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‘Intelligent Pakistani generals recognise India’s strength’

The Indian Army is truly mighty in terms of size and strength, and the Pakistan Army knows it. its called 'knowing your enemy'. But, mistake it at your own peril that Pakistan is afraid of India!

Secondly, and however, we do all remember the incessant comments of Indian top brass as to how they are 'not prepared/not equipped/not ready to fight with Pakistan. Then some generals high on haywards or whatever brew they fancy also comment that India can take on China and Pakistan simultaneously. Such vacillation... :cheers:
The Indian Army is truly mighty in terms of size and strength, and the Pakistan Army knows it. its called 'knowing your enemy'. But, mistake it at your own peril that Pakistan is afraid of India!

Secondly, and however, we do all remember the incessant comments of Indian top brass as to how they are 'not prepared/not equipped/not ready to fight with Pakistan. Then some generals high on haywards or whatever brew they fancy also comment that India can take on China and Pakistan simultaneously. Such vacillation... :cheers:
Can you plz post some links on those pal
Looks like quiet a lot of broom work for you on the thread Santro :)

Modi wont.. he needs the hardline to win the elections and stay in power.
Singh tried, but was drowned out by the more exploitative members of his party.

The PPP cannot.. no true leader there.
PML(N) wont.. they will cozy up to the establishment to keep the seat.
Im not even sure PTI will here.. that is an untried variable.

Which brings me to the most unlikely candidate..
which is the establishment of Pakistan itself.
Somehow they hold the only key to resolving this issue by swallowing this down with serious difficulty and admitting that they are no longer able to hold the reins of power in Pakistan through the Kashmir bait.
Some professional and realistic generals will have to take the initiative.

Well said. I think it is time for this war between two neighbors to end and for politicians to stop using K word as the best bait to earn votes on either side...

I don't think that it is about whether Modi will do it or Rahul gandhi will do it. The thing that will do from Indian standpoint is a sensible leader at the helm and a clear simple majority (without the need to suck upto regional allies) in Parliament of India. Practically, war is no more a solution for any problems between two Nuclear powers. It has to be done on the tables of negotiations and through diplomacy involving both the neighbors.

No doubt, Modi will have trouble in settling the issue because of the stand of his party is on far right on this one. But, if that leads to peace and prosperity, I am more than sure, Modi or any other politician will do this. Moreover, I would trust Modi to do such a thing over Rahul or any other politician, because Modi is a good administrator, has a track record of being pro-growth and harmony and he sets his priorities that way... I don't see anyone in indian politics scenario except him and Nitish Kumar, who have the courage to start this process...

From Pakistan, as an outsider, I completely agree with your theory... IK would have been the best solution from a civil side, but I am little scared of Qureshi and his ability to derail anything in this world. So, that leave the ball in the cour of PA.. However, my quiestion would be... Would you have such a strong coterie of Generals who can take such a call? because, it will happen most likely in the Post Kiyani ear and thus the question... But, nevertheless, IK or PA or a combination still sounds a reasonable solution...

More importantly, I don't think it is about deciding what happens to Gilgit or what happens to Srinagar, it is more about building peace and normalizing relations and using Kashmir as the example for doing that... which is making the borders irrelevant from both sides... People from both the sides have to suck up their ego and agree to resolve this issue for the betterment of future generations of both sides.. I just hope that the start does take place in 2014... Don't have much expectations from the administration from either side in the current administrations...

Peace in east for Pakistan and Peace in Valley for India just means good business and prosperity for the subcontinent...
Too many indians on this site..atleast I admit that "strength"
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