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Indonesia Economy Forum

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara atau BUMN Erick Thohir mengatakan PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) telah menjajaki kerja sama dengan perusahaan gerbong kereta asal Swiss, yakni Stadler Rail. Kedua perusahaan itu akan memproduksi rangkaian kereta yang akan dipasarkan ke kawasan Asia-Oseania.

State-owned pharmaceutical holding company PT Bio Farma has been selected to work with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) as a potential manufacturer for a COVID-19 vaccine.

Bio Farma president director Honesti Basyir said that CEPI would use the company’s facility, which is said to be capable of producing up to 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine a year once one is developed. Production is expected to start between the fourth quarter of 2021 and first quarter of 2022.

“CEPI only partners with vaccine producers that meet their standards, one of which is Bio Farma,” Honesti said in a statement on Thursday.

Bio Farma teams up with CEPI to mass produce COVID-19 vaccine
State-owned pharmaceutical holding company PT Bio Farma has been selected to work with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) as a potential manufacturer for a COVID-19 vaccine.


State-owned pharmaceutical holding company PT Bio Farma has been selected to work with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) as a potential manufacturer for a COVID-19 vaccine.

Bio Farma president director Honesti Basyir said that CEPI would use the company’s facility, which is said to be capable of producing up to 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine a year once one is developed. Production is expected to start between the fourth quarter of 2021 and first quarter of 2022.

“CEPI only partners with vaccine producers that meet their standards, one of which is Bio Farma,” Honesti said in a statement on Thursday.

The global coalition picked Bio Farma following a due diligence test in September, in which CEPI evaluated the company’s capabilities in developing a vaccine, including its production, laboratory analysis and technology information systems.

Bio Farma is one of 29 vaccine producers in the world that was prequalified by the World Health Organization for good manufacturing practices. The pharmaceutical company previously produced the type 2 oral polio vaccine, which has been used in about 150 countries.

The company also has a vaccine and biotechnology reference laboratory for members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).


Why did Suga Choose Vietnam and Indonesia for his first official trip as Prime Minister ?
Read More : Japantimes.co.jp


When invited to a private Sunday lunch on Oct. 4, I never dreamt I would soon be advising him on foreign policy. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, to my great surprise, appointed me on Oct. 13, together with five other experts, as a special adviser to his Cabinet. With that said, I will still be myself and my contrarian writing style will not change.

It was at the Prime Minister’s Office where I learned Suga had publicly spoke of his planned visits to Vietnam and Indonesia next week. During his first official trip overseas as prime minister, Suga is reportedly scheduled to meet with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

Japanese and foreign journalists started speculating as to why Suga would visit those two nations in his first official tour abroad? Why not start with Washington, Beijing or Seoul? How significant is his first overseas trip and how successful will it be? Although I have no inside information that allows me to answer those questions with complete accuracy, here are some of my personal observations.

Why Vietnam and Indonesia
A natural choice for Suga is Southeast Asia. Conventional journalistic wisdom is that visiting ASEAN member states come as Japan seeks to “strengthen ties with countries in the region amid growing tensions between its main security ally the United States and its biggest trading partner, China.” It’s a very commonsensical approach.

With that said, this argument does not explain Suga’s planned visits to only Indonesia and Vietnam and not other equally important ASEAN nations. There must be reasons for this. Some conventional wisdom suggests “Vietnam is this year’s ASEAN chair, and Indonesia is a member of the Group of 20 major economies.” Are those the only reasons? Hardly.

Hopefully no one left behind #fingercross 🤞
Government salary subsidies reach 11.9 mln workers
Source : Link

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The government has confirmed that it has channeled salary subsidies to 11,850,300 workers, or 97.37 percent of the targeted 12.2 million workers as of October 2020.

“We are continuing to encourage banks to speed up the process of channeling the subsidies,” Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah said here on Tuesday.

The salary subsidies have been disbursed in five stages: with subsidies reaching 2,485,687 workers (99.43 percent) in the first stage, 2,981,533 workers (99.38 percent) in the second stage, 3,476,361 workers (99.32 percent) in the third stage, 2,579,703 workers (97.20 percent) in the fourth stage, and 427,016 workers (69.03 percent) in the fifth stage.

Progress Kijing deep seaport - West Kalimantan

Kijing Port is designed to be able to serve container ships with a capacity of over 10 thousand TEUs. the current progress of the construction of the Kijing port has reached 70 percent.


Sri Mulyani named 'Finance Minister of the Year' in East Asia Pacific

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has once again been named the Finance Minister of the Year for East Asia Pacific by Global Markets magazine for her accomplishments throughout the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Indonesia records better growth than other G20 countries: report
3 minutes ago
Indonesia records better growth than other G20 countries: report

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia performed better than other economies grouped in the G20 in the second quarter of 2020, recording a contraction of 5.32 percent, a new report has stated.

“Indonesia is ranked third after China and South Korea (in terms of economic growth),” according to the 2020 annual report on the Jokowi-Ma'ruf administration obtained here on Tuesday.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has also impacted Indonesia, its economic contraction has been shallower than other countries, the report stated.

Indonesia has recorded a better economic growth in the second quarter of the year compared to other Southeast Asian countries, it added.

G20 comprises Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union.

Related news: Domestic economic recovery underway, global economy starts to rebound

Related news: APEC to intensify structural reform efforts for economic recovery

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati had earlier disclosed the economic growth registered by some countries, citing data collected by Bloomberg as of September, 2020.

The minister had said that the economies of Germany, Italy, Mexico, and France had contracted by more than 11 percent, the UK 21 percent, and India 23.9 percent.

Meanwhile, China had recorded a positive growth of 3.2 percent and South Korea contracted 2.9 percent, she said.

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the global economy, including Indonesia, which saw 3.5 million workers being laid-off, the report said.

The unemployment numbers have increased to 10.4 million, while the number of poor has risen to 26.42 million, especially in urban areas.

The government has allocated a budget of Rp695.2 trillion for COVID-19 response and economic recovery, which has widened its fiscal deficit to 6.34 percent.

The budget will be directed towards efforts to mitigate the social and economic impact of the pandemic and cover the health sector, social safety, MSMEs, business incentives, corporate funding, and ministries/institutions and local governments.

The government has said it will continue to increase spending on COVID-19 response and economic recovery. Hence, the growth in the third quarter of the year is expected to improve and is projected to range between negative 2.9 to 1 percent.

Related news: Government anticipates improved economic growth in 3rd quarter

Related news: Finance Ministry revises Indonesia's economic growth projection

Related news: Finance Minister projects third-quarter growth to contract

Translated by: Dewa Ketut SW, Sri Haryati
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga

Tesla is interested to build battery factory in Indonesia, still in talks with Indonesia.

The factory will be located in Batang - Central Java, there is also another battery factory that is being built in Morowali - Central Sulawesi.
Tesla is interested to build battery factory in Indonesia, still in talks with Indonesia.

The factory will be located in Batang - Central Java, there is also another battery factory that is being built in Morowali - Central Sulawesi.

It will be good news for a while, we still got a lot to be improved
Social Bella expands to Vietnam, its first international market
Written by Ursula Florene Published on 15 Oct 2020


For Social Bella, its first overseas destination Vietnam is similar to the Indonesian market.
Indonesian beauty-tech startup Social Bella has expanded its business into the first international market, Vietnam. Through its e-commerce arm Sociolla, the company aims to help local Indonesian brands to tap the neighboring country.
“Many Indonesian beauty brands are innovative and they have excellent quality while maintaining affordable price points,” said Social Bella co-founder and CEO John Rasjid. He even promises end-to-end support to ensure proper launch there. “We work closely with our partners to develop a holistic growth plan for Vietnam,” he said.
Social Bella chose Vietnam as the first international destination after months of research and planning, the company said. “As one of the fastest-growing markets for beauty and personal care in Southeast Asia, with a young and highly digitalized population, Vietnam shares many similarities with Indonesia,” said co-founder and president Christopher Madiam.
Indonesian beauty tech startup Social Bella expands to Vietnam. Picture courtesy of Social Bella.
Based on a report by Cosmetics Design Asia, Vietnam’s beauty and personal care market remains resilient against the COVID-19 pandemic. The beauty sector specifically saw approximately 80% growth in online channels. Most Vietnamese started buying cosmetics and skin care products through platforms such as Shopee and Lazada, or local online vendors such as Tiki and Sendo. They will be strong competitors for Social Bella.
First introduced in 2015 by Rasjid, Madiam, and Chrisanti Indiana, Social Bella has evolved from being an e-commerce platform to turn into a digital beauty ecosystem. The company has raised a total of USD 110 million over the span of five years, with the latest funding round in July from Temasek, Pavilion Capital, and Jungle Ventures.
It comprises five business units: e-commerce site Sociolla, community platform SOCO, beauty and lifestyle site Beauty Journal, and a mom-and-baby marketplace called Lilla by Sociolla. Social Bella also has a brand development division that offers end-to-end distributor service for beauty and personal care brands. It runs eight physical stores and is estimated to serve approximately 30 million users in 2020.


Seorang wartawan mengambil gambar prototipe trem bertenaga baterai buatan PT INKA (Persero) di Madiun, Jawa Timur, Senin (19/10/2020). Menurut rencana trem bertenaga baterai berkapasitas sekitar 80 penumpang seharga sekitar Rp15 miliar per unit tersebut akan ditawarkan ke Kongo dan pasar dalam negeri. ANTARA FOTO/Siswowidodo/pras.

Dirut PT INKA (Persero) Budi Noviantoro (kiri) berada di dalam trem bertenaga baterai buatan PT INKA saat dioperasikan di Madiun, Jawa Timur, Senin (19/10/2020). Menurut rencana trem bertenaga baterai berkapasitas sekitar 80 penumpang seharga sekitar Rp15 miliar per unit tersebut akan ditawarkan ke Kongo dan pasar dalam negeri. ANTARA FOTO/Siswowidodo/pras.

irut PT INKA (Persero) Budi Noviantoro (kiri) berada di dalam trem bertenaga baterai buatan PT INKA saat dioperasikan di Madiun, Jawa Timur, Senin (19/10/2020). Menurut rencana trem bertenaga baterai berkapasitas sekitar 80 penumpang seharga sekitar Rp15 miliar per unit tersebut akan ditawarkan ke Kongo dan pasar dalam negeri. ANTARA FOTO/Siswowidodo/pras.
Jokowi welcomes relocation of Japanese companies to Indonesia

16 hours ago

President Joko Widodo and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. President Widodo has welcomed the relocation of Japanese companies, including Denso, Sagami, Panasonic, Mitsubishi Chemical, and Toyota, to Indonesia and expansion of their investment in the country. (Biro Pers Setpres)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has welcomed Japan’s willingness to relocate its companies to Indonesia and expand their investments in the country.

While issuing a joint press statement with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, on Tuesday, President Jokowi said Japan was one of Indonesia's strategic partners in economy.

“I warmly welcome the relocation and expansion of investment of Japanese companies in Indonesia, including Denso, Sagami, Panasonic, Mitsubishi Chemical, and Toyota,” he added.

The two leaders made a joint press statement shortly after wrapping up a bilateral meeting, which was part of the agenda for Prime Minister Suga and First Lady Mariko Suga's visit to Indonesia.

At the meeting, President Jokowi said, he had appealed to Japan to help resolve barriers to import licensing of Indonesia's agricultural, forestry, and fisheries products.

"I also encourage Japan to participate in Indonesia's Sovereign Wealth Fund," he added.

The two leaders also discussed matters related to Indonesia-Japan's partnership to strengthen multilateral cooperation.

In this regard, President Jokowi highlighted the importance of preserving the spirit of inclusive cooperation in the midst of sharpening rivalries between global powers.

He argued that inclusive cooperation needs to be boosted in the Indo-Pacific Cooperation, in keeping with the ‘ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific’ initiative.

Speaking about the Japanese leader's visit earlier, President Jokowi had said it symbolized a strong commitment to boosting Indonesia and Japan's bilateral cooperation and implementing their strategic partnership.

Prime Minister Suga's visit to Indonesia in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic is the first visit by a world leader to the country.

After his election by Japan's parliament following Shinzo Abe's surprise resignation on September 16, 2020, Suga's first overseas visit has been to Viet Nam and Indonesia.

Before arriving in Indonesia, Prime Minister Suga visited Hanoi, the capital city of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, on October 18, 2020.

According to the Japanese prime minister's official website, he attended a welcoming ceremony on October 19, 2020 (local time), and followed it up with a meeting with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

Afterwards, the leaders held an exchange of documents ceremony and a joint press announcement in relation to grant assistance. During his visit, Prime Minister Suga also met with Nguyen Phu Trong, general secretary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam.

He also enjoyed a stroll with Prime Minister Phuc at the late President Ho Chi Minh's Stilt House. In the afternoon, he gave a policy speech at the Vietnam-Japan University and engaged in a frank and candid discussion with students.

Suga offered flowers at the Martyrs' Monument and the President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum before meeting with several top figures, including Mdm. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, chairwoman of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.

Later, the Japanese premier held a press conference on the Japan-Viet Nam summit and other events.

Related news: Suga supports Indonesia's 'ASEAN Outlook on Indopacific' initiative

Related news: President Jokowi warmly welcomes PM Suga at Bogor Palace

Reporter: Hanni S, Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Gusti Nur Cahya Aryani

Indonesian government aims to produce 2 million PCR test kits a month

News Desk

The Jakarta Post Jakarta / Thu, October 22, 2020 / 09:11 am


Research and Technology Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro (left) and Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) head Hammam Riza (second left) check on a mobile biosafety level-2 laboratory in Jakarta on June 16. The laboratory was built by the BPPT and the national COVID-19 task force on research and technological innovation (TFRIC-19) to ramp up the country’s capacity in detecting COVID-19. (Courtesy of/BPPT)

Research and Technology Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro, who also heads the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), has stated a target for a state-owned company to produce 2 million polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test kits for COVID-19 per month. "Production is now estimated at 1.5 million units per month and will increase to 2 million per month," Bambang said in a virtual press conference on Tuesday as quoted by tribunnews.com.

The government is working with state-owned pharmaceutical company PT Biofarma to produce the PCR test kit. Apart from the PCR test kits, BRIN’s COVID-19 research consortium is also making antibody-based rapid test kits, currently some 350,000 per month. "Hopefully the production of [the antibody-based rapid test kits] can reach 1 million units per month by the end of the year," said Bambang. The government has partnered with two private companies to produce the antibody-based rapid test kits and hopes two other domestic private companies will join the effort.

Kemenperin pacu revitalisasi dan teknologi modern di pabrik gula

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2020 19:34 WIB

Presiden Joko Widodo (kiri) didampingi Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita (kedua kanan) dan Sekretaris Kabinet Pramono Anung (kedua kiri) memperhatikan produk gula PT Prima Alam Gemilang (PAG) di Bombana, Sulawesi Tenggara, Kamis (22/10/2020). ANTARA/HO-Kementerian Perindustrian

Kami juga fokus mengakselerasi pembangunan pabrik-pabrik gula baru yang terintegrasi dengan perkebunan tebu, sehingga mereka dapat beroperasi penuh
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) terus berupaya merevitalisasi industri gula dan mendorong penggunaan teknologi modern agar lebih produktif dan berdaya saing guna memenuhi kebutuhan domestik.

"Kami juga fokus mengakselerasi pembangunan pabrik-pabrik gula baru yang terintegrasi dengan perkebunan tebu, sehingga mereka dapat beroperasi penuh," kata Menteri Perindustrian (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita usai mendampingi Presiden Joko Widodo pada peresmian pabrik gula PT Prima Alam Gemilang (PAG) di Bombana, Sulawesi Tenggara, Kamis.

Baca juga: Presiden Jokowi sebut investasi Pabrik Gula Bombana sebuah keberanian

Menperin melalui keterangan tertulisnya menjelaskan kebutuhan gula di Indonesia mencapai 5,8 juta ton per tahun, namun baru 2,1 juta ton per tahunyang mampu diproduksi di dalam negeri.

Oleh karena itu, lanjut dia, diperlukan kebijakan strategis untuk menciptakan iklim investasi yang kondusif di Tanah air, salah satunya memfasilitasi bahan baku untuk pembangunan pabrik gula baru maupun perluasan.

Pihaknya, kata Menperin, telah menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri Perindustrian Nomor 10 Tahun 2017 tentang Fasilitas Memperoleh Bahan Baku Dalam Rangka Pembangunan Industri Gula.

Menperin mengapresiasi PAG Bombana yang telah berinvestasi membangun pabrik gula terintegrasi dengan kebun tebu, serta memanfaatkan otomatisasi pada proses produksinya.

Pengerjaan konstruksi pabrik gula yang diresmikan Presiden tersebut dimulai pada awal 2017 dan berproduksi sejak Agustus 2020.

Kapasitas pengolahan tebu pabrik ini sebanyak 8.000 ton cane per day (TCD), yang mampu ditingkatkan hingga 12.000 TCD.

Dengan kapasitas tersebut, pabrik mampu memproduksi gula kristal putih sebanyak 800 hingga 1.200 ton per hari.

Hal itu menjadikan PAG Bombana sebagai pabrik gula dengan jumlah produksi terbesar di Indonesia yang dimiliki oleh pengusaha dalam negeri.

Perusahaan ini juga didukung dengan sumber bahan baku area tebu inti plasma sebesar 22.797 hektare.

"Yang patut dibanggakan juga dari investasi ini adalah mereka mampu menyerap ribuan tenaga kerja lokal. Dalam operasionalnya, kebun dan pabrik ini dapat membuka lapangan kerja hingga 15.000 orang," kata Menperin.

Direktur PAG Bombana Arif Efendi sebelumnya menyampaikan penggunaan teknologi canggih otomatisasi pabrik gula sesuai dengan implementasi peta jalan Making Indonesia 4.0.

"Dengan demikian, kami mampu menghasilkan produk dengan incumsa di bawah 100 UI dan total losses di bawah 1,8 pol gula," ungkapnya.

Dengan kapasitas produksi yang cukup besar, pihaknya berkomitmen memenuhi kuota gula Indonesia bagian timur dengan harga di bawah HET.

"Sehingga masyarakat mampu menikmati harga gula yang wajar," tutur Arif.

Timothy Savitri selaku perwakilan dari pemilik perusahaan menambahkan pihaknya ingin memberikan sumbangsih bagi ekonomi Indonesia dan memberdayakan warga lokal.

Baca juga: Masyarakat Bombana sambut gembira peresmian pabrik gula oleh Presiden
Baca juga: Kemenperin pacu pembangunan pabrik gula terintegrasi lahan tebu

Pewarta: Risbiani Fardaniah
Editor: Kelik Dewanto

Quite a pity, in the past Indonesia is one of the largest sugar producer in the world, even the most richest person in ASEAN during Netherland indies era is come from sugar business.
Jokowi conveys priorities for development of coal derivative industry
23rd Oct 2020 15:57
Jokowi conveys priorities for development of coal derivative industry

Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) conveyed several priorities for development of the coal derivative industry.

"Several priorities can be worked upon, such as the coal gasification program or DME (dimethyl ether) to gasify coal into syngas, a requirement for the petrochemical industry, and DME, which is very important as a substitute for LPG since we still import it. Thus, it can reduce our LPG imports," President Jokowi stated at the Presidential Palace, Bogor, on Friday.

President Jokowi conveyed the statement at a limited meeting themed "Accelerating the Increasing Value of Coal" held through videoconferencing.

DME, or dimethyl ether, was developed as an alternative fuel to replace LPG, while syngas, which stands for synthetic gas, is an energized gas produced through the coal gasification process to be utilized as raw material for chemical industries, such as fertilizers and petrochemicals, electricity, and city gas.

"The road map for optimization of domestic coal should be really accelerated through the application of environmentally friendly technology," the head of state emphasized.

President Jokowi urged his ministers to determine the downstream product strategy to be developed.

"Hence, it is clear which direction we will head on, how much will be converted into gas, how much will be converted into petrochemicals, and the areas that will be developed into the downstream coal industry anywhere," the president stated.

The head of state also gave instructions that areas, with reserves of coal resources, should be able to guarantee sufficient coal supply in the downstream coal industry.

"Earlier, I would like to remind you that we all have to shift from exporting raw materials from countries, and one of them is coal, in order to become industrialized countries that are able to process raw materials into finished goods or semi-finished goods. I think this is a big strategy that we must be consistent in implementing it," the president explained.

To this end, the Indonesian coal industry is urged to move into the development of the coal derivative industry, starting from the quality improvement industry, the manufacture of coal briquettes, the manufacture of coke (high-calorie coal), coal liquefaction, and coal gasification to coal mixture.

"I believe that developing this coal derivative industry can increase the added value of commodities many times, reduce the core of raw materials needed by domestic industries, such as the steel industry, the petrochemical industry, and no less importantly, we can create as many jobs as possible," the president expounded. Related news: President orders acceleration of coal derivative industry development
Related news: Government to speed up coal gasification plant construction


Translated by: Desca L, Azis Kurmala
Editor: Suharto
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