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Infrastructure Development in Pakistan

28 July, Mustafa Kamal Inaugurating 12.5km long road, from Superhighway to Shahra-e-Faisal

Hasnain, you know what? I have started liking this guy Mustafa Kamal from MQM ;)...You must be a happy man now..:lol:

Nah seriously, only two guys have shown results recently..1 is Mustafa Kamal and other is Shahbaz Sharif. :)
Hasnain, you know what? I have started liking this guy Mustafa Kamal from MQM ;)...You must be a happy man now..:lol:

Nah seriously, only two guys have shown results recently..1 is Mustafa Kamal and other is Shahbaz Sharif. :)

Mustafa Kamal is given credit for developing Karachi, Nawaz and Shahbaz Sharif are given credit for developing Lahore.

I wish other cities of Pakistan also had a Mustafa Kamal or the Sharif brothers.

If every District Nazim (mayor) or Chief Minister was like Mustafa Kamal and Shahbaz Sharif, imagine how Pakistan would be today.

DAWN.COM | Metropolitan | Bull in a bear market

ISLAMABAD: A statue of a charging bull – hallmark of the aggressive market trend – has been placed for the first time in Pakistan outside the new building of the Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE).

Despite being the smallest capital market of Pakistan, the ISE has surpassed the Karachi and Lahore stock market in establishing a state-of-the-art building for itself, which has all the characteristics of a modern complex.

The ISE building scheduled to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani on Friday is not only an addition to the growing skyline of the federal capital, but is was also expected to become a hub of financial sector in Islamabad.

‘Apart from the brokers, we have already received applications for space from all financial institutions, including banks, modaraba, insurance and other relevant fields,’ said ISE secretary Ahmed Noman.

The most attractive feature of the 22-storey building, apart from the bronze statue of the bull, is the largest electronic screen installed anywhere in Pakistan.

The 15-foot high and 10-foot wide screen would not only display the trading activity and investor-related information, but the authorities also have plans to use it screen for public service messages.

Officials said the ISE was in contact with the Islamabad police and the traffic police for display of public awareness messages after the trading hours and on holidays.
However, there was a downside of this large screen, its operation was a costly affair and at a time when the country was facing severe electricity shortage, the trading screen of ISE would consume 324 kilowatt.

While the building has three basements, each with an area of 50,000 square feet, for parking lot for the employees’ vehicles, the planners have not allocated adequate space for the visitors, who were expected to be in hundreds on daily basis when all the offices in the building become operational.

The ISE building has been constructed at the cost of Rs2.5 billion in less than four years and the ISE management has generated all the capital to construct the building.

However, as opposed to the other stock markets, the new ISE building has no trading hall, as trading in the stock markets are no longer held under a single roof.

‘This is an era of virtual stock markets but we need to have a very strong connectivity and smooth power supply as all the work is done on computers,’ said Mr Noman.

In view of high demand for telephone lines and internet connections, special arrangements have been made by the PTCL, which has established a hub of 5,000 lines.

‘The whole building is connected with optic fibre and not a single internet connection is based on copper wires,’ the officials said, adding that the use of advanced technology also had a price tag of Rs250 million, compared to Rs10 million for copper wiring.

The management of the exchange has also spent extensively on the safety measures, claiming that they have the best and the most modern firefighting system in the federal capital.

‘The firefighting system installed in the building cost up to Rs300 million but that was needed in such a large building where so many electronic equipments would be used,’ project director of the building said.

He said adequate measures had been taken to ensure backup electricity supply to the occupants of the building.



A view of the buses with their designated drivers — Photo by White Star Metropolitan


Fifty CNG buses on two routes launched Karachi’s transport woes may not end soon but Monday’s introduction of a fleet of new CNG buses is clearly a step in the right direction. Fifty CNG buses will ply the roads in the first phase of the scheme, which the City District Government Karachi has not only financed but will also run, and budgetary provisions have reportedly been made for another 100 vehicles. Several positives can be taken from this development. First there is the additional means of transport which commuters sorely need in a mega city where distances are vast and public transport is wholly inadequate.

Then there is the environmental factor. Overall emissions from CNG vehicles are significantly lower than what their diesel and petrol counterparts produce, and in a city as polluted as Karachi the authorities should consider forcing all public transporters to switch to CNG. That is what happened in New Delhi where pollution levels have fallen dramatically since the law came into effect in 2003. Given honesty of purpose, there is no reason why similar measures cannot be implemented here. A changeover period will be required of course but the cut-off date must be final.

It is also heartening to see the public sector playing a role again in Karachi’s transport system. Many believe that the transporters’ lobby has conspired over the years to keep government-run buses off the roads in Karachi, reducing options for commuters and leaving them at the mercy of private operators. The city government’s CNG venture may be relatively small in size but it marks a healthy change that ought to be encouraged. Now that it has been launched, every effort must be made to ensure the scheme’s long-term success. Much will depend on vehicle maintenance and it is in this area of operations that the CDGK should be particularly vigilant.


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03 Aug 2009:

Karachi Aug 03: Governor of Sindh Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ibad Khan along with City Nazim Syed Mustafa Kamal inaugurated 6.5km long newly built 5000 Road from Sakhi Hasan to Surjani Chowrangi on Sunday. City Government Karachi has constructed this two track road along with the service road and storm water drain with a cost of Rs800million.

Thousands of people greeted the Governor and City Nazim with warm welcome and showered rose petals at them when they arrived at the arena. MNA Muhammad Waseem, Nazim New Karachi Town Akhtar Hussain, Nazim North Nazimabad Town Mumtaz Hameed and other elected representatives were also present on this occasion.

Later on while talking to media representatives at Surjani Chowrangi Governor of Sindh said that City Government has performed record development works in during last four years. All the far flanged and less developed areas were given special attention and brought at par with developed areas of the city. City Government in Karachi carried out more works if compare to total works that have been done in last 60 years. Citizens are now paying tribute to City Nazim Syed Mustafa Kamal for extraordinary work.

Appreciating the vision and endeavors of City Nazim Syed Mustafa Kamal, Governor of Sindh said that the people have got great facilities due to development works completed by city government in just four years. This is the responsibility of a city government to solve the problems of citizens on preferential basis. Construction of many roads in city with storm water drains has solved lot of problems of citizens and also increased the life of roads in Karachi.

Nazim Karachi Syed Mustafa Kamal on this occasion said that City Government was carrying out development works in the city on gradual basis. The remaining works will be completed soon.

He said that the road from Sakhi Hasan to Surjani Chowrangi was an important corridor of the city which would besides giving convenience to resident of Surjani Town also provides ease to citizens in their journey to Manghopir and Northern Bypass while the Surjani Chowrangi has already been connected with Superhighway by construction of a new road.

Nazim Karachi said that we have given new links to citizens besides the construction of new roads in all 18 towns of the city. Citizens can now travel from one corner of the city to the other corner without any hurdle.

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