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Intelectual Terrorism...

Mainstream Pakistani media outlets like dawn.com have Indian columnists and often showcase news stories and articles which are favorable to India -- even at Pakistan's expense.

I have yet to see a single news article or opinion piece in mainstream Indian media which says anything positive about Pakistan. Every single article is either blantantly anti-Pakistan or takes petty, juvenile shots at Pakistan.

Dawn.com prints articles which showcase India's accomplishments. There is no reciprocity in mainstream Indian media.

I have read multiple Editorials by Pakistani Writers in multiple newspapers here...I will try to locate and paste some links as and when I have time....

I will have to give this to you...India media does not highlight Pakistani acomplishments aggressively...its given a minute of airtime ..then its gone...

just like In Pakistan there are some Media channels here in India who believe in making quick buck by towing a common anti-anything line....they are not respected in India either.
Mainstream Pakistani media outlets like dawn.com have Indian columnists and often showcase news stories and articles which are favorable to India -- even at Pakistan's expense.

I have yet to see a single news article or opinion piece in mainstream Indian media which says anything positive about Pakistan. Every single article is either blantantly anti-Pakistan or takes petty, juvenile shots at Pakistan.

Dawn.com prints articles which showcase India's accomplishments. There is no reciprocity in mainstream Indian media.
As i am from media background i can add 2 cents to this topic. Media is a very expensive business. Whatever viewers/ readers want the channel or newspaper show them. If viewer wants to watch about nag nagin dance or some sadhu baba channel shows it or news paper writes about it. And then of-course there is competition for TRP also. There are different cells within the media house like crime, SET (special investigation team), foreign desk(some time divided countries like USA affairs desk), sports desk, ...etc.

Now everything about media trends depends on viewers/readers. Now in Pakistan people want to know about India, its situation, problems,..... so the Pakistani media houses have Indian columnists. Its a pure business. Pakistani media houses have permanent Indian Affairs desk.

On the other hand Indian viewers/ readers are more concerned about domestic problem and situation. When trends change (once in 3-4 months for a week-10days) and channels viewers want to learn about Pakistan every channel is flooded with Pakistan related features with Pakistani guest speakers. Pakistan Affairs comes under foreign desk so you will not find permanent Pakistani columnists in Indian media houses. But there are guest column writers who write specifically after some major incidents like 26/11.

This is just media business.
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Indian TV channels have gone off air in Pakistan following a government directive asking cable operators to shut the networks to counter “cultural invasion” and “anti-Pakistan propaganda”.

“The main reason for the order is to prevent cultural invasion and obscenity that pollute the minds of our people, especially the young generation,” Mohammad Tahir, a senior official in the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority, the country’s broadcast watchdog, told The Telegraph.

He said a directive had already been issued to all cable operators and a campaign launched to ensure compliance. “The order will apply across the board.” No operator will be allowed to show entertainment channels like Star Plus, Sony TV, SABTV, 9x, Star Gold, Colors, and Joo.

Tahir said the first phase of the crackdown involved sending the notices. In the second, the authorities would monitor compliance and determine punishment.

Cable operators in the cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad confirmed they had received the directive and said they were complying. “We have stopped showing Indian channels after receiving the notice,” Islamabad operator Mohammad Babar said. Star Plus and Sony were still being shown by his company, but they would be taken off air soon, Babar added.

He said he personally agreed that some of these channels were showing programmes to “malign” Pakistan. Obscenity, something “repugnant to Pakistani traditions”, had also increased, Babar said.

Even viewers didn’t appear unhappy with the curbs. “I think the decision is right because most of the Indian channels are now increasingly showing sex and violence in their movies and serials which we cannot see with our families,” Faraz Haider, a student of chartered accountancy, said.

On-screen kissing scenes were common in Indian movies and serials, he said. “I can’t watch them with my mother, sister and kids.”

Karachi schoolteacher Shahida Murad felt it would be better if Indian channels were not broadcast as long as relations between the two countries, which deteriorated after last November’s Mumbai attack, didn’t improve.

Ruling Pakistan People’s Party legislator Fauzia Wahab, who is the party’s information secretary and spokesperson, told reporters in Islamabad that “obscene” programmes being shown by Indian channels were a matter of concern for the government.

“We have different cultures and ethos. Such programmes cast a negative impact on the minds of our people, especially the youth,” she said.

The matter also echoed in the National Assembly, with members across all parties asking the government to ban the channels.

The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Frontpage | Pak ‘obscenity’ bar on Indian channels

---------- Post added at 11:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 AM ----------

DAWN.COM | Entertainment | Ban on Indian films?

The moral outrage displayed in the National Assembly on Tuesday against the airing of Indian films on the country’s cable television networks can hardly be considered legitimate grounds for a Pemra ban on such movies. MNAs Bushra Rahman of the PML-Q and Maulana Fazlur Rahman of the JUI-F argued that the projection of Indian culture is causing ‘grave concern among the public’.

This claim is belied by the immense popularity of Indian films in Pakistan. Secondly, the traditions of freedom of choice and a free media demand that citizens be allowed the right to access whatever legal form of the media they desire. An arbitrary or selective ban imposed by the government amounts to censorship.

The fear underlying the outrage refers to the swamping of Pakistani culture by foreign influences. What is needed, therefore, is for the state to actively support and promote the local film, television and performing arts industries. In these fields, there is a dearth of state-supported training institutes in Pakistan. The government-run arts councils can do far more to meet their brief of promoting local cultural productions.

A case against the airing of films — whether they are from India or elsewhere — on local cable television networks can be made, however, in terms of economic and copyright concerns. Such broadcasts made by private cable operators and channels from DVDs are usually pirated. No royalties are paid, and the government earns neither tax nor any other form of revenue.

The broadcaster, by contrast, earns through selling advertisement slots. Given that the country has often been criticised for its failure to control piracy and enforce copyright laws, there is a need to devise codes under which foreign films can be legally aired on local television networks, and no party is denied due revenue.
Well DAWN is our fifth column in the media. It tends to be very anti-Pakistan and fawning over India.

I don't mind balanced coverage and good media relations with all neighbors, but DAWN tends to be quite a sellout when it comes to India.

As for paranoia about cultural invasion, everybody takes a back seat to the French.
Well DAWN is our fifth column in the media. It tends to be very anti-Pakistan and fawning over India.

I don't mind balanced coverage and good media relations with all neighbors, but DAWN tends to be quite a sellout when it comes to India.

As for paranoia about cultural invasion, everybody takes a back seat to the French.

We have got hawks on both sides...who want to control everything....be it education...media...whatever......they are aware if people see the other prospective....they stand to lose....so these resolutions....Bans...and blackouts...
Well DAWN is our fifth column in the media. It tends to be very anti-Pakistan and fawning over India.

I don't mind balanced coverage and good media relations with all neighbors, but DAWN tends to be quite a sellout when it comes to India.

As for paranoia about cultural invasion, everybody takes a back seat to the French.

India even banned Dawn in the Kargil War.
We have got hawks on both sides...who want to control everything....be it education...media...whatever......they are aware if people see the other prospective....they stand to lose....so these resolutions....Bans...and blackouts...

I agree. Banning is a form of protectionism, and people will get around bans anyway. What with the internet and everything...

If Indian talk shows promote Indian propaganda, Pakistan should develop programs to counter those views and present the Pakistani side. God knows we need practice in the art of propaganda...

If Indian movies are corrupting our youth, this should be a kick in the pants to Lollywood to get it's act together and make decent movies once more (like they used to before 1980s).
I agree. Banning is a form of protectionism, and people will get around bans anyway. What with the internet and everything...

If Indian talk shows promote Indian propaganda, Pakistan should develop programs to counter those views and present the Pakistani side. God knows we need practice in the art of propaganda...

If Indian movies are corrupting our youth, this should be a kick in the pants to Lollywood to get it's act together and make decent movies once more (like they used to before 1980s).

Educated mass will always find a way to get the information...from any source even though you ban everything.....its about the under educated mass that on has to worry about...they are the most vulnerable to these bans....

Shut the media and the source of information is dead....then feed whatever you want...fuel the anger...hatred ....and make money.....and let the country go to hell.....thats the plan...always....

By the way I have not seen Pakistani movies...but If you think India movies are great....let me tell you ...some of them really suck.....:sick:....
Well, war is a tricky time anyway.
I don't think even DAWN would publish pro-India views during a war.

That is what I mean. China even ban single urls which are against them. We (India or PAK) just limit very few.
By the way I have not seen Pakistani movies...but If you think India movies are great....let me tell you ...some of them really suck.....:sick:....

I personally don't like most Indian or Pakistani movies. They are aimed at women anyway.

There used to be a time when Pakistanis watched Indian movies because they were better than Pakistani movies. And Indians watched Pakistani TV dramas because they were better than Indian dramas.

I think India started banning Pakistani dramas citing the same paranoia, cultural corruption. Ironic because we have 95% identical culture anyway. :)
I personally don't like most Indian or Pakistani movies. They are aimed at women anyway.

There used to be a time when Pakistanis watched Indian movies because they were better than Pakistani movies. And Indians watched Pakistani TV dramas because they were better than Indian dramas.

I think India started banning Pakistani dramas citing the same paranoia, cultural corruption. Ironic because we have 95% identical culture anyway. :)

I think Sub continent movies are not women focussed but male dominated where women are used as show piece.....female body attracts more audience you know.....

But lately I think Indian directors have matured..sen some sensible teasers on TV...so may be things are changing....

The banning of each others media is the price that Citizens of both countries have to pay for the wars we have had.....i remember a pakistani show..."bakra kishton pe"....in Nineties....excellent comedy....
i remember a pakistani show..."bakra kishton pe"....in Nineties....excellent comedy....

Watch "Andhera Ujala" or "Sona Chandi" if you can get your hands on them.

Especially Andhera Ujala is my all-time favorite Pakistani drama.
The acting is so-so but it is still hilarious.

They are on youtube, but not all episodes.
Watch "Andhera Ujala" or "Sona Chandi" if you can get your hands on them.

Especially Andhera Ujala is my all-time favorite Pakistani drama.
The acting is so-so but it is still hilarious.

They are on youtube, but not all episodes.

Sure will try and locate it...this weekend......
I read in news paper report that there is a new drama on air in Pakistan about the Taliban and its supposed to be very hilarious , they have even taken potshots at cricketers , cant recollect the name now its a fairly new satirical drama, is it possible to watch it anywhere.

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