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Integration of Sikkim into India

Truth Finder

Jun 9, 2013
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United Kingdom

The former princely state of Sikkim, located at a strategically important point on the border between India and China, was integrated into India in 1975 as its 22nd state.

Three princely states bordering India—Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim—were not integrated into the Republic of India in the period between 1947 and 1950. Nepal had been recognised by the British and the Government of India as being de jure independent.Bhutan had in the British period been considered a protectorate outside the international frontier of India.The Government of India entered into a treaty with Bhutan in 1949 continuing this arrangement, and providing that Bhutan would abide by the advice of the Government of India in the conduct of its external affairs.

Historically, Sikkim was a British dependency, with a status similar to that of the other princely states, and was therefore considered to be within the frontiers of India in the colonial period. On independence, however, the Chogyal of Sikkim resisted full integration into India. Given the region's strategic importance to India, the Government of India signed first a Standstill Agreement and then in 1950 a full treaty with the Chogyal of Sikkim which in effect made it a protectorate which was no longer part of India. India had responsibility for defence, external affairs and communications, and ultimate responsibility for law and order, but Sikkim was otherwise given full internal autonomy. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Chogyal, supported by the minority Bhutia and Lepcha upper classes, attempted to negotiate greater powers, particularly over external affairs, to give Sikkim more of an international personality. These policies were opposed by Kazi Lhendup Dorji and the Sikkim State Congress, who represented the ethnic Nepali middle classes and took a more pro-Indian view.

In April 1973, an anti-Chogyal agitation broke out; the agitators demanded the conduct of popular elections. The Sikkim police were unable to control the demonstrations, and Dorji asked India to exercise its responsibility for law and order and intervene. India facilitated negotiations between the Chogyal and Dorji, and produced an agreement which envisaged the reduction of the Chogyal to the role of aconstitutional monarch and the holding of elections based on a new ethnic power-sharing formula.The Chogyal's opponents won an overwhelming victory, and a new Constitution was drafted providing for Sikkim to be associated with the Republic of India. On 10 April 1975, the Sikkim Assembly passed a resolution calling for the state to be fully integrated into India. This resolution was endorsed by 97% of the vote in a referendum held on 14 April 1975, following which the Indian Government amended the constitution to admit Sikkim into India as its 22nd state.


Had China captured Sikkim, it would have been a nightmare for India.
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It seems even Nepal was interested in joining Indian Union. But Nehru resisted it, on the thoughts ,India would be seen as a expansive power.
It had a positive efffect nevertheless.
It seems even Nepal was interested in joining Indian Union. But Nehru resisted it, on the thoughts ,India would be seen as a expansive power.
It had a positive efffect nevertheless.

Now this seems like a bad idea
considering that Nepali people enjoy full rights in India as per our friendship treaty but dont have any obligations to follow rules and laws
Nepal being a Hindu country should have been merged with India even if it was through force
Considering the Chiken's neck.

Bangladesh does has the big opportunity to cut off the land from India and merge it with BD for land expansion,Later they can grab their land back from Myanmmar aswell to have its border with thailand
Considering the Chiken's neck.

Bangladesh does has the big opportunity to cut off the land from India and merge it with BD for land expansion,Later they can grab their land back from Myanmmar aswell to have its border with thailand

We all expect better from a seasoned poster like you!

Now this seems like a bad idea
considering that Nepali people enjoy full rights in India as per our friendship treaty but dont have any obligations to follow rules and laws
Nepal being a Hindu country should have been merged with India even if it was through force

Cos they have remained independent for centuries. The people will have a sense of independence, and they might now think of revulsion of living under any other country. We might have been well fighting a insurgency if Nepal was integrated. If the people had wished so, then its fine.
Just cos a region have hinduism, it does not necessarily becomes for integration. On the last though I have never seen any Muslim countries helping our neighbour
Considering the Chiken's neck.

Bangladesh does has the big opportunity to cut off the land from India and merge it with BD for land expansion,Later they can grab their land back from Myanmmar aswell to have its border with thailand

You know what....there is a limit for wet dreams as well or rather in this case lame dreams....Even our Chinese friends tried to occupy the very same land way back in 1967 but the end of the battle saw the People's Liberation Army retreat from Sikkim with almost thrice the Casualties and losses India suffered during the entire conflict......

Source:- Chola incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Considering the Chiken's neck.

Bangladesh does has the big opportunity to cut off the land from India and merge it with BD for land expansion,Later they can grab their land back from Myanmmar aswell to have its border with thailand

And you think India will simply sit back and let bangladesh take seven states from us?

Sure, b'desh might be able to cut off the chicken's neck. In return, the entire II strike corps will invade b'desh from multiple points. In a few days, the 7 states as well as b'desh will be ruled by India.

Note that India does not have any intention or desire to annex b'desh. I am simply telling you what will happen if the impossible scenario you painted takes place, that of b'desh trying to take our states from us.
Considering the Chiken's neck.

Bangladesh does has the big opportunity to cut off the land from India and merge it with BD for land expansion,Later they can grab their land back from Myanmmar aswell to have its border with thailand

Even if Bangladesh increase its military power by 10 folds, it still impossible to do. :sarcastic::sarcastic:
Nepal being a Hindu country should have been merged with India even if it was through force

India is not an expansionist hindu republic. Other countries can be hindu countries without being in danger of being annexed by India. India herself is a secular republic, and by the way Nepal is too, now.
Considering the Chiken's neck.

Bangladesh does has the big opportunity to cut off the land from India and merge it with BD for land expansion,Later they can grab their land back from Myanmmar aswell to have its border with thailand
Pakistan with all it's resources has not been able to sever NH 1A?

What chance does BD have to even consider any such adventure ?
And you think India will simply sit back and let bangladesh take seven states from us?

Sure, b'desh might be able to cut off the chicken's neck. In return, the entire II strike corps will invade b'desh from multiple points. In a few days, the 7 states as well as b'desh will be ruled by India.

Note that India does not have any intention or desire to annex b'desh. I am simply telling you what will happen if the impossible scenario you painted takes place, that of b'desh trying to take our states from us.

Bangladesh's biggest enemy would be its geography which was a blessing during 1971 liberation war. If you remember in 1971 even a bird couldn't have trespassed in East Pakistan from sea or air without India's permission. :sarcastic::sarcastic:

what positive effects???

China had plans to grab Sikkim, there was a sense of fear in Sikkim that China will attack Sikkim any time.
You know what....there is a limit for wet dreams as well or rather in this case lame dreams....Even our Chinese friends tried to occupy the very same land way back in 1967 but the end of the battle saw the People's Liberation Army retreat from Sikkim with almost thrice the Casualties and losses India suffered during the entire conflict......

Source:- Chola incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Keep having your wet dreams and never wake up。:enjoy:

If lying to yourself helps you feel better,go ahead。

Mental masturbation is for losers。
Considering the Chiken's neck.

Bangladesh does has the big opportunity to cut off the land from India and merge it with BD for land expansion,Later they can grab their land back from Myanmmar aswell to have its border with thailand

Yes, but the country is 'Bangladesh', and the army and airforce stationed in Siliguri corridor has much higher fire power than that whole nation combined.
It seems even Nepal was interested in joining Indian Union. But Nehru resisted it, on the thoughts ,India would be seen as a expansive power.
It had a positive efffect nevertheless.

BS. Nepal wanted to maintain it's monarchy and chrished it until it's nutcase royal prince killed all of them in the 1990s.

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