Some say terrorism has no ideology. But TTP has an ideology. TTP is a Jihadi salafi plus Jihadi Deobandi sect of Wahhabism. I can confirm their ideology because I have met their members from Afghanistan. This cult is a splinter group off salafi jihadism, and their ideology makes them join the Daesh terrorist group that started in the West. Their ideological leaders are Qutbi Ikhwanis [Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt: men such as Sayyid Qutub and the Palestinian Abdullah Yusuf Azzam in Peshawar]. They derive ideas from Maududi, Awdah, and the main top, past Salafi Wahhabi Shaykhs in Saudia. Their colouring changes with the situation so they mix madhabs preferentially with their Salafi inheritance at their whim. Espousing a sort of salafi hanbalism or Hanafi deobandism [albeit Wahhabi version] is what caused them to infiltrate those tribals in Pakistan who were illiterate or power hungry using religion for their own gain.
THAT IS HOW THESE SPLINTER FOREIGN MADE TERRORIST WAHHABI GROUPS BEGIN ALL AROUND THE ISLAMIC WORLD [Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and Russia]