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Indonesia Defence Forum

other possibility is buy japanese hulls, fill it with euro system (mbda+therma) everyone got their share
diversifikasi-nya gk gitu juga tapi harusnya, apalagi urusan major weapon system. Untuk AL bagi-bagi rejekinya maksimal di jenis kapalnya okelah

Misal Korvet dari negara A, Frigat Negara B, Heavy Frigat/Destroyer dari negara C

khan dri semua platform tsb sudah ada commonality nya. Kalau dari tangkapan saya jeroannya Arrowhead 140 (iver) pun ga khan jauh dari Thales dan rudal nya MBDA. Cuma sekedar hull dan power plant aja yang beda jauh. Walaupun kalau 30FFM kemungkinan besar Combat system pakai punya jepang walaupun rudalnya masih open question apakah akan pakai Mk 41 VLS atau dari MBDA lagi. Memang kalau dilihat dari sisi commonality ala US memang terlalu diverse tapi kondisi keuangan & politik negara kita seperti apa dulu, apakah memungkinkan, ga juga khan. Terlebih lagi kita belum tau pendekatan mana yg paling cocok utk keadaan & situasi negara kita (belum ada yg teruji)

other possibility is buy japanese hulls, fill it with euro system (mbda+therma) everyone got their share

I'm guessing that is the current approach.

BTW does anyone know what brand of gas turbine those 30FFM is using? Does it use LM2500 series or Japan made gas turbine?. Although I have no doubt the diesel most likely Japan. I ask this because with Biden administration we should expect more difficulty in procuring US system
khan dri semua platform tsb sudah ada commonality nya. Kalau dari tangkapan saya jeroannya Arrowhead 140 (iver) pun ga khan jauh dari Thales dan rudal nya MBDA. Cuma sekedar hull dan power plant aja yang beda jauh. Walaupun kalau 30FFM kemungkinan besar Combat system pakai punya jepang walaupun rudalnya masih open question apakah akan pakai Mk 41 VLS atau dari MBDA lagi. Memang kalau dilihat dari sisi commonality ala US memang terlalu diverse tapi kondisi keuangan & politik negara kita seperti apa dulu, apakah memungkinkan, ga juga khan. Terlebih lagi kita belum tau pendekatan mana yg paling cocok utk keadaan & situasi negara kita (belum ada yg teruji)

I'm guessing that is the current approach.

BTW does anyone know what brand of gas turbine those 30FFM is using? Does it use LM2500 series or Japan made gas turbine?. Although I have no doubt the diesel most likely Japan. I ask this because with Biden administration we should expect more difficulty in procuring US system
Do biden really that hostile towards us?
I don't think so..
khan dri semua platform tsb sudah ada commonality nya. Kalau dari tangkapan saya jeroannya Arrowhead 140 (iver) pun ga khan jauh dari Thales dan rudal nya MBDA. Cuma sekedar hull dan power plant aja yang beda jauh. Walaupun kalau 30FFM kemungkinan besar Combat system pakai punya jepang walaupun rudalnya masih open question apakah akan pakai Mk 41 VLS atau dari MBDA lagi. Memang kalau dilihat dari sisi commonality ala US memang terlalu diverse tapi kondisi keuangan & politik negara kita seperti apa dulu, apakah memungkinkan, ga juga khan. Terlebih lagi kita belum tau pendekatan mana yg paling cocok utk keadaan & situasi negara kita (belum ada yg teruji)

I'm guessing that is the current approach.

BTW does anyone know what brand of gas turbine those 30FFM is using? Does it use LM2500 series or Japan made gas turbine?. Although I have no doubt the diesel most likely Japan. I ask this because with Biden administration we should expect more difficulty in procuring US system
What's wrong with biden?
Do biden really that hostile towards us?
I don't think so..

What's wrong with biden?

Not specifically toward Indonesia but Biden demeanour toward PakDe during his tenure as VP was Holier than Thou, with the usual human right issue, corruption, etc. With him as POTUS he will add deforestation, LBGTQ issue, etc all from SJW playbook

I'm curious why Japan doesn't develop their own turbine engine, their industry is more than capable to developing it. heck they can even turn into nuclear weapon state overnight literally speaking as in under 24 hours with weapon ready to deploy if they ever need such.
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TRIBUNNEWS.COM, TOKYO - Menteri Pertahanan Jepang Nobuo Kishi untuk pertama kalinya melakukan pertemuan resmi lewat zoom dengan Menteri Pertahanan Indonesia Prabowo Subianto, Senin (2/11/2020).

Dalam pertemuan yang berlangsung selama 30 menit, Nobuo Kishi dan Prabowo Subianto menyepakati pengalihan alutsista kedua negara.

"Penguatan kerja sama di bidang keamanan, alutsista akan dibahas lebih lanjut di antara otoritas pertahanan kedua negara dalam waktu dekat mendatang," kata Menteri Kishi.

Kedua menteri sepakat untuk membahas relokasi dan promosi kerja sama teknis di bidang pertahanan kedua negara, ungkap sumber Tribunnews.com Selasa (3/11/2020).

Perbincangan antara Menteri Pertahanan Kishi dan Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo berlangsung sekitar 30 menit mulai pukul 18.30 waktu Jepang, Senin (2/11/2020).

Kishi pun mengunkapkan niatnya untuk menentang upaya sepihak mengubah status quo dengan latar belakang kekuasaan khususnya mengenai China yang sedang memperkuat ekspansi lautnya di Laut China Timur dan Laut China Selatan dengan caranya sendiri.

"Kami menegaskan akan mendorong kerja sama pertahanan menuju terwujudnya Indo-Pasifik yang terbuka dan bebas," katanya.

Kemudian, berdasarkan pertemuan puncak antara Perdana Menteri Yoshihide Suga dan Presiden Jokowi tanggal 20 Oktober 2020, akan diadakan pembahasan antara otoritas pertahanan untuk mempromosikan pengalihan alutsista dan kerja sama teknis

Editor: Adi Suhendi

i would lovely welcome takanami and their friend rather than bremen
Not specifically toward Indonesia but Biden demeanour toward PakDe during his tenure as VP was Holier than Thou, with the usual human right issue, corruption, etc. With him as POTUS he will add deforestation, LBGTQ issue, etc all from SJW playbook
I don't think so. Don't think all of the Democrats are "SJW". Peace Bima Sena II, this project was when the US was under Obama Presidency and Biden was his VP and going well though, i give this as an example to show if he is not as what you said.

And, don't think Liberals and SJW are same. We get help from US to eradicate the communists (which is the thing that the SJW really don't like) when US was under the conservatives ? no, we get it from the Liberal Administration.
US$ 2.876 billion for 8 destroyers good deals banget each $350m perkapal lbh murah IVER $330m perkapal,dgn harga segitu kemungkinan besar FBNW
8 kapal untuk ganti VanSpeijk class

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, TOKYO - Menteri Pertahanan Jepang Nobuo Kishi untuk pertama kalinya melakukan pertemuan resmi lewat zoom dengan Menteri Pertahanan Indonesia Prabowo Subianto, Senin (2/11/2020).

Dalam pertemuan yang berlangsung selama 30 menit, Nobuo Kishi dan Prabowo Subianto menyepakati pengalihan alutsista kedua negara.

"Penguatan kerja sama di bidang keamanan, alutsista akan dibahas lebih lanjut di antara otoritas pertahanan kedua negara dalam waktu dekat mendatang," kata Menteri Kishi.

Kedua menteri sepakat untuk membahas relokasi dan promosi kerja sama teknis di bidang pertahanan kedua negara, ungkap sumber Tribunnews.com Selasa (3/11/2020).

Perbincangan antara Menteri Pertahanan Kishi dan Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo berlangsung sekitar 30 menit mulai pukul 18.30 waktu Jepang, Senin (2/11/2020).

Kishi pun mengunkapkan niatnya untuk menentang upaya sepihak mengubah status quo dengan latar belakang kekuasaan khususnya mengenai China yang sedang memperkuat ekspansi lautnya di Laut China Timur dan Laut China Selatan dengan caranya sendiri.

"Kami menegaskan akan mendorong kerja sama pertahanan menuju terwujudnya Indo-Pasifik yang terbuka dan bebas," katanya.

Kemudian, berdasarkan pertemuan puncak antara Perdana Menteri Yoshihide Suga dan Presiden Jokowi tanggal 20 Oktober 2020, akan diadakan pembahasan antara otoritas pertahanan untuk mempromosikan pengalihan alutsista dan kerja sama teknis

Editor: Adi Suhendi

i would lovely welcome takanami and their friend rather than bremen

KRI takanami idaman formil akan terwujud :D
US$ 2.876 billion for 8 destroyers FFM very cheap $350M each meski lbh murah IVER $330M per kapal dan kemungkinan semua FBNW :D btw apakah line produksi PT.PAL bisa menampung IVER & FFM klo deal?
Japan plans to export MSDF destroyer to Indonesia

The government is considering exporting the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s destroyer to Indonesia, according to informed sources.

Negotiations on the export are underway with the Indonesian government, the sources said.

A successful destroyer deal, if struck, would provide momentum for Japan’s exports of defense equipment and help realize the country’s initiative to make the Indo-Pacific region free and open, the sources said.

For Indonesia, which has increasingly been vigilant against China’s vigorous expansion into the South China Sea, enhancing security cooperation with Japan through the deal would have some deterrent effects against Beijing, they noted.

Last month, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga agreed with Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in Bogor, near Jakarta, to accelerate bilateral talks on defense equipment exports and technology transfers. Defense ministers of the two countries held a teleconference Monday.

Concrete ideas are believed to have been proposed at those meetings, observers said.

Japan’s three principles on defense equipment transfers, adopted by the Cabinet in 2014, allow exports of equipment that will be used for life-saving, transportation, vigilance and surveillance activities, or minesweeping.

Exporting a destroyer will not be easy (in light of the principles) because the ship has not only warning and surveillance functions but attack capabilities,” a senior Defense Ministry official said.

But the export may be possible if it is made for the purpose of joint ship development with a foreign country, the official added.

In fiscal 2015, the ministry set up the Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency for uniform control of exports of defense equipment.

But the agency had failed to arrange equipment exports until it worked out in August this year a deal to ship four radars to the Philippines.

. . .
Bagus mana kawasaki P1 banding boeing P8...?
Not sure for the electronics system, but platform / airframe wise P-1 is better than P-8 for the MPA/ASW role :
- P-1 airframe design is optimized for MPA/ASW role, while P-8 is adapted from commercial airliner (B737)
- P-1 is optimized for both low level / low speed and high level / high speed patrolling.. while P-8 is optimized for high level / high speed patrolling only (as all commercial jet planes are designed for economic cruising in high altitude)
- The cockpit windows on P-1 are much larger than the P-8 thus increasing the field of view for the pilots.
- 4 engines in P-1 vs 2 engines in P-8... 2 engines in P-1 can also be safely shutdown during patrol to increase range / endurance...

Well that are just some of the advantages of the P-1 compared to the P-8.. Of course the specialized P-1 platform also means that it's more expensive to procure and maintain compared to the P-8...
I actually wonder why no one has looked into the SC-130J Sea Hercules
Japan plans to export MSDF destroyer to Indonesia

The government is considering exporting the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s destroyer to Indonesia, according to informed sources.

Negotiations on the export are underway with the Indonesian government, the sources said.

A successful destroyer deal, if struck, would provide momentum for Japan’s exports of defense equipment and help realize the country’s initiative to make the Indo-Pacific region free and open, the sources said.

For Indonesia, which has increasingly been vigilant against China’s vigorous expansion into the South China Sea, enhancing security cooperation with Japan through the deal would have some deterrent effects against Beijing, they noted.

Last month, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga agreed with Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in Bogor, near Jakarta, to accelerate bilateral talks on defense equipment exports and technology transfers. Defense ministers of the two countries held a teleconference Monday.

Concrete ideas are believed to have been proposed at those meetings, observers said.

Japan’s three principles on defense equipment transfers, adopted by the Cabinet in 2014, allow exports of equipment that will be used for life-saving, transportation, vigilance and surveillance activities, or minesweeping.

Exporting a destroyer will not be easy (in light of the principles) because the ship has not only warning and surveillance functions but attack capabilities,” a senior Defense Ministry official said.

But the export may be possible if it is made for the purpose of joint ship development with a foreign country, the official added.

In fiscal 2015, the ministry set up the Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency for uniform control of exports of defense equipment.

But the agency had failed to arrange equipment exports until it worked out in August this year a deal to ship four radars to the Philippines.

But the export may be possible if it is made for the purpose of joint ship development with a foreign country, the official added.

30ffm has bigger chances.

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