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2nd (AX-2340) CN-235 Maritime Patrol Aircraft for Indonesian Navy is being completed by PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

Indonesia to raise East China Sea issue at ASEAN-Japan summit

Thu, December 12 2013 17:01 | 199 Views


Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia plans to raise the East China Sea issue at the ASEAN-Japan Summit scheduled in Tokyo at the weekend.

"The political situation in East Asia is quite tense right now. The attention used to be focused on the Southeast China Sea, but now tensions are reaching a flashpoint with the East China Sea dispute," Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said here on Thursday before departing for Tokyo to attend the summit.

He said Indonesia would convey its view on the subject in front of other leaders in the region, while urging them to maintain peace and stability to ensure continued economic growth in the region.

After Beijing announced its Air Defense Identification Zone on November 23, tensions in East Asia have escalated rapidly, especially in the waters around the disputed islands.

The Japanese government, meanwhile, has said it will not compromise its sovereignty claim over the disputed islands.

President Yudhoyono and a delegation that includes First Lady Ani Yudhoyono left Jakarta for Tokyo aboard special aircraft A330-300, which belongs to state-owned airline company PT Garuda.

The president is attending the ASEAN-Japan Summit to mark the 40th anniversary of ASEAN-Japan relations.

The ASEAN 10 members are Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Indonesia.

At the summit, cooperation in various fields will be discussed, especially the implementation of the ASEAN-Japan Strategic Economic Cooperation Roadmap (2012-2022), which forms the framework for achieving the goal of an ASEAN Economic Community by 2015.

In Japan, President Yudhoyono will meet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to discuss the developments in bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries, given that this year marks the 55th anniversary of Indonesia-Japan relations.

He is also expected to deliver a lecture on the Regional Security Architecture at the Kensei Kinen Kaikan. The lecture has been organized by the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) in cooperation with the Japan-Indonesia Parliamentary League, Japans Foreign Ministry and the Indonesian embassy in Tokyo.

Other Indonesian delegation members include Foreign minister Marty Natalegawa and Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam.

Indonesia to raise East China Sea issue at ASEAN-Japan summit - ANTARA News


What position our Government has....is quite exciting to be watched. Indonesia actually has to put powerful person to be a minister of foreign affairs in the future.....since current tension will push our nation to be sided.....and of course we want and have to stay neutral.....just like how Obama assigned Hillary and John Kerry, powerful personalities are needed. Some one that lives as a leader....usually activist or politician...... not a career diplomat anymore....too many psychological pressure....I am afraid career diplomat can not handle the situation. President should be advised by a confident person to act in this challenging time.
Indonesian navy to organize int`l maritime security symposium
Thu, December 5 2013 23:04 |

"I have strong ambitions to turn the TNI AL into a world class navy, to put it on par with navies of developed countries," Naval Chief of Staff Admiral Marsetio said.

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) will organize a symposium on international maritime security in Jakarta from December 9 to 11, as part of efforts to develop its fleet into a world class navy.

"I have strong ambitions to turn the TNI AL into a world class navy, to put it on par with navies of developed countries," Naval Chief of Staff Admiral Marsetio said at a event marking Indonesian Fleet Day at the pier of the Eastern Indonesian Fleet Command in Surabaya, East Java, on Thursday.

Therefore, to create a world class navy, he said the TNI AL will give priority to building the character of its personnel and organization in a comprehensive way.

He noted that the character of the navy is excellent in terms of organization, operation and human resources, he said.

As such, TNI AL will be able to achieve its vision -- creating a reliable, respected and world-class navy, he said.

The symposium will also have an impact on the strategic assessment of the TNI AL at regional and international levels.

Nearly 350 participants from countries grouped in the Indian Oceans Naval Symposium (IONS) and Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) will attend the three-day symposium in Jakarta.

Naval Chief of Staff Admiral Marsetio will officially inaugurate the symposium, with Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro as a keynote speaker. (*)
Editor: Heru


Indonesian navy to organize int`l maritime security symposium - ANTARA News
Indonesian navy to organize int`l maritime security symposium
Thu, December 5 2013 23:04 |

"I have strong ambitions to turn the TNI AL into a world class navy, to put it on par with navies of developed countries," Naval Chief of Staff Admiral Marsetio said.

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) will organize a symposium on international maritime security in Jakarta from December 9 to 11, as part of efforts to develop its fleet into a world class navy.

"I have strong ambitions to turn the TNI AL into a world class navy, to put it on par with navies of developed countries," Naval Chief of Staff Admiral Marsetio said at a event marking Indonesian Fleet Day at the pier of the Eastern Indonesian Fleet Command in Surabaya, East Java, on Thursday.

Therefore, to create a world class navy, he said the TNI AL will give priority to building the character of its personnel and organization in a comprehensive way.

He noted that the character of the navy is excellent in terms of organization, operation and human resources, he said.

As such, TNI AL will be able to achieve its vision -- creating a reliable, respected and world-class navy, he said.

The symposium will also have an impact on the strategic assessment of the TNI AL at regional and international levels.

Nearly 350 participants from countries grouped in the Indian Oceans Naval Symposium (IONS) and Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) will attend the three-day symposium in Jakarta.

Naval Chief of Staff Admiral Marsetio will officially inaugurate the symposium, with Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro as a keynote speaker. (*)
Editor: Heru


Indonesian navy to organize int`l maritime security symposium - ANTARA News

world class navy need world class human resources and world class equipment 8-)
Kyodo News International December 12, 2013 8:16 December 12, 2013 8:16
Japan, Indonesia to step up talks between foreign, defense officials

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono agreed Friday to strengthen communication between foreign and defense officials of the two countries with a view to holding consultations involving their foreign and defense ministers.

In a meeting in Tokyo on the sidelines of a weekend summit of Japan and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Abe pledged 62 billion yen in loans to Indonesia for infrastructure building in areas such as railways and sewers, according to a Japanese official.

"We, Indonesia, support Japan's broader and higher role in the field of security in Asia," Yudhoyono said in a joint news conference with Abe after the meeting.

As the two countries have suffered natural disasters such as major earthquakes and tsunami, the leaders agreed to work together in disaster management, with Abe expressing readiness to offer funds and technology, the official said.

Abe explained Japan's stance on China's newly declared air defense identification zone in the East China Sea that covers the Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands, but Yudhoyono did not give a specific answer, according to the official.

Referring to the Chinese zone, which covers an extensive area above international waters separating China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, Abe said the freedom of flight over the open sea must not be violated by force.

Earlier Friday, the Indonesian president proposed an "Indo-Pacific treaty of friendship and cooperation," a legally binding framework that will serve to promote friendship and cooperation in the region.

Yudhoyono urged regional powers to start talks for the proposed treaty, which is aimed at strengthening the building blocks for cooperation for peace, security and prosperity in the region covering the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

"Indonesia is confident that the present development in our region offers opportunities for building durable and strategic partnerships," he said in a speech in Tokyo.

Touching on disputes in Southeast Asia, including overlapping claims in the South China Sea among China and ASEAN members such as Vietnam and the Philippines, Yudhoyono said, "Indonesia is deeply concerned at the prospect of the disputes erupting into open conflicts."

The president said that although members of the East Asia Summit in 2011 signed the declaration called "Bali Principles for Mutually Beneficial Relations" based on principles of nonuse of force and peaceful settlement of disputes, it was not legally binding.

Japan, Indonesia to step up talks between foreign, defense officials | GlobalPost

What position our Government has....is quite exciting to be watched. Indonesia actually has to put powerful person to be a minister of foreign affairs in the future.....since current tension will push our nation to be sided.....and of course we want and have to stay neutral.....just like how Obama assigned Hillary and John Kerry, powerful personalities are needed. Some one that lives as a leader....usually activist or politician...... not a career diplomat anymore....too many psychological pressure....I am afraid career diplomat can not handle the situation. President should be advised by a confident person to act in this challenging time.
Before putting a powerful person to be a minister of foreign affair, indonesia must put a strong military for themself. Without military strength, diplomacy will have no use.
Before putting a powerful person to be a minister of foreign affair, indonesia must put a strong military for themself. Without military strength, diplomacy will have no use.

The meeting result is quite satisfactory for me....Good for Indonesia.....Applause to the President and foreign affairs department.... :yahoo:
Подержанные российские лодки подвергнут индонезийской проверке


Индонезийское военное ведомство намерено направить в Россию специальную делегацию, который будет произведена проверка физического состояния подводных лодок (подержанных) типа Kilo (проект 877 «Палтус», классификация НАТО). Заявление аналогичного содержания было озвучено Пурномо Юсгианторо – министром обороны Индонезии.

Согласно информации, озвученной адмиралом Марсетио – командующим Военно-морскими силами Индонезии, военных заинтересовала возможность приобретения российских подержанных подводных лодок. Предложение российской стороны будет положено на детальное рассмотрение.

В частности, в рамках сделки предусматривается предложение России индонезийской стороне двух подводных лодок проекта 877 из состава российского Северного флота. При этом, прежде, чем продать корабли, их может ожидать глубокая модернизация и ремонт, заниматься которыми будет призван северодвинский центр «Звездочка».
В настоящее время индонезийским военным ведомством рассматривается несколько вариантов покупки подлодок, первым из которых предусматривается закупка подержанных кораблей у России, а второй предполагает приобретение новых кораблей у Южной Кореи.

К подробному изучению второго варианта индонезийские военные приступят только по завершению визита в Россию индонезийской делегации. Потребность флота в подводных лодках оценивается Министерством обороны Индонезии в двенадцать единиц как минимум (в том числе носители баллистических ракет).

На вооружении индонезийского флота в настоящее время стоят две подлодки типа «Какра» (проект Туре 209/1300) немецкой постройки. Вместе с тем, еще три корабля того же проекта строятся для Индонезии в Южной Корее. Для этих подлодок в конце предыдущего месяца Индонезией были приобретены у Франции сонары.
Как сообщалось в конце августа текущего года, Россией было предложено индонезийскому правительству приобрести дизель-электрические подводные лодки в количестве одного десятка экземпляров. Подробности данного проекта не разглашались, но, согласно предположительным сведениям, речь шла о новых подлодках проектов 636 «Варшавянка», «Амур-1650» или «Амур-950». Пока никакой достоверной информации о том, были ли начаты переговоры по данному предложению, нет.

Подержанные российские лодки подвергнут индонезийской проверке | "Военные новости России"


Indonesian will inspect Russian Used boats
Indonesian military department intends to send a special delegation to Russia, which will check the physical condition of submarines (used) type Kilo (Project 877 "Halibut", NATO classification). Statement of similar content was announced Purnomo Yusgiantoro - Minister of Defense of Indonesia.

According to information announced by Admiral Marset - Commander Naval Forces, Indonesia, military interested in the opportunity to buy Russian submarines used. Russian proposal will be put to a detailed consideration.

In particular, in a deal provided the Russian proposal to the Indonesian side of two Project 877 submarines from the Russian Northern Fleet. At the same time, before selling ships, they can expect a deep modernization and repair, which will be called upon to engage in Severodvinsk center "asterisk".

Currently, the Indonesian military department considered several options for the purchase of submarines, the first of which provides for the purchase of used submarine in Russia, and the second involves the acquisition of new submarine in South Korea.

For a detailed study of a second embodiment of the Indonesian military will begin only after completion of the visit to Russia of the Indonesian delegation. Indonesian Navy Need submarines is estimated by the Ministry of Defence of Indonesia in units of at least twelve (including ballistic missile carriers).

In service with the Indonesian navy currently has two types of submarines "Kukri" (Project Tour 209/1300) German construction. However, three of the ship of the same project built for Indonesia in South Korea. For these submarines at the end of the previous month Indonesia were purchased from France sonars.

As reported in late August this year, Russia was invited to the Indonesian government to buy diesel-electric submarines in the amount of one dozen copies. Details of the project were not disclosed, but according to the information alleged, they talked about the new submarines of 636 "Varshavyanka", "Amur-1650" or "Amur-950." While there is no reliable information on whether there were initiated talks on the proposal.

well Indonesian Navy will have more than dozens of Submarine forces before the turn end of this decade 8-)
PT DI delivers airplanes,
helicopters to three institutions

Arya Dipa, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Archipelago | Wed, December 18 2013, 8:06 AM

State aircraft maker PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) handed over on Tuesday a number of aircraft to three government agencies.

PT DI delivered three CN-295 medium transport airplanes and six Bell-412 EP medium transport helicopters to the Defense Ministry during a ceremony at its facility in Bandung.

Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro attended the ceremony as well as the Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Gen. Moeldoko and the National Police chief Gen. Sutarman.

In addition to the Defense Ministry, the aircraft manufacturer also handed over helicopters to the National Police and the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas).

Budi Santoso, president director of the aircraft manufacturer, handed over the three CN-295s and six Bell 412 EPs to the Defense Ministry’s Defense Facilities Agency head Rear Adm. Rachmad Lubis.

“The simultaneous delivery of aircraft to three government agencies is a very proud moment,” Budi said in a media release.

“This is PT DI’s commitment to fulfill the needs of locally made major weapon systems.”

Budi added that the Defense Industry Policy Committee (KKIP) had been working not only to supply the TNI but also other government agencies with locally made aircraft.

The police received one Bell-412 EP helicopter, which will be operated by the Air Police Directorate, while Basarnas received two AS365 N3+ Dauphin medium-weight helicopters.

Budi said that the contract with the police was signed on July 1 while the contract with Basarnas was signed on Nov. 28, 2012.

The Defense Ministry ordered nine CN-295s in 2012 and has so far received a five of them. The remaining four airplanes will be delivered in 2014 and 2015.

The Air Force’s 2nd Squadron will operate the CN-295s as replacements for the ageing Dutch-made Fokker 27 Troopships.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Army is using the Bell 412s for transport and assault missions.

PT DI delivers airplanes, helicopters to three institutions | The Jakarta Post
PT PAL Indonesia shipyard launched new KCR 60 class Missile boat for Indonesian navy.

December 18, 2013

PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) launched naval ship Fast Missile Vessel type 60 Meters (KCR-60). The warship is the first ship of the three ships ordered to meet the needs of the Navy. As the National Defense Industry Lead Integrator in the field of Matra Sea, PAL Indonesia continues to develop its ability to manufacture and ship Warship Commerce. This is evidenced by the production of the first ship of this as a result of the development of a variety of Fast Patrol Boats (Fast Patrol Boat) which has been produced before.

Source in Indonesian: PAL Indonesia Luncurkan Kapal Cepat Rudal 60 Meter (KCR-60) Pesanan TNI AL | PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)


New KCR 60 meter made by PT PAL Shipyard, Indonesia




New 6 Bell-412 EP and 3 C-295 delivered to Indonesian armed forces
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