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Jokowi is expected to launch the 3rd DSME Type 209 Submarine in October next month. Just a feeling of mine that the contract signing for the 3 new submarines highly possible together with the launching of the 3rd submarine by Jokowi. The momentum is there. Just my 2 cents though.

Based on recent news of President Jokowi visit to South Korea, there is good chance it might be Son Won-Il-class (Type 214)
Nope. It will be DSME Type 209.

"Saat dikonfirmasi, Dirut PT PAL Budiman Saleh mengatakan PT PAL sanggup memenuhi permintaan Kementerian Pertahanan. Ia mengakui masih banyak fasilitas pembangunan kapal selam dan kemampuan PT PAL yang harus ditingkatkan. "Order kapal selam jenis 209 sangat dinanti-nantikan karena selama ini investasi pembangunan galangan kapal selam diperuntukkan untuk spesifikasi 209 baik untuk baru maupun pemeliharaan," kata Budiman."

Full article: http://defense-studies.blogspot.com/2018/09/pt-pal-bahas-kontrak-3-kapal-selam-baru.html?m=1
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Looks like PT PAL is upgrading KRI Cakra-401.

^^ I thought it was DSME that will upgrade KRI Cakra? Or maybe DSME together with PT PAL.

"Indonesia already operates two smaller Type 209 submarines, Type 209/1300 KRI Cakra and KRI Nanggala, built by German Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft over 30 years ago. DSME is also contracted for work on the upgrades of Cakra-class submarines which will include a modernized periscope mast, hull works and new combat management systems (CMS)."

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Indonesia, U.S. enhance cooperation to overcome terrorism
Jumat, 14 September 2018 23:42 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


Head of the National Counter terrorism Agency (BNPT), Comr. Gen. Suhardi Alius

Jakarta, (ANTARA News) - The governments of Indonesia and the United States (US) enhanced cooperation in the field of counter-terrorism through a memorandum of understanding (MoU), which was signed by officials of the two countries here on Friday.

Indonesia was represented by the Head of the National Counter terrorism Agency (BNPT), Comr. Gen. Suhardi Alius, while the US was represented by the Counter-terrorism Coordinator of the Foreign Ministry, Nathan A. Sales.

The signing of the MoU was witnessed by representatives of relevant Indonesian institutions, which are engaged in counter terrorism, including the Coordinating Ministry for Politics and Security, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the National Police, the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), and the Attorney General`s Office.

The Head of the BNPT said the signing of the MoU was a mark of cooperation in combating terrorism between the two countries.

"This is also the momentum for the initiation of more concrete and practical cooperation which is expected to solve the challenges of counter terrorism, not only for the two countries, but also for the whole world," Alius said.

In the future, he continued, this MoU is expected to be a law for counter terrorism cooperation among relevant ministries and institutions to exchange information, experiences and practices, as well as to improve human resource capacity.

He said the MoU was very important in combating terrorism in both countries, as there are a large number of Indonesians who travel to the US and vice versa.

"We will continue to exchange information and keep communicating so that the two countries can anticipate terrorism actions," Alius said.

It is expected that in the future, both countries will be free from terrorism. Thus, in addition to maintaining safe and secure conditions, the MoU is also very beneficial to both countries.

"If the country is safe, foreign investment will be greater, as well as the tourism sector, as a lot of foreign tourists will be attracted to the countries," he said.

Meanwhile, Sales pointed out that the MoU would be very beneficial to both countries in combating terrorism. Moreover, the two countries have been subjected to terrorism terrors and threats, especially from the ISIS group.

"We will be solid partners in combating terrorism because Indonesia and the US have experience in dealing with terrorism," Sales said.

According to him, the MoU will be useful in detecting all terrorism movement. By exchanging information, terrorism funding can be detected and the data of terrorist suspects can be traced.

Editing by Libertina W Ambari

Editor: Suharto

Indonesia, India discuss counter terrorism
Sabtu, 15 September 2018 00:15 WIB - 3 Views

Reporter: Azis Kurmala

By Azis K

Jakarta, (ANTARA News) - The Fifth Meeting of the Indonesia-India Joint Working Group on Counter Terrorism was held in New Delhi on 10 September 2018.

The Meeting was co-chaired by Mahaveer Singhvi, Joint Secretary Counter Terrorism, Ministry of External Affairs of India, and Inspector General Hamidin, Deputy for International Cooperation, National Counter Terrorism Agency, Indonesia, based on a statement received here on Friday.

The two sides had shared their perspectives on the current development of terrorism and measures taken by both governments, a capacity-building programme and cooperation at the bilateral, regional and multilateral levels.

The meeting was held in an atmosphere of trust and common understanding, and both sides committed to further strengthening cooperation in combating terrorism.

Indonesia and India have embarked on a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, which was agreed upon during the visit of the Prime Minister of India to Indonesia on 29-30 May 2018.

Counter Terrorism cooperation has been one of the important elements of bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

The Sixth Meeting of the Joint Working Group on Counter Terrorism between Indonesia and India will be held in Indonesia in 2019 at a time that will be agreed upon by both sides.
Reporting by Aziz Kurmala
Editing by Suharto

Editor: Suharto


Indonesian MALE UAV Tender on August 24th 2018. The competitors are TAI Anka, Aeronautics Dominator, Safran Patroller and CASC CH-4.

Turki siap bantu kembangkan industri pertahanan, dirgantara Indonesia

Ozmen mengatakan nilai tender yang ditawarkan TAI jauh lebih rendah dari ketiga kompetitornya. “Dan yang terpenting, kita tidak akan membawa tenaga kerja kami karena kita ingin mengembangkan sumber daya manusia Indonesia serta transfer teknologi,” Ozmen menekankan.
Read more: https://www.aa.com.tr/id/headline-h...ustri-pertahanan-dirgantara-indonesia/1253776

I really love the sentence, "yang terpenting kami tidak akan membawa tenaga kerja kami"
I really love the sentence, "yang terpenting kami tidak akan membawa tenaga kerja kami"

Somehow, I am not sure. Maybe not for production, but for verification, testing etc. they will still bring theirs. But if that is how they work, they are no different than other partner companies offering ToT.
Somehow, I am not sure. Maybe not for production, but for verification, testing etc. they will still bring theirs. But if that is how they work, they are no different than other partner companies offering ToT.

For higher level person its possible and thats ok, as long as not bringing their "buruh"
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His answer is not very convincing, because US special force use the chinook? Might as well his assistant answering all the question tho.
He was underlining the excellent maneuvering ability of Chinook. Liat kan tangannya muter2.. yang muda2 tolong hormat dikit lah.. :D
Indonesian MALE UAV Tender on August 24th 2018. The competitors are TAI Anka, Aeronautics Dominator, Safran Patroller and CASC CH-4.

Turki siap bantu kembangkan industri pertahanan, dirgantara Indonesia

Turkish Aerospace Industries ikut serta dalam tender Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak yang diselenggarakan pemerintah Indonesia pada 24 Agustus lalu

13.09.2018 İqbal Musyaffa Jakarta Raya


Vice President Corporate Marketing and Comminications Turkish Aerospace Industries Tamer Ozmen saat wawancara dengan Anadolu Agency di Jakarta, pada 13 September 2018. (Eko Siswono Toyudho - Anadolu Agency)

Iqbal Musyaffa


Turki menyampaikan komitmennya untuk bekerja sama dan membantu Indonesia dalam pengembangan industri pertahanan dan dirgantara.

Vice President Corporate Marketing and Communication Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) Tamer Ozmen mengatakan kepada Anadolu Agency di Jakarta, Kamis, keseriusan tersebut sudah disampaikan dalam proposal tender Pesawat Terbang Tanpa Awak yang diselenggarakan pemerintah Indonesia pada 24 Agustus lalu.

TAI, sebut Ozmen, memiliki keunggulan dalam memproduksi pesawat tanpa awak bernama Anka (phoenix), helikopter Atak (serangan), pesawat jet Hurkus, pesawat militer nasional, dan sistem satelit ruang angkasa.

Ozmen mengatakan bahwa perusahaannya menawarkan pesawat terbang tanpa awak bernama Anka yang dapat dipakai untuk kebutuhan intelijen, pengawasan, dan pengintaian (intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance/ISR) yang juga telah digunakan oleh militer Turki baik untuk matra darat, laut, dan udaranya.

“Pesawat ini telah terbukti kehandalannya dan telah terbang di Turki ataupun di luar Turki,” tegas Ozmen.

Ozmen mengatakan bahwa TAI telah memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun pada pengembangan teknologi pesawat terbang tanpa awak. Di sektor industri pertahanan sendiri, TAI sudah malang melintang selama lebih dari 30 tahun.

Dia menegaskan bahwa dalam tender yang diajukan, pihaknya tidak hanya menawarkan penjualan pesawat Anka kepada pemerintah Indonesia.

“Kita siap memberikan transfer teknologi, pengembangan sumber daya manusia, serta ketersediaan suku cadang, dan perawatan pesawat tanpa awak,” lanjut Ozmen.

Dalam tender tersebut, perusahaan Turki ini harus bersaing dengan perusahaan asal Israel bernama Aeronautics yang menawarkan pesawat tanpa awak Dominator. Selain itu, ada juga perusahaan Safran asal Perancis yang menawarkan pesawat tanpa awak Patroller, serta perusahaan asal China CASC dengan pesawat tanpa awak CH-4.

Ozmen mengatakan nilai tender yang ditawarkan TAI jauh lebih rendah dari ketiga kompetitornya. “Dan yang terpenting, kita tidak akan membawa tenaga kerja kami karena kita ingin mengembangkan sumber daya manusia Indonesia serta transfer teknologi,” Ozmen menekankan.

Dia juga mengaku optimis dapat masuk ke dalam dua perusahaan terpilih dari empat yang ada untuk kemudian dapat mempresentasikan dan mendiskusikan kepada pengambil keputusan di Indonesia.

“Pada tahap itu, kita akan menjelaskan apa yang bisa kita berikan dan sediakan untuk pengembangan industri pertahanan dan dirgantara Indonesia,” lanjut dia.

Read more: https://www.aa.com.tr/id/headline-h...ustri-pertahanan-dirgantara-indonesia/1253776
is the AF eyeing for the combat or surveillance UAV?????
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Indonesian Navy ready to commission PT PAL-assembled submarine

Reporter: antara 1 hour ago

Surabaya, E Java (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Navy stated that it would be ready to commission its new submarine manufactured by state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia, after it is was confirmed to be delivered in October.

Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Siwi Sukma Adji told the press here on Monday that the submarine would be the third order for the firm.

Two other submarines, which had been delivered last year, were built jointly by PT PAL Indonesia and a South Korean ship builder in the Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) facility in Okpo, South Korea.

The third submarine, he noted, was completely built and assembled in the firm`s dock yard in Tanjung Perak port, Surabaya, under a technology transfer agreement with South Korea.

"By the end of the year, around October, we will commission the submarine manufactured by PT PAL Indonesia," he added.

Adji reiterated that the Indonesian Navy has continued to develop its weaponry defense system up to 2024.

Read more: https://en.antaranews.com/news/118650/indonesian-navy-ready-to-commission-pt-pal-assembled-submarine
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