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IndoPak Nuclear War Would Kill 2 Billion People, End Civilization with famine | Study

Tell me if any of the countries in your examples have exploded nukkie bombs not once but twice right next to the other country's border.

Which of these countries have gone to war 3-4 times,

Which of these countries have a hot border aka LOC.

I thought INdians are smarter than the type of arguments from you.

please sit down and think it through before posting.

Thank you

Just because India - Pakistan have gone to wars doesn't mean next Indo-Pak war could go nuclear, or just because Iran - Israel had no war doesn't mean the next Iran - Israel will not go nuclear. One mad man at the helm or one mad moment could make all the difference.

If nukes are there then there is always a chance of a normal war turning nuclear. Only when all the nukes are dismantled from Earth could we ensure a nuke free wars.
Just because India - Pakistan have gone to wars doesn't mean next Indo-Pak war could go nuclear, or just because Iran - Israel had no war doesn't mean the next Iran - Israel will not go nuclear. One mad man at the helm or one mad moment could make all the difference.

If nukes are there then there is always a chance of a normal war turning nuclear. Only when all the nukes are dismantled from Earth could we ensure a nuke free wars.

While admire you sentiments.

It is time

Indians realize that nukki bombs are much more lethal in our region than any other region in the world.

your examples are based on suppositions and no history.


the view opposite from yours is ground strongly in history of the region.

I hope you understand and do not try to push the issue under the Sari.
While admire you sentiments.

It is time

Indians realize that nukki bombs are much more lethal in our region than any other region in the world.

your examples are based on suppositions and no history.


the view opposite from yours is ground strongly in history of the region.

I hope you understand and do not try to push the issue under the Sari.

under the sari lol but yea we can disarm ourselves but for that at least stop making new nukes. Was in news recently pakistan expanding its arsenal
under the sari lol but yea we can disarm ourselves but for that at least stop making new nukes. Was in news recently pakistan expanding its arsenal

My dear dear.

Both countries are expanding arsenal.

unless you have insider news that India has stopped.

While admire you sentiments.

It is time

Indians realize that nukki bombs are much more lethal in our region than any other region in the world.

your examples are based on suppositions and no history.


the view opposite from yours is ground strongly in history of the region.

I hope you understand and do not try to push the issue under the Sari.

Nukes are always dangerous because

1. In a situation like war, people tend to think with d**ks than with heads.
2. It kill people in mass, and its after effects are long term, permanent and lethal.

Hence the only solution is for all countries to give up nukes voluntarily.
Sino-Indo-Pak is the only nuclear triangle on Earth.


But Indians will never dare attacking China with nukes.

Their dumb bumbs will be used against little raja aka Pakistan.

They can't even dare to do an underground nukie bumb next to Chinese border

the way did it next Pakistani border when in fact Pakistan had not provoked indians in any way.
Realtalk: If India and Pakistan would disappear no one would miss them and the world would genuinely be a better place.
Realtalk: If India and Pakistan would disappear no one would miss them and the world would genuinely be a better place.

Actually yes. Think about it,

With India, 30% of the poor is instantly gone as well as a relief on the Earth's resources. With the elimination of Pakistan, you have one of the world's biggest creators of Islamic terrorism gone and literacy and rationality will shoot up.

But as an Indian I don't want to see this happen.
I am of the opinion that we should go for Global Nuclear Disarmament.

We should change a few clauses in CTBT/NPT so that it is not biased and apply that globally.Better use that nuclear fuel to generate electricity, if that is possible.
India used no-first use policy.According with that policy whether the nuclear attack is small like small yield tactical or big and strategic,India retaliation will be massive.We must concentrate on the 'massive'.I think our policy makers means this 'massive' word as full use submarine nuclear missile and land based missile.So we will not use nuclear weapon until pakistan attack us.But pakistan has no first use policy.
I think if pakistan pursue a non first use policy,peace will rise in India.
India used no-first use policy.According with that policy whether the nuclear attack is small like small yield tactical or big and strategic,India retaliation will be massive.We must concentrate on the 'massive'.I think our policy makers means this 'massive' word as full use submarine nuclear missile and land based missile.So we will not use nuclear weapon until pakistan attack us.But pakistan has no first use policy.
I think if pakistan pursue a non first use policy,peace will rise in India.

All of us can repeat here, the nationalist mumbo jumbo.

I was hoping that you will use your own head

And provide some honest analysis.

But Indians will never dare attacking China with nukes.

Their dumb bumbs will be used against little raja aka Pakistan.

They can't even dare to do an underground nukie bumb next to Chinese border

the way did it next Pakistani border when in fact Pakistan had not provoked indians in any way.
So the place of test facility determines the end user.Looks like your Atomic bumb is for Afghanistan :lol:
WASHINGTON: A nuclear war between India and Pakistan would set off a global famine that could kill two billion people and effectively end human civilization, a study said Tuesday.

Even if limited in scope, a conflict with nuclear weapons would wreak havoc in the atmosphere and devastate crop yields, with the effects multiplied as global food markets went into turmoil, the report said.

The Nobel Peace Prize-winning International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and Physicians for Social Responsibility released an initial peer-reviewed study in April 2012 that predicted a nuclear famine could kill more than a billion people.

In a second edition, the groups said they widely underestimated the impact in China and calculated that the world's most populous country would face severe food insecurity.

“A billion people dead in the developing world is obviously a catastrophe unparalleled in human history. But then if you add to that the possibility of another 1.3 billion people in China being at risk, we are entering something that is clearly the end of civilization,” said Ira Helfand, the report's author.

Helfand said that the study looked at India and Pakistan due to the longstanding tensions between the nuclear-armed states, which have fought three full-fledged wars since independence and partition in 1947.

But Helfand said that the planet would expect a similar apocalyptic impact from any limited nuclear war. Modern nuclear weapons are far more powerful than the US bombs that killed more than 200,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

“With a large war between the United States and Russia, we are talking about the possible, not certain, but possible, extinction of the human race.

“In this kind of war, biologically there are going to be people surviving somewhere on the planet but the chaos that would result from this will dwarf anything we've ever seen,” Helfand said.

The study said that the black carbon aerosol particles kicked into the atmosphere by a South Asian nuclear war would reduce US corn and soybean production by around 10 percent over a decade.

The particles would also reduce China's rice production by an average of 21 percent over four years and by another 10 percent over the following six years.

The updated study also found severe effects on China's wheat, which is vital to the country despite its association with rice.

China's wheat production would plunge by 50 per cent the first year after the nuclear war and would still be 31 per cent below baseline a decade later, it said.

The study said it was impossible to estimate the exact impact of nuclear war. He called for further research, voicing alarm that policymakers in nuclear powers were not looking more thoroughly at the idea of a nuclear famine.

But he said, ultimately, the only answer was the abolition of nuclear weapons.

“This is a disaster so massive in scale that really no preparation is possible. We must prevent this,” he said.

President Barack Obama pledged in 2009 to work toward abolition but said that the United States would keep nuclear weapons so long as others exist.

Nine countries are believed to possess nuclear weapons, with Russia and the United States holding the vast majority.
Western media should stop bringing india and pakistan into this discussion...
A nuclear war between china and india is even more catastropic...But they choose to go with india pakistan...This creates lot of bad vibes among western people about india and pakistan...
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