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Indonesia Economy Forum

Sabtu 21 Oct 2017, 19:52 WIB

Siapkan Rp 600 Miliar, INKA Mau Bangun Pabrik di Banyuwangi
Ardian Fanani - detikFinance


Foto: Dok. PT INKA
Banyuwangi - PT Industri Kereta Api (PT INKA) berencana membuka pabrik baru di Banyuwangi. Ditargetkan pabrik dengan nilai investasi Rp 600 miliar ini akan mulai beroperasi pada semester kedua tahun 2019 mendatang.

Direktur keuangan dan SDM PT INKA, Mohamad Nur Sodiq mengatakan saat ini PT INKA merupakan satu-satunya industri kereta api di Indonesia dengan kinerja yang terus berkembang. Selain memenuhi kebutuhan kereta api domestik, PT INKA juga banyak menerima pesanan ekspor gerbong kereta api dari berbagai negara.

"Sebagai satu satunya pabrik kereta api nasional dengan lokasi pabrik di Madiun saat ini kapasitas produksinya overload. Maka, kami mencari lokasi untuk pengembangan perusahaan. Dengan berbagai pertimbangan, lokasi yang akhirnya kami tetapkan Banyuwangi. Untuk itu, kami meminta dukungan dari pemerintah daerah," kata Sodiq kepada sejumlah wartawan, Sabtu (21/10/2017).


Sodiq mengatakan, saat ini pesanan kereta api yang tengah ditangani oleh PT INKA cukup banyak, baik permintaan domestik maupun luar negeri. Untuk domestik saja, kata Sodiq, ada beberapa proyek yang tengah digarap. Antara lain proyek KRL Bandara Soekarno Hatta - Sudirman, LRT di Palembang yang disiapkan untuk SEA Games, LRT Jabodetabek, juga ada proyek dari PT KAI untuk mengganti gerbong-gerbong kereta yang usianya sudah tua.

"Belum lagi kami juga tengah mengerjakan pesanan kereta api dari beberapa negara salah satunya Bangladesh. Kami juga ikut tender di Zambia, Srilanka dan Nigeria. Selama ini kami juga telah memenuhi pesanan kereta dari semua negara di ASEAN. Maka kami butuh pabrik yang lebih besar lagi untuk membangun semua kereta-kereta tersebut," ungkap Sodiq.

Rencana lokasi industri yang akan dibangun di Banyuwangi, kata Sodiq berada di lahan milik BUMN di wilayah Kalipuro. "Kami sudah lapor ke Menteri BUMN, dan beliau mendukung karena lahannya juga milik perusahaan BUMN, jadi urusannya akan lebih mudah," ujar Sodiq.

Lokasi ini dinilainya memenuhi berbagai syarat strategis yang dibutuhkan oleh PT INKA, khususnya untuk memenuhi pesanan ekspor. Salah satunya dekat dengan pelabuhan Tanjungwangi yang diharapkan memudahkan pengiriman ekspor. Selain itu lokasi juga dekat dengan jaringan rel kereta api.

"Di lokasi tersebut infrastruktur pendukungnya lengkap. Jarak dengan pelabuhan sangat dekat. Selain itu di masterplan Banyuwangi, wilayah tersebut direncanakan dilewati oleh jalan tol. Sangat efisien nantinya," ujar Sodiq.

Sodiq menargetkan pembangunan industri dengan nilai investasi mencapai Rp 600 miliar akan dimulai mulai bulan Maret 2018 dan pabrik akan mulai beroperasi pada semester dua tahun 2019. Nantinya pabrik yang dibangun di Banyuwangi tersebut akan dijadikan pabrik kereta berbahan dasar stainless steel dan aluminium.

"Tidak tertutup kemungkinan nantinya Banyuwangi akan menjadi main industry PT INKA. Tapi yang jelas kami akan memiliki dua pabrik besar di Madiun dan Banyuwangi," cetus Sodiq.

Sodiq memproyeksikan industri INKA di Banyuwangi bisa menyerap hingga 1000 tenaga kerja. Dia berharap Kebutuhan tenaga kerja tersebut bisa dipenuhi dari sekolah vokasi yang ada di Banyuwangi. Bahkan dia berharap ke depannya Banyuwangi bisa membangun SMK Kereta Api selain SMK Perkapalan yang sudah ada sekarang.

"Tenaga kerja perkeretaapian memang membutuhkan spesialisasi khusus. Selama ini untuk memenuhi tenaga kerja di Madiun saja kekurangan. Maka kami akan bekerjasama dengan SMK yang ada di Banyuwangi untuk bisa mensuplai tenaga kerja bagi INKA," cetus Sodiq.

Sementara itu Wakil Bupati Yusuf Widyatmoko menyambut baik rencana pembangunan pabrik baru PT INKA. Pemerintah daerah akan memberikan support yang dibutuhkan oleh PT INKA untuk kelancaran pembangunan industri tersebut.

"Kami sangat senang Banyuwangi bisa menjadi lokasi pembangunan pabrik PT INKA. Apalagi industri ini akan menyerap banyak tenaga kerja putra putri daerah lulusan SMK, tentunya dengan dibekali keahlian khusus. Kami berharap segala sesuatunya bisa lancar," pungkasnya. (ang/ang)

Indonesian PT INKA built another locomotive manufacture factory at Banyuwangi east Java.
Indonesia in Sid Meier's CIVILIZATION VI
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Majapahit Warrior Queen.
Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi, known in her regnal name Tribhuwannottunggadewi Jayawishnuwardhani (Exalted Goddess of Three Worlds the glory of Vishnu growing/radiating/increased), also known as Dyah Gitarja ("Gita Reja" means the " spirited song"), was a Javanese queen regent and the third Majapahit monarch, reigning from 1328 to 1350. She also bears the title Bhre Kahuripan (Duchess of Kahuripan). With the help of her prime minister Gajah Mada, she pursued a massive expansion of the empire.


The statue of the Hindu goddess Parvati, the consort of Shiva. The statue represent Tribhuwanottunggadewi, queen of Majapahit (1328-1350). The statue originated from Rimbi temple, East Java, circa 14th century CE. The statue now is the collection of National Museum of Indonesia, Jakarta.

Previously, Prime Minister Gajah Mada of Majapahit in CIVILIZATION V
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Bonus-- :lol::lol::lol:
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Indonesia's Economy to Grow by More Than Five Percent in Second Half: Central Bank Governor

Jakarta. Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo expects the country's economy to grow around 5.1 percent-5.2 percent in the second half of this year, up from 5.01 percent in the first half thanks to strong consumption, government spending and pro-growth monetary policy.

"Our economic fundamentals are in good condition," Agus said at the House of Representatives on Monday (23/10).

Bank Indonesia, the central bank, kept its benchmark rate at 4.25 percent this month following cuts to the tune of 50 basis points in August and September to support sluggish lending and consumption.

Indonesia's trade balance recorded a wider surplus — which cumulatively stood at $10.87 million in January-September this year, up from $6.41 million in the same period last year — and inflation was maintained within the central bank's target of 3 percent-5 percent.

"We also see more investments, in buildings and also non-buildings [...] and especially in purchases of capital goods in plantation and mining sectors," Agus said.

The governor said exports from mining and plantation sectors are expected to increase on the back of improving economic conditions globally.

Economic growth in the second half of the year, he said, will be mainly propped up by the trade, hotel and restaurant, and manufacturing industries.

"Sales in the automotive and motorcycle industries have [shown] a lot of improvement. Several other industries [such as] trade, hotel and restaurant are also experiencing better sales," he said.

According to data from the Indonesian Automotive Association (Gaikindo), automakers have sold a total of 715,291 cars as of August, up 3.6 percent compared to 690,300 during the same period in 2016.

The central bank expects economic growth in 2017 to remain within its projection of 5 percent-5.4 percent before accelerating to 5.1 percent-5.5 percent in 2018.

The World Bank in its latest report said it expects Indonesia's GDP to increase by 5.1 percent this year and 5.3 percent next year.



Government accelerates development of West Papua trans road

Manokwari, W Papua (ANTARA News) - The central government through the Ministry of Public Works and Peoples Housing continues to boost the development of trans road in West Papua Province.

Yohanis Tulak, head of the National Road Implementing Agency XVII of Manokwari, said here on Tuesday that in 2017 the central government has allocated a budget of Rp1.5 trillion for the project.

He hoped the budget will be increased in 2018 to accelerate the regional development.

"It has become the commitment of President Joko Widodo to accelerate the development of the region to connect some districts/cities," he stated.

He said currently the West Papua Trans Road has connected districts of Manokwari and Tambrauw and also Sorong city.

"Local people have enjoyed the positive impact of the development. We know that new settlements along Manokwari-Kebar-Miyak road, Fef and Mega road in Sorong district continue to improve," he said.

Currently, he said the construction of the first section of the road, with a total length of 594.81 kilometers, is underway. The road section will connect districts of Manokwari Maybrat and Sorong. In addition to paving the road, the government is also constructing a number of bridges.

After the first section is completed, the government will later construct the second section connecting Manokwari district, Mamey and Wasior subdistrict in Teluk Wondama district to the border area of Nabire district in Papua province.

"There are 475,81 kilometers of roads and 125 bridges that need to be built," he said.

According to him, the forest clearance to make way for the construction of the toad is underway. It was expected that the construction could begin in 2018. (*)



Telemedicine program to be applied in Papua

Ubud, Bali (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Diaspora Network Global (IDNG), in collaboration with the Indonesian American Society Academics, will hold telemedicine and educational programs for boarding schools in the provinces of Papua and West Papua in January 2018.

The agreement was discussed during a meeting between IDNG President Herry Utomo and Chairman of the Board of Directors of IDNG Edward Wanandi with Coordinating Minister for Marine Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan and Head of the National Development Planning Agency Bambang Brodjonegoro in Washington DC, the US, last week.

In a press release received by ANTARA here on Tuesday, Utomo noted that the two programs were efforts by the diaspora to be directly involved in accelerating development in Indonesia, particularly in Papua and West Papua.

This initiative was welcomed by the minister who said it was time for the Indonesian diasporas expertise and mastery in technology to be used for building the country.

The telemedicine program will be centered at the Jayapura hospital and Merauke hospital and will be connected to five district health centers.

Later on, the "real time" program will be implemented at one hundred frontline district health centers to cover more patients.

Meanwhile, the educational programs will be held at high schools with boarding facilities in Jayapura, Merauke, and Nabire to transform them into high-quality graduate-generating institutions.

The program will begin with recruiting additional educators, designing curriculum and teaching materials, training and mentoring, and building learning infrastructure.

At least 20 professors from the Indonesian diaspora will be deployed alternately throughout 2018 to offer mentoring and guidance using the diasporas self-funding worth $350 thousand.

"This is a form of pure donation from the diaspora donors and sponsors, and these diaspora professors are devoted to fulfilling their duties, so they will not receive salaries or honorariums," Utomo said.(*)


Indonesia reaches agreements over Masela gas project with Japan
Kamis, 19 Oktober 2017 23:37 WIB - 3.449 Views


Indonesia's Energy Minister Ignasius Jonan (foto : ESDM / handout)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia has reached three agreements with Japan following a recent visit by the countrys Energy Minister Ignasius Jonan to Japan to discuss the Masela Block gas field development project.

The agreements were made after Minister Jonan met with Japans Inpex Corp. CEO Toshiaki Kitamura in Tokyo on Tuesday, according to a press release from the Ministry of Energy received here on Thursday.

The three agreements include the governments stance to urge Inpex to develop the LNG refinery project onshore in line with President Joko Widodos directive.

Secondly, the government will extend Inpexs contract for 20 years and add seven more years to compensate for changing the project from offshore to onshore.

Thirdly, the Indonesian government will offer Inpex the freedom to determine the location of the refinery project.

"The decision to extend the contract with Inpex to 20 years was made, as the current contract will expire soon. The seven additional years have been given to compensate for changing the scheme from offshore to onshore project," Minister Jonan said after meeting with Kitamura.

Currently, Inpex is conducting a "pre-front end engineering design" (pre-FEED) of Masela after receiving a work order from SKK Migas, the oil and gas regulatory agency.

Following Minister Jonans visit on May 16, 2017, a pre-FEED agreement was reached with an option of production capacity and an island.

Based on the order, it was stated that the capacity of the LNG refinery was set at 9.5 million tons per year and gas pipe production at 150 million cubic feet per day.

Pre-FEED is an important stage for formulating a revision of the Plan of Development (PoD).

The revision of PoD is being conducted to increase the LNG production capacity when the project is still to be carried out offshore.

The Masela Block contract, signed in 1998, is managed by Inpex, as the operator, with a 65 percent stake, and Shell Upstream Overseas Services, with a 35 percent stake.

The Indonesian government is optimistic that Inpex would immediately start the development project.

During the work visit to Japan, Minister Jonan, at a meeting with LNG Japan Corporation on Monday, said Indonesias gas purchase policy was a longer contract with a fixed volume.

"The minister said that we will avoid as much as possible a split cargo. PT Pertamina (state-owned oil and gas company) will discuss the gas purchase in further detail. Indonesias main gas policy is meeting the domestic demand and only export after it is met," Dadan Kusdiana, the energy ministrys spokesman, noted.

During the meeting with LNG Japan, Minister Jonan also called for detailed discussion with SKK Migas to reduce the cost of the LNG Tangguh project and LNG Benoa with regard to its high shipment cost, calling for efforts to reduce the price immediately.

During a meeting with Tokyo Gas on Tuesday (Oct 17), the company sought the Indonesian governments support for its LNG study in Sulawesi, including regulatory support to boost the gas business.

Tokyo Gas is currently studying LNG in Sulawesi and is committed to accelerating the completion of its study.

"Tokyo Gas plans to develop LNG refineries in Indonesia and is currently conducting a study in Sulawesi. Along with Pertamina, they are also currently conducting a LNG development project in Bojonegara, Banten. At the meeting with Tokyo Gas, the minister again emphasized the importance of efficiency," Dadan said.

Minister Jonan also told Tokyo Gas that the LNG purchase deal should be made under a long-term contract, and that the gas company will not only develop infrastructure but also generate power.

"The challenge is the high transportation cost in eastern Indonesia. To make the cost more efficient, the minister has urged to develop the power plant near an energy source or well," he said.

On Wednesday (Oct 18), the minister will be the key speaker at the LNG Producer Consumer Conference 2017.

He will shed light on sustainable LNG development in Indonesia.

The LNG Producer Consumer Conference 2017, held by Japans Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Asia-Pacific Energy Research Center, is themed "Opportunities in LNG Markey Driven Innovation" and aims to increase the knowledge of global LNG market trends and development.

The conference was attended by more than a thousand participants from government offices, business entities, and research institutes.

Reported by Kelik Dewanto

Editor: Aditia Maruli



Indonesia Rural/Countryside Vehicle
mid engine rear wheel drive

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Indonesia-Korea Selatan perkuat kerja sama tiga sektor industri
Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017 19:28 WIB - 151 Views

Pewarta: Sella Panduarsa Gareta


Menteri Perindustrian, Airlangga Hartarto, menunjukkan miniatur mobil Wuling kepada Duta Besar Korea untuk Indonesia, Taiyoung Cho, ketika melakukan pertemuan di Kementerian Perindustrian, Jakarta, 26 Oktober 2017. (ANTARA News/Biro Humas Kementerian Perindustrian)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Menteri Perindustrian, Airlangga Hartarto, juga mengungkapkan, Indonesia dan Korea Selatan berkomitmen untuk terus menguatkan kerja sama di sektor industri.

Adapun peluang sinergi bilateral pada sektor manufaktur yang juga akan dikembangkan, di antaranya adalah industri baja, petrokimia, dan permesinan.

“Upaya ini sehubungan dengan rencana kunjungan kenegaraan presiden Korea Selatan ke Indonesia pada 8-10 November 2017,” kata Airlangga, melalui keterangannya di Jakarta, Kamis.

Untuk itu, antara Kementerian Perindustrian dengan Kementerian Perdagangan, Industri, dan Energi Korea Selatan telah menginisiasi langkah pengembangan kerja sama di ketiga sektor industri potensial tersebut.

“Kesepatakan ini akan di tuangkan dalam satu MoU yang diharapkan dapat ditandatangani menteri dari kedua belah pihak saat kunjungan kenegaraan tersebut,” kata dia.

Airlangga menjelaskan, pihaknya tengah membidik investor Korea Selatan, yakni Lotte Chemical Titan agar segera merealisasikan penanaman modalnya sebesar 3-4 miliar dollar AS yang akan memproduksi naphtha cracker dengan total kapasitas sebanyak 2 juta ton per tahun.

“Bahan baku kimia tersebut diperlukan untuk menghasilkan ethylene, propylene dan produk turunan lain,” ujarnya.

Apalagi, Kementerian Perindustrian tengah memfokuskan industri petrokimia sebagai salah satu sektor yang diprioritaskan pembangunannya di dalam negeri karena berperan penting sebagai pemasok bahan baku bagi banyak manufaktur hilir seperti industri plastik, tekstil, cat, kosmetika hingga farmasi.

Kemenperin juga telah mengusulkan agar industri petrokimia termasuk sektor yang perlu mendapatkan penurunan harga gas karena sebagai sektor pengguna gas terbesar dalam proses produksinya.

“Dengan harga gas yang kompetitif, daya saing industri petrokimia nasional makin meningkat,” tegas Airlangga.

Di samping itu, sektor strategis lainnya yang sedang dipacu pengembangannya di Indonesia adalah industri baja.

Upaya ini untuk mendorong pembangunan klaster industri baja di Cilegon, Banten, yang akan memproduksi 10 juta ton baja pada 2025.

“Sektor ini sebagai mother of industry karena produknya merupakan bahan baku utama bagi kegiatan sektor industri lainnya,” jelas Airlangga.

PT Krakatau Steel (KS) dan perusahaan baja Korea Selatan, Posco telah berkomitmen untuk mendukung pembangunan klaster 10 juta ton baja tersebut.

Saat ini, kapasitas produksi PT KS digabungkan dengan PT Krakatau Posco (perusahaan patungan PT KS dan Posco) di Cilegon telah mencapai 4,5 juta ton, dan segera meningkat kembali dengan beroperasinya pabrik HSM#2 berkapasitas 1,5 juta ton pada akhir 2019, sehingga total akan mencapai 6 juta ton.

Berdasarkan catatan BKPM, Korea Selatan adalah investor nomor tiga terbesar di Indonesia.

Di sektor industri manufaktur, perusahaan-perusahaan Korea Selatan berkontribusi hingga 71 persen dari total investasi selama lima tahun terakhir sebesar 7,5 miliar dollar AS.

Bahkan, pabrik-pabrik itu mampu menyerap tenaga kerja sebanyak 900.000 orang.

Editor: Ade Marboen

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previous prototype

President asks public to supervise village fund
source : http://www.antaranews.com/en/news/113109/president-asks-public-to-supervise-village-fund


Garut, W Java (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on the public to participate in supervising the use of village funds from the central government in order to avoid irregularities.

The government will unlikely supervise the use of funds in some 74 thousand villages in Indonesia, the President said after handing over land titles to 5,500 residents at the Kerkof sports field in Garut district, West Java, on Tuesday.

He assured that as one of the governments key programs to develop villages and reduce disparities, the village fund program is still on the right track and will meet the target.

He said the village fund is directly transferred from the central government to the villages. The villages are held responsible for the use of the fund. The public must also supervise and control the use of the fund, be it used to build irrigation networks, roads and so on, he said.

"It is impossible for the central, provincial and district/municipal governments to supervise the use of the fund in the so many villages," he said.

He also called on the public to participate in deciding the use of the village fund. The fund can be used to finance any productive activity to develop rural economy.(*)







Blok M:



Lebak Bulus:

Courtesy of rizdwiput

LRT Jakarta Metro
Jl. HR Rasuna Said:

Pembangunan LRT Jabodebek Terus Bergerak


Pembangunan Light Rail Transit (LRT) Jabodebek, di UKI Cawang, Jakarta Timur, Kamis (19/10/2017), memasuki tahap pengerjaan long span (bentang panjang).







LRT Papua : Jayapura - Sentani Airport link - 37 Km - Proposed
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Indonesia issues e-commerce road map
Jakarta | Wed, August 9, 2017 | 08:45 pm
Communications and Information Minister Rudiantara explains the Palapa Ring project, which aims to improve connectivity across the country. (JP/Wienda Parwitasari)

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has signed the long-awaited e-commerce road map that will provide guidelines for the country's digital economy sector, Communication and Information Minister Rudiantara said Wednesday.

He explained that the roadmap was expected to be issued at the end of this year and would not only regulate technology, but also cover issues such as logistics, cyber securities, taxation, human resources development and consumer protection.

"One of the issues in the road map also relates to the payment system by implementing the National Payment Gateway (NPG), which will be under the supervision of Bank Indonesia," Rudiantara said, after attending the coordination meeting on e-commerce at the Economic Coordinating Ministry office in Jakarta.

As part of the roadmap's initiatives, he added, the ministry was currently designing a measure to record online transaction information from the marketplace, in coordination with the Finance Ministry, Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and Bank Indonesia.

"We only need to talk to e-commerce players on how to extract the information, so we do not have to create a new system to handle the matter," Rudiantara told journalists.

The meeting, he added, also revolved around the issues of the digital economy such as cross border transactions, which would be one of the main focuses in the upcoming bilateral meeting between Indonesia and China. (rdi/ags)



This will be a good news for any e-commerce based business as well as any website with ads business like OLX, Locanto and askalo
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Investment has grown in line with business confidence: Finance minister
Kamis, 9 November 2017 05:31 WIB - 958 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Investment has grown positively in the third quarter owing to business confidence in the countrys economic conditions, Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani stated.

"Investment has grown seven percent due to the confidence of business players," she remarked here on Wednesday.

She said the realization of the gross fixed capital formation growth, reaching 7.11 percent during the period, had surpassed the expectations of the government that had, in fact, only forecast it at some six percent.

In view of this, she said the government will continue to maintain the momentum, so that the spending component can steadily contribute to the national economy to ensure more optimal growth.

Other spending components that are being prioritized are the exports of goods and services that have also grown positively, so far, this year. In the third quarter of 2017, this sector grew by up to 17.27 percent.

The imports component has also grown during the period to indirectly affect the household consumption sectors performance as well as investment that has, so far, become the biggest contributors to the countrys gross domestic product (GDP).

"Initially, we had predicted that the exports would only increase seven to eight percent, but they have grown by up to 17 percent. Imports of especially raw materials also showed increasing business confidence. This is a very positive sign," Mulyani said.

However, household consumption only grew 4.93 percent in the third quarter, and to this end, the government will direct its efforts to bring about an improvement, as it was related to a change in the pattern of household consumption in the middle and upper classes of the community, she said.

To maintain the purchasing power, she said the government had, so far, offered a social aid program to the low- and middle-income brackets, so that their pattern of consumption would be maintained and would not be affected significantly.

Indonesias economy grew 5.06 percent in the third quarter, driven by exports that grew 17.27 percent and gross fixed capital formation at 7.11 percent, the Central Bureau of Statistics had stated earlier.

Growth in the period was also contributed by consumption of non-profit institutions serving households that grew 6.01 percent, household consumption that rose 4.93 percent, and government consumption that increased 3.46 percent.

The biggest contributor to the countrys GDP was household consumption, reaching 55.68 percent in the third quarter of 2017; however, its low growth has become the governments main focus.(*)
Editor: Heru Purwanto

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