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Interesting Facts about Pakistan!


Feb 17, 2009
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UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation, some facts about Pakistan :

* Largest producer of Ghee
* 2nd largest producer of Chickpeas
* 4th largest producer of Apricot, Cotton and Sugarcane
* 5th largest producer of Milk and Onion
* 6th largest producer of Date Palm
* 7th largest producer of Mango
* 8th largest producer of Tangerines, mandarin orange and Rice
* 9th largest producer of Wheat
* 10th largest producer of Oranges

And still their exists much poverty!

The problem with Pakistan is not the amount of resources... It is how the resources are managed!

UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation, some facts about Pakistan :

* Largest producer of Ghee
* 2nd largest producer of Chickpeas
* 4th largest producer of Apricot, Cotton and Sugarcane
* 5th largest producer of Milk and Onion
* 6th largest producer of Date Palm
* 7th largest producer of Mango
* 8th largest producer of Tangerines, mandarin orange and Rice
* 9th largest producer of Wheat
* 10th largest producer of Oranges

And still their exists much poverty!

The problem with Pakistan is not the amount of resources... It is how the resources are managed!

Yes I agree. It's all about our economic system and policies. At the moment IMF and World Bank are putting a lot of restrain over Pakistan govt. and we are unable to make economic decisons in the best interest of our country freely. So first thing we need is to get out of IMF and World Bank debt which seems very difficult at the moment. Because it's very difficult to pay off all the debt to the bankers who have mastered the gmae of usury.

UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation, some facts about Pakistan :

* Largest producer of Ghee
* 2nd largest producer of Chickpeas
* 4th largest producer of Apricot, Cotton and Sugarcane
* 5th largest producer of Milk and Onion
* 6th largest producer of Date Palm
* 7th largest producer of Mango
* 8th largest producer of Tangerines, mandarin orange and Rice
* 9th largest producer of Wheat
* 10th largest producer of Oranges

And still their exists much poverty!

The problem with Pakistan is not the amount of resources... It is how the resources are managed!

Pakistan also is 7th largest population in earth. Yet it export more than 3 to 4 billion in agro products. Not bad at all. But Pakistan can not grow depending on these products as the room for growth is limited in those sectors.

UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation, some facts about Pakistan :

* Largest producer of Ghee
* 2nd largest producer of Chickpeas
* 4th largest producer of Apricot, Cotton and Sugarcane
* 5th largest producer of Milk and Onion
* 6th largest producer of Date Palm
* 7th largest producer of Mango
* 8th largest producer of Tangerines, mandarin orange and Rice
* 9th largest producer of Wheat
* 10th largest producer of Oranges

And still their exists much poverty!

The problem with Pakistan is not the amount of resources... It is how the resources are managed!

Dont mean to be a spoil sport but regret to advise that without reference to demand, looking at production in isolation is akin to looking at the sky with wrong end of the telescope. Proper way would be first to look at production per capita and compared it demand per capita. Only countries which have abundant surplus in goods and services after meeting internal demand are rich.

Every one is aware of the acute shortages of sugar and wheat. Pakistan imported onions from India and will soon become net importer of cotton as well. Rice and fruits such as mangoes are the only commodities where Pakistan is truly in surplus.

Resources may be badly managed, but in many cases our population has grown so much that demand far exceeds production, irrelevant of the fact where it stands in absolute terms.
.....and if i may add it has the capacity to be the "bread-basket" to the world if it can manage its resources properly. unfortunately agriculture is not even considered as a Industry by the govt. - the rugulations are not implemented because the very people who are supposed to implement these laws are corrupt to the core!

eg; a country like turkey produces 80mdns/acre of wheat while pakistan's national average is 30 mdns/acre! our wheat area is double that of turkey! they dont have the canal irrigation system that we have!!!

so niaz sb is correct - productivity and demand go hand-in-hand!
Dont mean to be a spoil sport but regret to advise that without reference to demand, looking at production in isolation is akin to looking at the sky with wrong end of the telescope. Proper way would be first to look at production per capita and compared it demand per capita. Only countries which have abundant surplus in goods and services after meeting internal demand are rich.

Every one is aware of the acute shortages of sugar and wheat. Pakistan imported onions from India and will soon become net importer of cotton as well. Rice and fruits such as mangoes are the only commodities where Pakistan is truly in surplus.

Resources may be badly managed, but in many cases our population has grown so much that demand far exceeds production, irrelevant of the fact where it stands in absolute terms.

I think problem is not bcz of population growth but due to foreign debt growth. Shortage of capital along with poor economic policies are hindering the development. In today's world countries by harnessing the manpower are boosting up their economic output. And Pakistan is also blessed with excessive manpower along with natural resources. We just need good economic management.
Major leakage of the country’s resources is due to existence of large black economy. Pakistan is a country where government is poor but some individuals very rich. Can any one imagine any other country where a huge black market in contraband goods (Bara markets) was allowed to thrive for decades (until closed down by Musharraf 4 years ago) or a country wide revolt by the traders when asked to register for VAT.

IMO if proper a tax paying culture is in place, GOP revenue will triple, thus providing ample resources to the exchequer for the development projects. Pakistan is one of the few countries where major part of the revenue collection is thru indirect taxation (excise duties and customs) instead of VAT and Income Tax. This puts equal burden on the very poor and the wealthy; very unjust indeed and agriculture income is still not taxed

I have firm belief that 90% of the troubles in Pakistan, whether Law & Order (car jacking, mobile telephone snatching, or robberies etc) or tax evasion or theft of electricity; are due to an endemic system of corruption deeply rooted in the populace. Joe public simply doesn’t consider anything wrong with it! For example JI never thought of starting a long march to end corruption and nepotism or to improve law and order situation. Instead stalwarts of religious parties were ready to beat up women taking part in the marathon and Jamia Hafsa students ready to close down video shops by force. Even a very mild reform of the Hudood Laws is interpreted as a license to fornication. All efforts of reforming of the society start and end with restriction on women; what an obsession!

Regret to say that Pakistanis in general seem to have lost the distinction between what is right and what is wrong. Hall mark of the collective wisdom; choice of lesser evil and the better good is therefore non existent.
agriculture income is still not taxed

the very people who need to be taxed are sitting in parliament! something is wrong here!
Major leakage of the country’s resources is due to existence of large black economy. Pakistan is a country where government is poor but some individuals very rich. Can any one imagine any other country where a huge black market in contraband goods (Bara markets) was allowed to thrive for decades (until closed down by Musharraf 4 years ago) or a country wide revolt by the traders when asked to register for VAT.

IMO if proper a tax paying culture is in place, GOP revenue will triple, thus providing ample resources to the exchequer for the development projects. Pakistan is one of the few countries where major part of the revenue collection is thru indirect taxation (excise duties and customs) instead of VAT and Income Tax. This puts equal burden on the very poor and the wealthy; very unjust indeed and agriculture income is still not taxed

I have firm belief that 90% of the troubles in Pakistan, whether Law & Order (car jacking, mobile telephone snatching, or robberies etc) or tax evasion or theft of electricity; are due to an endemic system of corruption deeply rooted in the populace. Joe public simply doesn’t consider anything wrong with it! For example JI never thought of starting a long march to end corruption and nepotism or to improve law and order situation. Instead stalwarts of religious parties were ready to beat up women taking part in the marathon and Jamia Hafsa students ready to close down video shops by force. Even a very mild reform of the Hudood Laws is interpreted as a license to fornication. All efforts of reforming of the society start and end with restriction on women; what an obsession!

Regret to say that Pakistanis in general seem to have lost the distinction between what is right and what is wrong. Hall mark of the collective wisdom; choice of lesser evil and the better good is therefore non existent.

Your article goes to prove that a dictator can manage the economy better. I think this is true to some extend. In our democratic culture it's a normal practice for politicians to call shutter down strikes, long marches and train marches. Govt. is changed every five years along with it's economic policies and so are the people in bureaucracy. Nepotism makes banks to lend to the govt. officials rather than businesses. All these things make economic conditions very unstable and unfavorable for industrializtion. We need good political environment to develop economy . T
Your article goes to prove that a dictator can manage the economy better. I think this is true to some extend. In our democratic culture it's a normal practice for politicians to call shutter down strikes, long marches and train marches. Govt. is changed every five years along with it's economic policies and so are the people in bureaucracy. Nepotism makes banks to lend to the govt. officials rather than businesses. All these things make economic conditions very unstable and unfavorable for industrializtion. We need good political environment to develop economy . T

This is incorrect interpretation of my post. It just happened to be that Musharraf government closed down Bara markets and managed to register a lot of traders for the VAT. UK, USA and many other countries where the main source of revenue is Income Tax and VAT; are stable democracies. Main reason why there is better economic management under the Military rule was explained to me by a retired Brigadier. If you order a wall to be built during a military regime. It would probably be smaller in length, of less height and made from of lower quality materials, but it would be built for all to see. Whereas under the civilian government it is possible that full payment is made to the contractors without any work done what so ever.

Revenue Collectors (Diwans) stealing Government tax to enrich themselves was prevalent in nearly all the societies. Other societies improved over time but not ours. I came across travels notes of an 18th Century Colonel of the East India Company who was liaison officer in Rajputana (now Rajasthan). His comments gave me an insight as to why Indian Nawabs and the Rajas agreed to have a “Resident” without too much resistance. Resident managed the affairs on Nawab’s behalf. Resident simply ensured that there was little theft and that correct amount of tax was collected.

Previously so much of the states revenue was being siphoned off by the revenue collectors that once Resident managed to stop theft; even after paying the Nawab/ Raja what they thought was their fare share, there was substantial surplus left over for the Company to make it worth their while to insist on Resident being appointed in each and every instance. Naturally, after a few years, British did away with the Raja altogether and took over direct control.

Just look at the mega projects completed during British times. Railways, roads, irrigation systems, new cities, universities etc, all out of the revenue generated locally. What was left over made British rich. India was called Crown Jewel of the Empire for good reason.

We have learned all the bad habits from the British but not ‘Honesty’. That is why areas comprising Pakistan were rich under the British whereas we now have continuous budget deficit. We have Income Tax officers, Excise Inspectors and Custom Preventive Officers who earn hundreds of thousands of illegal money. Long time ago in the series ‘Fifty/fifty’, a bride chooses a Peon in Customs over an engineer and a doctor. Many a truer words spoken in jest!

Point I was trying to make is that reason for Pakistan being poor or why any so called developing country is poor, is paucity of manpower resource. Not that Pakistanis are not clever. Overseas Pakistanis; despite all the xenophobia have made it good wherever they went. Sadly not so in our own country, because of corruption, nepotism and outright dishonesty endemic in the society.

Here either you join the rest or get out.
This is incorrect interpretation of my post. It just happened to be that Musharraf government closed down Bara markets and managed to register a lot of traders for the VAT. UK, USA and many other countries where the main source of revenue is Income Tax and VAT; are stable democracies. Main reason why there is better economic management under the Military rule was explained to me by a retired Brigadier. If you order a wall to be built during a military regime. It would probably be smaller in length, of less height and made from of lower quality materials, but it would be built for all to see. Whereas under the civilian government it is possible that full payment is made to the contractors without any work done what so ever.

Revenue Collectors (Diwans) stealing Government tax to enrich themselves was prevalent in nearly all the societies. Other societies improved over time but not ours. I came across travels notes of an 18th Century Colonel of the East India Company who was liaison officer in Rajputana (now Rajasthan). His comments gave me an insight as to why Indian Nawabs and the Rajas agreed to have a “Resident” without too much resistance. Resident managed the affairs on Nawab’s behalf. Resident simply ensured that there was little theft and that correct amount of tax was collected.

Previously so much of the states revenue was being siphoned off by the revenue collectors that once Resident managed to stop theft; even after paying the Nawab/ Raja what they thought was their fare share, there was substantial surplus left over for the Company to make it worth their while to insist on Resident being appointed in each and every instance. Naturally, after a few years, British did away with the Raja altogether and took over direct control.

Just look at the mega projects completed during British times. Railways, roads, irrigation systems, new cities, universities etc, all out of the revenue generated locally. What was left over made British rich. India was called Crown Jewel of the Empire for good reason.

We have learned all the bad habits from the British but not ‘Honesty’. That is why areas comprising Pakistan were rich under the British whereas we now have continuous budget deficit. We have Income Tax officers, Excise Inspectors and Custom Preventive Officers who earn hundreds of thousands of illegal money. Long time ago in the series ‘Fifty/fifty’, a bride chooses a Peon in Customs over an engineer and a doctor. Many a truer words spoken in jest!

Point I was trying to make is that reason for Pakistan being poor or why any so called developing country is poor, is paucity of manpower resource. Not that Pakistanis are not clever. Overseas Pakistanis; despite all the xenophobia have made it good wherever they went. Sadly not so in our own country, because of corruption, nepotism and outright dishonesty endemic in the society.

Here either you join the rest or get out.

Yes there's no doubt that nepotism, corruption and dishonesty is hindering economic development in Pakistan but my point is that these ills are an integral part of our so called democratic system. So we need democratic reforms where govt. officials are not allowed to hoard Pakistan's wealth in Swiss banks. Where there is harmony between Judiciary, Parliment and Armed forces. Where economic policies are not changed every 5 years. Where Mullas are not allowed to make pro-Taliban parties in the name of Islam. Where run-away leaders are not allowed to lead their mafia inside Pakistan. Where leaders are not allowed to buy property overseas and hold dual passports to escape Pakistan in troubled times. The rule is that economic development without political stability is impossible.
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