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Inventions by Muslims.

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separate police force was first introduced by Caliph Umar r.a.

regular paid army was also first raise by Caliph Umar r.a.

(If Im not mistaken)
I don't understand the Muslim obsession with associating their inventions or contributions with their religion and not as a part of their respective civilization. On the otherhand Chinese, Indian, British,Japanese etc never say that their invention is Buddhist, Hindu,Shintoist,Christian or Shinto inventions but rather associate them with their culture.
I don't understand the Muslim obsession with associating their inventions or contributions with their religion and not as a part of their respective civilization. On the otherhand Chinese, Indian, British,Japanese etc never say that their invention is Buddhist, Hindu,Shintoist,Christian or Shinto inventions but rather associate them with their culture.

Because the Muslim world comprises of many civilizations; Arab civilization, African civilization, Persian civilization, Indus civilization and so on, and all Muslims are alike irrespective of their civilization
Because the Muslim world comprises of many civilizations; Arab civilization, African civilization, Persian civilization, Indus civilization and so on, and all Muslims are alike irrespective of their civilization

But why do Pakistanis feel the need to take pride in Arab, Persian, Afrcian civlization?

Indus Valley civilization belongs to Pakistanis, not the Muslim world.

Arab civlization belongs to Arabs, not the Musim world.

Persian civlization belings to Persians, not the Muslim world.

African civlization belongs to Afrcian, not the Muslim world.
Father of Surgery in 800 BC

Honestly,never heard of Shustruta ..and supporting your claim with what? Wikipedia

Just wait..after 2 hours..Wikipedia will be saying "Auz is the father of Chemistry"

And we are supposed to believe things given in "ummah"edinburgh. com.

C'mon dude.

Anyway since you dont like Wiki here goes - Link 1 and Link 2

Regarding Algebra and "Arabic" numerals - A Brief History of Zero and Indian Numerals | The Brussels Journal

Half the things in the list (University,Algebra,Surgery,Music,Chess, Flying Machine,Numerals,Astronomy, Gunpowder etc) is bogus . But I have no time to list each and every one of them and have listed two samples.:argh:
18 Astronomy: By the 9th century, many Muslim scholars took it for granted that the Earth was a sphere. The proof, said astronomer Ibn Hazm, "is that the Sun is always vertical to a particular spot on Earth". It was 500 years before that realisation dawned on Galileo. The calculations of Muslim astronomers were so accurate that in the 9th century they reckoned the Earth's circumference to be 40,253.4km - less than 200km out. The scholar al-Idrisi took a globe depicting the world to the court of King Roger of Sicily in 1139.

While Muslims did a lot for astronomy. It was known before the Muslims that the earth wasn't flat. Eratosthenes proved the earth was not flat back in 300bc or something. He was the one to first measure the earth's circumference. His error rate was less then 2%. After that Aristotle had 3 arguments in favour of a spherical earth.
which where
1- Pole stars appeared on different locations. depending on where you were at the world.
2- The sails of the ship were the last to disappear (not sure if it was his original idea though)
3- When a solar espies took place he noted that the shadow of the earth on the mood was curved.

When Ptolemy made the geocentric theory of the solar system he also noted down the earth was a sphere and that was 600 years before Islam.

Also if remember correctly music existed at the time of the Ancient Greek so Muslims couldn't have invented it. I am don't know enough to comment on other stuff that is listed.

Muslims also did a lot in the field of optics.

Anyways. Arabs were once at the forefront of science but i what i don't get is. Why are topics like "inventions by Muslim" made ? you don't see inventions by Christians , Jews or Atheists. Science is a collaborated enterprise it doesn't matter what religion they followed the credit goes to the individual rather then there faith. I know you guys aren't doing that but just pointing it out.
18 Astronomy: By the 9th century, many Muslim scholars took it for granted that the Earth was a sphere. The proof, said astronomer Ibn Hazm, "is that the Sun is always vertical to a particular spot on Earth". It was 500 years before that realisation dawned on Galileo. The calculations of Muslim astronomers were so accurate that in the 9th century they reckoned the Earth's circumference to be 40,253.4km - less than 200km out. The scholar al-Idrisi took a globe depicting the world to the court of King Roger of Sicily in 1139.

Not to mention Ancient Indian astronomers like Aryabhatta,Brahmagupta, Yajnavalkia,Varahamihira and Bhaskaracharya.

Actually the circumference of the earth was calculated long before Erasthothenes by the Indian astronomers.

Not only that but various other astronomical constants like the duration of a tropical year etc.

Centuries before Ptolemey gave his Geo-centric theory, Yajnavalkia proposed an early model of the Helio-centric theory in his work, Shatapatha Brahmana.

You can refer more at Ancient Indian Astronomy
Because the Muslim world comprises of many civilizations; Arab civilization, African civilization, Persian civilization, Indus civilization and so on,

So you don't consider contributions from Muslims of India, Thailand,Indonesia, Phillipines etc worthy as they don't form part of the above mentioned civilizations.

and all Muslims are alike irrespective of their civilization

I don't see Muslim countries waiving requirement of visa for fellow Muslims from Ummah. A Pakistani still has to get a visa to go to KSA.
Music?! :lol:

Surgery I believe was started in India.. I have no clue about hospitals, toothbrushes, and zero was way before Islam was around.. It was used with the Aztecs, Indians, Syrians and Greeks.

i did not make that up, that is from 1001 invention by Muslims.
Not to mention Ancient Indian astronomers like Aryabhatta, Yajnavalkia and Bhaskaracharya.

Actually the circumference of the earth was calculated long before Erasthothenes by the Indian astronomers.

Not only that but various other astronomical constants like the duration of a tropical year etc.

You can refer more at Ancient Indian Astronomy

Aryabhatta Also calculated the circumfrence of the earth but if i remember correctly he came after Erasthothenes I am not sure of the year.

To my knowledge Erasthothenes was the first person to calculate the circumfrence of the earth. Can you please provide the name of the Indian Astronomer?

I'll check the site in a bit.
This thread seems like its going to be a burial place for a thousand Indians who just can't figure out the necessity of talking on topic and suddenly have realized the urge for philosophical debates where none is required.

Well Asim bhai, its ok, its ashokdeiva's opinion,

I started this thread because today everyone calls us terrorists but they don't know the fact how much Muslims contributed to this whole world. Some ppl even know that but they wont agree because these ppl were "Muslims". (yep, blood loving and cruel Muslims in their mind.)
Aryabhatta Also calculated the circumfrence of the earth but if i remember correctly he came after Erasthothenes I am not sure of the year.

To my knowledge Erasthothenes was the first person to calculate the circumfrence of the earth. Can you please provide the name of the Indian Astronomer?

I'll check the site in a bit.

You are right.

The Indian Astronomer was Brahmagupta but he came a handsome 800 years (in the 7 th century A.D) after Erastothenes.
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