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Inki nasal ko khatam kardoh (Eliminate their lineage)


Jan 20, 2008
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Today I just saw a 7 year old little girl on Samaa TV who had survived the Parade Lane attack last Friday by the TTP dogs narrating her experience. She said that once the firing started one of her uncle came running in the female section of the mosque and picked her and her cousin up, broke the window pane and escaped from there. However, the little girl narrated something very very important, She said '' I Saw a long Bearded Man who was wearing white shalwar kameez and he was firing all around at the namazi's men, children and women shouting, INN KI NASAL KO KHATAM KARR DO (eliminate their siblings!)''

My BLOOD is BOILING and my eyes are getting red, my fist is CLINCHING and I would like to get my hands on a few of these TTP Waliullah and Hakeemullah Mehsud MotherFkers to literally be-head them while & where they breathe!! :angry: As the saying goes, when God wants to destroy a race it first makes them mad! TTP has literally gone mad and their ultimate annihilation is very very NEAR! :flame:

P.S - Whats with IMRAN KHAN the dikhed saying we should talk to the TTP MF's? Not once has he openly condemned the TTP and its mad dogs nor has he contributed in any positive form to diffuse the situation except for criticizing everyone except himself. Maybe a few of his family members would be slaughtered before he see's reality in front of his otherwise ignorant face
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Let's commit ourselves to eliminate the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan, otherwise they will finish us off. Down with Mullah Omar and Hakeemullah, the brutal killers.

Cannot say anything about Mullah Omar or the TTP in Afghanistan who are fighting the USA Army, but the Hakimullah and Wali ru Rehman bastards who are killing innocents in Pakistan will soon be squashed and exterminated like cockroaches!! :devil:
Let's commit ourselves to eliminate the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan, otherwise they will finish us off. Down with Mullah Omar and Hakeemullah, the brutal killers.

What has mullah omar and the taliban got to do with this?
Cannot say anything about Mullah Omar or the TTP in Afghanistan who are fighting the USA Army, but the Hakimullah and Wali ru Rehman bastards who are killing innocents in Pakistan will soon be squashed and exterminated like cockroaches!! :devil:

Hakeemullah is bastard because he is killing pakistanis, but Afghani Taliban are not bad becasue they are killing afghans and destroying afghanistan.
again same thing..good taliban and bad taliban..according to some pakistanis,Afghan taliban are good because they are killing Americans and Afghan people and TTP is bad because they are killing pakistanis...what a ridiculous thought!..every terrorist is a monster and should be eliminated...Local pakistani terror groups like LeT and Jaish-E-Mohammad are not charitable trusts because they act against India..even they are monsters..even they kill innocent people..so they deserve to be crushed as well
All terrorists are just one thing...terrorist.
Finish all forms of terrorists , including LET, HuJI, etc...
again same thing..good taliban and bad taliban..according to some pakistanis,Afghan taliban are good because they are killing Americans and Afghan people and TTP is bad because they are killing pakistanis...what a ridiculous thought!..every terrorist is a monster and should be eliminated...Local pakistani terror groups like LeT and Jaish-E-Mohammad are not charitable trusts because they act against India..even they are monsters..even they kill innocent people..so they deserve to be crushed as well

I beg to differ here, you forgot the fact that Afghan Taliban are fighting against foreign invasion and TTP is fighting againts Pakistan(government, people).

Although, one can argue that afghan taliban were the ones who held afghanistan for some time and were fighting afghanis prior to 9/11. But in current situation, afghan taliban have come out to be the party that does aggressive negotiations with the invaders. So, one can say that they are freedom fighters, although, there methods can be questioned but there objective is reasonably clear: Free Afghanistan!

On the contrary, TTP has no objective other than creating anarchy and chaos in Pakistan.
again same thing..good taliban and bad taliban..according to some pakistanis,Afghan taliban are good because they are killing Americans and Afghan people and TTP is bad because they are killing pakistanis...what a ridiculous thought!..every terrorist is a monster and should be eliminated...Local pakistani terror groups like LeT and Jaish-E-Mohammad are not charitable trusts because they act against India..even they are monsters..even they kill innocent people..so they deserve to be crushed as well

It seems you are also having Identity crisis, posting from India with Pakistani flags.
ttp wants islam

I beg to differ here, you forgot the fact that Afghan Taliban are fighting against foreign invasion and TTP is fighting againts Pakistan(government, people).

Although, one can argue that afghan taliban were the ones who held afghanistan for some time and were fighting afghanis prior to 9/11. But in current situation, afghan taliban have come out to be the party that does aggressive negotiations with the invaders. So, one can say that they are freedom fighters, although, there methods can be questioned but there objective is reasonably clear: Free Afghanistan!

On the contrary, TTP has no objective other than creating anarchy and chaos in Pakistan.
sir i don't know how to change the flags...so no crisis of any kind

hahahahhahahahaha, buddy when you were making your ID, the country you belong to and country of residence are very clearly being asked and options of countries clearly given, very hard to miss them.

Whenever you post, the country flags are very visible, if you had wanted them to be changed you would have asked anyone how to change it not after 18 posts you are changing it after someone pointed the real location.
so what??At least I changed them..I could have continued posting using pakistani flags
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