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New ASEAN secretariat building. The new building will be built next to the old building.


China’s growing appetite for Indonesia shouldn’t discourage local founders, say VCs
  • https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.techinasia.com%2Fwp-content%2Fauthors%2F23551.jpg%3Fv%3D1469186813
  • Nadine Freischlad
    10:33 PM at Nov 1, 20173 min read
    • 503
    • is China’s search engine Baidu.

      Indonesia’s expanding population of 260 million people is seen as a safe bet by some Chinese investors because of the increased purchasing power that comes with it. And many feel like they can apply what they’ve learned at home to bring businesses to success here.

      “I feel here like I felt 20 years ago in China – there are so many opportunities,” said Tony Qu, managing partner at ATM Capital while onstage at Tech in Asia Jakarta 2017. “If we have enough patience, the future will be great. The only way to lose is if you have no patience.”

      A veteran Chinese investor, he said he’s relocating to Indonesia by the end of the year to focus his fund’s investments in the archipelago.

      VC firms aren’t just backing local startups financially, but they also want to fix one of Indonesia’s key problems: the lack of engineering talent.

      Part of Convergence Venture’s deal with Baidu involves bringing technical resources and know-how from China to its portfolio companies, which in turn will boost their chances of success.

      ATM Capital’s Tony Qu also pointed out that bringing talent from China will help the industry grow.

      No such thing as too much capital
      Li countered concerns that too much capital from overseas might squeeze out local startups with less access to funding.

      In the early stage of a startup ecosystem, the problem is access to capital. In China, Silicon Valley branded VCs provided plentiful early to mid stage funding. Hence, China has the opportunity and appetite to be to Indonesia what Silicon Valley was to China over a decade ago. Particularly as we see a series B gap in the current market,” he said.

      Ian Goh of 01VC, another VC firm that bridges Chinese capital and Indonesian startup opportunities, said that now is the phase in which Indonesia needs to build its “pipes” – the fundamental infrastructure like cashless payments, credit scoring systems, and logistics. “In 2008, a lot of that was still missing in China. When the pipes are done, many more startups will be riding on this,” he said.

      It’s unfair, however, to say that massive companies are coming into the country and “eating everyone’s lunch,” Goh added.

      “In Indonesia, there’s room for the local players to become dominant. Look at Traveloka. In the end, there will be local giants and local heroes.”

      For local companies to be competitive, Qu suggested that they use their home field advantage by understanding the user better.

      “Don’t just copy what’s hot in China. You have to know what the users really need. In some cases, the infrastructure is not ready. Do those things for which the infrastructure is ready. Maybe what’s ‘old’ in China is going to work here.”

      Li added that local players can succeed by building loyalty with their customers and offering highly localized solutions and local logistics.

      This is part of the coverage of Tech in Asia Jakarta 2017, our conference taking place November 1 and 2.
New smelter being built for nikkel production with estimated investment valued at more than 5 billion US dollar

Pabrik smelter nikel Rp76 triliun dibangun di Konawe Utara
Rabu, 17 Januari 2018 14:24 WIB

Pewarta: Sella Panduarsa Gareta


Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto bersama (dari kanan) Wakil Ketua Komisi VI DPR RI Azam Azman Natawijana, CEO PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) Alexander Barus, Dirjen Industri Kecil dan Menengah (IKM) Gati Wibawaningsih (ketika kanan) serta Bupati Morowali Anwar Hafid meninjau salah satu pabrik smelter nikel yang beroperasi di Kawasan Industri Morowali di Sulawesi Tengah, Rabu. (ANTARA News/ Biro Humas Kement)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Perusahaan pertambangan asal Korea Selatan (Korsel), Made By Good (MBG) Group melalui anak usahanya PT MBG Nikel Indonesia memulai pembangunan pabrik pengolahan dan pemurnian (smelter) nikel di Kabupaten Konawe Utara (Konut), Sulawesi Tenggara, dengan nilai investasi proyek yang diperkirakan mencapai Rp76 triliun.

“Kami memberikan apresiasi kepada pemerintah Kabupaten Konawe Utara yang berperan serta dalam menarik investor dari sektor industri,” kata Direktur Pengembangan Wilayah Industri I Kementerian Perindustrian, Arus Gunawan melalui keterangannya di Jakarta, Rabu.

Arus menyampaikan, pihak perusahaan sudah melakukan peletakan batu pertama pada 2 Januari 2018. Pada kesempatan tersebut, Arus turut hadir menyaksikan prosesnya bersama Bupati Konut Ruksamin, Presiden Direktur MBG Group Lim Dong Pyo dan Komisaris PT MBG Nikel Indonesia Jang Jongsoo.

Rencananya, pembangunan pabrik smelter nikel ini akan selesai selama dua tahun ke depan secara bertahap dan ditargetkan menyerap ribuan tenaga kerja. Selain itu, luas lahan yang digunakan sekitar 311 hektare.

Arus pun menegaskan, aktivitas pabrik smelter merupakan salah satu upaya implementasi dari kebijakan hilirisasi industri yang membawa efek berantai terhadap perekonomian daerah dan nasional. Bahkan, dapat memperkuat struktur industri nasional sehingga akan lebih kompetitif di kancah global.

“Produk dari pabrik ini sangat diperlukan untuk indutri hilir di dalam negeri sehingga akan berkontribusi memenuhi kebutuhan pasar domestik. Selain itu mampu meningkatkan daya saing produk kita baik di skala nasional maupun internasional,” paparnya.

Ruksamin berharap, pembangunan pabrik smelter ini bisa memberi manfaat ekonomi bagi masyarakat lokal di Konut, terutama dengan membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru. “Mohon doa dan dukungan masyarakat Konut agar semua pembangunan berjalan lancar sesuai yang diharapkan kita semua. Ini merupakan kado HUT ke-11 Konut yang kami persembahkan untuk warga Konut,” tuturnya.

Sementara itu, Lim Dong Pyo mengungkapkan, pihaknya antusias dan optimistis dalam berinvestasi di Indonesia khususnya di Konut.

“Kami senang dengan sambutan masyarakat di sini. Ini menjadi kampung halaman kedua kami. Karena sambutan yang sangat luar biasa ini, kami ingin lebih cepat membangun pabrik smelter nikel di Konut,” ujarnya.

Sejak MBG berdiri selama sembilan tahun di Korsel, Indonesia tercatat sebagai negara ketiga lokasi investasi smelter setelah Amerika dan Rusia. Untuk investasi smelter di Konut ini, pihaknya telah berkoordinasi dan mendapat rekomendasi langsung dari Presiden Korsel.

Tidak hanya membangun smelter, menurutnya, investasi MBG Group akan juga merambah sektor lain seperti tambak udang, pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk para petani, serta pengiriman mahasiswa lokal berprestasi untuk menempuh pendidikan yang lebih tinggi di Korsel. “Kami berharap dengan kerja sama ini memberikan lapangan kerja besar buat seluruh masyarakat dan juga bagi mahasiswa asal Konut yang akan melanjutkan pendidikan di Korsel,” tandasnya.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto menyatakan, Kemenperin fokus menjalankan kebijakan hilirisasi industri, salah satunya di sektor logam.

“Indonesia tengah menargetkan produksi 10 juta ton baja pada tahun 2025. Di samping itu, akan menghasilkan stainless steel sebanyak empat juta ton pada 2019,” ungkapnya.
Editor: Ida Nurcahyani


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Retired skilled workers to revamp vocational schools as instructors
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Mon, August 21, 2017 | 10:23 am

Students of a vocational school assemble computer parts during a competition in East Java. A new effort seeks to revitalize vocational schools by hiring retired skilled workers as instructors. (Kompas/Bahana Patria Gupta)
Industry Ministry secretary general Haris Munandar has introduced the Silver Hair Expert program, which allows retired skilled workers to become instructors at vocational schools (SMK), as part of government efforts to address the shortage of experienced teachers at such schools.

“Only 30 percent of teachers at vocational schools are competent in technical skills, while the majority of teachers are knowledgeable of the theories of the subjects they teach to their students,” Haris said on Sunday at a discussion in Jakarta.

Haris said the ministry had organized a trial of the program by hiring retired workers from several factories to provide instruction at one of the ministry’s education and training centers in Yogyakarta.

Read also: Making vocational education great, for once
He said the factory workers only required a basic, three-month teachers’ training to prepare them for the classroom, because they already possessed adequate knowledge, skills and experience in the subject that they were to teach.

Ideally, the retired workers could start working as instructors at five different vocational schools within a week, Haris said, adding that the ministry would discuss the program further with the Culture and Education Ministry.

The two ministries are planning to revamp the teaching methods and subjects at vocational schools to improve manpower quality as stipulated in Presidential Instruction No. 9/2016 on SMK revitalization.

According to the Central Statistics Agency's data, 346,678 vocational teachers worked at 12,421 vocational schools across the country in 2015. (dis/bbn)

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Korea’s Lotte gains ABS foothold in Indonesia; plans major additional investment
Stephen Moore
Consumer Electronics, Automotive and Mobility, Business,Compounding, Consumer Products
January 03, 2018

Korea’s Lotte Advanced Materials Co. is acquiring two indebted acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) resin manufacturers in Indonesia. The company has inked a deal to buy PT Arbe Styrindo and PT ABS Industri Indonesia, the only domestic producers of the resin in that country. The value of the deal has not been disclosed.

Lotte Advanced Materials is betting that demand for ABS resin in Indonesia will grow on the back of increasing production of consumer goods, appliances and automobiles. Indonesia manufactured around 903,000 vehicles in the first nine months of 2017, representing an increase of 3% year-on-year. 4.3 million motorcycles and scooters were also sold in the first three quarters of calendar 2017, although this was a 4.9% decline on the same period for 2016.


The PT. Arbe Styrindo plant in Merak, Indonesia.
The two Indonesian ABS manufacturers possess combined capacity to produce 40,000 tonnes of ABS polymers and compound annually, but they have reportedly not been operating since October last year on account of financial issues. Indonesia imported over 100,000 tonnes of ABS resin in 2016.

Lotte Advanced Materials said it plans to expand overall capacity to 73,000 tonnes/year over the course of the next year at the two supplier and restart commercial production in 2019. Further, Korean sources reported that Lotte Advanced Materials plans to construct a new 300,000-tonnes/year ABS plant in the province of Banten where PT Arbe Styrindo is located. Group company Lotte Chemical Titan is also planning a greenfield petrochemical project there that would include polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) production facilities.

Since the Lotte Group undertook a land swap with the Korean government in February 2017 to enable deployment on the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) interceptor system on the Korean Peninsula, its fortunes have taken a dive in China, with government-instigated boycotts of the company’s products there and the closure of its hypermarket and supermarket chain in China. China views THAAD as a threat to its domestic security. This latest move by Lotte to invest more in Indonesia is seen by observers as a “post-China” strategy of the group.

INKA Garap Proyek Kereta LRT Jabodebek Rp 3,9 Triliun
Sugeng Harianto - detikFinance

Foto: Sugeng Harianto/detikcom
Madiun - PT INKA (Persero) mendapatkan kontrak pengadaan rangkaian kereta Light Rail Transit (LRT) sebesar Rp 3,9 triliun. Proyek nasional pengadaan kereta ringan oleh pemerintah tersebut secara resmi dilakukan penandatangan di PT INKA Jalan Yos Sudarso Madiun Kamis (18/1/2018)

Pemberian kontrak tersebut ke PT INKA dinilai lebih efisien dan lebih murah dari penawaran luar negeri. Selain itu juga untuk menciptakan lapangan pejerjaan.

"Pemerintahan efisiensinya era Jokowi detail. Berhitung enggak boleh rugi tawaran INKA lebih murah daripada impor. tapi bukan masalah harga, tapi lapangan kerja kita utamakan juga," jelas Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman Luhut Panjaitan kepada wartawan di PT INKA, Madiun, Kamis (18/1/2018).

Luhut berharap proyek pembuatan kereta LRT diharapkan bisa menciptakan lapangan kerja akan melibatkan semua perguruan tinggi.

"Kita pilih INKA untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja, perguruan tinggi semua terllibat. Ada yg buat pintu, badan, semua terlibat," tutur Luhut.

INKA garap proyek kereta LRT Rp 3,9 triliun Foto: Sugeng Harianto/detikcom

Luhut menjelaskan, nilai kontrak pengadaan kereta berubah. Di awal kontrak pengadaan LRT semula senilai Rp 4,1 triliun, terdiri dari 31 rangkaian kereta (train set) LRT Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Bekasi (Jabodebek).

Cuma, Luhut meminta nilai kontrak itu bisa ditekan dengan sejumlah efisiensi, sehingga bisa turun di kisaran Rp 3,8 triliun-Rp 3,9 triliun.

"Saya kemarin minta bisa ditekan, sehingga bisa turun Rp 3,8 triliun - Rp 3,9 triliun. Kita menghitung supaya ini efisiensi. BPKP harus terlibat setiap pengeluaran supaya bisa menunjukkan efisien dan terpantau sudah lewat masa korupsi dan tidak transparans dan tidak ada yang ditutupi," ungkapnya dengan nada keras dihadapan direksi PT INKA.

Selesai 15 bulan

Sementara itu, Menteri Perindustrian, Airlangga Hartarto menambahkan proses produksi rangkaian kereta hingga rampung ditargetkan dalam 15 bulan.

"Target inikan programnya cepat, target dalam 15 bulan diharapkan PT. INKA bisa selesaikan kepercayaan nasional ini. Dalam waktu dekat kita akan pantau terus," jelas Airlangga, di lokasi yang sama.

INKA garap proyek kereta LRT Rp 3,9 triliun Foto: Sugeng Harianto/detikcom

Dengan target 15 bulan tersebut kata Airlangga akan segera melakukan kroscek pada bulan April 2019 mendatang bisa masuk tahap pengetesan. Selanjutnya diharapkan tahap pengoperasionalan pada Oktober 2019.

"Bulan April 2019 kita harap sudah tahap testing LRT dan selanjutnya diharapkan operasinya Oktober 2019," tutur Airlangga.

Selain itu, Airlangga menerangkan proyek pengadaan Light Rail Transit (LRT) sebesar Rp 3,9 triliun memercayakan INKA berdasarkan (Perpres) terkait Tingkat Kandungan Dalam Negeri (TKDN). Dalam hal ini produk INKA diharapkan bisa meningkatkan mutu dan kualitas idustri perkereta apian di Indonesia.

"Perpres TKDN itukan menjadi bagian, tapi untuk LRT sudah selesai dengan penandatangan kontrak. Jadi tidak ada lagi hambatan untuk membuat LRT industri di dalam negeri," kata Airlangga.
INKA garap proyek kereta LRT Rp 3,9 triliun Foto: Sugeng Harianto/detikcom

Direktur Utama PT Inka Budi Noviantoro menyambut baik kontrak proyek pembangunan LRT Jabodebek. Menurutnya kepercayaan tersebut merupakan saIah satu proyek strategis pemerintah daIam rangka memberikan kemudahan dan kecepatan transportasi kepada masyarakat.

"Kita dengan senang dan berterimakasih atas kepercaraan ini. Ada sinergi BUMN untuk support INKA, ada dari Inalum, Krakatau Steel," kata Budi.(hns/hns)

Indonesian PT INKA built 240 million US DOLLAR Worth work train set for LRT project
  • In the first phase, INKA will deliver 31 train sets (6 cars) for the LRT within 15 months, provided that 30 percent of the first development process takes place in Busan, while the remaining 70 percent will be completed in Indonesia.
  • South Korea will also be involved in the production of the rolling stock for the Greater Jakarta LRT.
  • Hyundai Railroading Technology System (Rotem) was requested to serve as consultant for state-owned train manufacturer PT Industri Kereta Api (INKA) that would produce the project's carriages.
  • The Greater Jakarta LRT will be divided into two phase; the 1st phase - the ongoing construction - will span from Bogor in West Java to Jakarta in a 44.4 km long track across Cibubur-Cawang, East Bekasi-Cawang and Cawang-Dukuh Atas in Central Jakarta. The 2nd phase will go through a 38.5 km long track from Cibubur-Bogor, Dukuh Atas-Palmerah-Senayan to Palmerah-Grogol in West Jakarta.









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Indonesia plans to export LNG to Pakistan, Bangladesh
  • News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Thu, January 18, 2018 | 03:28 pm
State-owned energy firm Pertamina delivers its first LNG cargo with a volume of 2 billion British thermal units (bbtu) from the Mahakam block in East Kalimantan to a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) operated by PT Nusantara Regas in West Java on Jan. 4. (JP/Ben Latuihamallo)
Deputy Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arcandra Tahar has said Indonesia plans to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) to two South Asian countries — Pakistan and Bangladesh — with the trading values at about US$6 billion for each country.

Arcandra said in Jakarta on Wednesday the LNG export would be decided during the visit of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to the countries in the near future.

“The sale purchase agreement is expected to be signed during the visit. It is what is being discussed in the ministry,” he said as reported by Antara, adding that the export volume reached between 1 and 1.5 million tons per annum.

In the implementation, state-owned energy firm Pertamina will cooperate with its counterpart in Bangladesh (Petrobangla) and its counterpart in Pakistan (Pakistan LNG Limited).

The contract agreement is to be designed in 10-year terms each.

The LNG export plan to the two countries is a follow-up of a memorandum of understanding between Pertamina and the two companies. (bbn)

Program uji coba OK Otrip, penumpang hanya perlu membayar Rp3.500 untuk satu tujuan perjalanan dari titik awal sampai ke titik tujuan. Setelah uji coba yang direncanakan hingga 15 April mendatang, tarif disesuaikan menjadi Rp5.000.




Presiden Joko Widodo will visit five South Asian countries next week. Say hello to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India.

Jokowi akan Kunjungan Negara ke Asia Selatan

INILAHCOM, Jakarta - Menteri Luar Negeri, Retno Lestari Marsudi mengatakan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) rencananya akan melakukan kunjungan kenegaraan dan kunjungan resmi Presiden ke beberapa negara Asia Selatan. Atas rencana tersebut sehingga hari nini digelar rapat terbatas di Istana Negara.

"Sebelum rapat dengan Presiden, kita di tingkat menteri dibawah koordinasi Menteri Ekonomi karena memang fokusnya kerja sama ekonomi. Maka, Pak Menko Ekonomi menjadi tuan rumah pertemuan tersebut," kata Retno di Istana Negara.

Menurut dia, ada beberapa yang sudah dibahas melakukan persiapan kunjungan resmi kenegaraan Presiden Republik Indonesia pekan depan.

Rencananya, ada lima negara yang dikunjungi seperti Srilanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh dan Afghanistan.

"Nah, kalau kita lihat hubungan kerja sama kita dengan lima negara tersebut. Maka tampak sekali bahwa kalau kita lihat paling tidak tiga di antara lima negara adalah negara dengan penduduk yang cukup besar," ujarnya.

Ia menjelaskan kunjungan ini merupakan 'new opportunities' untuk Indonesia mengembangkan, memperkokoh kerja sama ekonomi dengan negara-negara tersebut. Yakni, kerja sama ekonomi diterjemahkan dalam bentuk apa, satu di dalam bentuk perdagangan.

"Perdagangan kita dengan mereka cukup besar dan terus bertambah, tidak hanya menyangkut barang-barang yang sifatnya primer misalnya barang mentah seperti batu bara," jelas dia.

Selain itu, kerja sama dengan Bangladesh juga sudah dilakukan selama dua tahun berturut-turut mengekspor 150 ditambah 250 gerbong kereta api. Success story seperti ini ingin dikembangkan ke wilayah sekitarnya, maka juga coba masuk ke Srilanka dan negara-negara sekitarnya.

"Kedua, tentunya dengan negara-negara tersebut ada juga opportunities di bidang investasi. Investasi lebih kepada investasi kita ke mereka. Jadi fokusnya sekali lagi di ekonomi, selain itu tentunya kita diplomasi untuk kemanusiaan, diplomasi perdamaian kita juga akan kita bawa dalam kunjungan presiden ke lima negara," tandasnya.[jat]

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