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Inside one of the world's largest licensed brothels - BBC News

YOu actually are... 95% of the prostitute chose what they are doing... Abduction and force prostitution are just too rare. People dont want that kind of trouble when willing girls are abundant.

I don't even know what to say.

If you believe what you've written here, you're mentally sick.
WTF you trying to prove here? These are the legacy we are still bearing from us being part of India and british rule. Most of the brothels were closed down since 1947. Few remains because of the NGO and high court who intervened.

There is nothing wrong in it.. Even your wife is paid for it... only through a marriage license.

Direct all your questions to BBC. They went there, they covered this issue and put in their main channel feed.
Direct all your questions to BBC. They went there, they covered this issue and put in their main channel feed.
No, you did this. You paid for the team to go there and build a film set where this was made. Bangladesh is a superpower, its economy beats that of the EU.
Bangladesh can do no wrong and has no problems. It puts Scandinavian utopias to shame with its hyper liberated feminists.

Please try understand that BBC or any other 3rd party has a completely dishonest agenda.

who exactly is saying this here.

this story illustrates a tragedy but its hardly specific to Bangladesh.
Even your wife is paid for it... only through a marriage license.

You are a through and through degenerate, just so you know.

If no real woman wants to love you and all you can do is wave some biman babu money at some cheap ones to do some bidding....keep that broken attitude to yourself.

The fact you go further to assert this on everyone else too to feel better about your degeneracy is quite despicable.

who exactly is saying this here.

this story illustrates a tragedy but its hardly specific to Bangladesh.

TopCat definitely has this vibe coming off him...whenever there is even an iota of something criticizing (with proof) of Bangladesh.

Other BD members in here are obv more realistic and reasonable.
. . .
Bangladesh can do no wrong and has no problems. It puts Scandinavian utopias to shame with its hyper liberated feminists.

Please try understand that BBC or any other 3rd party has a completely dishonest agenda.

I believe just outside of Dhaka.

Western countries are double minded when it comes to individual prostitution and here we are to believe that a system where one madam controls a run down brothel the rights of their workers are protected?
Countries should really take care of their own citizens well before talking about how people in another country live, this is just unbelievably horrible.
You are a through and through degenerate, just so you know.

If no real woman wants to love you and all you can do is wave some biman babu money at some cheap ones to do some bidding....keep that broken attitude to yourself.

The fact you go further to assert this on everyone else too to feel better about your degeneracy is quite despicable.
You are too naive... You never know, your so called love could be someone who were paid before... I seen a lot in my life.. LOL
TopCat definitely has this vibe coming off him...whenever there is even an iota of something criticizing (with proof) of Bangladesh.

Other BD members in here are obv more realistic and reasonable.

I did not say anything specific of bangladesh. Prostitution the most popular and widespread profession in the world.
I myself paid college education for some of the stunning girls... who are now well settled in their life ... :)
You never know...
. . .
Prostitution is a vile work that dehumanizes women & treats them as cattle.These unfortunate women should be properly rehabilitated & integrated into society.

Just curious... how do you see a woman MBA who by the very system of her "educatedness" causes socio-economic Capitalist problems for other citizens ?? In India, MBAs are part of the reason why farmers commit suicide.


Prostitution is something that has always existed and can never be eradicated. It exists in all countries and all places.
It needs to be licensed and regulated to ensure the health, safety, and security of the sex workers. They need to be protected from the exploitation of pimps and mafias. They then need to be offered education and economic alternatives to enable them to adopt other ways of making a living.
Prohibition is not the answer to this or any other problem.

Pimps and mafias are among the things that criminal gangs indulge in or promote. Criminality has to be banned in the same spirit that a country invests in its military.
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Nothing to criticize here. This will remain as long as humans are here.
And BTW I have seen people ( friends and many pvt. and govt. officials) who criticize this profession but are customers. The less income group goes to cheap brothels, the medium...call girls and rich....Bangkok.

Many examples...I am sure are here. If not prostitution, then extramarital affairs, just for fun, experiment, adventure etc...for s** only.

Even the people who have their religion permitting of the marriage of more than one person are also customers. What do you call businessmen or contractors supply girls to officers to get the work done?

Basically everything is done for money. One should watch the award-winning Hindi movie MANDI to know this profession better.
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