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Infrastructure Development in Pakistan

China keen to participate in steel and infrastructure sector in Pakistan

Wednesday, 24 Jun 2009

APP reported that China’s key enterprises have expressed their deep desire for the participation in various mega projects in Pakistan. They expressed their commitment during separate meetings with Minister for Investment Senator Waqar Ahmed Khan on Monday.

These Chinese corporations expressed strong wiliness for participation in development of proposed new coastal city in Sindh province, Housing and Town Planning, Real Estate, infrastructure, coal and gas fields and power generation, alternative energy, expansion of Karachi Steel Mills as well as participation for bidding in projects for privatization.

The President of Metallurgical Corporation of China Shen Heting while expressing deep satisfaction on carrying out smooth operation in Pakistan on its projects including in Sandak expressed his keenness for the expansion of Karachi Steel Mills as well as real estate business.

He said that the MCC has submitted its proposals for its expansion some 12‑13 years back, but it was not materialized because of its privatization, but we still willing to enhance its production capacity in two phases.

The Managing Director of SINOTECH Mr Jin Guangming in a meeting with Minister Waqar Ahmed said that his corporation expressed keen desire for setting up of 250 MW Thermal power generation unit, participation in privatization of various units and infrastructure development as well as generation of power through wind energy. He further said that SINOTECH also submitted a report on development of Karachi Mass Transit Project and willing to work on this gigantic project.

Minister Mr Waqar exchanged views in details on these projects that SINOTECH has focused for Pakistan. He said in view of the growing demand and fluctuation of oil prices, he would suggest finding out ways and means to generate electricity through coal or gas as there was abundance of coal reserves in Sind Province.

On generation of wind energy, the minister briefed Mr Jin and said that government of Pakistan has formulated a comprehensive policy in this regard. Welcoming Chinese side for participation in the privatization of various units, minister said that in free economy the role of Government of Pakistan is like a facilitator and his doors area always opened for them for any assistance.

Steel Guru : China keen to participate in steel and infrastructure sector in Pakistan

Hey guys any news on the karachi transit train? any news on that project ?
Hey guys any news on the karachi transit train? any news on that project ?

CDGK, govt rift causes delay in CNG bus project
By: Ramzan Chandio | Published: June 24, 2009

KARACHI - The differences between Karachi Mass Transit and Sindh Mass Transit of provincial government is one of the major causes behind delay in the implementation of the CNG bus project in the province.
However, the delay in the establishment of high-pressure gas filling stations in the metropolis is another reason for non-implementation of this much-awaited project under which 4,000 CNG buses are to run in Karachi and other cities of the province.
Provincial Minister for Transport, Akhtar Hussain Jadoon, informed said this during question-hour session in the Sindh Assembly on Tuesday.
He also answered queries from members of the Sindh Assembly about the CNG buses project.
To a question from Ms. Husna Aftab of MQM, Akhtar Jadoon replied that the proposed CNG bus project was to be funded by federal government. The Sindh government has sent a requisite of public transport to federal government, he said, adding that due to technical problems this project was facing some delay. He further said the CDGK has prepared its own Karachi Mass Transit Project, while Transport Department of provincial government is prepared by Sindh Mass Transit Project at provincial level.
“The Sindh government wants that Karachi Mass Transit Project of CDGK should be part of provincial department.
This variation of projects at two tiers of governments is the major reason behind delay in the implementation of CNG bus project. Now it will be initiated through National Mass Transit for Sindh province”, the minister said.

CDGK, govt rift causes delay in CNG bus project | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

I hope China joins in the Karachi mass transit project so the project can speed up, but the differences between the City District Government Karachi and Sindh Provincial Government is whats really causing the dealy in the project.






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Pakistan is very B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!


I never realized how beautiful. Old buildings plus modern ones. In the USA Pakistan is portrayed as a "backwards, mullah-ridden, Taliban desert", but this is false. Every day Pakistan is becoming more modern (with Chinese help of course!:china:), and Europe is just being ENVIOUS. :smitten:

What are you trying to prove Pakistanis are unable to do any thing without the help of China? God helps those who help themselves and Chinese cannot help us if we are not willing to stand on our feet. They are not feeding us neither are we infant child who can do nothing without the help of others…

Yes we are proud of having such a great friend the China…but Chinese do not say on any forum that they are helping in Pakistan’s development…they never show off ever this is not their nature.

What I smell here a high level of trolling is going on here…well Mr. whatever you are I will try to check each and every post of yours and see what’s your agenda here…ok
What are you trying to prove Pakistanis are unable to do any thing without the help of China? God helps those who help themselves and Chinese cannot help us if we are not willing to stand on our feet. They are not feeding us neither are we infant child who can do nothing without the help of others…

Yes we are proud of having such a great friend the China…but Chinese do not say on any forum that they are helping in Pakistan’s development…they never show off ever this is not their nature.

What I smell here a high level of trolling is going on here…well Mr. whatever you are I will try to check each and every post of yours and see what’s your agenda here…ok

China has helped Pakistan and is still helping Pakistan a lot with Pakistan's infrastructure, we are very thankful to China..but most of Pakistan's development and infrastructure have been developed by our Pakistanis on their own. We all know before the 1960's Islamabad was nothing but a forest, our Pakistanis built Islamabad from the ground up and now we are building Gwadar from the ground up... but we have our friend's, China's, help in Gwadar development that we didnt have when we were building Islamabad in the 1950's-1960's.

Yes Pakistanis are fully capable of developing their country on their own, but it wouldn't hurt to have a little help from our friends....it will only speed up the development.

^ I rather be in a madressa than be in the other side of the wagah border :sick:
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