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Pangkalan Udara TNI AU El Tari di Kupang Naik Status Jadi Tipe A

25 Februari 2020

Pesawat Sukhoi Su-30 ketika mendarat di lanud El Tari Kupang (photo : Antara)

Kupang (ANTARA) - Pangkalan Udara El Tari di Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur, kini telah menjadi pangkalan udara TNI AU tipe A, dipimpin seorang perwira tinggi dengan pangkat bintang satu.

Komandan Pangkalan Udara TNI AU El Tari, Kolonel Penerbang Agus Setiawan ketika ditemui wartawan usai mengikuti kegiatan pembukaan pelatihan pertolongan pada ketinggian di Kantor Pencarian dan Pertolongan Kelas A Kupang, Jumat (21/2/2020), mengatakan, peningkatan status Pangkalan Udara TNI AU El Tari sudah ditetapkan dalam keputusan presiden.

"Peraturan Presiden sudah ada dan status Pangkalan Udara TNI AU El Tari di Kupang naik menjadi tipe A. Komandannya nanti dipimpin seorang marsekal pertama," kata Setiawan.

Ia mengatakan, berbarengan dengan peningkatan status itu, maka akan diikuti dengan penambahan personil dan fasilitas dukungan operasi. Pangkalan udara tipe A memiliki organisasi yang lebih besar ketimbang yang tipe B, di antaranya terdapat beberapa skuadron udara dan skuadron teknik serta depo pemeliharaan, hingga detasemen satuan Pasukan Khas TNI AU dan satuan Polisi Militer TNI AU.

Pangkalan Udara TNI AU El Tari mengambil nama Gubernur NTT (saat itu), Elijas Tari (kelahiran Pulau Sabu, 18 April 1926 dan wafat di Kupang, 29 April 1978), dengan masa jabatan pada 12 Juli 1966 hingga wafat.

Kawasan Pangkalan Udara TNI AU El Tari hingga kini dikenal dengan nama Penfui dan secara administratif pemerintahan adalah Kecamatan Penfui di Kupang.

Adapun landas pacu Pangkalan Udara TNI AU El Tari dipergunakan bersama dengan Bandar Udara Internasional El Tari untuk kepentingan penerbangan sipil dan komersial.


There is plan to put F 16 there
Rusia Bocorkan Hasil Kunjungan Prabowo: Tak Cuma Beli Sukhoi
News - Monica Wareza , CNBC Indonesia
23 February 2020 08:41
Foto: Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Lyudmila Vorobieva (CNBC Indonesia/Rehiya)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto beberapa waktu lalu menyambangi Rusia untuk menyelesaikan proses pembelian jet tempur Sukhoi tipe Su-35 dengan negara tersebut.

Tak hanya itu, pertemuan ini pun melebar hingga membicarakan kerja sama antara kedua negara.Duta Besar Rusia untuk RI Lyudmila Vorobieva mengatakan Prabowo bersama dengan Kementerian Pertahanan Rusia juga melakukan pembahasan untuk meningkatkan kerja sama pertahanan Indonesia dan Rusia.

Mau Bikin Drone, Prabowo Terbang ke Abu Dhabi

"Tak hanya sebatas pembelian peralatan pertahanan Rusia saja tapi kerja sama yang lebih luas lagi termasuk hubungan antara kedua kementerian pertahanan, pertukaran delegasi kedua negara, penghentian kapal-kapal AL, latihan militer gabungan yang kami akan lakukan di indonesia di tahun ini dan banyak lainnya. Kami memiliki program kerja sama pertahanan dan 40 agenda telah direncanakan untuk tahun ini," jelas Lyudmila.

Lebih lanjut mengenai pembelian Sukhoi Su-35 ini, Lyudmila menyebutkan rencana tersebut akan segera dieksekusi. Sebab, dengan ditandatanganinya perjanjian pembelian dari negara yang dipimpin Vladimir Putin ini, maka artinya produksi akan segera dilakukan.

"Untuk membeli jet tempur tidak semudah ke pasar dan beli sayur. Sukhoi adalah peralatan pertahanan yang canggih yang harus diproduksi lebih dulu. Jadi ketika kontak pembelian telah disetujui maka akan dibutuhkan waktu memproduksi pesawat jet ini," kata dia.
Rusia Bocorkan Hasil Kunjungan Prabowo: Tak Cuma Beli Sukhoi
News - Monica Wareza , CNBC Indonesia
23 February 2020 08:41
Foto: Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Lyudmila Vorobieva (CNBC Indonesia/Rehiya)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto beberapa waktu lalu menyambangi Rusia untuk menyelesaikan proses pembelian jet tempur Sukhoi tipe Su-35 dengan negara tersebut.

Tak hanya itu, pertemuan ini pun melebar hingga membicarakan kerja sama antara kedua negara.Duta Besar Rusia untuk RI Lyudmila Vorobieva mengatakan Prabowo bersama dengan Kementerian Pertahanan Rusia juga melakukan pembahasan untuk meningkatkan kerja sama pertahanan Indonesia dan Rusia.

Mau Bikin Drone, Prabowo Terbang ke Abu Dhabi

"Tak hanya sebatas pembelian peralatan pertahanan Rusia saja tapi kerja sama yang lebih luas lagi termasuk hubungan antara kedua kementerian pertahanan, pertukaran delegasi kedua negara, penghentian kapal-kapal AL, latihan militer gabungan yang kami akan lakukan di indonesia di tahun ini dan banyak lainnya. Kami memiliki program kerja sama pertahanan dan 40 agenda telah direncanakan untuk tahun ini," jelas Lyudmila.

Lebih lanjut mengenai pembelian Sukhoi Su-35 ini, Lyudmila menyebutkan rencana tersebut akan segera dieksekusi. Sebab, dengan ditandatanganinya perjanjian pembelian dari negara yang dipimpin Vladimir Putin ini, maka artinya produksi akan segera dilakukan.

"Untuk membeli jet tempur tidak semudah ke pasar dan beli sayur. Sukhoi adalah peralatan pertahanan yang canggih yang harus diproduksi lebih dulu. Jadi ketika kontak pembelian telah disetujui maka akan dibutuhkan waktu memproduksi pesawat jet ini," kata dia.
Finally after long years sinetron lol
. .
Well don't hold breathe for that tho.
"Akan segera" is just like "entar besok" hehehehee

Well we already become a "developed" country, the US already slapt us to remind us. So Flanker deal is already on the way
. . .
Well we already become a "developed" country, the US already slapt us to remind us. So Flanker deal is already on the way
US remind us but we still go ahead about flanker deal. Was that what you want to say?
I don't get it.
Well we already become a "developed" country, the US already slapt us to remind us. So Flanker deal is already on the way

US remind us but we still go ahead about flanker deal. Was that what you want to say?
I don't get it.

Indonesia believes that Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act(CAATSA) was had inconsistencies, due to the case of India S-400 weapon procurement and strong signal by US Secretary of Defense James Mattis signaling to exempt Indonesia, Vietnam and India from CAATSA sanctions, along with Senate and House of Representatives Armed Forces Committee from Oklahoma, senator Jim Inhofe to put in Indonesia exempt in National Defense Authorization Act 2019. Procurement of SU35 held long before CAATSA, and the key factor here is the consideration that US needs Indonesia as a strategic partner of US geopolitics nowadays. In addition as a balancing counteract, Indonesia strongly willing to procure some US military equipment. This reason is very clear indeed.

So welcome SU35. (And) Welcome F16 viper. Both of you have the same Indonesia bread from now. Win-Win-Win. Everybody is happy.
Finally after long years sinetron lol
Don't hope for anything yet. It's never certain until the first Aircraft lands in the country.

Indonesia believes that Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act(CAATSA) was had inconsistencies, due to the case of India S-400 weapon procurement and strong signal by US Secretary of Defense James Mattis signaling to exempt Indonesia, Vietnam and India from CAATSA sanctions, along with Senate and House of Representatives Armed Forces Committee from Oklahoma, senator Jim Inhofe to put in Indonesia exempt in National Defense Authorization Act 2019. Procurement of SU35 held long before CAATSA, and the key factor here is the consideration that US needs Indonesia as a strategic partner of US geopolitics nowadays. In addition as a balancing counteract, Indonesia strongly willing to procure some US military equipment. This reason is very clear indeed.

So welcome SU35. (And) Welcome F16 viper. Both of you have the same Indonesia bread from now. Win-Win-Win. Everybody is happy.
It's not a win-win.

The Su-35 is a big waste of taxpayer money when it comes to operating and maintenance costs, and considering the fact that we can't datalink/network with them in regards to literally 90% of our existing equipment we shouldn't be using them in the first place anyways.

Deals with Rosonoboroexport historically have never included any sort of ToT (not even medium maintenance), and it is highly unlikely that Russia would include any sort of ToT deal for an order of 11 airframes (at least according to local Russophiles). Keep in mind that General Dynamics, Dassault Aviation, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin has always included ToT or maintenace work as part of their contracts regardless of the amount of planes ordered, be it spare parts manufacturing; light, medium, or more recently heavy maintenance (in regards to the MLU upgrades for the Vipers). Dassault had even offered to transfer manufacturing and maintenance of their Super Entendard if we picked the Mirage over the F-16 in the 90's. This isn't the case when it comes to Russia. But considering most Russian fanboys in our country often seem to skim this part religiously it's a moot point.

It is also quite suspicious that the framework of the trade barter deal favors a lot of companies that has ties to members of the current administration.

Is this the sort of "Defense deals that would benefit the local defense industry" that the Jokowi administration has claimed that it is pursuing? If so, they are backpedaling quite hard.
US remind us but we still go ahead about flanker deal. Was that what you want to say?
I don't get it.

There is someone or party willing to push the deals whatever the risk will entail, and they had large sway and voice on current administration
Buying procurement without any TOT isn't againts our own law /peraturan which said procurement should also with ToT?
Hope mindef consisten with this, agree with cheesnut, su35 is a BIG waste of money if there is no data link to our other major assets
Buying procurement without any TOT isn't againts our own law /peraturan which said procurement should also with ToT?
Hope mindef consisten with this, agree with cheesnut, su35 is a BIG waste of money if there is no data link to our other major assets
That's what I mean.

Considering the fact that the current framework of the trade barter deal does not mention any sort of ToT and the majority of the one who benefits from this deal have ties to the current cabinet it's quite obvious what is going on.

Honestly, the boomers in power thinking this would benefit them in the long run would REALLY be underestimating the sheer power and unpredictability of the Trump administration. I don't they realize that Trump is not an average, run-of-the-mill Republican.
"...Deals with Rosonoboroexport historically have never included any sort of ToT (not even medium maintenance), and it is highly unlikely that Russia would include any sort of ToT deal for an order of 11 airframes (at least according to local Russophiles)..."

From ToT point of view, I am with you that we never received technologically benefit from previous procurement. My mind is always on, whatever the best for Indonesia. The challenge herewith is F5 replacement should be conducted in a short moment since F-5 E/F Tiger II last flight on 28 April 2016. Almost 4 years ago. In addition, IAF eager to boost air force capabilities clearly seen from sizing up the class of its fighter from F5 to Su35, to minimize more the threat, from lighter fighter to heavyweight fighter. This heavy class has fewer options in its class (Rafale/Typhoon/Eagle/F-35/Super Hornet). Our air force prefers Su35 on the first shopping list spree, regardless of its maintenance cost. Then capabilities will overcome economically point of view. But ToT point of view here I believe had a significant factor why Su35 procurement still yet done since contract worth of US$ 1,14 miliar (Rp 15,57 triliun) signed on 14 Februari 2018. Latest we must obey the law, Law Number 16 of 2012 concerning the Defense Industry. In article 43 paragraph 5 letter e the Law explains, every procurement of Defense and Security Equipment Tools (Alpalhankam) from abroad must be included with the purchase, local content and a minimum offset of 85 percent where the local content and / or offset is at least 35 percent.
TEMPO.CO, Changi - Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu mengatakan pemerintah Rusia memastikan adanya transfer of technology (ToT) atau sistem transaksi offset dalam pembelian pesawat tempur Sukhoi Su-35.
"Ini baru pertama kali kami merasakan UU itu, sebelumnya belum terlaksana. Pelaksanaannya G to G langsung, tidak ada perantara macam-macam. Imbal dagang 50 persen, offset 35 persen, jadi total 85 persen. Ini juga membantu ekspor ke luar, jadi ada nilai tambah," kata Ryamizard di Gedung Kementerian Pertahanan, kemarin (22/8).
Indonesia, kata Ryamizard, akan berpikir dua kali dalam pengadaan alutsista jika tidak dilakukan dengan sistem imbal beli.
"Banyaklah negara, negara lain hampir semua negara (pakai sistem itu), Australia ada ToT, langsung nawarin ToT dia. Enggak harus kita tanya, dia nawarin," ujarnya
"Dalam pembahasan. Masih itu, karena ada pertimbangan dan faktor lain," kata Moeldoko, Selasa (25/2/2020).
Purnawirawan TNI menegaskan bahwa kerjasama pembelian Sukhoi dengan Rusia bukan sekedar perjanjian business to business. Namun, Moeldoko tidak menyebut secara spesifik alasan Indonesia belum menyepakati kerjasama tersebut.
"Tunggu aja dulu karena ada faktor yang tidak sekadar business to business tapi faktor lain," tegas Moeldoko.

My best bet here is, Su35 still come after this. But Russia will give something like ToT arrangements perhaps in any model or any kind of ToT, to fulfill our law mandate.

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