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Inflation in Turkey almost 60% !!!

You're +85% similar to Iranians because we ruled turkey for millennias

so funny
Persians never ruled the Turks , Persians ruled Anatolia thousands of years ago

and there are 35-40 million Turks in İran now
even supreme leader of Iran , Ali Khamenei is a Turk

topic is over about DNA
you stop off topic
Have you seen maps of the Roman Empire? Russian Empire? Don't brag about what the Ottoman Empire ruled.

Russian Empire was trash ....

but Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire were the greatest in history to rule over 40 countries in 3 continents including most dangerous region middle East and Egypt

Hello bro, I would like to complete some gray points in the message you wrote to someone else above. Before the Cyprus operation, US President Lyndon B. Johnson openly threatened Turkey. As a matter of fact, although he could not do everything he threatened, he put Turkey in a heavy sanction circle. The Turkish defense industry was restructured on this occasion. 40 years later, another US president, Trump, threatened Turkey if TRe took action against terrorist groups in Syria, and as a matter of fact, he later proudly shared how he harmed the Turkish economy. The problem is that the world conjuncture is not like it was in 1974.

The only reason for the Turkish-US rapprochement that started in the 1950s was the threat of Soviet Russia on Turkey. After 50 years, when this threat was eliminated and Turkey advanced its dialogue and mutual interests with Russia, Turkish-US relations gradually started to become problematic. PS: For example, how many people here know about BLACKSEAFOR, which was formed under the leadership of Turkey and Russia and based on the Black Sea peace? Many admirals and officers in the Turkish navy, who took the lead in the development of this initiative, were tried to be discharged during the 2011-2013 period with the conspiracies and fake-claim cases of the NATO gladio/FETO.

With the failed coup attempt in 2016 and the removal of most of the NATO gladio cliques from the state mechanisms in Turkey soon after, this has started to evolve into a crisis. The problem is that you cannot break the deep relations in a few years that have been developed for almost 50 years, especially over the NATO organization. This has two dimensions, the first is areas of common interests. The second is the fifth branch of the Atlanticist structure, rooted in Turkey and highly influential. For this reason, while the rhetoric has become harsh and there are even conflicts over proxy elements in some regions, it is a fact that Turkey and the USA are still cautious on some issues.

Turkey is one of the active and important parts of NATO. TR had undertaken many important missions in NATO's European military command. However, the US is gradually shifting its military assets to Greece/Balkans and the Gulf (and Syria, as de facto). In this state, I have the idea that the inevitability of the rupture is only spread over a period of time by considering damage control.

Within the scope of NATO's presence in Turkey; The entire command of Aksaz Naval Base, İzmir Çiğli Air Base, Balıkesir 9th Air Base, Konya 3rd Main Jet Base and Incirlik 10th Main Jet Base belongs to the TAF. Just because these bases are available to NATO does not mean that they are under US command. On the other hand, in the Syrian war, before we started cross-border operations, while dozens of mortars and artillery shells were falling on Turkey every day, and even warplanes belonging to foreign air forces were violating the border; Under NATO, Italy and Spain helped create an air defense umbrella in the region, and AD battalion were deployed urgently.

Whatever command structure NATO operates in Italy, France and Germany, and which commands are deployed in these countries at the international level, it is the same in Turkey. Whether Turkey leaves NATO or not is a decision for Turkey to make. And it seems that TR does not intend to leave without completing its military infrastructure.
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Russian Empire is trash ....

Screenshot_2021-12-07 History of the Russo-Turkish wars - Wikipedia.png

The Russian Empire covered about 1/6 of the world land mass.

You prove once more that your posts are ridiculous.
what happened in 2018 betwwen march and july ?

1 USD has risen to 7,2 TL from 3,6 TL in 3 months

its economic attack on Turkish currency again ... nothing else
Can Turkey fight back economically?
he problem is that you cannot break the deep relations that have been developed for almost 50 years, especially over the NATO organization, in a few years. This has two dimensions, the first is areas of common interest. The second is the fifth branch of the Atlanticist structure, rooted in Turkey and highly influential. For this reason, while the rhetoric has become harsh and there are even conflicts over proxy elements in some regions, it is a fact that Turkey and the USA are still cautious on some issues.
Finally a logical man with respect! Well done for the post!
So many unfounded allegations, sloganist rhetoric and hate crimes that all are irrelevant with thread... @TNT , @313ghazi Bros, Do you remember what I said? Another operative thread and PDF mods are playing dead again. There are about 70 messages in the thread; The maximum number of messages written without violating the rules and suitable for the forum culture is 30%. This is valid in all similar threads opened for similiar purposes.

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Ve aleykum Selam Bro,

TL;DR, The main reason is due to exchange rate pressure. As the devaluation of TRY took place much faster than it should have, it brought along price increases, especially in the service sector and trade areas which are more import-oriented.

The PPI index is half of the CPI, so the profitability especially in the field of trade, which is more export-oriented, has increased a lot, and companies that continue their commercial activities in these areas are using the advantages of the low-valued TRY. Looking at the macroeconomic indicators, Turkish exports break ATH records every month. Decades later, we have come to the point of eliminating the current account deficit permanently. In order to pass this stage, the TRY-USD parity must now be balanced, bcs the constantly increased exchange rates could become the problem of exporters in product pricing.

An extraordinary leap is expected in Turkish tourism this year. It has become difficult to make a reservation already, up to 90% occupancy is expected. With the service quality and infrastructure opportunities it offers, Turkey has become almost uncompetitive in terms of price/quality. The same is true for the manufacturing sectors. One of the points that is overlooked here is this: Turkey is a part of the European customs union. All its institutions and the control mechanisms it is subject to are a part of Europe, not Asia, with their standards. Therefore, the comparison of Turkey with Asian economies here stems from the great lack of information.

But, If the increase in the global freight market maintains this course, Turkey has a great opportunity for its economic transformation as a whole, with its logistics and infrastructure facilities. In fact, this is the main dynamic behind the devaluation of TRY and the insistent pressure on lowering the interest rates to become a state policy. However, as I said, the rapid realization of this process, perhaps with dangerous consequences, poses serious problems on the purchasing power of households. The Turkish economy is still fragile and open to foreign interventions; so in Turkish foreign policy, we can clearly see the return of the effort for independence in the economic war. It is also obvious that the rapid decline in the purchasing power of the household over "exchange games" is tried to be used as a means of discipline and punishment against the Turkish state's search for an independent policy. Even the president of the United States has made this clear by his statement. This is where the government's mistake begins. Turkey is trying to fight on multiple fronts at the same time.

When you look at tens of macroeconomic indicators in Turkey such as growth, industrial capacity utilization, annual number of establishments, exports, current account balance, foreign exchange and gold reserves; you will see that the positive indicators are dominantly ahead. If you want, I can give you these numbers one by one. A small sample from the news I just read; S&P revised Turkey's growth figure to 7.4 this year and revised it positively for the third time. A short while ago, the OECD revised Turkey's growth rate again, increasing it from 8.4 to 9. Thus, all credit rating agencies and relevant institutions revised their growth figures in Turkey two or three times, just this year. Turkey, with its economy in transformation, is one of the economies that differentiates positively in the world despite the Covid-19 scourge. Of course, there are many problems and they are being struggled with, but those who interpret the Turkish economy only on the TRY-USD index are 'internet experts' who lack real economic knowledge.

Finally, Turkey has to leave the debt-based economic model. For this, first of all, it is necessary to permanently consolidate the current account balance. A perfect storm is approaching on the global side; All of the countries that do not have a production economy will be hit hard in the coming period. Turkey may be paying some price today, but the next generation will reap the fruits of this sacrifice.

Thank you for explaining, bro

I have read about the Turkish industry being very competitive. I know someone who works for a large corporation in Pakistan and was doing some project about agricultural machinery. Turkish industry has a lot of good products that I learnt. Excellent tractors etc

Bro, could you please one thing that I don't understand. The main problem for Pakistan is its Current Account Deficit which is causing problems. Our imports are a lot higher than our exports. Which puts a lot of pressure on PKR exchange rate. Turkey on the other hand doesn't have that problem of high current account deficit, so why is the Turkish currency losing value? Or is the cause of inflation something different?


Thank you for explaining, bro

I have read about the Turkish industry being very competitive. I know someone who works for a large corporation in Pakistan and was doing some project about agricultural machinery. Turkish industry has a lot of good products that I learnt. Excellent tractors etc

Bro, could you please one thing that I don't understand. The main problem for Pakistan is its Current Account Deficit which is causing problems. Our imports are a lot higher than our exports. Which puts a lot of pressure on PKR exchange rate. Turkey on the other hand doesn't have that problem of high current account deficit, so why is the Turkish currency losing value? Or is the cause of inflation something different?


On the contrary, the current account deficit was the most important problem in the Turkish economy. Turkey was a country that is dependent on foreign energy and a very high consumption based on imports compared to its national income. Traditionally, 1990-2010 were the years when the Turkish economy had a service-oriented employment and a "debt-based" economic ecosystem.

However, as the Turkish manufacturing industry began to specialize vertically and government subsidies to strategic areas began to be brought with it, it became less dependent on imports and industrial input costs began to be less affected by high inflation. CPI and PPI figures clearly reveal this. As the domestic product range expanded, consumers began to focus on domestic production, which is less affected by inflation depending on their income group.

The pressure to lower the interest rates, which raises the fever of the dollar in Turkey, is also a short check given to the Turkish industry. Foreign currency deposits of legal entities are approximately $100 billion as of October 8, 2021. Total foreign exchange deposit accounts were around 250 billion. Central bank reserves are around 120 billion. The amount of foreign currency that is called "under the pillow" ( not in deposit accounts) is estimated to be in the 40-50 billion band. (The dollar is traditionally not the primary means of saving in Turkey. As in many Muslim Asian countries, the main investment tool in Turkey is gold.) Considering Turkey's incredibly fast-growing exports and being one of the most important tourism centers in the world, there is enough foreign currency inflow compared to its own size.

There is an incredible struggle in this area. Of course, there is no environment where you can read these, but if you do research on this subject, you will see that factories that will produce production worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually are opened in Turkey almost every week. For example two days ago, Europe's largest paper factory was opened in Aydın. Three days ago, one of Europe's largest Zinc smelting complexes was opened in Siirt. If Turkey is sinking, why has Turkish industry started to attract such investments? These are questions that those who cannot form two sentences beyond slogans and newspaper headlines cannot answer...
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The Russian Empire covered about 1/6 of the world land mass.

You prove once more that your posts are ridiculous.

Russian Empire covered useless lands and no population

on the other hand Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire were the greatest in history which ruled over 40 countries in 3 continents including most dangerous region middle East and Egypt

TURKS always fought against coward alliance ( Europe + Russia ) at the same time

1 -- TURKS fought in 6 fronts against Germans,İtalians,Spaniards,Russians,Poles,Hungarians between 1683 and 1699

2 -- TURKS fought İtalians+Germans at the same time between 1714 and 1718
1714–1718 Ottoman–Venetian War
1716–1718 Austro–Turkish War

3 -- TURKS fought Russians+Germans at the same time between 1735 and 1739
1735–1739 Russo-Turkish War
1737–1739 Austro-Turkish War

4-- TURKS fought Russians+Germans at the same time between 1787 and 1792
1787–1791 Austro-Turkish War
1787–1792 Russo-Turkish War

5-- TURKS fought Russians+British at the same time between 1806 and 1812
1806–1812 Russo-Turkish War
1807–1809 Anglo-Turkish War

6-- TURKS fought Russians+British+French+İran at the same time between 1821 and 1829
1821–1823 Ottoman–İran War
1821-1829 Greeks rebelled against the Ottoman Empire
1827 British+French+Russian alliance together attacked on Ottoman Navy ( Battle of Navarino )
1828–1829 Russo-Turkish War

7-- 257.000 Turks fought against 759.000 Russians + 200.000 Serbs,Bulgars,Romanians between 1787-88
1877–1878 Russo-Turkish War
1877–1878 Second Serbian–Ottoman War
1878 Kumanovo uprising
1878 Epirus Revolt of 1878
1878 Macedonian Revolution of 1878
1878 Cretan Revolt
1878 Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
1878–1879 Kresna–Razlog Uprising

8-- WW1 1915-1918
TURKS beat British+French+Anzacs in the Gallipoli Campaign TURKS beat Russians+Armenians in the Caucasian Campaign and Ottoman Army captured Caucasia also half of İran

TURKS lost only in Palestine-Sinai Campaign ... because of traitor Arabs and 269.783 Ottoman troops fought against 432.857 British+French+İtalians
Russian Empire covered useless lands and no population

on the other hand Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire were the greatest in history which ruled over 40 countries in 3 continents including most dangerous region middle East and Egypt

TURKS always fought against coward alliance ( Europe + Russia ) at the same time

1 -- TURKS fought in 6 fronts against Germans,İtalians,Spaniards,Russians,Poles,Hungarians between 1683 and 1699

2 -- TURKS fought İtalians+Germans at the same time between 1714 and 1718
1714–1718 Ottoman–Venetian War
1716–1718 Austro–Turkish War

3 -- TURKS fought Russians+Germans at the same time between 1735 and 1739
1735–1739 Russo-Turkish War
1737–1739 Austro-Turkish War

4-- TURKS fought Russians+Germans at the same time between 1787 and 1792
1787–1791 Austro-Turkish War
1787–1792 Russo-Turkish War

5-- TURKS fought Russians+British at the same time between 1806 and 1812
1806–1812 Russo-Turkish War
1807–1809 Anglo-Turkish War

6-- TURKS fought Russians+British+French+İran at the same time between 1821 and 1829
1821–1823 Ottoman–İran War
1821-1829 Greeks rebelled against the Ottoman Empire
1827 British+French+Russian alliance together attacked on Ottoman Navy ( Battle of Navarino )
1828–1829 Russo-Turkish War

7-- 257.000 Turks fought against 759.000 Russians + 200.000 Serbs,Bulgars,Romanians between 1787-88
1877–1878 Russo-Turkish War
1877–1878 Second Serbian–Ottoman War
1878 Kumanovo uprising
1878 Epirus Revolt of 1878
1878 Macedonian Revolution of 1878
1878 Cretan Revolt
1878 Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
1878–1879 Kresna–Razlog Uprising

8-- WW1 1915-1918
TURKS beat British+French+Anzacs in the Gallipoli Campaign TURKS beat Russians+Armenians in the Caucasian Campaign and Ottoman Army captured Caucasia also half of İran

TURKS lost only in Palestine-Sinai Campaign ... because of traitor Arabs and 269.783 Ottoman troops fought against 432.857 British+French+İtalians
@dBSPL How would you classify his case?
@dBSPL How would you classify his case?

In Germany we would say it's pure Größenwahn and even more if any German would speak that way and dream of long past major empires, anyone would be correct to bash them, ban them and call them Nazis ... But you think you are only telling a dream of Turks and have all rights to do so against anything, anyone and any rationale ?

Shame on you.
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Russian Empire covered useless lands and no population

on the other hand Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire were the greatest in history which ruled over 40 countries in 3 continents including most dangerous region middle East and Egypt

TURKS always fought against coward alliance ( Europe + Russia ) at the same time

1 -- TURKS fought in 6 fronts against Germans,İtalians,Spaniards,Russians,Poles,Hungarians between 1683 and 1699

2 -- TURKS fought İtalians+Germans at the same time between 1714 and 1718
1714–1718 Ottoman–Venetian War
1716–1718 Austro–Turkish War

3 -- TURKS fought Russians+Germans at the same time between 1735 and 1739
1735–1739 Russo-Turkish War
1737–1739 Austro-Turkish War

4-- TURKS fought Russians+Germans at the same time between 1787 and 1792
1787–1791 Austro-Turkish War
1787–1792 Russo-Turkish War

5-- TURKS fought Russians+British at the same time between 1806 and 1812
1806–1812 Russo-Turkish War
1807–1809 Anglo-Turkish War

6-- TURKS fought Russians+British+French+İran at the same time between 1821 and 1829
1821–1823 Ottoman–İran War
1821-1829 Greeks rebelled against the Ottoman Empire
1827 British+French+Russian alliance together attacked on Ottoman Navy ( Battle of Navarino )
1828–1829 Russo-Turkish War

7-- 257.000 Turks fought against 759.000 Russians + 200.000 Serbs,Bulgars,Romanians between 1787-88
1877–1878 Russo-Turkish War
1877–1878 Second Serbian–Ottoman War
1878 Kumanovo uprising
1878 Epirus Revolt of 1878
1878 Macedonian Revolution of 1878
1878 Cretan Revolt
1878 Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
1878–1879 Kresna–Razlog Uprising

8-- WW1 1915-1918
TURKS beat British+French+Anzacs in the Gallipoli Campaign TURKS beat Russians+Armenians in the Caucasian Campaign and Ottoman Army captured Caucasia also half of İran

TURKS lost only in Palestine-Sinai Campaign ... because of traitor Arabs and 269.783 Ottoman troops fought against 432.857 British+French+İtalians
SO u lost pretty much every war against every major world power throughout history multiple times. got kicked out of china by chinese, got run out of town by russians and europeans and now you act like middle east is super power ? lol

I guess losing to haftar in libya and assad in syria as well as taking in millions of refugees and going broke is making you delusional as hell. Man you need to check urself into hospital before u blow up a bus or something
so funny
Persians never ruled the Turks , Persians ruled Anatolia thousands of years ago

and there are 35-40 million Turks in İran now
even supreme leader of Iran , Ali Khamenei is a Turk

topic is over about DNA
you stop off topic

LOL You are genetically not an Oghuz Turk but an Anatolian who was ruled by Iranics like Parsa (Persians) Medes (Kurds/Azeris) for like a millennium. Thickest portion of your DNA, upto 85 % is native anatolian like any NW Iranic and even more similar to Armenians.

You do not want to acknowledge that? see what you are here, almost a ditto to an Iranic and Armenian but far from Uzbeks, the genuine Turks who gave birth to Seljuk migration into West Asia. When a Turkish talks against Iran, he automatically shoots in his own foot.



Coming back to topic, I see Erdogan entering the EU love group again to bail his country out of the economic crisis.
go and visit 6.000 km China's coward wall to stop the Turks
Mongols,not Turks. Stop claiming Mongol and Turkic history in general. You mistake Turkish with Turkic and make bold claims.

I saw on TV today that a lot of Turks are selling their basic appliances because the salaries are not enough. There was even a huge protest against the government's economic policies. And the Sultan is touring the Gulf monarchies to get money and investments.
stupid Troll Team
Stop imagining that there is a "Troll Team" here going against you. There is no "Troll Team",we are all people from different countries,backgrounds and ethnicities and religions,telling you that you are wrong in your posts,behavior and way of posting,but you ignore us and think that this is a conspiracy against you and Turkey. We don't know each other and we can't communicate with each other. There are no PMs here.
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