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Interesting article in german spiegel magazine about indian elections and hindu radicals


Nov 23, 2013
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Indien: Hindus schüren im Wahlkampf Hass auf Muslime - SPIEGEL ONLINE

I just will give you the basics info in short and will not issue any opinion since i´m european and not indian and i have no insight in indian policies.

The article says that Modi has good chances to become the next PM of india but his party has to close connections to a radical hindu group called RSS. The members of this group are facists and radicals and comitt terrorist acts as well as murders.

The articles says that the RSS want christians as well as muslims pushed out of india and blame them for any problems that happen there.

It says that this religious fanatics spread over india and have over 40.000 local groups in 2013.

The article states that the founder of this RSS wanted total submission of all non hindus and that they should have no rights.

The article says that Modi party BJP is under complete control of the neo facist RSS and all non Hindus must fear progroms if he will win.

The journalist Ulrike Putz says that Modi is direct responsible for the murder of more than 1000 people in his provice Gujarat in 2002. She says it was a slaughter worse than in the middle ages and the BJP and Modi direct supported this:

DER SPIEGEL 19/2002 -
Blutrausch wie im Mittelalter

The EU and also USA do not allow Modi to travel here, because his extreme violations of human rights.

Thats the translation in short.

Well why don´t take the time to show what your opinion is. Its a fact that Modi was not allowed to travel to EU and USA blocked him too for massive violations of human rights. So my guess is, that there is something true?
Ehh?? You quoted an article that is dated 12 years back.Lot of water has flown under the bridge since then.Modi has been given a clean chit by the court after thorough investigations, US is eating its own hat and wants to give VISA to Modi and wants to plan trade relations with him and the mango tree that I had planted in the backyard years ago is going to bear ripe fruits this year.
You just came out from a time-capsule or what?
Well why don´t take the time to show what your opinion is. Its a fact that Modi was not allowed to travel to EU and USA blocked him too for massive violations of human rights. So my guess is, that there is something true?
These issues have been discussed to death.

Secondly, India's Supreme Court has given him the clean chit, so it doesnt matter what people in EU or US think or do about Modi.:D
Ehh?? You quoted an article that is dated 12 years back.Lot of water has flown under the bridge since then.Modi has been given a clean chit by the court after thorough investigations, US is eating its own hat and wants to give VISA to Modi and wants to plan trade relations with him and the mango tree that I had planted in the backyard years ago is going to bear ripe fruits this year.
You just came out from a time-capsule or what?

No, the first article i quoted is from yesterday:

Indien: Hindus schüren im Wahlkampf Hass auf Muslime - SPIEGEL ONLINE

And the article plain and simple says that Modi is a Nazi and his RSS plans a mass genocide. That rises some concerns. It also says that Modi never distanced himself from this progroms he started. Infact it says he even makes jokes about the victims, saying its like killing a dog with a car. This does rise concerns here as i said. I would not like to see india falling into a facist dictatorship.
Indien: Hindus schüren im Wahlkampf Hass auf Muslime - SPIEGEL ONLINE

I just will give you the basics info in short and will not issue any opinion since i´m european and not indian and i have no insight in indian policies.

The article says that Modi has good chances to become the next PM of india but his party has to close connections to a radical hindu group called RSS. The members of this group are facists and radicals and comitt terrorist acts as well as murders.

The articles says that the RSS want christians as well as muslims pushed out of india and blame them for any problems that happen there.

It says that this religious fanatics spread over india and have over 40.000 local groups in 2013.

The article states that the founder of this RSS wanted total submission of all non hindus and that they should have no rights.

The article says that Modi party BJP is under complete control of the neo facist RSS and all non Hindus must fear progroms if he will win.

The journalist Ulrike Putz says that Modi is direct responsible for the murder of more than 1000 people in his provice Gujarat in 2002. She says it was a slaughter worse than in the middle ages and the BJP and Modi direct supported this:

DER SPIEGELÂ 19/2002 -
Blutrausch wie im Mittelalter

The EU and also USA do not allow Modi to travel here, because his extreme violations of human rights.

Thats the translation in short.
i hav only one question to ask u, why are u putting up posts like this one? i mean whats the use of such things?
Indien: Hindus schüren im Wahlkampf Hass auf Muslime - SPIEGEL ONLINE

I just will give you the basics info in short and will not issue any opinion since i´m european and not indian and i have no insight in indian policies.

The article says that Modi has good chances to become the next PM of india but his party has to close connections to a radical hindu group called RSS. The members of this group are facists and radicals and comitt terrorist acts as well as murders.

The articles says that the RSS want christians as well as muslims pushed out of india and blame them for any problems that happen there.

It says that this religious fanatics spread over india and have over 40.000 local groups in 2013.

The article states that the founder of this RSS wanted total submission of all non hindus and that they should have no rights.

The article says that Modi party BJP is under complete control of the neo facist RSS and all non Hindus must fear progroms if he will win.

The journalist Ulrike Putz says that Modi is direct responsible for the murder of more than 1000 people in his provice Gujarat in 2002. She says it was a slaughter worse than in the middle ages and the BJP and Modi direct supported this:

DER SPIEGELÂ 19/2002 -
Blutrausch wie im Mittelalter

The EU and also USA do not allow Modi to travel here, because his extreme violations of human rights.

Thats the translation in short.
Warum hast du einen Atrikel von 2002 entdeckt ? Es gibt einen besseren , den kürzlich geschrieben war, aber auf DW.
No, the first article i quoted is from yesterday:

Indien: Hindus schüren im Wahlkampf Hass auf Muslime - SPIEGEL ONLINE

And the article plain and simple says that Modi is a Nazi and his RSS plans a mass genocide. That rises some concerns. It also says that Modi never distanced himself from this progroms he started. Infact it says he even makes jokes about the victims, saying its like killing a dog with a car. This does rise concerns here as i said. I would not like to see india falling into a facist dictatorship.
It took me some time to go through the translation.
Well,this is plain and simple biased propaganda, or someone has severe misunderstandings.India, with its framework, cannot be anything but secular.If there is any form of religious extremism that the world should be worried about, it is those elements which encourage people to carry out suicide bombings, beheadings and terrorist attacks, does that ring a bell?

Having said that, let me tell you, the case of Gujarat riots had been thoroughly investigated by the Indian judiciary and Modi has been given a clean chit, which allows him to contest the elections.
We value our opinions more than that of anybody else, when it comes to our internal matters.If Modi was indeed considered as a perpetrator in the riots by the people then he would not have been elected as the Chief Minister of Gujarat for past 12 years isnt it?
The article is right in many ways, including its description of the fundamentalist Hindutva elements.

As to whether RSS is using Modi, or Modi is using RSS, that's an open question but the fact remains that they are allied. It is also true that they are downplaying their mutual association in this election so as not to scare off the moderate voters.
Well why don´t take the time to show what your opinion is. Its a fact that Modi was not allowed to travel to EU and USA blocked him too for massive violations of human rights. So my guess is, that there is something true?
it is true to certain extent. but India has rule of law. you must be aware of it by now after the marine episode. No party will ever get absolute power so even fascists are kept in check.
The article is right in many ways, including its description of the fundamentalist Hindutva elements.

As to whether RSS is using Modi, or Modi is using RSS, that's an open question but the fact remains that they are allied. It is also true that they are downplaying their mutual association in this election so as not to scare off the moderate voters.

RSS and down playing mutual association??? dude RSS workers are the one who are doing primarily doing all the volunteer and ground work for BJP
i hav only one question to ask u, why are u putting up posts like this one? i mean whats the use of such things?
Its an article that was published in Spiegel magazine. Spiegel is one of the most renomated magazines in germany. India is not often topic in our media here so i was interested about indians opinion. Its never wrong to know how people think who live on the other side of the world.

Warum hast du einen Atrikel von 2002 entdeckt ? Es gibt einen besseren , den kürzlich geschrieben war, aber auf DW.

Der Artikel ist von gestern, nicht von vor 12 Jahren. Der alte Artikel war nur noch mal extra vom Spiegel in den neuen verlinkt.

what does 'Wahlkampf‛ means???

Wahlkampf can be best translated as election campaign.
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