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Informed Source: Iran Not to Send New Envoy to Sweden Over Sacrilege of Holy Qur'an


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Informed Source: Iran Not to Send New Envoy to Sweden Over Sacrilege of Holy Qur'an​


TEHRAN (FNA)- Tehran will not send a new ambassador to Sweden over the desecration of the Holy Qur'an in the Scandinavian country, an informed source said.

The source made the remarks on the condition anonymity on Sunday, four days after an Iraqi citizen living in Sweden stomped on Islam’s holy book and set several pages alight outside Stockholm's central mosque under a heavy police presence.
The blasphemous act had been authorized by the Swedish police under the pretext of free-speech laws.
“Although the administrative procedures have been completed to send the new ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Sweden, the Foreign Ministry has presently no plans to send the new envoy to this country due to the insult to the Holy Qur’an there,” the informed source said.
The sacrilegious Qur’an burning, which coincided with the start of the Muslim Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) at the end of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, sparked a wave of anger and condemnations across the Muslim world.
On Thursday, Iran's Foreign Ministry summoned Sweden's chargé d'affaires in the capital Tehran.
During the session, the ministry's director-general for Western Europe told the Swedish envoy that the act of insult served as an instance of hatemongering and inclination towards aggression that had been excused through the abuse of the principle of free speech.
Stockholm's silence had emboldened those who have violated one of the fundamental and obvious principles of human rights, namely the principle of respect for religious and divine values, the Iranian official added.
Back in January, a Swedish-Danish right-wing extremist burned a copy of the Qur’an near the Turkish embassy in Stockholm, also triggering outrage in the Muslim countries.

We should burn swedish goods in iran (if we have) too.
A better way would be to simply highlight the hypocrisy and hollowness of the euros claims of "freedom of speech".
For instance target one of their secular sacred cows,a perfect example of this would be the shoah [holocaust],sometimes described as a "secular religion" for the west.
I suspect you would very quickly find the limits of the euros tolerance for "freedom of speech",indeed I imagine that in no time at all we would hear them screeching about "antisemitism" or "hate speech".
I think thats certainly a better idea than destroying goods that you`ve already paid for,tho implementing a general ban on the import of any more swedish products,especially if this could be agreed upon by a large number of islamic nations,would be hitting the swedes where it hurts the most,in the wallet.
This would help to send the message that yes you can have your freedom of speech,but that if you are using this in order to deliberately offend large groups of people,then dont be too surprised if it ends up resulting in some unpleasant consequences.
What a non-issue

Swedish citizens can do what they want in Sweden
A better way would be to simply highlight the hypocrisy and hollowness of the euros claims of "freedom of speech".
For instance target one of their secular sacred cows,a perfect example of this would be the shoah [holocaust],sometimes described as a "secular religion" for the west.
I suspect you would very quickly find the limits of the euros tolerance for "freedom of speech",indeed I imagine that in no time at all we would hear them screeching about "antisemitism" or "hate speech".
I think thats certainly a better idea than destroying goods that you`ve already paid for,tho implementing a general ban on the import of any more swedish products,especially if this could be agreed upon by a large number of islamic nations,would be hitting the swedes where it hurts the most,in the wallet.
This would help to send the message that yes you can have your freedom of speech,but that if you are using this in order to deliberately offend large groups of people,then dont be too surprised if it ends up resulting in some unpleasant consequences.
And just as I had hoped,we will now all get to see whether the swedish claims of "freedom of speech" or "freedom of expression" were all just merely more of the usual euro-hypocrisy and double standards.😏

Sweden: Request filed to burn Torah, Bible outside Israeli embassy

I for one eagerly await the outcome of the swedish authorities decision on this matter.;)
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