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INS Vikramaditya all set for crucial, pre-induction trials

Firing up the engines before leaving for the sea!

Wrong, there is news that the boiler number one caught fire but a conflicting statement that there was some fire, a minor one it seems.. I will post the link soon..
Fire in INS Vikramaditya Not Delays Sea Trials

NS Vikramaditya will take to the sea for crucial pre-induction trials on June 8, Russian shipbuilding sources said.

Last month, the trials were put off by two weeks due to bad weather alerts.

However, the delay will not affect the scheduled delivery of the aircraft carrier to the Indian Navy in December, according to the Sevmash shipyard, where the Soviet-era Admiral Gorshkov carrier has undergone modernisation and repairs.

“We are confident that we will hand over the vessel to India on December 4, Navy Day,” said Sevmash Director-General Andrei Dyachkov.

The towering 45,300-tonne, 284 metre-long Vikramaditya stood moored at Sevmash when this writer, first foreign correspondent allowed on board, visited the vessel last week. The ship, rich with the smell of freshly painted walls and equipment, was bustling with pre-trial activity as workers took advantage of the postponement to put finishing touches to the 2,700 compartments of the 60-metre tall carrier.

The Sevmash chief was visibly proud of the work his shipyard did in converting the Gorshkov heavy carrier/cruiser into a full-fledged aircraft carrier.

‘As good as modern vessel’

“Vikramaditya is as good as any new modern-day aircraft carrier,” Mr Dyachkov told The Hindu in his first interview to a foreign newspaper. “Given proper maintenance, it will stay in service for up to 40 years.”

Mr. Dyachkov is aware of bad blood in India over the huge cost escalation but says the price review was inevitable.

“When we opened up the equipment we realised that the scope of work would be far bigger than [what] the original contract envisaged. Most equipment had to be replaced and the ship was completely rewired with 2,400 kilometres of new cables,” he said. “Never before has an aircraft carrier undergone such massive modernisation.”

The Sevmash chief would not discuss the refurbishment cost, but the media usually give $615 million as the initial contract price and $2.2 billion as the final price. However, Russian sources have pointed out that 25 per cent of that sum was the cost of training Indian personnel and building onshore infrastructure in India, and another 10 per cent was for additional systems New Delhi wanted installed when the contract was being renegotiated.

Mr. Dyachkov said Sevmash could have cut the cost by using cheaper materials and equipment but it rejected the option.

“Our top priority was to ensure irreproachable quality, reliability and long service life for the vessel. In fact, the shipyard did not make much profit on this contract, as most of the contract cost went to the suppliers of equipment and systems.”

More than 400 subcontractors were involved in the project, including 10 Indian companies which supplied communication systems, protective coating, a telephone exchange, life rafts, pumps, hygiene and galley equipment, and many more.

Extensive remodelling

Designed to operate only vertical takeoff aircraft, the ship has been extensively remodelled. It has had its flight deck extended and turned into a full runway with a ski jump and arrestor wires. The vessel has new engines, new boilers, new generators, electrical machinery, communication systems and distillation plants.

With INS Vikramaditya overhaul practically over, Sevmash is now focussed on carrying forward cooperation with India in the sphere of aircraft carriers.

“We are in talks with several Indian companies for setting up a joint venture to provide the full range of post-guarantee maintenance and repair services to INS Vikramaditya, including the supply of spares,” said Mr. Dyachkov.

Sevmash, which has built more than 200 submarines and surface ships over its 70-odd years’ history, is also keen on taking part in the construction of India’s indigenous aircraft carriers.

“We have amassed invaluable experience in decades-long collaboration with Indian shipbuilders, which has been further enriched during the retrofitting of Gorshkov and modernisation of Kilo-class INS submarines,” said Mr. Dyachkov.

Is it Vikadi? I doubt so, Its look like Kuztsnev class carrier with Flanker-K on it. Correct me if I am wrong

This is Kuzstnev Class carrier
first one is Kuzsnev class, Which is turned into casino (oops!) by china, second is kiev class, which is Vikadi.

This is one more pic

in soviet russia it takes 8 yrs and 2.3 bill to fix an old aircraft carrier. crazy russians.

Building a new carrier is easier than modifying an destroyer/cruiser... It has to be completely modified, with all the parts replaced..
Fire in INS Vikramaditya Not Delays Sea Trials

1.That's the link to the fire incident. The ship was to be auctioned as scrap. But Indian graft-masters selected her for earning double doze under the table. In the purchase and in the massive repair. The poor Sikh Commodore who had protested was honey-trapped by an Indo-Russian JV conspiracy.

2. All IN scrambled eggs know what's happening. There goes India's pompous claim to Super Power ship!!

Says who ? you whose whole country got screwed first by Pakistan, then India and soon by US of A :lol:

Eat your words or I will Report you for banishment.
Building a new carrier is easier than modifying an destroyer/cruiser... It has to be completely modified, with all the parts replaced..

so that is what caused the delay.
hmmm understood!
Ships in yards can catch fire! Specially under refit/ construction. The workers on Vik are in a hurry thanks to the delivery schedule!

Fire on US nuke boat (May 24th)....

Fire on US Nuclear Submarine Injures Seven at Maine Naval Shipyard | Common Dreams

$400 mil to repair ....

US Rep.: Early estimate is $400M to repair sub

Fire on Russian nuke boat in shipyard (December 2011) ....

Fire on Russian nuclear sub 'totally extinguished' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

So even if there was a small fire, I cannot fathom why some people here are acting like retards!
The incident supposedely happened on June 1st, the news of the voyage to the Barents sea came on 6th

The issue is already resolved kid, sad no candy for you ...
Tests of an aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" in the White Sea will begin June 8

The aircraft carrier naval forces of India "Vikramaditya" on the night of June 8 will go to the first test access to the White Sea. This "RG" said the spokesperson of the company, "Sevmash" Anastasia Nikitinskaya. According to her, it is planned that the ceremony of an aircraft carrier out into the waters begin about 11 pm on Friday. It will be attended by a member of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Pospelov, president of JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation" Roman Trotsenko, Deputy General Director of "Rosoboronexport" Igor Sevastyanov, the governor of the Arkhangelsk region, Igor Orlov, and other dignitaries.

Total time tests the aircraft carrier will be 120 days. In the case of a fault the ship will stop testing and return to the Severodvinsk shipyard to address them. On board will be the Russian-Indian crew. This is one of the largest Russian-Indian contract.

Recall that a light aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" built on the basis of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Gorshkov" through deep modernization. It is designed to replace worn out aircraft carrier 'Vikrant' and after completion should be the flagship of the Indian Navy.

His repair lasted for several years in the enterprise. The contract for the modernization was signed with India in 2004. Housing cruiser "Admiral Gorshkov" to the Indian side handed over free of charge with the condition of its modernization, "Sevmash" and the air group of Russian-made equipment. The contract provided for the allocation of 974 million dollars for the reconstruction and modernization of aircraft carriers, as well as $ 530 million for delivery of 16 MiG-29K and sea anti-submarine helicopters Ka-31 and Ka-27.

In January 2007, India has suspended further payments under the contract. Later in November the same year the Russian side raised the issue of the need for additional financing activities. In December 2008, negotiations resumed work on upgrading too. During this time the ship was modernized and enlarged flight deck, formed a springboard to an angle of 14 degrees and three arresting gear. Translated from the power plant using heavy fuel oil to diesel fuel.

As a result, the aircraft carrier will be able to take on board the aircraft weighing up to 25 tons, including MiG-29K, S-54/55/56, Rafale-M, F/A-18.

Also on the aircraft carrier will be present Ka-28 and Ka-31, possibly basing the Indian HAL Dhruv helicopter and the Russian Ka-60 (Ka-64) "Killer Whale". The aircraft carrier has received new radar and navigation systems, complex communication and control aircraft.

- In fact, using advanced technology, was created an entirely new ship, - stated in the PO "Sevmash".

Transfer of the Indian Navy ship to be held in December 2012. After completion of the renovation and modernization of the displacement of the ship will be more than 45 000 tonnes. The length of the ship - 283 meters, width - 59.8 meters, the total number of aircraft 30, the crew person in 1924.

Èñïûòàíèÿ àâèàíîñöà "Âèêðàìàäèòüÿ" â Áåëîì ìîðå íà÷íóòñÿ 8 èþíÿ — Àííà ×èñòÿêîâà — Ðîññèéñêàÿ ãàçåòà — Èñïûòàíèÿ àâèàíîñöà "Âèêðàìàäèòüÿ" â Áåëîì ìîðå íà÷íóòñÿ 8 èþíÿ
From where have you Become APPROVING authority ?

Such Immature comments.
He is part of self proclaimed Masiha of the world. The only work they have "Begani Saddi me Abdulla Dewana". They dont belive in growing up but to push others down.
The Gorshkov: a bone of contention

The Gorshkov: a bone of contention
On February 24 news appeared in the Russian media about further plans for the modernization of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya, also known as the Admiral Gorshkov. The ship is now undergoing upgrading at the Sevmash Shipbuilding Factory for the benefit of the Indian Navy, although the episode related to the transfer of the aircraft carrier has been dragging on for almost 15 years. The Gorshkov has earned itself the ‘glory’ of being the most difficult project in the history of military-technical cooperation between Russia and India. Work on its modernization has dragged on for way too long, and because of that rumors have surfaced that the ship could after all remain in Russia.

Yet $1 billion is needed for the modernization of the aircraft carrier for the Indian Navy. Admiral Gorshkov. Photo by rosprom.gov.ru.

Something went wrong
The story of the Gorshkov is somewhat similar to another story that received wide publicity last year: the story of the submarine Nerpa. The two ships are scheduled to be sold to India, but they have both been involved in incidents that cost people lives. True, if the incident on the submarine Nerpa, which occurred under strange circumstances on November 8, 2008, and took the lives of 20 military men and civilians, is still fresh on our memories, the case involving the Gorshkov has more or less been forgotten because of time.

The tragic incident on the aircraft carrier, which back then was still in the Russian Navy, took place in February of 1994. Because of the rupture of the main vapor pipe, 7 sailors who had been locked up in one of the ship’s technical rooms died.

The same month, because of a collision with a Ukrainian dry cargo ship, a fire broke out on the cruiser, and its consequences, according to some sources, made an eventual return of the ship into the combat group of the Russian Navy very unlikely. Nonetheless, on May 9, 1995, the Gorshkov led the V-Day parade in the Kola Bay after undergoing thorough repairs. It was in fact the last triumphant sortie of the ship out to sea.

The Gorshkov in fact has not two, but even three names. Until October 4, 1990, the aircraft carrier was actually known as the Baku, a name that was changed to Admiral of the Soviet Navy Gorshkov, though even in official documents it was still being referred to simply as the Admiral Gorshkov. After an agreement with India, the ship was renamed as the Vikramaditya, which can be translated as All Powerful or Powerful as the Sun, after a legendary Indian leader who became famous not less through his many military victories.

Construction of the aircraft carrier began at the Nikolaev shipyards under a design by the Nevsky Construction Bureau on December 26, 1978. It was based on further development of a series of cruisers of the Kiev-type built on a modified 1143.4 Project. In 1988, the Baku went to sea in its first combat mission in an squadron in the Mediterranean, and in December it was included in the Northern Fleet. Between 1989 and 1990, the ship also carried out combat missions and exercises in the Barents Sea.

The ship had an air group made up of Yak-141 and Yak-38 vertical takeoff and landing jetfighters, as well as Ka-27, Ka-252RLD and Ka-252PS recon, search and rescue helicopters. But according to Ria Novosti, the vertical landing and takeoff jetfighters, which lacked the necessary combat characteristics, were what doomed the Admiral Gorshkov. The jetfighters performed few combat missions, had an insufficient range, and a high breakdown rate.

The shortcomings could not be remedied because of the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union and the dry up in funding. As a result, the aircraft were retired from combat duty and the Admiral Gorshkov itself was docked.

A second life
Negotiations on the sale of the aircraft carrier to India began back in 1994 and had been going on practically for 10 years. Finally on January 20, 2004, an agreement was signed in Delhi between RosOboronExport, the Russian government’s arm sales agent, and the Indian Navy according to which India was to pay $1.5 billion for the warship.

Approximately $600-700 million was to be spent on repairing the warship, as a result of which it was to be transformed from an aircraft cruiser into a light aircraft carrier. The bulk of the money was to be spent on planes for the ship: Mig-29ks jet fighters and Ka-27 and Ka-31 helicopters were being considered. In addition, the asking price included the ship’s equipment and armament, which was to be provided by third parties.

The Vikramaditya in December 2008. Photo by Sevmash.

The final configuration of the ship’s air group was decided upon relatively not long ago. It is to include 16 Mig-29ks, 4 Mig-29KUB, which India took delivery of in February 2009, and up to 8 Ka-28 helicopters and one Ka-31 and three Indian HAL Dhruv multipurpose helicopters.

The frame of the aircraft carrier was also to be modified substantially to allow the basing of supersonic jetfighters with horizontal takeoff and landing; the landing strip was to be lengthened up to the nose of the ship, where there was to be a springboard at a 14 degrees angle. To slow down the jetfighters on the deck of the ship at landing, the aircraft carrier was to be equipped with three cable aero finishers. To raise jetfighters and helicopters from the hangar to the deck a lift with a capacity of 30 tonnes was to be added on the Gorshkov.

The armament system of the ship also underwent modification, although the details remain sketchy. The aircraft carrier will thus be armed with a new air-defense system. In fact an Israeli antiaircraft system is being considered. In addition, the ship could also be armed with the supersonic cruise missile Brahmos developed in cooperation by Russia and India.

Why has work to upgrade the ship dragged on for so long is now hard to tell. But it is obvious that there were reasons, and perhaps not only financial ones.

According to some sources, the Sevmash Shipbuilding Factory catastrophically lacked the specialists needed to do the job. In comments on the matter in December 27 in an interview with the Itar-Tass news agency, the head of the government enterprise RosTechnology said the following: “To execute the export contract we are forced to assemble workers from all over the country, for the repair of the cruiser Admiral Gorshkov we do not have enough welders, and we have to search for them all over the county.”

The Indians also did not always observe the conditions of the contract, and funding, according to some sources, was neither always on time nor even made in full. According to Kommersant, a newspaper, India stopped making payments back in January 2007, and that same year, Moscow demanded $1.2 million from India for the completion of work.

The Indian Finance Ministry rejected the army’s request for funds to pay the invoice from Russia. In addition, the newspaper affirms that India had refused to pay the $600 million necessary to begin tests in the Barents Sea in 2011.

A what cost?
In late November 2008, information appeared in the Russian media that Russia had demanded another $2 billion from Indian to complete the modernization of the Gorshkov. Indian journalists, without particularly giving into the details of the problem, accused Russia of “arms-twisting,” since India was in dire need of the new aircraft carrier and a cancellation of the contract would have hurt the combat capability of its navy.

Nonetheless, rumors that the Gorshkov could remain in Russia and be re-incorporated into the Russian Navy have appeared. An anonymous source in the Russian defense-industrial complex told the following to the Ria Novosti news agency in November 2008: “If India does not pay the money, we will keep the aircraft carrier. It will be very handy to have, since the world is in a very complicated stage. Such ships are necessary to patrol the waters of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean seas.”

Why has the price for the modernization shot up so radically? Nobody knows in reality, even though, as Itar-Tass insists, the transformation of an aircraft carrier cruiser into an aircraft carrier is comparable, from the point of view the amount of work hours, to the construction of a new ship of the same class. It cannot be ruled out either that inflation played a role here, as well as price increases for equipment and armaments.

Even stranger are rumors that the U.S. is ready to give the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk, which is scheduled for decommissioning by the U.S. Navy, to India free of charge. These rumors appeared in early 2008. According to Izvestia, a Russian newspaper, India, as compensation for the “gift,” was to purchase 65 F/A-18E/F jetfighters from the U.S. Such a deal would have in effect killed the Russian-Indian agreement on the sale of the Gorshkov. But the Indian Navy later denied the information.

Kitty Hawk. Photo by US Navy.

According to the latest information, which Izvestia reported on February 24, 2009, citing the United Shipbuilding Corporation, $1 billion will be needed to complete the modernization of the Gorshkov, and information that Russia has asked more than $2 billion additionally for these purposes has nothing to do with reality.

The press service of Sevmash announced not long ago that a delegation of the company that visited India signed an agreement on the payment of the first tranche, and that even though India has not paid the money in the past two years, work has continued, and that the ship his half-ready. The final decision on the amount of additional payments will likely be made by May 2009. In the meantime, the sides will continue to negotiate an agreeable price for both. Another question in this saga around project overruns in the upgrading of the Gorshkov is why did the Russian side wait for so long before issuing a denial of the rumors that were circulating in the India media about the price of the deal? It cannot be ruled out that, in fact, the price was determined only recently in negotiations that were deliberately kept low key.

That Delhi was ready to ditch the Gorshkov and begin a search for an alternative was, after all, hard to believe. The Vikramaditiya will replace the Vigraat in the Indian Navy, an old British Hermes light aircraft carrier built in 1959 and whose potential has been exhausted. The Kitty Hawk is in fact as old as the British Hermes and can only be considered seriously only as scrap metal.

In addition, Indian has been increasing its defense budget despite the financial crisis, and relations between Delhi and its neighbor Pakistan are only worsening, even though it is hard to believe that the ship will indeed be transferred to India in 2012 as planned.

Source: Lenta.ru, author: Andrey Fedorov

The Gorshkov: a bone of contention

The Gorshkov: a bone of contention
On February 24 news appeared in the Russian media about further plans for the modernization of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya, also known as the Admiral Gorshkov. The ship is now undergoing upgrading at the Sevmash Shipbuilding Factory for the benefit of the Indian Navy, although the episode related to the transfer of the aircraft carrier has been dragging on for almost 15 years. The Gorshkov has earned itself the ‘glory’ of being the most difficult project in the history of military-technical cooperation between Russia and India. Work on its modernization has dragged on for way too long, and because of that rumors have surfaced that the ship could after all remain in Russia.

Yet $1 billion is needed for the modernization of the aircraft carrier for the Indian Navy. Admiral Gorshkov. Photo by rosprom.gov.ru.

Something went wrong
The story of the Gorshkov is somewhat similar to another story that received wide publicity last year: the story of the submarine Nerpa. The two ships are scheduled to be sold to India, but they have both been involved in incidents that cost people lives. True, if the incident on the submarine Nerpa, which occurred under strange circumstances on November 8, 2008, and took the lives of 20 military men and civilians, is still fresh on our memories, the case involving the Gorshkov has more or less been forgotten because of time.

The tragic incident on the aircraft carrier, which back then was still in the Russian Navy, took place in February of 1994. Because of the rupture of the main vapor pipe, 7 sailors who had been locked up in one of the ship’s technical rooms died.

The same month, because of a collision with a Ukrainian dry cargo ship, a fire broke out on the cruiser, and its consequences, according to some sources, made an eventual return of the ship into the combat group of the Russian Navy very unlikely. Nonetheless, on May 9, 1995, the Gorshkov led the V-Day parade in the Kola Bay after undergoing thorough repairs. It was in fact the last triumphant sortie of the ship out to sea.

The Gorshkov in fact has not two, but even three names. Until October 4, 1990, the aircraft carrier was actually known as the Baku, a name that was changed to Admiral of the Soviet Navy Gorshkov, though even in official documents it was still being referred to simply as the Admiral Gorshkov. After an agreement with India, the ship was renamed as the Vikramaditya, which can be translated as All Powerful or Powerful as the Sun, after a legendary Indian leader who became famous not less through his many military victories.

Construction of the aircraft carrier began at the Nikolaev shipyards under a design by the Nevsky Construction Bureau on December 26, 1978. It was based on further development of a series of cruisers of the Kiev-type built on a modified 1143.4 Project. In 1988, the Baku went to sea in its first combat mission in an squadron in the Mediterranean, and in December it was included in the Northern Fleet. Between 1989 and 1990, the ship also carried out combat missions and exercises in the Barents Sea.

The ship had an air group made up of Yak-141 and Yak-38 vertical takeoff and landing jetfighters, as well as Ka-27, Ka-252RLD and Ka-252PS recon, search and rescue helicopters. But according to Ria Novosti, the vertical landing and takeoff jetfighters, which lacked the necessary combat characteristics, were what doomed the Admiral Gorshkov. The jetfighters performed few combat missions, had an insufficient range, and a high breakdown rate.

The shortcomings could not be remedied because of the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union and the dry up in funding. As a result, the aircraft were retired from combat duty and the Admiral Gorshkov itself was docked.

A second life
Negotiations on the sale of the aircraft carrier to India began back in 1994 and had been going on practically for 10 years. Finally on January 20, 2004, an agreement was signed in Delhi between RosOboronExport, the Russian government’s arm sales agent, and the Indian Navy according to which India was to pay $1.5 billion for the warship.

Approximately $600-700 million was to be spent on repairing the warship, as a result of which it was to be transformed from an aircraft cruiser into a light aircraft carrier. The bulk of the money was to be spent on planes for the ship: Mig-29ks jet fighters and Ka-27 and Ka-31 helicopters were being considered. In addition, the asking price included the ship’s equipment and armament, which was to be provided by third parties.

The Vikramaditya in December 2008. Photo by Sevmash.

The final configuration of the ship’s air group was decided upon relatively not long ago. It is to include 16 Mig-29ks, 4 Mig-29KUB, which India took delivery of in February 2009, and up to 8 Ka-28 helicopters and one Ka-31 and three Indian HAL Dhruv multipurpose helicopters.

The frame of the aircraft carrier was also to be modified substantially to allow the basing of supersonic jetfighters with horizontal takeoff and landing; the landing strip was to be lengthened up to the nose of the ship, where there was to be a springboard at a 14 degrees angle. To slow down the jetfighters on the deck of the ship at landing, the aircraft carrier was to be equipped with three cable aero finishers. To raise jetfighters and helicopters from the hangar to the deck a lift with a capacity of 30 tonnes was to be added on the Gorshkov.

The armament system of the ship also underwent modification, although the details remain sketchy. The aircraft carrier will thus be armed with a new air-defense system. In fact an Israeli antiaircraft system is being considered. In addition, the ship could also be armed with the supersonic cruise missile Brahmos developed in cooperation by Russia and India.

Why has work to upgrade the ship dragged on for so long is now hard to tell. But it is obvious that there were reasons, and perhaps not only financial ones.

According to some sources, the Sevmash Shipbuilding Factory catastrophically lacked the specialists needed to do the job. In comments on the matter in December 27 in an interview with the Itar-Tass news agency, the head of the government enterprise RosTechnology said the following: “To execute the export contract we are forced to assemble workers from all over the country, for the repair of the cruiser Admiral Gorshkov we do not have enough welders, and we have to search for them all over the county.”

The Indians also did not always observe the conditions of the contract, and funding, according to some sources, was neither always on time nor even made in full. According to Kommersant, a newspaper, India stopped making payments back in January 2007, and that same year, Moscow demanded $1.2 million from India for the completion of work.

The Indian Finance Ministry rejected the army’s request for funds to pay the invoice from Russia. In addition, the newspaper affirms that India had refused to pay the $600 million necessary to begin tests in the Barents Sea in 2011.

A what cost?
In late November 2008, information appeared in the Russian media that Russia had demanded another $2 billion from Indian to complete the modernization of the Gorshkov. Indian journalists, without particularly giving into the details of the problem, accused Russia of “arms-twisting,” since India was in dire need of the new aircraft carrier and a cancellation of the contract would have hurt the combat capability of its navy.

Nonetheless, rumors that the Gorshkov could remain in Russia and be re-incorporated into the Russian Navy have appeared. An anonymous source in the Russian defense-industrial complex told the following to the Ria Novosti news agency in November 2008: “If India does not pay the money, we will keep the aircraft carrier. It will be very handy to have, since the world is in a very complicated stage. Such ships are necessary to patrol the waters of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean seas.”

Why has the price for the modernization shot up so radically? Nobody knows in reality, even though, as Itar-Tass insists, the transformation of an aircraft carrier cruiser into an aircraft carrier is comparable, from the point of view the amount of work hours, to the construction of a new ship of the same class. It cannot be ruled out either that inflation played a role here, as well as price increases for equipment and armaments.

Even stranger are rumors that the U.S. is ready to give the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk, which is scheduled for decommissioning by the U.S. Navy, to India free of charge. These rumors appeared in early 2008. According to Izvestia, a Russian newspaper, India, as compensation for the “gift,” was to purchase 65 F/A-18E/F jetfighters from the U.S. Such a deal would have in effect killed the Russian-Indian agreement on the sale of the Gorshkov. But the Indian Navy later denied the information.

Kitty Hawk. Photo by US Navy.

According to the latest information, which Izvestia reported on February 24, 2009, citing the United Shipbuilding Corporation, $1 billion will be needed to complete the modernization of the Gorshkov, and information that Russia has asked more than $2 billion additionally for these purposes has nothing to do with reality.

The press service of Sevmash announced not long ago that a delegation of the company that visited India signed an agreement on the payment of the first tranche, and that even though India has not paid the money in the past two years, work has continued, and that the ship his half-ready. The final decision on the amount of additional payments will likely be made by May 2009. In the meantime, the sides will continue to negotiate an agreeable price for both. Another question in this saga around project overruns in the upgrading of the Gorshkov is why did the Russian side wait for so long before issuing a denial of the rumors that were circulating in the India media about the price of the deal? It cannot be ruled out that, in fact, the price was determined only recently in negotiations that were deliberately kept low key.

That Delhi was ready to ditch the Gorshkov and begin a search for an alternative was, after all, hard to believe. The Vikramaditiya will replace the Vigraat in the Indian Navy, an old British Hermes light aircraft carrier built in 1959 and whose potential has been exhausted. The Kitty Hawk is in fact as old as the British Hermes and can only be considered seriously only as scrap metal.

In addition, Indian has been increasing its defense budget despite the financial crisis, and relations between Delhi and its neighbor Pakistan are only worsening, even though it is hard to believe that the ship will indeed be transferred to India in 2012 as planned.

Source: Lenta.ru, author: Andrey Fedorov
looks like someone's a*s is burning.. :lol: :lol:

good news...the news of postponed sea trial almost took breath of some people..we are going to recieve it this year..right???
The Gorshkov: a bone of contention

The Gorshkov: a bone of contention
On February 24 news appeared in the Russian media about further plans for the modernization of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya, also known as the Admiral Gorshkov. The ship is now undergoing upgrading at the Sevmash Shipbuilding Factory for the benefit of the Indian Navy, although the episode related to the transfer of the aircraft carrier has been dragging on for almost 15 years. The Gorshkov has earned itself the ‘glory’ of being the most difficult project in the history of military-technical cooperation between Russia and India. Work on its modernization has dragged on for way too long, and because of that rumors have surfaced that the ship could after all remain in Russia.

Yet $1 billion is needed for the modernization of the aircraft carrier for the Indian Navy. Admiral Gorshkov. Photo by rosprom.gov.ru.

Something went wrong
The story of the Gorshkov is somewhat similar to another story that received wide publicity last year: the story of the submarine Nerpa. The two ships are scheduled to be sold to India, but they have both been involved in incidents that cost people lives. True, if the incident on the submarine Nerpa, which occurred under strange circumstances on November 8, 2008, and took the lives of 20 military men and civilians, is still fresh on our memories, the case involving the Gorshkov has more or less been forgotten because of time.

The tragic incident on the aircraft carrier, which back then was still in the Russian Navy, took place in February of 1994. Because of the rupture of the main vapor pipe, 7 sailors who had been locked up in one of the ship’s technical rooms died.

The same month, because of a collision with a Ukrainian dry cargo ship, a fire broke out on the cruiser, and its consequences, according to some sources, made an eventual return of the ship into the combat group of the Russian Navy very unlikely. Nonetheless, on May 9, 1995, the Gorshkov led the V-Day parade in the Kola Bay after undergoing thorough repairs. It was in fact the last triumphant sortie of the ship out to sea.

The Gorshkov in fact has not two, but even three names. Until October 4, 1990, the aircraft carrier was actually known as the Baku, a name that was changed to Admiral of the Soviet Navy Gorshkov, though even in official documents it was still being referred to simply as the Admiral Gorshkov. After an agreement with India, the ship was renamed as the Vikramaditya, which can be translated as All Powerful or Powerful as the Sun, after a legendary Indian leader who became famous not less through his many military victories.

Construction of the aircraft carrier began at the Nikolaev shipyards under a design by the Nevsky Construction Bureau on December 26, 1978. It was based on further development of a series of cruisers of the Kiev-type built on a modified 1143.4 Project. In 1988, the Baku went to sea in its first combat mission in an squadron in the Mediterranean, and in December it was included in the Northern Fleet. Between 1989 and 1990, the ship also carried out combat missions and exercises in the Barents Sea.

The ship had an air group made up of Yak-141 and Yak-38 vertical takeoff and landing jetfighters, as well as Ka-27, Ka-252RLD and Ka-252PS recon, search and rescue helicopters. But according to Ria Novosti, the vertical landing and takeoff jetfighters, which lacked the necessary combat characteristics, were what doomed the Admiral Gorshkov. The jetfighters performed few combat missions, had an insufficient range, and a high breakdown rate.

The shortcomings could not be remedied because of the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union and the dry up in funding. As a result, the aircraft were retired from combat duty and the Admiral Gorshkov itself was docked.

A second life
Negotiations on the sale of the aircraft carrier to India began back in 1994 and had been going on practically for 10 years. Finally on January 20, 2004, an agreement was signed in Delhi between RosOboronExport, the Russian government’s arm sales agent, and the Indian Navy according to which India was to pay $1.5 billion for the warship.

Approximately $600-700 million was to be spent on repairing the warship, as a result of which it was to be transformed from an aircraft cruiser into a light aircraft carrier. The bulk of the money was to be spent on planes for the ship: Mig-29ks jet fighters and Ka-27 and Ka-31 helicopters were being considered. In addition, the asking price included the ship’s equipment and armament, which was to be provided by third parties.

The Vikramaditya in December 2008. Photo by Sevmash.

The final configuration of the ship’s air group was decided upon relatively not long ago. It is to include 16 Mig-29ks, 4 Mig-29KUB, which India took delivery of in February 2009, and up to 8 Ka-28 helicopters and one Ka-31 and three Indian HAL Dhruv multipurpose helicopters.

The frame of the aircraft carrier was also to be modified substantially to allow the basing of supersonic jetfighters with horizontal takeoff and landing; the landing strip was to be lengthened up to the nose of the ship, where there was to be a springboard at a 14 degrees angle. To slow down the jetfighters on the deck of the ship at landing, the aircraft carrier was to be equipped with three cable aero finishers. To raise jetfighters and helicopters from the hangar to the deck a lift with a capacity of 30 tonnes was to be added on the Gorshkov.

The armament system of the ship also underwent modification, although the details remain sketchy. The aircraft carrier will thus be armed with a new air-defense system. In fact an Israeli antiaircraft system is being considered. In addition, the ship could also be armed with the supersonic cruise missile Brahmos developed in cooperation by Russia and India.

Why has work to upgrade the ship dragged on for so long is now hard to tell. But it is obvious that there were reasons, and perhaps not only financial ones.

According to some sources, the Sevmash Shipbuilding Factory catastrophically lacked the specialists needed to do the job. In comments on the matter in December 27 in an interview with the Itar-Tass news agency, the head of the government enterprise RosTechnology said the following: “To execute the export contract we are forced to assemble workers from all over the country, for the repair of the cruiser Admiral Gorshkov we do not have enough welders, and we have to search for them all over the county.”

The Indians also did not always observe the conditions of the contract, and funding, according to some sources, was neither always on time nor even made in full. According to Kommersant, a newspaper, India stopped making payments back in January 2007, and that same year, Moscow demanded $1.2 million from India for the completion of work.

The Indian Finance Ministry rejected the army’s request for funds to pay the invoice from Russia. In addition, the newspaper affirms that India had refused to pay the $600 million necessary to begin tests in the Barents Sea in 2011.

A what cost?
In late November 2008, information appeared in the Russian media that Russia had demanded another $2 billion from Indian to complete the modernization of the Gorshkov. Indian journalists, without particularly giving into the details of the problem, accused Russia of “arms-twisting,” since India was in dire need of the new aircraft carrier and a cancellation of the contract would have hurt the combat capability of its navy.

Nonetheless, rumors that the Gorshkov could remain in Russia and be re-incorporated into the Russian Navy have appeared. An anonymous source in the Russian defense-industrial complex told the following to the Ria Novosti news agency in November 2008: “If India does not pay the money, we will keep the aircraft carrier. It will be very handy to have, since the world is in a very complicated stage. Such ships are necessary to patrol the waters of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean seas.”

Why has the price for the modernization shot up so radically? Nobody knows in reality, even though, as Itar-Tass insists, the transformation of an aircraft carrier cruiser into an aircraft carrier is comparable, from the point of view the amount of work hours, to the construction of a new ship of the same class. It cannot be ruled out either that inflation played a role here, as well as price increases for equipment and armaments.

Even stranger are rumors that the U.S. is ready to give the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk, which is scheduled for decommissioning by the U.S. Navy, to India free of charge. These rumors appeared in early 2008. According to Izvestia, a Russian newspaper, India, as compensation for the “gift,” was to purchase 65 F/A-18E/F jetfighters from the U.S. Such a deal would have in effect killed the Russian-Indian agreement on the sale of the Gorshkov. But the Indian Navy later denied the information.

Kitty Hawk. Photo by US Navy.

According to the latest information, which Izvestia reported on February 24, 2009, citing the United Shipbuilding Corporation, $1 billion will be needed to complete the modernization of the Gorshkov, and information that Russia has asked more than $2 billion additionally for these purposes has nothing to do with reality.

The press service of Sevmash announced not long ago that a delegation of the company that visited India signed an agreement on the payment of the first tranche, and that even though India has not paid the money in the past two years, work has continued, and that the ship his half-ready. The final decision on the amount of additional payments will likely be made by May 2009. In the meantime, the sides will continue to negotiate an agreeable price for both. Another question in this saga around project overruns in the upgrading of the Gorshkov is why did the Russian side wait for so long before issuing a denial of the rumors that were circulating in the India media about the price of the deal? It cannot be ruled out that, in fact, the price was determined only recently in negotiations that were deliberately kept low key.

That Delhi was ready to ditch the Gorshkov and begin a search for an alternative was, after all, hard to believe. The Vikramaditiya will replace the Vigraat in the Indian Navy, an old British Hermes light aircraft carrier built in 1959 and whose potential has been exhausted. The Kitty Hawk is in fact as old as the British Hermes and can only be considered seriously only as scrap metal.

In addition, Indian has been increasing its defense budget despite the financial crisis, and relations between Delhi and its neighbor Pakistan are only worsening, even though it is hard to believe that the ship will indeed be transferred to India in 2012 as planned.

Source: Lenta.ru, author: Andrey Fedorov

The Gorshkov: a bone of contention

The Gorshkov: a bone of contention
On February 24 news appeared in the Russian media about further plans for the modernization of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya, also known as the Admiral Gorshkov. The ship is now undergoing upgrading at the Sevmash Shipbuilding Factory for the benefit of the Indian Navy, although the episode related to the transfer of the aircraft carrier has been dragging on for almost 15 years. The Gorshkov has earned itself the ‘glory’ of being the most difficult project in the history of military-technical cooperation between Russia and India. Work on its modernization has dragged on for way too long, and because of that rumors have surfaced that the ship could after all remain in Russia.

Yet $1 billion is needed for the modernization of the aircraft carrier for the Indian Navy. Admiral Gorshkov. Photo by rosprom.gov.ru.

Something went wrong
The story of the Gorshkov is somewhat similar to another story that received wide publicity last year: the story of the submarine Nerpa. The two ships are scheduled to be sold to India, but they have both been involved in incidents that cost people lives. True, if the incident on the submarine Nerpa, which occurred under strange circumstances on November 8, 2008, and took the lives of 20 military men and civilians, is still fresh on our memories, the case involving the Gorshkov has more or less been forgotten because of time.

The tragic incident on the aircraft carrier, which back then was still in the Russian Navy, took place in February of 1994. Because of the rupture of the main vapor pipe, 7 sailors who had been locked up in one of the ship’s technical rooms died.

The same month, because of a collision with a Ukrainian dry cargo ship, a fire broke out on the cruiser, and its consequences, according to some sources, made an eventual return of the ship into the combat group of the Russian Navy very unlikely. Nonetheless, on May 9, 1995, the Gorshkov led the V-Day parade in the Kola Bay after undergoing thorough repairs. It was in fact the last triumphant sortie of the ship out to sea.

The Gorshkov in fact has not two, but even three names. Until October 4, 1990, the aircraft carrier was actually known as the Baku, a name that was changed to Admiral of the Soviet Navy Gorshkov, though even in official documents it was still being referred to simply as the Admiral Gorshkov. After an agreement with India, the ship was renamed as the Vikramaditya, which can be translated as All Powerful or Powerful as the Sun, after a legendary Indian leader who became famous not less through his many military victories.

Construction of the aircraft carrier began at the Nikolaev shipyards under a design by the Nevsky Construction Bureau on December 26, 1978. It was based on further development of a series of cruisers of the Kiev-type built on a modified 1143.4 Project. In 1988, the Baku went to sea in its first combat mission in an squadron in the Mediterranean, and in December it was included in the Northern Fleet. Between 1989 and 1990, the ship also carried out combat missions and exercises in the Barents Sea.

The ship had an air group made up of Yak-141 and Yak-38 vertical takeoff and landing jetfighters, as well as Ka-27, Ka-252RLD and Ka-252PS recon, search and rescue helicopters. But according to Ria Novosti, the vertical landing and takeoff jetfighters, which lacked the necessary combat characteristics, were what doomed the Admiral Gorshkov. The jetfighters performed few combat missions, had an insufficient range, and a high breakdown rate.

The shortcomings could not be remedied because of the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union and the dry up in funding. As a result, the aircraft were retired from combat duty and the Admiral Gorshkov itself was docked.

A second life
Negotiations on the sale of the aircraft carrier to India began back in 1994 and had been going on practically for 10 years. Finally on January 20, 2004, an agreement was signed in Delhi between RosOboronExport, the Russian government’s arm sales agent, and the Indian Navy according to which India was to pay $1.5 billion for the warship.

Approximately $600-700 million was to be spent on repairing the warship, as a result of which it was to be transformed from an aircraft cruiser into a light aircraft carrier. The bulk of the money was to be spent on planes for the ship: Mig-29ks jet fighters and Ka-27 and Ka-31 helicopters were being considered. In addition, the asking price included the ship’s equipment and armament, which was to be provided by third parties.

The Vikramaditya in December 2008. Photo by Sevmash.

The final configuration of the ship’s air group was decided upon relatively not long ago. It is to include 16 Mig-29ks, 4 Mig-29KUB, which India took delivery of in February 2009, and up to 8 Ka-28 helicopters and one Ka-31 and three Indian HAL Dhruv multipurpose helicopters.

The frame of the aircraft carrier was also to be modified substantially to allow the basing of supersonic jetfighters with horizontal takeoff and landing; the landing strip was to be lengthened up to the nose of the ship, where there was to be a springboard at a 14 degrees angle. To slow down the jetfighters on the deck of the ship at landing, the aircraft carrier was to be equipped with three cable aero finishers. To raise jetfighters and helicopters from the hangar to the deck a lift with a capacity of 30 tonnes was to be added on the Gorshkov.

The armament system of the ship also underwent modification, although the details remain sketchy. The aircraft carrier will thus be armed with a new air-defense system. In fact an Israeli antiaircraft system is being considered. In addition, the ship could also be armed with the supersonic cruise missile Brahmos developed in cooperation by Russia and India.

Why has work to upgrade the ship dragged on for so long is now hard to tell. But it is obvious that there were reasons, and perhaps not only financial ones.

According to some sources, the Sevmash Shipbuilding Factory catastrophically lacked the specialists needed to do the job. In comments on the matter in December 27 in an interview with the Itar-Tass news agency, the head of the government enterprise RosTechnology said the following: “To execute the export contract we are forced to assemble workers from all over the country, for the repair of the cruiser Admiral Gorshkov we do not have enough welders, and we have to search for them all over the county.”

The Indians also did not always observe the conditions of the contract, and funding, according to some sources, was neither always on time nor even made in full. According to Kommersant, a newspaper, India stopped making payments back in January 2007, and that same year, Moscow demanded $1.2 million from India for the completion of work.

The Indian Finance Ministry rejected the army’s request for funds to pay the invoice from Russia. In addition, the newspaper affirms that India had refused to pay the $600 million necessary to begin tests in the Barents Sea in 2011.

A what cost?
In late November 2008, information appeared in the Russian media that Russia had demanded another $2 billion from Indian to complete the modernization of the Gorshkov. Indian journalists, without particularly giving into the details of the problem, accused Russia of “arms-twisting,” since India was in dire need of the new aircraft carrier and a cancellation of the contract would have hurt the combat capability of its navy.

Nonetheless, rumors that the Gorshkov could remain in Russia and be re-incorporated into the Russian Navy have appeared. An anonymous source in the Russian defense-industrial complex told the following to the Ria Novosti news agency in November 2008: “If India does not pay the money, we will keep the aircraft carrier. It will be very handy to have, since the world is in a very complicated stage. Such ships are necessary to patrol the waters of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean seas.”

Why has the price for the modernization shot up so radically? Nobody knows in reality, even though, as Itar-Tass insists, the transformation of an aircraft carrier cruiser into an aircraft carrier is comparable, from the point of view the amount of work hours, to the construction of a new ship of the same class. It cannot be ruled out either that inflation played a role here, as well as price increases for equipment and armaments.

Even stranger are rumors that the U.S. is ready to give the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk, which is scheduled for decommissioning by the U.S. Navy, to India free of charge. These rumors appeared in early 2008. According to Izvestia, a Russian newspaper, India, as compensation for the “gift,” was to purchase 65 F/A-18E/F jetfighters from the U.S. Such a deal would have in effect killed the Russian-Indian agreement on the sale of the Gorshkov. But the Indian Navy later denied the information.

Kitty Hawk. Photo by US Navy.

According to the latest information, which Izvestia reported on February 24, 2009, citing the United Shipbuilding Corporation, $1 billion will be needed to complete the modernization of the Gorshkov, and information that Russia has asked more than $2 billion additionally for these purposes has nothing to do with reality.

The press service of Sevmash announced not long ago that a delegation of the company that visited India signed an agreement on the payment of the first tranche, and that even though India has not paid the money in the past two years, work has continued, and that the ship his half-ready. The final decision on the amount of additional payments will likely be made by May 2009. In the meantime, the sides will continue to negotiate an agreeable price for both. Another question in this saga around project overruns in the upgrading of the Gorshkov is why did the Russian side wait for so long before issuing a denial of the rumors that were circulating in the India media about the price of the deal? It cannot be ruled out that, in fact, the price was determined only recently in negotiations that were deliberately kept low key.

That Delhi was ready to ditch the Gorshkov and begin a search for an alternative was, after all, hard to believe. The Vikramaditiya will replace the Vigraat in the Indian Navy, an old British Hermes light aircraft carrier built in 1959 and whose potential has been exhausted. The Kitty Hawk is in fact as old as the British Hermes and can only be considered seriously only as scrap metal.

In addition, Indian has been increasing its defense budget despite the financial crisis, and relations between Delhi and its neighbor Pakistan are only worsening, even though it is hard to believe that the ship will indeed be transferred to India in 2012 as planned.

Source: Lenta.ru, author: Andrey Fedorov

Financial crisis even at 5.7 % GDP Growth DOES NOT exist.

M M Singh will turn around tables in past 7 days action has started by Finance Ministry. In pasT 2 days SENSEX has grown by record 685+ points ...400 points in one day.

Sunny Jim we dont need your sympathy. By the way Budget of BSF is Rupees 7627.56 Carores (skipping 20 carores as set off for FY 2010-2011) Translates to 1.4 Bn Dollars .

As per SIPRI Data Base Total Bangladesh Expenditure on Defence is 1.3 Bn Dollars.......... You DONT EVEN Match up to BSF

Better do Basic Home Work Before Raising FACTS


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