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Instead of talk India should bomb Terror Camps in Pakistan Dr Subramanian Swamy

lol as if i am dying to talk to you. All i wanted to do was to present the remaining part, which i did. Now please don't bother to quote me again as i don't want to continue this discussion anymore. GoodBye!

This is a forum. You can't tell anyone to quote or not to quote you. I never implied that you were dying to talk to me only that I had already gone way too off topic so couldn't continue so please instead of flaring up calm down.
This is a forum. You can't tell anyone to quote or not to quote you. I never implied that you were dying to talk to me only that I had already gone way too off topic so couldn't continue so please instead of flaring up calm down.
It's okay yr. Don't apologize now :P :enjoy:
man, he is very good in legal matters. But wasting his talent in silly things.
How can a man of his intelligence talk so much rubbish.
Many intellectuals on both side talks this rubbish when it comes to indopak. Anyway don't want to give attention to these "attention seekers".
Because Baloch people are more patriotic than you think they are. You are talking about the separatist groups?? Don't even think that an average Baloch would support any such effort and the reason I am saying this is because I have been there and I have known people who have spent there entire lives in Balochistan and not just its capital I mean. Not one Baloch I have met in my life ever who supports any such movement and they are more anti India then you would even like to think.
No, the moment you ask the Kashmiris what they want and grant them their rights is when there would be no further cross border issues. I have no issues with whatever they decide and nor should anyone else.
Your personal experience proves nothing,I can also say the same thing about Kashmir.
Your personal experience proves nothing,I can also say the same thing about Kashmir.

Yes you can but the point is there are several human rights organisations that are independent and have published their reports regarding Kashmir so that has more authenticity unless proven otherwise. Otherwise I would have definitely agreed. And please don't make it a point to boost your ego I refrained from discussing it because I have been doing so for a very long today and now I am tired of it. If someone doesn't want to talk about facts rather offer tit for tat responses without analysing the situation on both the sides in detail then its no use to discuss.
As I said already, we don't need to do anything for at least a decade. Anyways, I believe we have already done enough in 1971, I don't know why do you want more? Maybe you love being humiliated.

who took half of Kashmir, oh was it Pak army?...oh no, just few thousand of jihadis...omg really??
oh man Indian must be humiliated!
no, they are beghairat
who took half of Kashmir, oh was it Pak army?...oh no, just few thousand of jihadis...omg really??
oh man Indian must be humiliated!
no, they are beghairat

Yeah!!! Indians must be humiliated and we are beghairat ;)
Yes you can but the point is there are several human rights organisations that are independent and have published their reports regarding Kashmir so that has more authenticity unless proven otherwise. Otherwise I would have definitely agreed. And please don't make it a point to boost your ego I refrained from discussing it because I have been doing so for a very long today and now I am tired of it. If someone doesn't want to talk about facts rather offer tit for tat responses without analysing the situation on both the sides in detail then its no use to discuss.
I can also show you independent reports about atrocities in Balochistan which proves nothing,the only thing which matters is what UN says.
You know how they say in Punjabi, "Aao zara, kushbu lega kay".

But really when elections are close, everyone promises to go above and beyond to safeguard their people's interests and the easily manipulated people give in.
I can also show you independent reports about atrocities in Balochistan which proves nothing,the only thing which matters is what UN says.

From a Baluch:


You know how they say in Punjabi, "Aao zara, kushbu lega kay".

But really when elections are close, everyone promises to go above and beyond to safeguard their people's interests and the easily manipulated people give in.

thts from a old ptv drama dude.. A Sindhi wadera says tht......:lol:
Pakistan should also bomb TSD of IA MI which is spreading terrorism in Balochistan and adjoining areas.
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