone believes in a particular religion, it's his or her personal belief.. but ensuring the everybody else in the country follows exactly the same belief is unreasonable ... and in the long run not maintainable. In the short run, it is maintained by imposing force or discrimination....
خرد کو غلامی سے آزاد کر

جوانوں کو پیروں کا استاد کر

Free young men’s minds from slavery,
And make them mentors of the old

Khird means female deer, and the couplet is two folded,

set women free from slavery (male chauvinism)

and make young mentors of old (let the young lead)
Khird means female deer, and the couplet is two folded,

set women free from slavery (male chauvinism)

and make young mentors of old (let the young lead)

Iqbal, was and was not intersted in women's rights.

He has clearly mentioned that.

On Topic:

Can there be a Sticky on Iqbal only ?
what is the problem in a secular state of Pakistan? How does being secular i.e allowing Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist to follow their religious practices and giving them equal rights as Pakistan citizens, a cause of concern to Pakistan or Muslims of Pakistan?

Pakistani minorities have all the religious freedoms and are allowed to contest for any job/post except for that of the Prime Minister or President.

most importantly, what is the concern(s) here with being secular, that as the article proposes makes it important for Pakistan to avoid being secular? The article says nothing about these concerns. But just says don't be secular! Why?

Pakistan was largely Secular before the 70s and I dare say, we fared quite well.
Pakistani minorities have all the religious freedoms and are allowed to contest for any job/post except for that of the Prime Minister or President.

Well, then that is a problem. They should be allowed to contest.. simple. !

Otherwise, they should charged a lower rate of Income tax. No? :laugh:

On the lighter, I would be happy to give up my right to contest for the position of prime minister of India, if I am allowed a 1% lower rate of Income tax... :laugh:
Well, then that is a problem. They should be allowed to contest.. simple. !

Otherwise, they should charged a lower rate of Income tax. No? :laugh:

On the lighter, I would be happy to give up my right to contest for the position of prime minister of India, if I am allowed a 1% lower rate of Income tax... :laugh:

I'm one of the people who would have no qualms with letting minority communities contest for these two posts but unfortunately, the larger, conservative populace does not share my enthusiasm in this regard.
The youth of Pakistan is the new soul of this country. We dedicate this day to our new generation. We deliver the message of our great legend once again for our upcoming and rising new blood which survived all these years of chaos and confusion. The message is very clear and we hope that this new blood will revive what our previous generations failed to deliver..............

Hope is well and good, but exactly how does the new blood revive what the previous generations have failed to deliver? Surely it takes more than Iqbal's philosophy to do that, otherwise it would have already been achieved, right?
Hope is well and good, but exactly how does the new blood revive what the previous generations have failed to deliver? Surely it takes more than Iqbal's philosophy to do that, otherwise it would have already been achieved, right?

A generation crazed by calling up girls on late night free minutes and using Facebook as their primary source of information? This nation's future has never been in worse hands.
Hope is well and good, but exactly how does the new blood revive what the previous generations have failed to deliver? Surely it takes more than Iqbal's philosophy to do that, otherwise it would have already been achieved, right?

Sir aaap ki generation ne kuch kiyaa hotaa tou maybe Pakistan would have been something !

To paraphrase Iqbal : Theei tou woh tumhareii aabaii hiii par tum kiyaa hoo ? Haath par haath dariii muntazir-e-furdaa hoo ?
(Woh - the generation who got us Pakistan & Tum - Your & Mine generation with mine being much..much worse than yours, we'd rather jump ship to greener pastures than to build the country up).
A generation crazed by calling up girls on late night free minutes and using Facebook as their primary source of information? This nation's future has never been in worse hands.

That, Sir, is merely one small symptom of the underlying rot that pervades Pakistani society widely and deeply, and also why I asked the question: On what premise is the writer basing his "hope" on, exactly?

Sir aaap ki generation ne kuch kiyaa hotaa tou maybe Pakistan would have been something !

To paraphrase Iqbal : Theei tou woh tumhareii aabaii hiii par tum kiyaa hoo ? Haath par haath dariii muntazir-e-furdaa hoo ?
(Woh - the generation who got us Pakistan & Tum - Your & Mine generation with mine being much..much worse than yours, we'd rather jump ship to greener pastures than to build the country up).

The writer, and I, both accept that the previous generations have failed to deliver. My question to the writer, and to you and others here, is upon what can one base any hope that the new generation will deliver?
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