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INS Teg all set to strengthen Navy


Apr 26, 2011
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With the procurement of the latest warship--Russian origin stealth frigate--''INS Teg'', the Indian Navy has now added to its ability to launch coordinated surface, air and underwater missions.

Commissioned at the Yantar shipyard in Kaliningrad in the presence of Vice Admiral K N Sushil, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Southern Naval Command, Teg is likely to reach Indian shores by the end June 2012. Two other ships of the Teg class--INS Tarkash and INS Trikand are likely to be delivered by September 2012 and middle of 2013 respectively.

In July 2006, India purchased three Krivak class stealth frigates under a Rs 5,200 crore contract. The deal was a follow up order of three similar warships known as INS Talwar, Trishul and Tabar, which the Navy purchased at a cost of Rs 3,800 crore..

INS Teg all set to strengthen Navy
Some pics from induction ceremony:




which missile club ?

No. It is the Shtil-1 complex. The Arm launch unit installed on the Talwar class has a below deck magazine with 24 missiles. It has a maximum range of ~ 30 km and a very high interception speed of mach 4.5. It has a robust anti missile capability in addition to traditional air threats like MPA's. Upto 4 missiles can be directed by the ship at any point in time. It uses a semi active radar homing warhead with added inertial guidance inputs. The mid section vanes are primarily used for initial directionality while the final engagement adjustments are made by the tail fins.


Slides on comparative capabilities:



Added Later: Note that it uses the MR-90 Orekh FCR's for course guidance in the semi-autonomous mode.

MR-90 on INS Delhi, Nato codename: "Frontdome":

Some more Teg pics (from Same album)





BTW, was watching the Channel 4 documentary on HMS Daring and saw that they were using IN ships (2 Talwar class and 1 Aditya class) in their wargames. :devil:

Can you tell me what documentary this is and what minuets do you see the IN ships.
Can you tell me what documentary this is and what minuets do you see the IN ships.

"Building Britain's Ultimate Warship". The ships don't feature in real. They are simulated as enemy combatants along with some other threats in one of their wargames. In fact it could very well be the same exercise which featured the Typhoons (as far as I can tell from the footage!).

The brahmos on these ships are the real killers.Potent SAM capability too.
Like how the navy is shaping up.

The projected navy in my view in the near future will be 3 carriers.
1 INS vikramaditya with helicopters and mig-29k.
2 IACs with LCA naval and helicopters.And aew aircraft.

Among the heavy surface combatants.All will have a main gun.

3 P-15A Kolakata class destroyers.[under construction,1st induction late 2012]
4 P-15B Kolkata class destroyers.[Cleared by defence ministry]

These will replace the current backbone of our surface fleet.The 3 delhi class heavy destroyers and the 5 rajput kashin 2 class destroyers.

The first 3 will carry the barhmos cruise missile for surface armament,depth charge/torpedo launcher,plus 2 helicopters for ASW and AEW,The New generation indo israeli barak ng SAM as premier anti air armament and the kashtan mixed Point air defence system which is basically a combination of a gatling guns and the san-12 gadfly missile.For the IN the gadfly is replaced by point defence short range barak -1 SAM.
The main advancement on the 2nd batch will be installment of more stealthy shape,land attack Nirbhay cruise missiles and an advanced Theatre air defence system which can be aegis which has been offered by USA.Possibly brahmos block-2 if its ready.
3 out these 4 i think would be used in a CBG air defence role with their advanced anti air capabilities.

About frigates.

6 Talwar class.
Equipped with torpedos,depth charges,SHTIL-1 SAMs and kashtan air defence complex.And asw helicopter
The difference being 1st 3 have Klub ASM ,the last 3 starting from teg have the Brahmos.

3 p-17 Shivalik class[2 commisioned,last to be late this year]
10 P-17A class[7 cleared and some construction begun,2 not yet cleared]

Armament is mostly depth charge Rlaunchers,torpedos,2 helicopters for ASW,brahmos cruise missiles,shtil-1 air defence system for long range defence and clsoe range kashtan sytem with barak-1 SR SAM.

For P-17a Class well aegis has been offered,but i don't think will be installed on too many ships 1 or 2 per CBG.Nothing much is known about armament.

Now onto the corvettes.
Currently 24 corvettes serve under the navy.12 of these will be replaced by the new project 28 class staring 2012.
These are armed with klub-n cruise missiles,torpedos,depthchareg rocket launchers,kashtan CIWS,barak SAM and even a ASW helicopter.

The relatively weaker point will remain the submarine arm.
6 scorpenes.[under construction]
6 Amur/scorpene/u-214[tender on]
1-2 akula -2 class SSN.[we paid for 2,1 in service.Status of other unknown]
3 arihant class SSBNs
Rest remaining kilo class subs.
So 13-14 front line combat units and kilos as reserves i think.

The aviation arm will have 12 p-8 poseidon MPA.12 upgraded tu-142s.
Other than this smaller dornier patrol aircraft.
1-2 squadrons of brahmos armed su-30s,probably a few AWacs and couple of squadrons of jaguars for maritime duty[will be phased out eventually].

So I count

3 aircraft carriers,7 destroyers,18 frigates,24 corvettes,12 SSKs,1/2 SSNs and 3 SSBNs as frontline comabt units plus kilos in reserve.

This may not seem to be a great expansion on the current indian navy setup at first sight but the main thing is the massive increase in tonnage.

Take for example the 12 new 'corvettes'.These will replace 455 ton ships with around 3000 ton ships which should actually be designated frigates[2000+ tonnes].These will each have an ASW helicopter a great increase in ASW capability.

The 5 5000 ton rajput class destroyers and 3 6200 ton delhi class will be replaced by 7000 ton kolkata class destroyers.

As for the frigates.The talwar class ships are are 4100 tons currently the largest frigates in the IN.Larger than the godavari and the brahmaputra classes by 300-400 tons.
The shivalik class are actually 6200 tons,far larger than the rajput class destroyers and equal of the delhi class!The p-17a will be even heavier.The shivalik is closer to destroyer than frigate.

All in all future is good for Indian navy.
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