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Indonesia Plans 180 Flankers Plus F-16s..

May be indonesia wants to bomb india ? Is indonesia close by india

Or may be they are threatened by Indian purchase of 125 planes
Actually F-16 is not main Considerations of Air force.. to many politic issue... particularly when come to embargo... What minister said is just want to complete current fleet of F-16 to one squadrons because we have already few f-16... <== i'm afraid this will also blocked by house of representatives because lesson in the past..

we prefer sukhoi 27 families or Su-30... and we also have KFX project, probably start next year.
why does Indonesia needs such a big airforce ?

to meet minimum essential force required by the armed forces.
And the air force propose 10 squadrons...

we have big archipelago to protect.

May be indonesia wants to bomb india ? Is indonesia close by india

Or may be they are threatened by Indian purchase of 125 planes

India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, China and Australia is not Indonesia enemy,,..... and we are not paranoia country :cheers:
lol Man 200-300 planes is big number , 180 new and f16 plus existing fleet etc

How is the political situation who do you guys don't get along with ?
May be indonesia wants to bomb india ? Is indonesia close by india

Or may be they are threatened by Indian purchase of 125 planes

Very chilidish Remarks, since India never created any challange to Indonesian Airforce.
Indonesia plans to embark on a procurement drive over the next five years to modernise its armed forces, with the purchase of new aircraft for the air force and army high on the list of priorities.

Around 150 trillion Indonesian rupiah ($16.8 billion) is required over the next five years for the modernisation, says defence minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro. The government aims to provide two-thirds of this sum, with the remainder to be covered by loans, he adds.

Foremost on the shopping list will be new fighters, transport aircraft and utility and search and rescue helicopters, say industry sources. Upgrades to existing aircraft could also be on the cards. The challenge, however, is finding the budget for all of this, they add.

Additional Sukhoi fighters are a priority for the Indonesian air force, with chief of staff Air Chief Marshal Imam Sufaat saying that the country could buy another six Su-30s. Jakarta has taken delivery of all 10 Su-27 and Su-30MK/MK2 fighters that it ordered earlier this decade, with the last aircraft having arrived in mid-September.

"The existing squadron of Sukhois remains insufficient to give a deterrent effect given our vast territory," Imam told the Antara news agency, adding that the proposal to acquire more had been approved by Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

These would complement the service's existing Northrop F-5s and Lockheed Martin Block 15 F-16A/Bs, the latter of which have also been considered for upgrade.

Jakarta has also given the nod to a joint venture between Indonesian Aerospace and Korea Aerospace Industries, paving the way for the two companies to co-operate on Seoul's KF-X fighter programme. The South Korean government will fund 60% of the costs, while KAI and Indonesia's defence ministry will contribute 20% each.

South Korea plans to procure around 200 of the fighters to replace its F-5s and Indonesia is expected to buy 50 for its air force. Jakarta hopes that its aircraft will be manufactured in-country by IAe, with the first examples to roll off the assembly line in 2020.

Indonesia has also been looking to upgrade some of its transport aircraft and buy either new or refurbished ones. There is growing pressure on the government to move on this, especially after high profile crashes involving a Lockheed C-130B and a Fokker F27 last year. The military also wants progress, given the necessity to move troops around the vast archipelago.

Eurocopter and IAe have also agreed to set up an assembly line for the Super Puma MkII in Bandung. Serial production is due to begin in 2011, with Indonesia viewed as a potentially lucrative market for helicopter manufacturers.

Apart from utility and transport helicopters, Jakarta is also keen on search and rescue and anti-submarine warfare helicopters, sources say. This will help the military to both look after the country's vast territory and be prepared for the natural disasters that strike the country occasionally.

Indonesian military plans major procurement drive
May be indonesia wants to bomb india ? Is indonesia close by india

Or may be they are threatened by Indian purchase of 125 planes

No its australia , australia and indonesia dont have a freindly history and australia is increasing its military strength i dont think they have a freindly history with malaysia either.

id be very suprised if indonesia actually does this purchase.
No its australia , australia and indonesia dont have a freindly history and australia is increasing its military strength i dont think they have a freindly history with malaysia either.

id be very suprised if indonesia actually does this purchase.

why we have to think that the ausie is a thread??
your country help us in Tsunami, fighting the terrorist in Bali Bomb I & II. it's new goverment now, not the Suharto regime.
Indonesia Air Force surely need to be upgraded. Flankers will be right choice for Area Defence.
Which Flankers are they planning to buy, Su30s or Su35s ?
I think it might be Su-30MK+ versions and will be awesome if it's with AESA.
No its australia , australia and indonesia dont have a freindly history and australia is increasing its military strength i dont think they have a freindly history with malaysia either.

id be very suprised if indonesia actually does this purchase.

why we have to think that the ausie is a thread??
your country help us in Tsunami, fighting the terrorist in Bali Bomb I & II. it's new goverment now, not the Suharto regime.

I understand what your saying.relations have defently improved but there is still tension.

issues such as West papua , australian drug mules on the death sentence and illegal immigration.
Actually most countries mentain there deterrence based on threat perception in there neighborhood
Now considering the fact that no country in there region has an airforce operating more than 150 Fighters , then they should also mentain that many fighters
It could be around 80 Flankers and 60 secondhand F16 from USA
Like I said defense minister is known to talk about with no outcomes.

The thread is unnecessary been dragged..
Look its as simple as that US is too good diplomatically with such nations. Did you see russians/iran s-300 drama? atleast americans tell right in the face selling or not selling and don't play dodgy like russians did for the past 6 months with iran.

First priority of Indonesian Air Force is to upgrade current fleet and replacement of current fleet of F-5s. Adding more in later stages.
Possible outcome could be current F-16 upgraded to block 52 standards along with a squadron replacement of F-5 Tiger II with more F-16 block 52s.
Upgrades on BAE hawks. There are conflicting reports on number of hawks in Indonesian Air Force. reports 38 vs 32 vs 29 in inventory/in service. Regardless it would be good enough to give them upgrades refurbish them.

Apart from that we could possibly see a squadron of su-30MK2. That is more then enough for the Air Force to handle.
The only reason they are beefing up their military is because they want to be seen as a regional power. The thing is, they aren't that important so it won't help their image.

Also i highly doubt they will be able to operate 180 flankers effectively considering their budget, and their training and resources.

The Indonesian military can't even train themselfs. Australia trains alot of it's military.
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