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Kapal PKR kedua pesanan TNI AL diserahterimakan
Senin, 30 Oktober 2017 11:07 WIB | 4.656 Views
Pewarta: A Malik Ibrahim

Dokumentasi - Personel TNI AL mengamati kapal perang jenis perusak kawal rudal (PKR) yang melakukan uji coba di Galangan Divisi Kapal Niaga PT PAL Indonesia Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Kamis (19/10/2017). (ANTARA FOTO/M Risyal Hidayat)

Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Kapal perang pesanan TNI AL jenis Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) kedua diserahterimakan kepada Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryaccudu di Galangan PT PAL Indonesia, Kawasan Timur, Surabaya, Senin.

Penyerahan dilakukan karena pengerjaan kapal telah rampung dikerjakan oleh PT PAL Indonesia yang bekerja sama dengan galangan kapal Belanda, Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS). Kapal diberinama I Gusti Ngurah Rai-332.

"Dengan adanya serah terima hari ini ini, saya resmikan kapal I Gusti Ngurah Rai-332 sebagai kapal perang resmi TNI AL Republik Indonesia," kata Ryaccudu, saat membacakan peresmian serah terima kapal.

Dalam kesempatan itu, Ryaccudu yang didampingi Panglima TNI Jenderal Gatot Nurmantyo juga mengukuhkan Komandan KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai-332, dan resmi masuk dalam jajaran TNI AL.

"Saya yakin hadirnya kapal ini akan memperkuat jajaran TNI AL dan mampu menegakkan keutuhan NKRI dan hukum di laut sesuai hukum nasional dan internasional," katanya.

Sebelumnya, penyerahan proyek pertama kapal sejenis dilakukan pada awal tahun ini, dan juga dikerjakan bersama PT PAL Indonesia bersama Belanda melalui proses Alih Teknologi.

Kapal dengan nomor proyek pembangunan W000294 ini diserahkan setelah melalui serangkaian proses dan pengujian yang dimulai dengan pemotongan plat pertama (First Steel Cutting) pada 17 September 2014.

Dilanjutkan dengan peletakan lunas (Keel Laying) pada 18 Januari 2016 dan diluncurkan awal pada 20 September 2016, kemudian dilakukan dengan berbagai serangkaian uji (sea tria) sebelum kapal ini layak untuk diserah terimakan.

Sementara itu, pengerjaan kapal perang ini dilakukan dengan pembangunan Moduler System yang terbagi dalam 6 modul, 1 modul dikerjakan di Belanda sementara 5 modul lainnya dikerjakan Insan PAL Indonesia.

Kapal yang memiliki panjang 105.11 meter, lebar 14.2 meter, berkecepatan 28 knot itu memiliki kemampuan berlayar sampai 5.000 nm dengan dilengkapi peralatan persenjataan modern yang terintegrasi dalam sistem "Sensor Weapon Control" (Sewaco).

Selain itu, desain stealth yang dimiliki kapal ini memiliki beberapa teknologi seperti infrared signature, low noise signature yang menjadikan kapal PKR sulit terdeteksi oleh radar kapal lain, dan mampu melakukan peperangan permukaan laut, udara, bawah air, serta elektronika, serta memiliki ketahanan berlayar mencapai 20 hari.

Pembangunan kapal PKR dengan program Transfer Of Tecnology (ToT) ini juga menyerap kurang lebih 200 tenaga PAL Indonesia dari berbagai disiplin keilmuan, dimana sebanyak 75 orang diantaranya telah dididik di Damen Schelde - Vlisingen Belanda.

Selain ToT, PT PAL juga berbenah diri dengan melakukan peningkatan kapasitas produksi sesuai persyaratan untuk pembangunan PKR.

Alih teknologi itu sesuai dengan amanat dalam Undang-Undang 16 Tahun 2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan dan Keputusan KKIP No. KEP/12/KKIP/XII/2013 tentang Lead Integrator Alutsista Matra Laut.

The second PKR (frigate) constructed by PT PAL and Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS) named KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai - 332 is handed over to Indonesian Navy. The ship has sped of 28 knots, has infrared signature and low noise signature that make it hard to be detected by radar and able to do combat of air, surface and under water as well as electronic combat and able to sail up to 20 days.

Source: http://www.antaranews.com/berita/66...ler_home&utm_medium=populer&utm_campaign=news
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Indonesia’s Su-35 Fighter jet Purchase Finalized With 85% Offsets


Su-35 fighter jet: Image by Rostec

Indonesia has finalized the purchase of 11 Su-35 fighter jets with 85% offsets which includes 50% commodity exports to Russia and 35% in aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) of the $1.1 billion deal.

"It has been decided by our cabinet to finalize the procurement of 11 Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets. This is a remarkable effort of our defense minister, Russian state-owned firm Rostec, and PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (PT PPI), as they have now agreed to invest," the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Chief, Thomas Lembong, said in Jakarta Monday, according to Antara News.

Russia would invest in aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) industry for Sukhoi jet fighters that were purchased by Indonesia, the BKPM chief said.

He stated that the law on defense and law on defense industry have stipulated the requirement of minimum 85 percent offset for each purchase of defense equipment, which means that the expense from the states funding should be returned through trade and investment activities.

"Of the total 85 percent of the procurement, 50 percent would be paid in barter trade(commodity exports) and the remaining 35 percent with investment contract," he elaborated. The total procurement of the jet fighters is amounted at US$1.145 billion.

The Trade Ministry has appointed PPI and Rostec to undertake the barter trade. Indonesia would send some commodities, including rubber and palm oil.

"Their investment value is 35 percent of the total $1.145 billion in order to build a spare part factory for the MRO industry," he continued.

He added that the jet fighter procurement would be finalized by the Defense Ministry.

"BKPM and Trade Ministry will follow." The barter trade deal of SU-35 between Indonesia and Russia was signed on Aug 10.

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How about 3rd 4th 5th 6th ship?
still no clue ah?

Panglima TNI Berharap KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai Perkuat Poros Maritim
Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017 | 13:52 WIB

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JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Panglima TNI Jenderal Gatot Nurmantyo berharap, Kapal perang I Gusti Ngurah Rai-332 (KRI GNR-332) mampu memperkuat poros maritim Indonesia.

Dikutip dari siaran pers Kementerian Pertahanan, Kapal perang I Gusti Ngurah Rai-332 resmi diserahterimakan dari perusahaan kapal Belanda, Damen Schelde Naval Ship Building (DSNS), kepada TNI AL, di Surabaya, Senin (30/10/2017).

"Saya berharap Indonesia akan lebih kuat lagi poros maritimnya. Jadi ada 4 kapal yang akan dibuat, ini yang kedua yang sudah dibuat," ujar Gatot, di Markas Yonkav VII/Sersus, Cijantung, Jakarta Timur, Selasa (31/10/2017).

Gatot mengungkapkan bahwa ia telah memerintahkan Kepala Staf TNI AL Laksamana Ade Supandi berkoordinasi dengan Kementerian Pertahanan agar industri dalam produksi selanjutnya dikerjakan secara mandiri

Menurut Gatot, berdasarkan UU No 16 tahun 2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan, maka PT PAL harus mampu memproduksi kapal perang yang ketiga secara mandiri.

"Nah sekarang saya perintahkan kepada KSAL berkoordinasi dengan Kementerian Pertahanan bahwa yang ketiga nanti kita harusnya sudah mengacu pada UU No 16 tahun 2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan sehingga mewujudkan kemandirian. Minimal yang ketiga (KRI) bisa 40 persen, yang keempat bisa 100 persen. Kita mengacu pada UU itu tadi," kata Gatot.

Berdasarkan keterangan pers Kementerian Pertahanan, KRI GNR-332 merupakan jenis kapal Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR).

KRI tersebut memiliki panjang 105,11 meter, lebar 14,02 meter dan berbobot 3.216 ton. Kecepatan maksimal mencapai 28 knot dan mampu menampung 120 kru.

KRI GNR-332 disebut mampu melakukan perang di empat matra sekaligus. Yakni, perang permukaan sesama kapal perang, perang bawah air melawan kapal selam, perang udara pesawat tempur dan perang elektronika.

Selain itu, kapal ini juga mampu membajak sistem persenjataan dan kendali dari kapal perang musuh.

Beberapa persenjataan yang dimiliki KRI ini diantaranya adalah meriam utama OTO Melara 76/62 mm super rapid gun, rudal SSM Exocet MM40 Block 3 yang jarak jangkauannya mencapai 180-200 km.

KRI GNR-332 juga memiliki rudal SAM Anti Serangan Udara Mica yang dirancang bisa dioperasikan dalam waktu singkat, di segala cuaca, serta memiliki jarak jangkauan 20-25 km dan dilengkapi dengan Terma SKWS Decoy Launching System.

Sistem persenjataan lainnya yakni torpedo AKS A-244S, yang merupakan torpedo jenis ringan berpandu yang memiliki kemampuan khusus untuk mengincar sasaran di perairan laut dangkal dan Meriam Close In Weapon System (CIWS) Millenium Gun 35mm yang berfungsi menangkis serangan udara dan ancaman permukaan jarak dekat.

Agar tak mudah terdeteksi, KRI ini juga memiliki mode siluman atau stealth. Teknologi yang melengkapinya antara lain infra red signature danlow noise signature yang menjadikan kapal sulit terdeteksi oleh radar kapal lain.
Cmiiw..thd weight of martadinata class is around 2400 tonnes not above 3200 tonnes
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Panglima TNI Berharap KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai Perkuat Poros Maritim

"Saya berharap Indonesia akan lebih kuat lagi poros maritimnya. Jadi ada 4 kapal yang akan dibuat, ini yang kedua yang sudah dibuat," ujar Gatot, di Markas Yonkav VII/Sersus, Cijantung, Jakarta Timur, Selasa (31/10/2017).

But still, there's no formal procurement process for this has yet to begin..

On MEF revision programs actually, at the 2020, at least 6 units of these PKR frigate has been built and this is in line with the decommissioning of the Van Speijk class which should to began from this year to 2022, in which all of the PKR ships has been officially in commissioning that year..

Sebetulnya proses penambahan kapal PKR ini delay-nya udah kelamaan, dari yg seharusnya awal 2016 atau paling lambat akhir 2016 udah selesai, tapi sampe sekarang msh belum kelar juga. Kalaupun nanti pd akhir tahun atau awal 2018 kontraknya di teken (itupun klo emang ada niat mau dipercepat) tetap bakal ada gap antara Van Speijk yg mau dipensiunin dgn kesiapan PKR yg bakal operasional.

Bobot maksimal mungkin itu om
Tidak, bobot maksimal itu paling banter di sekitar 2500 - 2600 short tons, gak akan lebih dari itu.
Indonesia selects NASAMS air defence system

KONGSBERG has signed a contract worth 77 MUSD with the Ministry of Defence of Indonesia to supply a NASAMS air defence system.


The NASAMS was showcased by the Norvegian Defence Force in Poland at MSPO 2017

The contract comprise delivery of a complete NASAMS system with command posts, radars, launchers, radios and integration, and training and logistics support. AMRAAM missiles will be provided in a separate government-to-government agreement between Indonesia and the United States. NASAMS defends high value civilian and military assets on the ground against air threats. The inherent flexibility and modularity of NASAMS makes it a world leading solution with unique capabilities to combat modern airborne threats, as well as having the ability to integrate with a variety of different sensors and weapons.

Several nations have chosen NASAMS, including Norway, Finland, The Netherlands, USA, Spain, Oman and now Indonesia. “We are very pleased that Indonesia, as the first nation in its region, chooses NASAMS for its homeland defence. The continuous technical evolution and addition of users confirms that NASAMS is the most modern and advanced air defense system in the world,” says Eirik Lie, President of Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace.

NASAMS (Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile System) is a medium to long range air defene missile system designed and manufactured by the Norwegian Company Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace teamed up with Raytheon for the missile. NASAMS is renowned for its use of the Raytheon AMRAAM missile. The AMRAAM (AIM-120), was developed and is best known as an air-launched fire and forget missile.

Indonesia selects NASAMS air defence system

KONGSBERG has signed a contract worth 77 MUSD with the Ministry of Defence of Indonesia to supply a NASAMS air defence system.


The NASAMS was showcased by the Norvegian Defence Force in Poland at MSPO 2017

The contract comprise delivery of a complete NASAMS system with command posts, radars, launchers, radios and integration, and training and logistics support. AMRAAM missiles will be provided in a separate government-to-government agreement between Indonesia and the United States. NASAMS defends high value civilian and military assets on the ground against air threats. The inherent flexibility and modularity of NASAMS makes it a world leading solution with unique capabilities to combat modern airborne threats, as well as having the ability to integrate with a variety of different sensors and weapons.

Several nations have chosen NASAMS, including Norway, Finland, The Netherlands, USA, Spain, Oman and now Indonesia. “We are very pleased that Indonesia, as the first nation in its region, chooses NASAMS for its homeland defence. The continuous technical evolution and addition of users confirms that NASAMS is the most modern and advanced air defense system in the world,” says Eirik Lie, President of Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace.

NASAMS (Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile System) is a medium to long range air defene missile system designed and manufactured by the Norwegian Company Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace teamed up with Raytheon for the missile. NASAMS is renowned for its use of the Raytheon AMRAAM missile. The AMRAAM (AIM-120), was developed and is best known as an air-launched fire and forget missile.


Kongsberg : Indonesia Selects NASAMS Air Defence System

31 Oktober 2017

NASAMS air defence system (photo : Kongsberg)

KONGSBERG has signed a contract worth 77 MUSD with the Ministry of Defence of Indonesia to supply a NASAMS air defence system.

The contract comprise delivery of a complete NASAMS system with command posts, radars, launchers, radios and integration, and training and logistics support. AMRAAM missiles will be provided in a separate government-to-government agreement between Indonesia and the United States.

NASAMS defends high value civilian and military assets on the ground against air threats. The inherent flexibility and modularity of NASAMS makes it a world leading solution with unique capabilities to combat modern airborne threats, as well as having the ability to integrate with a variety of different sensors and weapons. Several nations have chosen NASAMS, including Norway, Finland, The Netherlands, USA, Spain, Oman and now Indonesia.

“We are very pleased that Indonesia, as the first nation in its region, chooses NASAMS for its homeland defence. The continuous technical evolution and addition of users confirms that NASAMS is the most modern and advanced air defense system in the world,” says Eirik Lie, President of Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace.

Kongsberg : Indonesia Selects NASAMS Air Defence System

31 Oktober 2017

NASAMS air defence system (photo : Kongsberg)

KONGSBERG has signed a contract worth 77 MUSD with the Ministry of Defence of Indonesia to supply a NASAMS air defence system.

The contract comprise delivery of a complete NASAMS system with command posts, radars, launchers, radios and integration, and training and logistics support. AMRAAM missiles will be provided in a separate government-to-government agreement between Indonesia and the United States.

NASAMS defends high value civilian and military assets on the ground against air threats. The inherent flexibility and modularity of NASAMS makes it a world leading solution with unique capabilities to combat modern airborne threats, as well as having the ability to integrate with a variety of different sensors and weapons. Several nations have chosen NASAMS, including Norway, Finland, The Netherlands, USA, Spain, Oman and now Indonesia.

“We are very pleased that Indonesia, as the first nation in its region, chooses NASAMS for its homeland defence. The continuous technical evolution and addition of users confirms that NASAMS is the most modern and advanced air defense system in the world,” says Eirik Lie, President of Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace.


Great Start but Indonesia should build Multi Layer Air Defense shield based on various long and medium and short range Air Defence systems
Great Start but Indonesia should build Multi Layer Air Defense shield based on various long and medium and short range Air Defence systems

There is plan to equip some of air defense battalion with Iris T missiles system. And build an integrated capable Air Defense Navy and ground units. Patriot missile system is had been eyed for while and on the long run there is study to equip our Air Defense system with ABM capabilities like THAAD.

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