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Indonesia's Hindu Heritage

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The most important thing of Hindu heritage in Indonesia is caste system in Bali.

Balinese caste system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, caste system exist in SE Asia until Islam and Confucius Vietnam kick them out. Bali people choose to enslave themselves by sticking to Hinduism, and with that caste system.

And when the Dutch authorities come at them circa in the beginning of 20th century, they are trying to eradicate some controversial practices and culture related activities in Bali, namely Sati, caste system and more recently the tradition to wear cloths properly.
And when the Dutch authorities come at them circa in the beginning of 20th century, they are trying to eradicate some controversial practices and culture related activities in Bali, namely Sati, caste system and more recently the tradition to wear cloths properly.

Indian culture if not properly sanitized is a big poison to the planet. Buddhism is good in China because Chinese sanitize it. I am against Islamofacism in Indonesia, but given a choice, I would choose Islamization than Hinduism for Indonesia. Your ancestor ditching of Hinduism is the wisest choice they ever made.

There are still a lot of hope in Islam. An educated Muslim can every bit gentleman and honest. They are sensible and care for people. An educated Hindu on the other hand, most likely talk rubbish a lot and do not repent. You can see such conduct in PDF.

The Brahmins are educated Hindus. Their sworn aim is to shitt on people and to prostitute someone else daughter. The Brahmins are the most wicked community in the planet.

Good that you guys in Indonesia get rid of them.
Hindu turn people off with their practice of discrimination when India spread Hindu through Cambodia, Thai, Vietnam. Buddhism spread and stride because Buddhism don't really believe in god, and no try to force their believe on the native population. I don't know what kind of Muslim Malaysia or Indonesia believe in, believe in a Arabic god have no culturally tie to Asia at all. This is 21st century, god no longer believable explain by some men made bible or Quaran.
Indian culture if not properly sanitized is a big poison to the planet. Buddhism is good in China because Chinese sanitize it. I am against Islamofacism in Indonesia, but given a choice, I would choose Islamization than Hinduism for Indonesia. Your ancestor ditching of Hinduism is the wisest choice they ever made.

There are still a lot of hope in Islam. An educated Muslim can every bit gentleman and honest. They are sensible and care for people. An educated Hindu on the other hand, most likely talk rubbish a lot and do not repent. You can see such conduct in PDF.

The Brahmins are educated Hindus. Their sworn aim is to shitt on people and to prostitute someone else daughter. The Brahmins are the most wicked community in the planet.

Good that you guys in Indonesia get rid of them.

What Islamofacism in Indonesia are you talking about ? :what:

I've got family living there - Pakistani Expats - in Indonesia for the past 5-6 years & they've often talked about Indonesia as a liberal, pluralistic country without much extremism !

Am I wrong to think that @madokafc ?
Indian culture if not properly sanitized is a big poison to the planet. Buddhism is good in China because Chinese sanitize it. I am against Islamofacism in Indonesia, but given a choice, I would choose Islamization than Hinduism for Indonesia. Your ancestor ditching of Hinduism is the wisest choice they ever made.

There are still a lot of hope in Islam. An educated Muslim can every bit gentleman and honest. They are sensible and care for people. An educated Hindu on the other hand, most likely talk rubbish a lot and do not repent. You can see such conduct in PDF.

The Brahmins are educated Hindus. Their sworn aim is to shitt on people and to prostitute someone else daughter. The Brahmins are the most wicked community in the planet.

Good that you guys in Indonesia get rid of them.

These are your views.

However , they are not shared by most of the world.
Hinduism is one of our cultures and it will be in the future, and Islamism as a culture is too is part of our great nation culture too, and so with Christian ism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and so on, and every Indonesian people will say they are proudly of our culture differences and still can living under the banner of red and white of Indonesian flag as one Nation. There is no reason to hate or persecute people based on their religion or culture, but it will always be a reason to hang people who trying to commit treason against his own country and ideology, that's what Indonesia as country it is. No matter he/she is Christian, Islam, Hindu, Jews, Buddhist, Confucian, or even animism or pagan (like the tribes of Dayak and Asmat) he/she is Indonesian and equal in all aspect of our nation life and society.

What Islamofacism in Indonesia are you talking about ? :what:

I've got family living there - Pakistani Expats - in Indonesia for the past 5-6 years & they've often talked about Indonesia as a liberal, pluralistic country without much extremism !

Am I wrong to think that @madokafc ?

Yup you are right, Indonesia doesn't know the concept of Islamofacism, he is got a little delusional when talking about islamofacism in Indonesia.
What Islamofacism in Indonesia are you talking about ? :what:

I've got family living there - Pakistani Expats - in Indonesia for the past 5-6 years & they've often talked about Indonesia as a liberal, pluralistic country without much extremism !

Am I wrong to think that @madokafc ?

Thanks to Sukarno legacy, Indonesia though having some elements of Islamofacist does not sink to the level of Malaysia, even though some Indonesia Sunni shitt on their own Shia as well. Recently, Malaysia break a record of Islamofacism by monopolizing Allah.

Even Taliban are not that mad.
What Islamofacism in Indonesia are you talking about ? :what:

I've got family living there - Pakistani Expats - in Indonesia for the past 5-6 years & they've often talked about Indonesia as a liberal, pluralistic country without much extremism !

Am I wrong to think that @madokafc ?
Indeed Indonesia is a pluralistic country with huge place for difference. I live in a small city here and have neighbour with at least 5 major religions and tens of different languages. I have to admit that a few years ago there clashes between christian and moslem community in few places in Indonesia. But it is happen more due to political rather than religion. Some politicians taking advantage from the people's ignorance about islam and christianity. Now those people return to normal life and treat each other like brother and sister LITERALLY.
Indonesia Muslim are the most intolerable people in the world, only decade ago they massacre mostly Chinese and tried to eradicate Buddhism in Indonesia, Indonesia is far from liberal and secular.
Indian culture if not properly sanitized is a big poison to the planet. Buddhism is good in China because Chinese sanitize it. I am against Islamofacism in Indonesia, but given a choice, I would choose Islamization than Hinduism for Indonesia. Your ancestor ditching of Hinduism is the wisest choice they ever made.

There are still a lot of hope in Islam. An educated Muslim can every bit gentleman and honest. They are sensible and care for people. An educated Hindu on the other hand, most likely talk rubbish a lot and do not repent. You can see such conduct in PDF.

The Brahmins are educated Hindus. Their sworn aim is to shitt on people and to prostitute someone else daughter. The Brahmins are the most wicked community in the planet.

Good that you guys in Indonesia get rid of them.

Minus the opinions of a few insignificant unknowns on PDF, almost all of the non-Muslim world considers Islam a deadly virus to this world. Never get to hear anything as such opinions on Hinduism, or any other religion or culture. Even the cannibals and Bushmen of Africa are not compared like that.

Ever wondered why?
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Indonesia is a respectable country. Her leaders try to go the Ataturk way. Indonesia is the future of Malay race. The people in Indonesia are very much open minded.

In Malaysia, Malay disgrace themselves by keep ranting Chinese genocide Malay. Malaysian Malay has hatch wet dream of Islamofacism and by the typical feminist style, accuse everyone else discriminating Malay.

Indonesian Malay despise the Malaysian Malay way.

Chinese Indonesian are not much difference from many Indonesians in their looks as well as blood. Many SE Chinese and PRC Chinese are not aware of this fact.

The Chinese male came to Indonesia through human trafficking. They can only marry local Malay women. So their blood is at least 50% Malay. But Chinese took a lot of concubine and mistresses. So Chinese Indonesian could be more Malay than Chinese. The only pure Chinese women available in Indonesia are prostitutes, until early 20th century.

Today, Indonesia no longer persecute Chinese. Chinese must help Indonesia become a great country.
Indonesia Muslim are the most intolerable people in the world, only decade ago they massacre mostly Chinese and tried to eradicate Buddhism in Indonesia, Indonesia is far from liberal and secular.

Please can you elaborate your statement, otherwise you can't see and explaining this pictures





or you must be some blind Chinese fascist idiot who trying to blame Islam in Indonesia for your failure as a human being?
The most important thing of Hindu heritage in Indonesia is caste system in Bali.

Balinese caste system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, caste system exist in SE Asia until Islam and Confucius Vietnam kick them out. Bali people choose to enslave themselves by sticking to Hinduism, and with that caste system.
In the place where i live bali/hindu tradition is very visible since our community is made up by about 15-20% balinese that almost all of them practising hinduism. Caste system is still used but not very visible, balinese from all level have the equal right as the moslem. I hope by the improvement of our education level we can get rid of this system. I have nothing against hindu people, I just don't want this caste system to be applied in my community. Please do not take this as an offence
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