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International outcry over Russia-China veto on Syria

I see indians all happy and jumpy over the fact that Arabs are burning Chinese and Russians flags (see how quick they are to betray turn on their ally), but lets see if they enjoy this:

Kashmiris burning indian flag on Pakistan independence day:


Pakistanis are confused which sidE to take as their own government is against Assad while china supports it. So they just post an Indian flag burning to get some cheap thanks. Works like a charm in any thread!
Russia, Iran and Hezbollah are already intervening in Syria. Why aren't we?

By Michael Weiss World Last updated: February 6th, 2012

“Michael, I swear we are getting slaughtered.”

I had asked Alaa al-Sheikh, the spokesman for the Khaled Bin Waleed brigade of Syrian rebels, to give me an overview of what’s happened in the last 72 hours in Homs. He said that 42 people had been killed in the city of Rastan alone, although he admits that mention of statistics at this stage is irrelevant: “There are bodies that could not be documented because they were completely mutilated and disfigured.”

For those who haven’t had lunch today, I encourage you to see up-close what Russian weapons and Iranian and Hezbollah “military consultants” have helped accomplish in Syria. This video is of a young boy in Homs. His entire lower jaw has been removed from his head and I’m told that this is more watchable version of the footage; an earlier reel went round where he hadn’t been anaesthetised yet.

Vladimir Putin’s copper-bottomed support for Bashar al-Assad at the UN Security Council can be taken in one of two ways. There will be those who claim that here was one organised crime lord pledging solidarity with his human ferret counterpart. The two men really do understand each other and are even beginning to replicate each other’s c.v.s. Assad is doing to Syria what Putin did to Chechnya a decade ago and under the same pretext of combating “terrorists”. Moscow had its dodgy apartment bombings in 1999, blamed with credible evidence on the FSB, to justify the razing of Grozny. Damascus has had its spate of “suicide bombings” lately, blamed by the regime on the following actors: al-Qaida, the United States, Israel, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Syrian opposition and loyalists of former Syrian Vice President Abdul Halim Khaddam. Footage showing the mukhabarat’s theatrics before and after these incidents matters not at all because the Assad regime, with a little help from Russia Today and other Kremlin mouthpieces, has also blamed “foreign media” for presenting a mere domestic misunderstanding as a full-blown humanitarian crisis.
Taken another way, Putin’s support for Assad is a foreign policy “victory” that comes at just the right time for Russia, weeks ahead of a presidential election. The real challengers to the incumbent are not liberal bourgeois figures who cannot get their candidacies registered, but an indulged nationalist far Right which believes that Russia for is for ethnic Russians, and warm-water ports in the Mediterranean are as well. Like Assad, Putin sees foreign conspiracies at every turn. And so the tens of thousands gathered at the weekend at Bolotnaya Square demanding genuine democracy are no match for a narod convinced that runaway corruption and stuffed ballots aren’t as important as giving Washington and Brussels the finger.

Hillary Clinton, William Hague and Alain Juppe can grumble all they like about travesties at Turtle Bay and the inevitability of Assad’s fall. Even if they got their toothless Security Council resolution calling for Assad’s departure, then what? Would he pack up and go quietly? If so, where to? How’s the tabouleh in the Black Sea?

Here is the real travesty of this revolution. Russia, Iran and Hezbollah have all been “intervening” in Syria’s internal affairs for ten months now. Meanwhile, the Arab League, the United States and the European Union have all determined that any claim to sovereignty Assad might have had in 2011 is null and void in 2012. What is needed, therefore, is not condemnations, demarches and shuttered embassies but a Western equivalent of intervention in Syria, namely in the form of:

• Humanitarian “safe areas” to provide food, aid and medical supplies to the civilian population and give the various opposition groups a headquarters inside their own country

• Advanced weapons and communication devices for the Syrian rebels

• A no-fly zone to stop the regime from using its aircraft to conduct reconnaissance, offload security personnel and – yes – strafe rebel strongholds from the sky.

Elements of the dead Left view a US military presence in the Middle East as more of a menace than a Soviet-style totalitarianism which rapes young boys in front of their fathers and murders newborn infants just for the hell of it. I don't expect them to concede that their anti-imperialist theses are less important than Arab lives. But they have no right to misrepresent the will of the people doing the bleeding and dying. If certain comment editors have difficulty finding Syrians on the ground who want Nato fighter jets overhead, I’ll be glad to introduce them to several.

Here is al-Sheikh: “As an activist and a coordinator for the Khaled Bin Waleed brigade, I state that we in Homs, Idlib and Damascus suburbs call for unilateral American and British intervention. We also want to improve our relations with the US administration and people after the revolution, but we need you to save us. We are getting slaughtered, save us.”

Russia, Iran and Hezbollah are already intervening in Syria. Why aren't we? – Telegraph Blogs

America should worry about America first when so many people are out of jobs and the economy is going down the drain. US need to allow people of middle east to take care of themselves instead of stick our nose in other people's business.
PARIS: Western and Arab powers on Saturday reacted angrily to Russia and China's veto of a Security Council resolution on the Syria crisis, but Moscow and Beijing insisted the text needed more work.

Russia, a long-time Syrian ally, and China had earlier vetoed a UN Security Council resolution condemning the Syrian government's deadly crackdown despite reports by Syrian activists that troops overnight had killed 230 civilians in the city of Homs.

Russia's UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin justified the veto by saying the proposed resolution "sent an unbalanced signal to the Syrian parties".

His Chinese counterpart Li Baodong said pushing through such "a vote when parties are still seriously divided ... will not help maintain the unity and authority of the Security Council, or help resolve the issue."

But the international community reacted with anger at the double veto, the second by the two countries since the start of the Syrian crisis a year ago.

UN leader Ban Ki-moon expressed deep regret, saying that it undermined the role of the United Nations, according to a statement.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the veto would encourage further crackdowns by the Syrian regime.

"The Syrian tragedy must stop," said Sarkozy in a statement issued through his office.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Russia and China had let the Syrian people down.

They had, he said, "sided with the Syrian regime and its brutal suppression of the Syrian people in support of their own national interests."

Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi termed the double veto "very bad news" while US ambassador Susan Rice described it as "shameful".

European Union chief diplomat Catherine Ashton also expressed regret at the vetoes.

"The time has come to speak with one voice and demand an end to the bloodshed and speak out for a democratic future for Syria," she said in a statement.

"We condemn the ongoing bloodshed and stand by the Syrian people against the repressive regime.

"We call on President Assad to end immediately the killing of civilians, withdraw the Syrian army from besieged towns and cities and step aside in order to make room for a peaceful transition for the sake of his country."

The European parliament expressed dismay and its president, Martin Schulz, urged Moscow and Beijing to "take their international responsibilities seriously".

London-based rights group Amnesty International called the veto a "shockingly callous betrayal" of the Syrian people.

Moscow and Beijing have acted in a "completely irresponsible" way, the London-based human rights group added.

Thirteen countries voted for the resolution with only Russia and China voting against. Both countries, as permanent members of the security council, have a veto power.

The draft resolution, put forward by Morocco, had called for an immediate end to all violence. It did not impose any sanctions, nor did it authorise military action.

International outcry over Russia-China veto on Syria - The Times of India

Foolish Times of India this much says it all. Sarkozy is no longer French President. :rolleyes:

Yes, i read on Wikipedia. Its a political difference turned ideological difference. Note that, Isreal+US=Zionist (Jews+Christains)= war on terrorism, hates both Shias & Wahabbis equally but " Fools(Muslims) remains Fools".

The majority of Muslims know what is being done it is the corrupt leaders who are playing into the Jews and Christian hands.
china, russia and iran are ALWAYS on the WRONG side of history. It's almost comical. :tdown:

...US need to allow people of middle east to take care of themselves...

You're right. We should let them kick the sh!t out of each other. Screw 'em. I don't think we should waste a dime on Syrians.
It's not racism by any means to expose western imperialism and those who obey their masters. I told you before that you should change your username because you are most certainly not seeking the truth.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Kill shot. :flame: :tup: Made me LOL in real
china, russia and iran are ALWAYS on the WRONG side of history. It's almost comical. :tdown:

You're right. We should let them kick the sh!t out of each other. Screw 'em.

your posts contradict yourself, bouncing betty.
china, russia and iran are ALWAYS on the WRONG side of history. It's almost comical. :tdown:

You're right. We should let them kick the sh!t out of each other. Screw 'em. I don't think we should waste a dime on Syrians.

We are already spending billions trying to take down Assad though. :undecided:
Pakistanis are confused which sidE to take as their own government is against Assad while china supports it. So they just post an Indian flag burning to get some cheap thanks. Works like a charm in any thread!

:lol: I am surprised that the picture of Pakistani flag in Srinagar hasnt been posted yet ;)
We are already spending billions trying to take down Assad though. :undecided:

America desperately need someone like Dr Ron Paul to lead our nation. We need to take care of our own needs instead of being the policeman of other countries. Other countries are not like kids that we need to baby sit them.

And screw the neocons.
Ok, so China & Russia did right by using the veto.

What is their plan ? People who use words like ' colonial' etc seem to ignore that Assad is not an elected leader ( he may at best be a sham one if any) .

He like Saddam is pushing Syria int the Abyss . Why should so many people die and for what ?

No one is asking for secession , they are asking for the option of deciding their own future through the ballot in a free & fair manner .

Assad will go but by the time he does Syria may become another Af. Which is a pity.

To know when to quit is something dictators dont know.
Its interesting to note that while India voted for the resolution , Pak & South Africa abstained.
your posts contradict yourself, bouncing betty.

Hey, IceHole !!! What's up, man ? Long time... No contradiction here. The 'right' thing to do is help the opposition. Let someone else do the 'right' thing. russia, china and iran NEVER do the 'right' thing.

We are already spending billions trying to take down Assad though. :undecided:

I don't think it's 'billions'.
china, russia and iran are ALWAYS on the WRONG side of history. It's almost comical. :tdown:

You're right. We should let them kick the sh!t out of each other. Screw 'em. I don't think we should waste a dime on Syrians.

Why so much hatred though? You aren't making any sense, if you're going to be angry be angry at your government.
Why so much hatred though? You aren't making any sense, if you're going to be angry be angry at your government.

He is correct that US should stay out of their business and let them take care of themselves with their own methods. Whatever it may be.
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