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Initial Operational Clearance For LCA-Tejas On December 27, 2010, In Bangalore !!!

Better engine, Full ToT .. due we further look anything other that EJ200?

Also amongst the key engine technologies that India needs is that for Single Crystal Blades, which significantly enhance turbine performance within the incandescent confines of a jet engine combustion chamber. The MoD suspects that this technology, worth billions of dollars, will not be fully transferred by Eurojet or by GE. Will it be considered??

Dash, just out of curiosity which MRCA fighter u prefer and why?
I prefer two contenders.
one is Rafale and the other is Gripen. Though Rafale hits my list first.

iam just giving a short answer:)...
Rafale for its latest techs and further developement on line.
The best thing is that its made by a single country. Its a previledge that Eurofighter doesnt have. The advantage is you take our own decisions and know how you will work on this fighter. Unlike them who always quarrel with each other for either funds, tech or profit.

Thats the biggest advantage, something that Americans and Russians enjoy.
Russian jet in MRCA was never there, so out of question. American stuff you wont buy because we will not sign CISMOA and they will not give us advanced tech. All you will get is a down graded version.
Better engine, Full ToT .. due we further look anything other that EJ200?

Also amongst the key engine technologies that India needs is that for Single Crystal Blades, which significantly enhance turbine performance within the incandescent confines of a jet engine combustion chamber. The MoD suspects that this technology, worth billions of dollars, will not be fully transferred by Eurojet or by GE. Will it be considered??

Well it all depends. Now We are only buting 99 engines for LCA I guess.
for 99 engines we must not expect a full TOT. Its better for us that we integrate that engine and use it in LCA Mk2.

meanwhile, work on the existing Kaveri engine. There are sources that claim that we have develped the crytal blade tech and with Kabini advanced core its supposed to produce 90Kn+ thurst.

Looking for TOT in such a engine is foolishness and we rather get some help from other vendor to heelp us develope our own engine. That will make perfect sense.

Its valid that MOD suspects full TOT will not be there. but why to expect at first place. Get the engine and fire the Tejas!!..Job is done. I think we are asking for more here.
To the topic ..

How much time it will take from IOC to FOC ? After IOC LCA's are war worthy? I a still waiting for a video LCA doing some advance maneuvers.
To the topic ..

How much time it will take from IOC to FOC ? After IOC LCA's are war worthy? I a still waiting for a video LCA doing some advance maneuvers.
1 year to 1-1/2, and LCA will get FOC.
Wow,can't wait to see these in active combat duty.I see this aircraft almost everyday and its nostalgic to witness tejas in flight.

Many countries are approaching India for LCA??? This is what Dr. Saraswat had to say

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is working on creating a futuristic computing system, including India's own operating system, said V.K. Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister and DRDO Director-General.

Talking to journalists after inaugurating the DRDO Transit Facility here on Saturday, Dr. Saraswat said: “We do not have our own operating system. Today, various bodies, including banks and defence establishments, need security. Having our own operating system will help us prevent hacking of our systems.”

Two software engineering centres are being set up for this purpose in Bangalore and New Delhi. “To start with, we will have 25 scientists at each of these centres. We are in touch with institutes such as the Indian Institute of Science, Indian Institute of Technology Madras and the Centre for Development of Telematics, besides universities and industries. We will use available talent.” Citing security reasons, he refused to provide details of organisations involved in the project.

The new operating system would also have commercial use, he said and added: “With a home-grown system, the source code will be with us and it helps in securing our systems,” he said. Asked about the money involved for the project and the timeframe, Dr. Saraswat said it was fairly a costly affair, without elaborating on the timeframe.

He said a series of indigenously built military satellites with surveillance imaging and navigation capabilities were being launched. “There will be a series of [defence] satellites. Numbers cannot be revealed because they are classified. Each year, you will find one or two satellites going up.”

These satellites will be dedicated to different defence applications and launched as per the schedule put out by the Department of Space.

“The Army, the Navy and the Air Force each have their own requirement, and it won't be appropriate to say how many each of them would need,” Dr. Saraswat said.

It will have payloads for surveillance, imaging, navigation and communication. “You should be able to see with very high resolution and precision the movements of troops and things like that [in the neighbourhood].” Data and commands can be sent through these satellites to cruise missiles, he added.

Dr. Saraswat said there was a possibility of exporting many things developed by the DRDO laboratories, including the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), which, he said, was regarded as the best aircraft. “Many countries are approaching us for Akash and Nag missiles, and the LCA,” he said. The priority was to provide indigenous technology. “Export is only incidental,” he said.

The Hindu : Sci-Tech / Science : Saraswat: DRDO working on India's own computer operating system
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Exports are years away , we need to outfit our selves first.

May be if they are willing to help set out additional production lines. But that's unlikely given our lack of experience with large exports
Exports are years away , we need to outfit our selves first.

May be if they are willing to help set out additional production lines. But that's unlikely given our lack of experience with large exports

Well, Not really This Aircraft has Undergone Some rigorous Testing Before getting Inducted, Besides This Aircraft Has Got Immense Potential to Get exported, Otherwise why Would a Person Like saraswat Comment about Countries Approaching India for LCA Tejas???
I think IAF is taking careful steps. They have requirement of 200 fighters, they just placed 40 so as to encourage HAL. The eye would be on the Tejas MKII.

If HAL is successful in achieving the goal, then we will get a great fighter and IAF will place order to replace the entire mig 21 fleet. But if the fighter doesn't perform as per expectations then IAF should go for Gripen NG.

There's no place for egos in case of national security. We have to understand that Tejas is just the beginning and we are successful in making a very good fighter on our own but we we should only go for what is best in the world. This experience will pay us in the future.

Just look at Russia, they have made so many series of sukhois and migs that does not mean they induct every fighter they make. Just look at Su 30, Mig 35 etc and now they are making 5th gen fighter.

HAL should not be discouraged. We can sell Tejas to the 3rd world countries and show our superiority but that does not mean our forces have to buy these fighters.

Let me just clarify in the end, India should go for Gripen only if Tejas MKII is not as per the standards set by us and Gripen NG is definitely better than Tejas MKI.
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That was always expected.Well how can you expect HAL/DRDO to finish there job on time by looking at their past records of maintaining project schedule.And above all there is old habit of "indian punctuality" to boot for.

Considering that your country (since you are obviously not an Indian) has no fighter development programme of its own . . . sour grapes indeed!!!
That was always expected.Well how can you expect HAL/DRDO to finish there job on time by looking at their past records of maintaining project schedule.And above all there is old habit of "indian punctuality" to boot for.

why the hell u still flaunting our flag....u r such a disgrace for whichever country u belong to ....drop it ,we know ur reality:hitwall::hitwall:

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