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ingredients of a prosperous Pakistan

Uzair Zahir


New Recruit

Feb 18, 2010
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What would be the ingredients to a prosperous Pakistan ??
Does any one have the best ingredients ?:pakistan::china:
Hmmm good question but i am afraid answer is not that simple.

Some Senior Members with experience can guide better.
What would be the ingredients to a prosperous Pakistan ??
Does any one have the best ingredients ?:pakistan::china:

First 4 years
a) Solar Energy & Wind Energy exploits on Grand Large scale
(2 Billion USD from reserve, and 1 Billion loan from IMF)

b) Creation of 3 power nuclear plants for energy purpose
(Possible venture with France)

c) Trade agreements with South America / Cuba & Venezualla
buy oil from them in return for engineering projects in that country
Cheap oil in return for cooperation

d) Gas Pipeline for energy needs in Pakistan with Iran (Already under way)

e) Strong Police and Command and Control Center & digitization
of police force

>Creation of GHQ for Police , where forign trainers can come train the
police force. The trainers will also teach the students usage of modern
technologies to help them capture culprits (English is must at police force/Urdu)

FIRs could be registeed in GHQ , where they are passed to appropriate office
departments or directly at your closest office. Either way GHQ will get the copy
directly so stories of , FIR missing or pages torn will be thing of past, any
officer can be fired for not taking a citizen's FIR

GHQ will be connected with finger print database of all known criminals and
also it will have database of fingerprints for citizens, so at any given time they
can match, finger prints if found

Any , promotiosn and raise will be sent directly from Police GHQ , so that
no politician will have access to this system.

GHQ will make decisions based on performance of officers based on cases
solved and other criteria , it could be over looked by
Retired Generals/Colonels who still wish to serve the nation for 4 extra

>100,000 Police force, Recent Graduates 19-20 year old
>10,000 graduates with advance degrees
should be
hired for special investigations
> Police training should include (Karate/Judo/Kung Fu)
> Police should get latest equipment to fight crime consistent
with other big cities
> Police revitalization project should be overseen by
Retired army colonel.
>Police SWAT Special forces unit for raids on capturing high profile targets
>Police uses , proper bullet proof saft equipment & is armed with AK-47 and
> Creation of Sniper Class Police Officers for Special Missions vs Bank robbers
or hostage crisis situation

Substantial Pay increase of Police Force
probbly 70% of western standards

Bonuses, in closing open cases to whole department
Gov grant to family of police officer who gives his life in line of duty

Refresher Field Training Courses for All Officers , every three
years - continued eductaion

>> Importing of light armored vehicles for police force operations

Senior Officers of Police can move into FBI , controling investigation of high
profile cases. Special Investigation unit

Anticurruption Division Police Force
Special Agents their job will be to monitor , politicians bank balances, and
all police officer's bank balances and all people of interest who take part
in unusual transactions , etc like 1-2 million USD kick backs etc.

>They will file curruption charges if detected directly to High courts/Supreme
courts , while staying 100% annonymous during investigation, with proof
of fraud and curruption -

Substantial Pay increase of Police Force
probbly 100% of western standards

Any funds they will recovered from the politicians they will get to keep 10% of that as their legal kick back for helping Pakistan recover funds

a) Usage of Helicopters for city police operations
b) Usage of Helicopters at provincial boarders to stop smugglers
c) Survailence of smuggling routes with helicopters

Creation of Rescue One
>Mobile Force (Military/Police Units) that work together during disaster relief efforts
>Force would be working with special machines and would coordinate desaster relief
projects - so they will get trained to handle these projects

30,000 Strong Unit will be moblized in case of floods, earth quake , major
disasters, bridge collapse, building collapse scenarios

These units will also be deployed on forigne missions if needed in Africa to help
with relief efforts

e) Gov grants for Locally produced car manufactoring companies
1) Self relaiance in Car
2) Truck
3) Bus production
Gov must purchase , new vehicles from car manuafacturers

f) Creation of City Beautifucation Ministry
Job creation for Youth who can work on projects to remove
graffiti, and make parks usable
This can create 100,000 jobs over all in country

Plan 5-8 years
After the energy has been controlled and is abundent you can go invite investors

g) Harsh penelties for people caught stealing electricity
a) No electricty for 1 month
b) Big fine
c) 3 month jail sentence for person owning the account where
electricty was stolen (provided its not a rental house), in that
case one who was renting will be punished

h) Mandatory - Inspection for vehicles on road for emission and
pollution, based on electronical data from Ministry of transportation
All cars over 10 year old will have get tested or sold

One can get tax return , if they sell the old car to steeles mills and
buy a car made in Pakistan (Not car imported from Japan), car
made 100% locally

i) Ban on cosmetics - products and skin bleeches due to health
grounds for 2 years

j) Every home must plant 2 trees out side and they must be taken
care of by home owner. Else there will be a fine

k) 900-1500 Garbage collection trucks imported into major cities
for garbage collection. Garbage recycling projects outside of city

BAN/JAIL for anyone writing on property , all property must have paint on it any owners whose properties have no paint will get fined

Removal of ILLEGAL bazars , and zones - dhabba like structures,
need full permit to open shops

>>>4 Universities in each major city of Pakistan
>>>All universities sponsored by Gov
>>>All gov hirings will be done thru univeristies directly

Ministry of Food , will put forth prices for all the raw food ingredients online
any shop keeper caught charging more then 10% of those prices can be reported to
police -

All shops must issue recipts of sales - and pay taxes

Burning of tires , effigie , and flags will be banned of any nation people caught doing that will be fined 10,000 rupees and could spend 10 nights in jail

Spitting on streets , and throwing garbage will be not allowed anyone caught doing that will be fined 4,000 rupees -

Federal Zakat Collection Ministry:
One Ministry will collect Zakat the zakat will not go to local mosques, the money will be donate directly to the National Ministry , this will prevent rougue mosques form opening up rouge madrassa like setup

The money will then be channeled to projects that help poor , and orphans -

People who paid Zakat , will not have to pay less taxes as their net income was less

This will be cross checked by recipts from Zakat Ministry

>>>All Orphanages, Mosques, hospitals for poor, or hospitals , clinics will have to get
registered with gov, social programs etc

>> The ministry will send out funds to these charitable organizations
The donator will give cash to ministry , and choose his designated charity
organization and the ministry will send in funds directly

- This can be controlled thru help from Major Banks in Pakistan -

Reduction of Paper Money in Pakistan:
> Bank cards should be used more often in Pakistan no service charge
> All places like resturants , and hotels must used cards to accept fund
so gov can track their sales. If not the hotel/resturant will be closed down
by gov

>>>Tax on Mobile compaies
.50 cents per day / user

-----Ban on Unregistered phones -

You will only be able to buy a cell phone if you have passport/national id card
from a legal shop -

----- Ban on purchase of large quantities of fertilizers and chemical
You will have to produced documents showing you own a business registered
with pakistani authorities before you can purhase fertilizers and chemicals

Removal of 60% of old cars that eat more gas, and churn out pollution with
low emisson and low oil eatig cars will improve the environment and also save money on gas purchases for Pakistan

>>>Get a contract done with Japan , and setup modern train system in Pakistan
for each city must have its own subway/internal train system to move 2-3 million
people daily - and it depends on electricity so it has to get done after energy
independence is achived

Parties will be required to create their political bases in all major cities of Pakistan and have members from all cities inducted into their political parties

EXAMPLE political party xyz , will have office in Punjab and 50 members
political party xyz , will have office in Sindh and 50 members
political party xyz will have office in Baluchistan and 50 members
politcial party xys will have office in Sarhad regoand 50 member
politcial party xyz will have office in Kashmire region 50 members

Political Parties will be asked to not use similar sounding names etc PML A , PML B , PML C, .....PML Z etc , choose a new name ...

Any son/daughter of political party leader must have served 5 years in social service sector in Pakitan before they can become , a direct leader of a political party

900-1200 hours in social service , sector , thru volunteering before they can expect to be leaders of a political party by virtue of kinship , after 5 years of qualification period they can run in party elections

This is needed to ensure , that democracy does not becomes - "Kingship"

Political Parties will be asked to provide mandates for their elections


>Negotiations with Middle eastern countries for better pay/benefits to Pakistani citizens
>Negotiations for returning any pakistani stuck oversea
>STRONG DISPLAY of disapproval if any pakistani is delayed at airports , counter
>Greater trade with Africa / South American countries
>Stonger ties with Iran/Russia/China/Turkey/Middle east/France
>Resolution of Palestine issue with SOLID stance - with Turkey/Iran/Middle east/Russia
>Resolution of Kashmir Issue with India - voteing and then transfer of power in 50
years , voting would decide the fate of Kashmiri people
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where do we start from ?
where ever i see .. i see state plunders and robbers..
where do we start from ?
where ever i see .. i see state plunders and robbers..

It starts by BANASHING ALL political parties and creating only 5 political parties

a) Right conservatives
b) Left librals
c) 50/50 conservative , Libral views
d) fanatics
e) Socialist

Once these 5 parties are created , the provincial system in Pakistan has to be disbanded , and small counties should be created

And Peopel shoudl be allowed to register as members to these political parties

General elections are done to determine individual party representatives , and then they take part in Presidential elections / Vice Presidential

Parliment is formed by the party that wins the elections by at least 50%

Ban , all -regional political, racial politics, ethnicl politics, family politics ,
best way to improve pakistan, and every other country in the world as well:

Make all politicians take lie detector tests. If found guilty of corruption, hang them for treason. replace them with talented non-corrupt politicians.

everything else will fall into place once the good guys take charge.
best way to improve pakistan, and every other country in the world as well:

Make all politicians take lie detector tests. If found guilty of corruption, hang them for treason. replace them with talented non-corrupt politicians.

everything else will fall into place once the good guys take charge.

This indian thinks like a Pakistani !
Here are some of my ingredients:

1. Compulsory education up to high school
2. Short training programs for unemployed people
3. Utilization of local resources
4. Efficient Judicial system
5. Entrance exam for politicians. :D

This would simply change the country upside down and for the good.
Here are some of my ingredients:

5. Entrance exam for politicians. :D

This would simply change the country upside down and for the good.

only if we could take this one it can change everything upside down :D
I really feel an entrance test should be made compulsory, not only in Pakistan but also in India. We have a huge educated, mature, responsible crowd ready to lead the nation but the corrupt leaders don't let them have a chance.
Put all the corrupt judges, generals , politicans , send them on a crowded ship to the atlantic ocean and make hole in the ships to let them die to feel the pain and agony this nation feels and see's everyday .
Long live Pakistan and Death to corruption and the corrupt !:
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