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Yg lagi HOT.. Brp jose rizal ,fregat pinoy .. Harga 337 juta 2 biji . radar utama pake C band . vls kosong ciws ga ada ..adanya simbad . yg ngerti dunia kaprang tau lah ya .. Itu C band seharusnya di kapal type apa,

maxdefense malah sibuk komentari CMS hanwa ..komentari itu radar utama kok C band goblok .. Aturan fregat unyu lumrahnya S band woyy . kalo ente pake C band tapi punya 1 radar utama..yg ada ga peka buat deteksi , biasanya yg pake C band itu type destroyer 2 radar utama.karena nanti yg c band buat SAM , ini malah bahas nya cms hanwa yg bisa konek TDL 16,
Padahal kan pinoy bukan anggota aliansi US ..coba ngapain minta TDL16 ? dan sok sokan minta CMS TACTICOS padahal cuma fregat unyu ,radar 1 ..rudal ashm 8 ..simbad. Ya kali destroyer wong cuma unyu unyu.

Yg baca ikutan emosi sendiri pokoknya .mereka itu seakan akan nuduh korea curang ,pdhl duit nya dikit mintanya TACTICOS.
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Asking for TASS for RE martadinata class

This old news say our martadinata class already get Captas 2 sonar, but I don't see any room or door for deploying arm like this on their stern:

Did ours really get those??

Yg lagi HOT.. Brp jose rizal ,fregat pinoy .. Harga 337 juta 2 biji . radar utama pake C band . vls kosong ciws ga ada ..adanya simbad . yg ngerti dunia kaprang tau lah ya .. Itu C band seharusnya di kapal type apa,

maxdefense malah sibuk komentari CMS hanwa ..komentari itu radar utama kok C band goblok .. Aturan fregat unyu lumrahnya S band woyy . kalo ente pake C band tapi punya 1 radar utama..yg ada ga peka buat deteksi , biasanya yg pake C band itu type destroyer 2 radar utama.karena nanti yg c band buat SAM , ini malah bahas nya cms hanwa yg bisa konek TDL 16,
Padahal kan pinoy bukan anggota aliansi US ..coba ngapain minta TDL16 ? dan sok sokan minta CMS TACTICOS padahal cuma fregat unyu ,radar 1 ..rudal ashm 8 ..simbad. Ya kali destroyer wong cuma unyu unyu.

Yg baca ikutan emosi sendiri pokoknya .mereka itu seakan akan nuduh korea curang ,pdhl duit nya dikit mintanya TACTICOS.
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Link for their forum please?
. .
Naronya di belakang apa samping?
Gw ga pernah lihat towed sonar untuk kaprang gini dideploy dari samping. Dimana2 taruhnya di buritan deh (stern).
Kalau taruh samping gimana beloknya?
Anggap aja misal deploy dari kiri, kalau mau belok kiri ya aman aja, tapi kalau beloknya kanan, yakin tuh kabel tariknya ga bakal kelilit propeler?
(Agan bisa bayangin ga?)
Yg lagi HOT.. Brp jose rizal ,fregat pinoy .. Harga 337 juta 2 biji . radar utama pake C band . vls kosong ciws ga ada ..adanya simbad . yg ngerti dunia kaprang tau lah ya .. Itu C band seharusnya di kapal type apa,

maxdefense malah sibuk komentari CMS hanwa ..komentari itu radar utama kok C band goblok .. Aturan fregat unyu lumrahnya S band woyy . kalo ente pake C band tapi punya 1 radar utama..yg ada ga peka buat deteksi , biasanya yg pake C band itu type destroyer 2 radar utama.karena nanti yg c band buat SAM , ini malah bahas nya cms hanwa yg bisa konek TDL 16,
Padahal kan pinoy bukan anggota aliansi US ..coba ngapain minta TDL16 ? dan sok sokan minta CMS TACTICOS padahal cuma fregat unyu ,radar 1 ..rudal ashm 8 ..simbad. Ya kali destroyer wong cuma unyu unyu.

Yg baca ikutan emosi sendiri pokoknya .mereka itu seakan akan nuduh korea curang ,pdhl duit nya dikit mintanya TACTICOS.
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Care to elaborate more? didn't really paid attention to Pinoys' Frigate program and i only knew that they ordered 2 Frigates from South Korea for about 300 million USD~ (for 2 unit), and it is supposed to be equipped with 8 cell Mk41 VLS, other than that including the sensors are beyond my knowledge.

It would be interesting for us to talk about the neighbors's military program from time-to-time, for comparison perhaps? Anyway, i am interested in Pinoy's military procurement programs, especially the Navy and Aviation sector, and it intrigued me that they chose South Korea budget Frigate and at the same time chose Russian Kilo class for Submarine. If you have something to say about the Pinoys' military program, i would be glad to hear it.
Care to elaborate more? didn't really paid attention to Pinoys' Frigate program and i only knew that they ordered 2 Frigates from South Korea for about 300 million USD~ (for 2 unit), and it is supposed to be equipped with 8 cell Mk41 VLS, other than that including the sensors are beyond my knowledge.

It would be interesting for us to talk about the neighbors's military program from time-to-time, for comparison perhaps? Anyway, i am interested in Pinoy's military procurement programs, especially the Navy and Aviation sector, and it intrigued me that they chose South Korea budget Frigate and at the same time chose Russian Kilo class for Submarine. If you have something to say about the Pinoys' military program, i would be glad to hear it.

No kilo lah, they dont have elaborate programme for their subs procurement. There is no training program, there is no basecamp building even they dont put necessary funding for their corvettes repairing programme.

But they got good infantry support programme, they had procure rather large number of RPG 7 and body armor for their infantry unit along with several update for their APC and helicopter units
Lha itu di bawah tulisan MARTA ada lubang trus bawahnya ada 2 garis vertikal (satu jelas dan 1 samar) trus bawahnya lagi ada lubang horisontal. Kelihatannya itu pintu untuk CAPTAS.
Coba agan bandingin sama sigma 10514 mexico punya ini. Yg udah jelas2 ada captas 2. Jelas2 captas itu ga bisa sembarang dicemplugin aja. Kaya ada lengan khusus buat deploy dan penempatannya ga sembarangan, jadi bagian dari struktur kapal dari awal2...

No kilo lah, they dont have elaborate programme for their subs procurement. There is no training program, there is no basecamp building even they dont put necessary funding for their corvettes repairing programme.

But they got good infantry support programme, they had procure rather large number of RPG 7 and body armor for their infantry unit along with several update for their APC and helicopter units
Ah i see, seems like i'm overthinking it. But why RPG-7 tho? aren't Pinoys are always a fan of western stuffs? unlike that of Malaysia with Pakistan, Philippines does not have a true "eastern" ally of which they could buy RPGs and other eastern weapons from, except maybe Russia and China ( and the latter have a political nuance to it), and as i said before, cause they are pro-west, why don't they just buy US weapons or even SAAB AT weapons for example? i feel there's something not right with their defense programme.

Afaik, they upgraded their M113 by installing 30mm turret on it, rather peculiar choice but yeah...they must knows what best for themselves. For the Heli program, i only knew that they bought 2 unit of AW159 Wildcat and planned to procure T129 ATAK from Turkey if i remember correctly, still not clear when they would go but at least there's a clear plan for it. About their Submarine program, idk, Pinoys on the internet seems to be confident that the Kilo class procurement would be realized, to quote " we still negotiating with Putin for submarines".

i don't really understand of where they are going but the good news is there's real effort for improvement.
Naronya di belakang apa samping?

Captas 2 sonar itu jenis Drag Sonar alias sonar tambahan yg di tarik sama kapal nya, kalo di decoy launcher is logical di place di starboard or port kalo drag sonar ya harus di tarik lah.

Link for their forum please?


di Wiki banyak tuh complain nya dll

But why RPG-7 tho?

kalo RPG 7 tuh dapet munisi nya bisa dri mana aja yg penting ada launcher nya, sebenar nya udh banyak copy nya dri West or east version lmao
. .
Captas 2 sonar itu jenis Drag Sonar alias sonar tambahan yg di tarik sama kapal nya, kalo di decoy launcher is logical di place di starboard or port kalo drag sonar ya harus di tarik lah.


di Wiki banyak tuh complain nya dll

kalo RPG 7 tuh dapet munisi nya bisa dri mana aja yg penting ada launcher nya, sebenar nya udh banyak copy nya dri West or east version lmao
Hmm...gimana proyek AL Indonesia? ada masalah serupa kah? kontroversi? lancar-lancar saja atau malah sangat baik? Bisa gak KCR, LPD, Sigma dan Iver integrate satu sama lain melihat supplier (teknologi) mereka beda? gimana nanti kedepannya? gimana nanti rencananya?
Yg lagi HOT.. Brp jose rizal ,fregat pinoy .. Harga 337 juta 2 biji . radar utama pake C band . vls kosong ciws ga ada ..adanya simbad . yg ngerti dunia kaprang tau lah ya .. Itu C band seharusnya di kapal type apa,

maxdefense malah sibuk komentari CMS hanwa ..komentari itu radar utama kok C band goblok .. Aturan fregat unyu lumrahnya S band woyy . kalo ente pake C band tapi punya 1 radar utama..yg ada ga peka buat deteksi , biasanya yg pake C band itu type destroyer 2 radar utama.karena nanti yg c band buat SAM , ini malah bahas nya cms hanwa yg bisa konek TDL 16,
Padahal kan pinoy bukan anggota aliansi US ..coba ngapain minta TDL16 ? dan sok sokan minta CMS TACTICOS padahal cuma fregat unyu ,radar 1 ..rudal ashm 8 ..simbad. Ya kali destroyer wong cuma unyu unyu.

Yg baca ikutan emosi sendiri pokoknya .mereka itu seakan akan nuduh korea curang ,pdhl duit nya dikit mintanya TACTICOS.
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Mmmm wait i think you got the wrong idea jadi awal masalahnya itu pihak HHI yang menang kontrak sudah seharusnya menyanggupi nilai yang dibuat sama pemerintah Filipina(that's the point HHI menang saat itu dari kompetitor lain(di tahap akhir cuma ada 2 yaitu HHI sama GRSE India) selain karena Bidnya paling rendah dan juga dianggap sanggup dengan nilai segitu memenuhi permintaan AL Filipina sebagai pemakai dengan berbagai spesifikasi teknis yang sudah ditetapkan(bisa liat di MaxDefense)) and the problem is setelah tender udah dimenangin HHI ditengah jalan tiba" pihak HHI langsung dengan seenaknya mengubah spesifikasi teknisnya(mungkin pihak HHI baru sadar kali kalo nilai segitu nggak bisa macem") dan parahnya pihak petinggi AL Filpina malah meng-iyakan perubahannya yang sifatnya downgrade dan mulai jadi polemik nasional(disini orang" formil sana mulai jengkel karena dianggap dipermainkan sama pihak Korea Selatan).Disini yang paling jadi sorotan adalah CMS-nya yang seharusnya terdapat TDL 16 karena mereka pengen biar bisa kompatibel dengan sistem allied force lainnya(mereka udah dianggap salah satu Major non NATO Allies) dan HANWA Naval Shield belum bisa TDL 16.

Nah MaxDefense langsung ngebandingin perubahan teknis yang dilakukan HHI yang ternyata memang kurang greget sama spesifikasi asli(padahal dulu dengan spesifikasi aslinya mereka udah anggap sekelas sama Martadinata-class) jadi intinya kalo kata MaxDefense "ngapain sejak awal nyanggupin kontrak dengan nilai segitu kalo pada akhirnya mengubah spesifikasi teknis dengan alasan anggaran seharusnya kalo memang dari awal nggak sanggup langsung mundur dari tendernya bukannya dikasih menang malah diubah seenaknya"(btw saya udah ngikutin Blog-nya MaxDefense dari 2014)
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MaxDefense itu blog/formil kayak defence.pk/kaskus/lembaga keris atau memang media massa khusus hankam?

Dari baca sekilas sepertinya pemebritaan dan netizen sana lebih aware dan dalam pengetahuan seputar pertahaanan/militer dibanding media di Indo
Hello I'm new. Can you tell me why TNI or Police didn't use thermal and night vision when they fight against OPM? I saw some videos where they shot at OPM blindly in general direction based on where the guns sound come from. If they use thermal vision, they can get OPM's precise location on the mountain.

It can't be because the lack of budget, can it?

Thermograph work by sensing radiated heat from an object (whatever that is). The nature of dense tropical jungle environment (triple canopy rainforest) of which every leaves has water droplets on and the surrounding air content high humidity will render any overhead thermograph usage ineffective. Even with the use of multispectral imaging + data fusion it still impractical to track moving target in real time.

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