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No, I'm not.

B747 freighter from ground to cargo room floor is too high, it needs a hydrolic lifter.

No hydrolic lifter operated in airport can lift a leopard mbt.

B747 freighter needs 3000 - 3300 meters runway length to take off while C5 galaxy only needs maximum 2400 meters runway length.

A C5 galaxy can fly loaded 129 - 130 ton of cargoes (for disaster relief support) only in one sorty as much as 6 sorties of C130J herky (1 sorty of c130j only could fly 19 - 20 ton of cargoes).

Thus 1 unit of C5 galaxy could represent of 6 unit C130J.

And one flight (4 unit) of C5 galaxy could represent of 4 x 6 = 24 unit of C130J herkies.

If we plan to have 40 unit of herkies plus 4 unit of C5s, it represents 64 unit or 16 unit x 4 squadron of herkies with combination of 10 units of c130 plus 1 unit C5 in each squadron.
I think C5 maintenance and operational cost is expensive and need a lot of maintenance that's why thrisna said C5 is hangar queen.
Better to use ship to move tank across the country.
1 unit of C5 galaxy couldn't represent 6 unit C130J.
1 unit of C5 can't conduct mission on several locations at the same time, 1 unit C5 can't stand by at different locations at the same time, 1 C5 can't doing mission; standby and maintenance at the same time quantity is quality on it's own. 1 C5 can carry cargoes equals to 6 herky cargoes capabilities, can't really say 1 C5 = 6 C130; and also i prefer C17*.
*If we have the money.:D
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I think C5 maintenance and operational cost is expensive and need a lot of maintenance that's why thrisna said C5 is hangar queen.
Better to use ship to move tank across the country.
1 unit of C5 galaxy couldn't represent 6 unit C130J.
1 unit of C5 can't conduct mission on several locations at the same time, 1 unit C5 can't stand by at different locations at the same time, 1 C5 can't doing mission; standby and maintenance at the same time quantity is quality on it's own. 1 C5 can carry cargoes equals to 6 herky cargoes capabilities, can't really say 1 C5 = 6 C130; and also i prefer C17*.
*If we have the money.:D

A C5 can eat a c130 fuselage.

A C5 can deliver a platoon of cavalry (1 unit medium tank, 1 unit ifv and 4 unit m113) in just 1- 3 hours to the airbase near trouble spot.

4 C5 could deliver one company of cavalry plus one baterry of SPH just in 1 - 3 hours compare to one or two days with an LPD.
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A C5 can eat a c130 fuselage.

A C5 can deliver a platoon of cavalry (1 unit medium tank, 1 unit ifv and 4 unit m113) in just 1- 3 hours to the airbase near trouble spot.

4 C5 could deliver one company of cavalry plus one baterry of SPH just in 1 - 3 hours compare to one or two days with an LPD.

Not every missions need C 5
Look at other variables, how many support needed for an C5 and how much C 5 cost per hour for their operational cost, are you insane trying to bought a company or two soldiers to inter islands operation by using C 5, when a C130 can do the jobs. Dont forget why C5 galaxy is not much in use, because not many countries in this world need intercontinental cargo planes when usual heavy lift lifter like il 76 or C17 can do the jobs or even the medium class like C130
No hydrolic lifter operated in airport can lift a leopard mbt.

Why would anyone will want to transport 60 tonne worth of Kampfpanzer by air?

I think C5 maintenance and operational cost is expensive and need a lot of maintenance that's why thrisna said C5 is hangar queen.
Better to use ship to move tank across the country.
1 unit of C5 galaxy couldn't represent 6 unit C130J.
1 unit of C5 can't conduct mission on several locations at the same time, 1 unit C5 can't stand by at different locations at the same time, 1 C5 can't doing mission; standby and maintenance at the same time quantity is quality on it's own. 1 C5 can carry cargoes equals to 6 herky cargoes capabilities, can't really say 1 C5 = 6 C130; and also i prefer C17*.
*If we have the money.:D

Exactly my points :tup: I'm pretty sure we have the money, and the need for logistic support will always preside. And although global economy is currently on the verge of recession, our country fundamental is still sufficient to absorb the shock (albeit stretching thin)

Not every missions need C 5
Look at other variables, how many support needed for an C5 and how much C 5 cost per hour for their operational cost, are you insane trying to bought a company or two soldiers to inter islands operation by using C 5, when a C130 can do the jobs. Dont forget why C5 galaxy is not much in use, because not many countries in this world need intercontinental cargo planes when usual heavy lift lifter like il 76 or C17 can do the jobs or even the medium class like C130

Exactly my points :tup:
all these weapons from islic world useless untill kashmir and palestine are in israel and indian illegal hold
Boeing, PTDI look to expand collaboration

Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
02 September 2018

Boeing and Indonesia’s aerospace group PT Dirgantara (PTDI) have signed an agreement to expand industrial collaboration, it has been announced.

According to a memorandum of understanding (MOU), which was signed in the United States in late August and confirmed to Jane’s on 3 September, the two companies have agreed to “explore potential collaborative opportunities” across activities including “manufacturing technologies, certifications, and support and maintenance of vertical-lift products”.

Indonesia has expressed interest in acquiring the Boeing CH-47F Chinook, seen here in UK service. (Boeing)

A statement said the MOU will support the growth of Indonesia’s aerospace industry and provide new technologies to the Indonesian armed forces. Boeing and PT Dirgnatara have existing links in the commercial aerospace sector but this is their first agreement to facilitate military-industrial collaboration.

Boeing’s Southeast Asia president, Skip Boyce, said, “We see this [MOU] as an important step in support of Indonesia’s vision for current and future economic development as well as the growth of the country’s aerospace sector.”

Although not confirmed by the companies, the reference to vertical lift is thought to indicate support for Indonesia’s anticipated procurement of CH-47F Chinook heavy-lift transport helicopters.

The Indonesian government has previously confirmed that it is considering the procurement of up to 10 CH-47F Chinooks for the Indonesian Army. In late 2016 Boeing confirmed that Jakarta had submitted a request for price and availability of the latest CH-47F version of the platform to the US government.

TNI Minta Anggaran Rp1,5 Triliun untuk Koopsus
Abi Sarwanto, CNN Indonesia | Rabu, 05/09/2018 15:14 WIB

Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto. (CNN Indonesia/Hesti Rika)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) mengajukan anggaran sebesar Rp1,5 triliun untuk pembentukan Komando Operasi Khusus (Koopsus) dalam rapat kerja dengan Komisi I DPR. Mereka menyatakan dana itu buat menyokong operasional unit khusus itu.

"Koopsus TNI itu Rp1,5 triliun, terdiri untuk pembangunan sarana dan prasarana, pemilihan material khusus, senjata dan perlengkapan lainnya," kata Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto di kompleks parlemen, Jakarta, Rabu (5/9).

Hadi mengatakan anggaran untuk pasukan khusus gabungan tiga matra TNI itu bakal tersedot buat pembangunan infrastruktur dan peralatan khusus.

"Karena kalau pasukan khusus beda dengan yang lain, harus memiliki material khusus," katanya.

Hadi mengatakan anggaran itu juga digunakan untuk pembangunan jaringan ke daerah agar Koopsus dapat mendeteksi dan mengantisipasi ancaman keamanan yang tidak terduga.

Di sisi lain, Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR Satya Yudha meminta agar pembentukan Koopsus yang merupakan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2018 tentang Tindak Pidana Terorisme dipercepat.

Sebab, Satya mengatakan pembentukan Koopsus bukan berlandaskan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) yang memerlukan persetujuan banyak sektor, melainkan hanya melalui Peraturan Presiden (Perpres).

"Kami minta panglima dipercepat pembentukannya agar bisa dioperasionalkan, sampai sekarang belum selesai. Mereka katakan Mei 2019 baru bisa, dan perlu diskusi dan sinkronisasi di pemerintah," kata Satya terpisah.

Gabungan pasukan elite dari tiga matra TNI nantinya diatur lewat instrumen Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) sebagai payung hukum pelaksana dari Undang-Undang Nomor 34 Tahun 2004 tentang TNI.

Hadi menjelaskan pembentukan Koopssusgab ini merupakan bagian dari operasi militer selain perang (OMSP) yang diatur Pasal 7 UU TNI, salah satunya untuk ikut dalam menanggulangi tindak pidana teroris

Koopssusgab TNI dibentuk oleh Moeldoko selaku Panglima TNI pada 2015 lalu. Tim ini merupakan gabungan pasukan elite dari tiga matra TNI, yakni Sat-81 milik TNI AD, Denjaka milik TNI AL, dan Satbravo-90 dari TNI AU.

Jumlah pasukan khusus ini 90 personel. Mereka disiagakan di wilayah Sentul, Bogor, Jawa Barat dengan status operasi, sehingga siap siaga setiap saat jika diperintahkan untuk terjun menanggulangi teror. (ayp)


Indonesia Armed Forces Chief of Staff asked for a budget of IDR 1.5 trillion to form Special Operations Command covering specialized materials, weapons and other equipment. This Indonesian SOCOM has only 90 operators consisting of Special Forces of the Army (Sat-81 Kopassus), Navy (Denjaka) and Air Force (Satbravo-90). They are set to stand by and ready to be deployed at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Sat-81 Kopassus: specialized unit of Kopassus tasked for terrorism
Denjaka: specialized unit formed by selected members of Taifib and Kopaska
Satbravo-90: specialized unit formed by selected members of Kopaskhas

This is special of the specials, truly an elite and hardcore unit.

90 of 350,000+ TNI soldiers? Hell...nobody wants to mess with these guys...
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