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[Exclusive] Indonesian soldiers encroach into Sarawak, kidnap five Malaysians

Malaysian soldiers and police, together with the five villagers, visiting the scene where the villagers were allegedly detained near Kampung Danau Melikin in Sarawak.

By Farrah Naz Karim and Adib Povera - December 23, 2018 @ 9:10am
KUALA LUMPUR: Five Sarawakians were held at gunpoint, bundled into a pickup, roughed up and kidnapped for ransom, allegedly by members of the Indonesian army who had encroached on Malaysian territory last week.

The five, aged between 15 and 64, were harvesting wood at the Wong Rangkai forest near Kampung Danau Melikin, 400m from the Serian-Kalimantan border, around noon on Dec 11 when they were approached by two men in battle fatigues.

The two were armed with 5.56mm Pindad SS-1 assault rifles, the standard primary weapon of Tentera Nasional Indonesia (TNI).

The New Sunday Times has learnt that the five were allegedly ambushed at the site, located near the WFM Melikin oil palm estate in Balai Ringin.

After securing them, the Indonesians forced them into their Toyota Hilux, which was parked nearby, and ordered them to drive across the Kalimantan border to the Indonesian command post in Sg Enteli.

The soldiers accused them of stealing wood from the Indonesian side.


Kuala Lumpur has sent Jakarta a protest note condemning, in the strongest terms, the alleged incursion and detention of its citizens by Indonesian security forces. The protest note was sent via the Indonesian embassy here on Friday.

Throughout the journey to their command post, the soldiers allegedly roughed up the five Sarawakians and threatened to shoot them if they resisted.

At one point, one of the two soldiers fired off two rounds to show that they meant business.

At the base, the Sarawakians were forced to admit to stealing wood in the Indonesian side and were ordered to strip. Their heads were covered with black hoods.

The NSU sighted the police report which alleged that the soldiers whipped them on their backs and legs, aside from punching them. The five were forced to collect water from a river for the soldiers.


Wood gathered by the five villagers before they were allegedly ambushed by two armed men believed to be Indonesian soldiers near Kampung Danau Melikin in Sarawak.

Of the five, three were held overnight by the soldiers, while two, who are brothers, were released about 4pm, with a task. They were allegedly told to inform the families of the hostages to hand over RM10,000 and two new chainsaws that very night.

They allegedly warned them against informing the Malaysian army detachment at the Balai Ringin Military Camp or other Malaysian authorities. If they did, their friends would be executed.

The duo, however, took a gamble and went straight to the Balai Ringin camp. A line of communication was established with the Indonesians and negotiations for the release of the remaining hostages began. This led to the release of the three men the next day.

. .
Indonesia will take steps against Australia`s libelous media report
Senin, 24 Desember 2018 06:17 WIB - 9 Views

Reporter: antara


TNI soldiers prayed before leaving for Nduga, Wamena, Papua on Wednesday (12/05/2018) to address the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) which allegedly killed 31 employees while building the Trans Papua route. (ANTARA PHOTO/Iwan Adisaputra/aww.)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Foreign Ministry said it will take steps against "irresponsible and misleading" report by Australia`s The Saturday Paper about recent Papua`s Nduga incident in which tens of Indonesian construction workers had been killed by "armed criminals" believed to be separatists.

The Foreign Ministry denied the report issued on Saturday accusing the Indonesian government of using chemical weapons in security operation in Nduga.

The accusation is entirely "baseless, not factual and totally misleading," the foreign office said in a statement, but it did not go into details about the steps to be taken.

The Foreign Ministry described the report "very regrettable and irresponsible" and strongly denied the allegation about the use of chemical weapons.

The Ministry said Indonesia as a member of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has not even one of the chemicals listed in the Convention of Chemical Weapons.

As for the use of the military involvement in security operation in Papua, the Ministry said it was not as described by The Saturday Paper. The role of the military is very limited to assisting in law enforcement not for military operation.

The Ministry said the Paper belittled the urgency of what had happened in Nduga where 19 innocence civilians were murdered by a group of armed separatists on Dec. 2, 2018.

The civilians were all construction workers building part of the Trans Papua highway, a national project to improve the welfare of all Indonesians in Papua, it said.

The Saturday Paper published in its edition No 236 an article titled "Exclusive: Chemical weapons dropped on Papua" with photograph.

Reporting by Azizah Fitriyanti
Editing by Bustanuddin
Editor: Heru Purwanto


@Indos you can see that, it is not the Chinese who got antsy against our policy in Papua But our neighbor down under. We should not give question about China policy against uighur separatis, But we should give pointing hand against Oz media and policy about Free Papua movement.
Indonesia will take steps against Australia`s libelous media report
Senin, 24 Desember 2018 06:17 WIB - 9 Views

Reporter: antara


TNI soldiers prayed before leaving for Nduga, Wamena, Papua on Wednesday (12/05/2018) to address the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) which allegedly killed 31 employees while building the Trans Papua route. (ANTARA PHOTO/Iwan Adisaputra/aww.)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Foreign Ministry said it will take steps against "irresponsible and misleading" report by Australia`s The Saturday Paper about recent Papua`s Nduga incident in which tens of Indonesian construction workers had been killed by "armed criminals" believed to be separatists.

The Foreign Ministry denied the report issued on Saturday accusing the Indonesian government of using chemical weapons in security operation in Nduga.

The accusation is entirely "baseless, not factual and totally misleading," the foreign office said in a statement, but it did not go into details about the steps to be taken.

The Foreign Ministry described the report "very regrettable and irresponsible" and strongly denied the allegation about the use of chemical weapons.

The Ministry said Indonesia as a member of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has not even one of the chemicals listed in the Convention of Chemical Weapons.

As for the use of the military involvement in security operation in Papua, the Ministry said it was not as described by The Saturday Paper. The role of the military is very limited to assisting in law enforcement not for military operation.

The Ministry said the Paper belittled the urgency of what had happened in Nduga where 19 innocence civilians were murdered by a group of armed separatists on Dec. 2, 2018.

The civilians were all construction workers building part of the Trans Papua highway, a national project to improve the welfare of all Indonesians in Papua, it said.

The Saturday Paper published in its edition No 236 an article titled "Exclusive: Chemical weapons dropped on Papua" with photograph.

Reporting by Azizah Fitriyanti
Editing by Bustanuddin
Editor: Heru Purwanto


@Indos you can see that, it is not the Chinese who got antsy against our policy in Papua But our neighbor down under. We should not give question about China policy against uighur separatis, But we should give pointing hand against Oz media and policy about Free Papua movement.
It is easy to take step against Oz's media, just stop the imports of cattles and dairy products from Oz until their government take action against irresponsible writers and editors of these media.
It is easy to take step against Oz's media, just stop the imports of cattles and dairy products from Oz until their government take action against irresponsible writers and editors of these media.
I say live with it.

Keep a low profile until one day Indonesian West Papua is fully developed... while PNG is starving, fragmenting, overpopulated, and clamouring for AusAid.

Eventhough there are factions in Australia that want to destabilise Indonesia, Australia is far too preoccupied with their game of Prime Minister musical chairs. We can count on them to change too often to be able to formulate any real response to the Indonesian rise until its too late.

Hell, they haven't even given us free visa yet.
Anyway, found this article published on Saturday, same day the whole "Phosphorous" thing started being put into Australian Propaganda:

So they found one KKB personnel burned, thought it weird, but theorised that it was to prevent identification and protect his fellows.

Turns out the OPM burned his corpse for Australian propaganda.

I say live with it.

Keep a low profile until one day Indonesian West Papua is fully developed... while PNG is starving, fragmenting, overpopulated, and clamouring for AusAid.

Eventhough there are factions in Australia that want to destabilise Indonesia, Australia is far too preoccupied with their game of Prime Minister musical chairs. We can count on them to change too often to be able to formulate any real response to the Indonesian rise until its too late.

I agree we should let the news go and pretend it's never happen. Those OPM are losing relevancy (assuming the infrastructure building up is able to keep up it's momentum), furthermore making noise about such fringe news will only give the OPM more media exposure. Beside just how many people ever heard about West Papua in Australia anyway?

However I see there is a gross complacency in the current administration when it come to managing the flow of news / information. For example OPM propaganda are running wild and unchallenged all over the social media which include authenticate Youtube channel, Facebook Page, etc and so far there isn't any attention (not even the slightest) from DepKominfo about those propaganda channels. In fact if you ever try to refute any of those propaganda your comment / reply will be struck down (keep happening to me in Quora, Reddit, and other places) to the point I no longer taking any question (request for answer) in Quora which usually related to IT technical, jungle survival, wildlife, tourism, etc related topics (well Their Loss, Not Mine)

There are clauses in The Lombok Treaty that forbid the signatories to interfere in each other internal affair, and I don't see Oz will dare to play any hand in the matter, otherwise they are risking a serious breach of contract not to mention loosing significant export potential.

Hell, they haven't even given us free visa yet.

If you looking it from different perspective, it actually benefiting to Indonesia as a whole. moreover the less Oz govt (particularly their not-so intelligence agency) apparatus and public knew about Indonesia is actually benefiting us in the long run (Sun Tzu Art of War). Even their continuous hacking has been render null because they keep failing to understand the context of the intercepted comm traffic. Realistically just how many people there (with the necessary security clearance) who understand our languages? and I'm not referring to standard form of Bahasa Indonesia here. For example even my neighbours can't interpret any useful context of the conversation between me and my late mother because we usually speak using a mix of 3 languages in a single sentence (Indonesia, Javanese, Nederland)
. . . .
Indonesian Navy requests two hydrographic rescue vessels in 2020–24 defence spending plan

Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - Jane's Navy International
28 December 2018

Key Points

• The Indonesian Navy has proposed acquiring two hydrographic vessels that can be swiftly converted into submarine rescue ships
• The vessels are being requested amid a proliferation of submarines in the Asia-Pacific region

The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) has submitted plans to acquire two ocean-going hydrographic ships that can be swiftly converted into vessels of opportunity (VOOs) for submarine rescue operations.

The request has been submitted for inclusion under the third and final phase of the 'Minimum Essential Force' (MEF) plan, which runs from 2020 to 2024. MEF is a three-phase armed forces modernisation blueprint that began in 2010.


Menhan: Alutsista Baru Harus Bisa untuk Penanggulangan Bencana
Arief Ikhsanudin - detikNews

Foto: Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu. (Arief-detikcom)
Jakarta - Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu meminta alutsista yang dibeli TNI harus bisa digunakan untuk penanggulangan bencana. Hal ini melihat banyaknya bencana di Indonesia pada tahun 2018.

"Harus beli untuk ancaman nyata. Bagaimana hadapi teroris, bagaimana komunikasi jalur logistik, bagaimana mengetahui bencana alam. Pasti ada gunanya," ucap Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu, kepada wartawan di Menara Graha Mandiri, Jalan Imam Bonjol, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (27/12/2018).

Sementara itu, Kepala Badan Sarana Pertahanan (Kabaranahan) Kemhan, Laksda TNI Agus Setiadji mengatakan fokus pembelian alutsista tahun depan harus memiliki fungsi lain untuk penanggulangan bencana.

"Sekarang seluruh alutsista yang akan diadakan harus mampu melakukan bantuan bencana alam sesedikit apapun, makin banyak makin bagus karena kita ancaman yang utama kan bencana alam," ucap Agus kepada wartawan di lokasi yang sama.

Agus mengatakan arahan itu sudah dijalankan oleh setiap matra dari TNI. Misalnya, TNI AU akan membeli alutsista yang mampu memadamkan api kebakaran.

"TNI AU sekarang proses pengadaan pesawat amfibi yang mampu untuk melaksanakan pemadaman kebakaran di hutan-hutan. Kalau, kalau hanya mengandalkan di darat, nggak mampu sehingga kita pengadaan alutsista yang mampu untuk pemadam kebakaran di hutan," ucap Agus.

Baca juga: Menhan Buka Bela Negara Run 2018, 3.000 Peserta Terlibat

Selain itu, TNI AL pun akan membeli kapal yang disiapkan sebagai rumah sakit dan kapal dengan Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV).

"Dari angkatan laut, kapal rumah sakit, kemudian kapal penyapu ranjau yang dilengkapi dengan ROV. Sehingga, bisa tahu benda di dasar laut dengan peralatan itu," kata Agus.

Untuk pengadaan pesawat Hercules, Indonesia akan membeli Hercules baru. Hercules yang baru pun harus bisa mengirim untuk bantuan logistik.

"Kita saat ini sedang pengadaan lima unit Hercules yang terbaru. Spesifikasi Harus sesuai (dengan penanggulangan bencana) karena spek kita yang terbaru kita harus mampu melaksanakan SAR dan bantuan," ucap Agus.

Resume :
5 unit the latest version of herkies.
2 unit MCM with ROV
1 unit Hospital Ship.
1 unit Amphibious aircraft optional more.


Menhan: Alutsista Baru Harus Bisa untuk Penanggulangan Bencana
Arief Ikhsanudin - detikNews

Foto: Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu. (Arief-detikcom)
Jakarta - Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu meminta alutsista yang dibeli TNI harus bisa digunakan untuk penanggulangan bencana. Hal ini melihat banyaknya bencana di Indonesia pada tahun 2018.

"Harus beli untuk ancaman nyata. Bagaimana hadapi teroris, bagaimana komunikasi jalur logistik, bagaimana mengetahui bencana alam. Pasti ada gunanya," ucap Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu, kepada wartawan di Menara Graha Mandiri, Jalan Imam Bonjol, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (27/12/2018).

Sementara itu, Kepala Badan Sarana Pertahanan (Kabaranahan) Kemhan, Laksda TNI Agus Setiadji mengatakan fokus pembelian alutsista tahun depan harus memiliki fungsi lain untuk penanggulangan bencana.

"Sekarang seluruh alutsista yang akan diadakan harus mampu melakukan bantuan bencana alam sesedikit apapun, makin banyak makin bagus karena kita ancaman yang utama kan bencana alam," ucap Agus kepada wartawan di lokasi yang sama.

Agus mengatakan arahan itu sudah dijalankan oleh setiap matra dari TNI. Misalnya, TNI AU akan membeli alutsista yang mampu memadamkan api kebakaran.

"TNI AU sekarang proses pengadaan pesawat amfibi yang mampu untuk melaksanakan pemadaman kebakaran di hutan-hutan. Kalau, kalau hanya mengandalkan di darat, nggak mampu sehingga kita pengadaan alutsista yang mampu untuk pemadam kebakaran di hutan," ucap Agus.

Baca juga: Menhan Buka Bela Negara Run 2018, 3.000 Peserta Terlibat

Selain itu, TNI AL pun akan membeli kapal yang disiapkan sebagai rumah sakit dan kapal dengan Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV).

"Dari angkatan laut, kapal rumah sakit, kemudian kapal penyapu ranjau yang dilengkapi dengan ROV. Sehingga, bisa tahu benda di dasar laut dengan peralatan itu," kata Agus.

Untuk pengadaan pesawat Hercules, Indonesia akan membeli Hercules baru. Hercules yang baru pun harus bisa mengirim untuk bantuan logistik.

"Kita saat ini sedang pengadaan lima unit Hercules yang terbaru. Spesifikasi Harus sesuai (dengan penanggulangan bencana) karena spek kita yang terbaru kita harus mampu melaksanakan SAR dan bantuan," ucap Agus.

Resume :
5 unit the latest version of herkies.
2 unit MCM with ROV
1 unit Hospital Ship.
1 unit Amphibious aircraft optional more.


Kinerja Kemhan Empat Tahun Jokowi-JK: Minimum Essential Force TNI Capai 61,8 %
27 December, 2018

Hingga akhir tahun 2018 yang bertepatan dengan empat tahun Pemerintahan Joko Widodo – Jusuf Kalla, Kementerian Pertahanan mencatat sejumlah pencapaian kinerja dan pencapaian program – program di bidang pertahanan negara.

Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu, mengatakan, capaian program tersebut dimulai dari pencapaian dalam program membangun TNI yang profesional, program pengamanan perbatasan, program ikut serta mewujudkan perdamaian dunia, program pembangunan industri pertahanan dalam negeri yang kuat, mandiri dan berdaya saing, hingga pencapaian program Pembinaan Kesadaran Bela Negara (PKBN).

Pada November yang lalu, Kemhan juga telah sukses menyelenggarakan pameran industri pertahanan terbesar se-Asia Tenggara “Indo Defence Expo & Forum 2018”. Selain itu, belum lama ini Kemhan juga berhasil meraih Anugerah Predikat Kepatuhan Tinggi 2018 kategori Kementerian dari Ombudsman RI dengan nilai 101.

Dalam program membangun TNI yang profesional, untuk pemenuhan kekuatan pokok minimum (MEF) hingga tahun 2018 mencapai 61,8%. TNI juga telah dilengkapi dengan berbagai jenis Alutsista terbaru untuk semua matra. Selain itu, dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan Prajurit, telah dibangun 241.441 unit rumah negara untuk Prajurit.

Dalam hal program pengamanan perbatasan, Kemhan telah membangun Jalan Inspeksi dan Patroli Perbatasan (JIPP) dan Jalan Administrasi (JA) di Kalimantan sepanjang 999,5 km. Untuk sarana dan prasarana perbatasan darat sudah dilengkapi dengan Pospamtas, Border Sign Post (BSP), dan Pilar Perbatasan.

Sedangkan untuk program ikut serta mewujudkan perdamaian dunia, Kemhan telah mengambil langkah dan inisiatif melalui penguatan kerja sama 6 negara ASEAN (Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina, Singapura, Brunei dan Thailand) yaitu kerjasama Our Eyes. Sampai dengan tahun 2018 ini, Indonesia telah mengirimkan 3.774 orang Pasukan Perdamaian Dunia PBB.

Dalam program membangun Industri Pertahanan dalam negeri yang kuat, mandiri dan berdaya saing, sebagian produk Alutsista dalam negeri telah memiliki kualitas dan perfomance yang handal dan prima.

“Beberapa Alutsista baru buatan dalam negeri telah memperkuat jajaran TNI, baik TNI AD, TNI AL dan TNI AU,” ujar Menhan Ryamizard dalam keterangannya dihadapan media massa, Kamis (27/12/18) di Jakarta.

Terakhir, lanjut Menhan, untuk program Pembinaan Kesadaran Bela Negara, hingga tahun 2018 telah terbentuk 83,4 juta orang kader Bela Negara dari target 100 juta pada akhir tahun 2024. Antusiasme masyarakat dalam kegiatan Bela Negara sangat tinggi dan ini menjadi tantangan bagi Kemhan untuk meningkatkan perangkat pendukung pembinaan bela negara tersebut.

“Sementara itu, untuk realisasi daya serap anggaran Kemhan dan TNI Tahun Anggaran 2018 sampai dengan 26 Desember 2018 telah mencapai 81,03 persen. Data dari Ditjen Perbendaharaan Kementerian Keuangan menunjukan Kemhan menempati urutan ke 52 dari 86 kementerian / lembaga dalam peringkat realisasi belanja kementerian/lembaga,” ujar Menhan dihadapan awak media.(MRZ)

Resume :

Until end of December 2018 Indonesian MoD said :
1. almost 1000 kilometers border road had been built.
2. MEF reached 61,8%.
3. more than 241 thousand of state own housing facility had been built for soldiers and their families.
4. More than 83 million of civilian volunteers to guard and defend the state.

. .
They said it was for peace purpose, including launching micro satellite but in the end it was all the same

29 Desember 2018

R-Han 450 merupakan roket darat-ke-darat dengan jarak 100 km dan kecepatan 4,7 Mach (photo : IMF)

Garut - Balitbang Kemhan dalam hal ini yang terkait Puslitbang Alpalhan melaksanakan uji dinamis pengembangan roket jarak 100 Km ground to ground/R-Han 450 tahap II-III di Balai Uji Teknologi LAPAN Pamempeuk Garut, Jawa Barat. Uji dinamis pengembangan roket jarak 100 Km ground to ground/R-Han 450 tahap II-III disaksikan oleh Kabalitbang Kemhan Dr. Anne Kusmayati, Ses Balitbang Kemhan Laksma TNI Ir. A. Budiharja Raden, Kapuslitbang Alpalhan Balitbang Kemhan Brigjen TNI Abdullah Sani, Deputi LAPAN Dr. Rika Andiarti, GM Divisi Migas PT. Dahana Bapak Heri Heriswan, Kabid Matra Darat Puslitbang Alpalhan Balitbang Kemhan Kolonel Inf Setya hari, S.H., para pejabat di lingkungan Kemhan dan TNI, tim uji dinamis dari PT. LAPAN serta personel yang terkait.

Kegiatan diawali sambutan pertama oleh Deputi LAPAN Dr. Rika Andiarti, kemudian sambutan kedua oleh Kabalitbang Kemhan Dr. Anne Kusmayati, sambutan ketiga dari Dirtekbang PT. Dahana Bapak Heri Heriswan, pembacaan doa, dilanjutkan uji dinamis pengembangan roket jarak 100 Km ground to ground/R-Han 450 dari tim PT. LAPAN dan terakhir evaluasi hasil pelaksanaan uji dinamis pengembangan roket jarak 100 Km ground to ground/R-Han 450. Dalam pelaksanaannya, program pengembangan roket jarak 100 Km ground to ground/R-Han 450 TA. 2018 adalah salah satu program kerjasama utama antara Balitbang Kemhan, PT. Dahana dengan Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN).

Roket R-Han 450 ini memiliki motor roket dengan massa propelan sebesar 760 kg. Motor roket ini dapat menghasilkan gaya dorong maksimum sebesar 12.000 kgf dan memiliki gaya dorong rata-rata sebesar 7000 kgf dengan waktu bakar selama 20 detik. Akselerasi maksimum yang dapat dialami oleh roket pada saat terbang dapat mencapai 13 G dan kecepatan maksimum roket dapat mencapai 4,7 Mach. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan uji dinamis R-Han 450 ini adalah untuk mendapatkan data dan mengetahui perilaku terbang roket selama di dalam lintasan, yang dapat dijadikan bahan analisa guna kesempurnaan pada program pengembangan roket R-Han 450 berikutnya.

Target dari pengembangan roket R-Han 450 ini adalah bahwa roket terbang dengan baik dan stabil tanpa adanya anomali gerakan yang terjadi pada saat uji terbang. Di samping itu juga diharapkan data sensor gerak roket (akselerometer, gyro dan GPS) yang terdapat pada payload dapat bekerja dengan baik dan dapat ditransfer ke ground station secara utuh dan baik sejak awal peluncuran sampai dengan roket kembali jatuh ke bumi serta jarak jangkau dapat tercapai 3 digit.

However I see there is a gross complacency in the current administration when it come to managing the flow of news / information. For example OPM propaganda are running wild and unchallenged all over the social media which include authenticate Youtube channel, Facebook Page, etc and so far there isn't any attention (not even the slightest) from DepKominfo about those propaganda channels. In fact if you ever try to refute any of those propaganda your comment / reply will be struck down (keep happening to me in Quora, Reddit, and other places) to the point I no longer taking any question (request for answer) in Quora which usually related to IT technical, jungle survival, wildlife, tourism, etc related topics (well Their Loss, Not Mine)

If you looking it from different perspective, it actually benefiting to Indonesia as a whole. moreover the less Oz govt (particularly their not-so intelligence agency) apparatus and public knew about Indonesia is actually benefiting us in the long run (Sun Tzu Art of War). Even their continuous hacking has been render null because they keep failing to understand the context of the intercepted comm traffic. Realistically just how many people there (with the necessary security clearance) who understand our languages? and I'm not referring to standard form of Bahasa Indonesia here. For example even my neighbours can't interpret any useful context of the conversation between me and my late mother because we usually speak using a mix of 3 languages in a single sentence (Indonesia, Javanese, Nederland)

I fully agree. Antara is getting better every year but it isn't enough, the gov is also getting better in using the UU ITE to prevent domestic dissemination of OPM propaganda but it also isn't enough. We need counter propaganda.

We also need better Nationalism teachers at school. Unless we want to end up like the democracies of the west we need everyone to agree on the basics of our nation.

Either way, I agree with your stance on Australia as well. Their leadership has systematically sidelined themselves from Indonesia this last decade. It's like they are doing our work for us. Paul Keating will be pissed on how badly the last 5 prime ministers pissed on his hard work to bring Australia and Indonesia closer together. While we need them, we have options to fulfil our needs (Japan , SK, Belgium), while their needs from us are irreplaceable (Security, Movement of Trade, Stopping Refugee ships).

Bastards still haven't paid a cent for the Montana Oil spill.

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