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Indonesia Defence Forum

Great coats and black peci should be our officials identity aboard in winter alongside with batik formal dress in Summer
Prabowo is UNKNOWN to the US public and it is extremely unlikely the Rat going to use it against Trump. Even the notion of Trump business with Hary Tanoe doesn't get much traction (if any) because the unfamiliarity of US public of Indonesia. Also keep in mind when I'm mention "US public" I was referring to the eligible voters (legit voters) at collective 50 states NOT just People Republic of Commiefornia

I swear on a non existing god I'm worried about you sometimes.

I wonder if you have a stroke or leave the country after reading the 5th part of pancasila seeing you have a such hard on against social justice:
5. Social Justice for the Whole of the People of Indonesia

Try to limit the "culture war" nonsense & Keep this thread free from whitey's politics.

The democrats are than more than willing to appease our asses. Their "social justices" will fall in line with REALPOLITIK faster than you can say president Bernie Sanders. So no I don't see any problems with prabowo going to the US.
Great coats and black peci should be our officials identity aboard in winter alongside with batik formal dress in Summer
That outfit like when President Suharto went to Bosnia in 1995.

Btw we know japan and indonesia have good relation in economy and industry, but in defence matter likely we rarely have japanese made equipment and doing join training with japan etc. (As we know japan have rule about exporting their weapon)

I mean modern japanese equipnent not that arisaka, jukikanju, tekidanto and cureng wkkwkkwk
. .
I swear on a non existing god I'm worried about you sometimes.

You might wanna consider worshipping Indomie instead

I wonder if you have a stroke or leave the country after reading the 5th part of pancasila seeing you have a such hard on against social justice:
5. Social Justice for the Whole of the People of Indonesia

Saya tulis in Bahasa Indonesia aja biar ga miss karna mayoritas posters disini non English speaker sehari harinya.

Perlu dibedakan konteks "Keadilan Sosial" dalam Pancasila dengan konsep SJW yg ada di US. Pemahaman "Keadilan Sosial" Pancasila adalah adanya "Equal Opportunity" dimana semua warga negara Indonesia mendapatkan KESEMPATAN yang sama. Contoh, pada suatu ujian semua peserta diberikan kesempatan dan soal ujian yg sama.

Sedangkan pada konsep SJW adalah "Equal Result" yg artinya semua orang yg ada ditempat tsb diberikan HASIL yg sama (Affirmative Action). Contoh, pada suatu ujian peserta diberikan nilai yang sama terlepas hasil ujiannya bagaimana.

Try to limit the "culture war" nonsense & Keep this thread free from whitey's politics.

Mas kalau kamu ada yg enaknya dgn apa yg saya utarakan disini silahkan lapor ke MOD. Tuch ada icon report silahkan di click. Saya PERSETAN dengan SETAN! Disini troll banyak dilepas buat cari traffic medingan kalau kamu NGACOR urusan nonsense, culture war, bla.. bla.. bla.. itu para troll harusnya yg jadi sasaranmu.

Gitu aja yach, account mu saya masukan di ignore list gabung dgn 30 an lebih yg udah masuk di ignore list saya.
. . . .
I got some info by my source that most of our aim9x procurement is CATM variant,maybe there will be another procurement in the future

I can't send the documents here cause the file is too large but i will send you guys the screenshot
I got some info by my source that most of our aim9x procurement is CATM variant,maybe there will be another procurement in the future

I can't send the documents here cause the file is too large but i will send you guys the screenshotView attachment 594897


it is

its kinda funny though , "the proposed sale of this weapon does not alter the basic military balance in the region" , so we still stuck with that "keseimbangan kawasan" thing , if we wan't to procure more western stuff .
At least indomie can satisfy my hunger. What can your religion do?

Indomie: 1
God: 0

Joking aside I simply do not believe in god. So let's leave it at that. The other part of the four I still wholeheartedly agree to.

What does those video have to do with indonesia again? This is why I called it nonsense. Leave the "sjw" stuffs outside the military forum please & make your own thread instead if you still want to discuss it.
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View attachment 594898
View attachment 594899

it is

its kinda funny though , "the proposed sale of this weapon does not alter the basic military balance in the region" , so we still stuck with that "keseimbangan kawasan" thing , if we wan't to procure more western stuff .

Thats why we need more third parties involvement like France, South Korean or Turkey or maybe Israel they simply just sold what they deemed profitable and not compromized their National security.
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