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Rencana Kerja Pemerintah (RKP) untuk kementerian pertahanan Tahun 2017
Tidak termasuk belanja pegawai & barang operasional. Total pagu indikatif 104 Triliun.

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Indonesian air force chief holds talks with counterparts from nine countries
Rabu, 7 September 2016 02:23 WIB | 634 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesian Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Agus Supriatna held bilateral meetings with his counterparts from nine ASEAN member states at Hotel Ambarukmo in Yogyakarta on Tuesday.

The bilateral meetings took place prior to the opening of the 13th ASEAN Air Force Chiefs Conference (AACC) held in Yogyakarta from September 6 to 9, chief of the Indonesian Air Forces information service Commodore Jemi Trisonjaya said in a press statement released on Tuesday.

Commander of the Royal Cambodian Air General Soeung Samnang was the first ASEAN air force chief to hold bilateral talks with Marshal Agus Supriatna, he said.

At the meeting, the two air force chiefs of staff agreed to forge the existing relations, he said adding that among the potential areas of cooperation that the two countries can pursue in the future are exchange of officers' visit and education.

In addition, they also warmly welcomed the theme of the AACC which they saw as "very actual" particularly when it comes to an agreement to adopt standard operating procedure (SOP) for natural disaster mitigation and joint use of ASEAN Air Force website.

After receiving the Cambodian air force chief of staff, Marshal Agus Supriatna later received his counterparts from Laos, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.(*)

T for Tinombala Operation. Soldier from Raider TNI onboard KRI Tanjung Kambani 971 sailing from Poso to Makassar.
Repost from @yousadbp


KRI Bung Tomo-357 in the Mediterranean sea.
Photo credit : auliaramadia.



Washing tank after practice. Credit to Yonkav1
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CAE C-130H Full-Mission Simulator


Royal Australian Air Force C-130 J Trainer/ Simulator (for illustration), succeed the previous version.

Indonesian Air Force takes delivery of CAE-built ex-RAAF C-130H simulator


CAE today announced that the Indonesian Air Force has recently taken delivery and accepted for training a CAE-built C-130H full-mission simulator that was previously in-service with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).

The Indonesian Air Force has acquired nine ex-RAAF C-130H aircraft along with the CAE-built simulator as part of a government-to-government agreement established several years ago. Airbus Group Australia Pacific, the prime contractor responsible for delivery of five of the C-130H aircraft along with spares and simulator, subcontracted CAE Australia to relocate the C-130H simulator and to provide the training facility to house it.

The CAE-built C-130H full-mission simulator is now installed and ready-for-training in the new facility, which is an extension of the Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angatan Udara (TNI-AU) C-130 training facility located at Halim Airbase near Jakarta.

"We are pleased to support the Government of Australia and Airbus in completing the transfer of the C-130H simulator to the Indonesian Air Force," said Peter Redman, Vice President and General Manager, CAE Asia/Pacific, Defence & Security. "We have maintained and serviced this C-130H simulator since its entry into training with the RAAF more than 15 years ago so it still has many years of service remaining to support the safe, efficient training of Indonesian Air Force C-130H aircrews."


PKR WARSHIP: High-tech missile-guided destroyer escort frigate
(The Jakarta Post/ Liza Yosephine). Credit to FB of Lembaga Keris.
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Police adopt SS2 V5 for their FPU in Sudan since 2012. Its replace Styer AUG 3 that they use in some duty rotation. CMIIW @GraveDigger388
In peaces time, we make a strategic plan and select the very needed thing including the very needed weapon. In this time we use to think the basic thought about how to defend our proudly homeland. Some thing like what is better to depend another power(seek for allies and weapons) or not ; ....

As the result many outsider could not easily understand our difence power and strategy. But believe we have that ability and resources to difend our home land.
What obout yours?
Indonesian Air Force Den Bravo 90 New P6 ATAV Vehicle. Credit to skyshieldstwo.


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