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pesan 6 dari 2012, baru dua dikirim, dan itu juga nggak operasional. SUEK
pesan 6 dari 2012, baru dua dikirim, dan itu juga nggak operasional. SUEK
Bener tan, Tambah SUEK lagi datengin helo VVIP dirubah angkut berat/csar kopongan tanpa rampdoor,flir,bubble window,gundoor dll beli overprice dan bekas Tanpa ToT

Miris bener
Nexter announces the signing of a new contract to supply additional CAESAR® artillery systems to the Indonesian National Armed Forces


Abu Dhabi, February 20, 2017 –
Nexter, the leading French land defense company and part of KNDS Group, has been a longstanding partner supporting the modernization of the TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) since entering into an initial contract in 2012 to supply 36 CAESAR® artillery systems. Today at the IDEX 2017 trade show, Nexter is proud to announce the signing of a new contract to supply a further 18 CAESAR® systems to the Indonesian National Armed Forces.

The CAESAR® 155mm wheeled self-propelled howitzer, deployed by the French Forces during operations in Mali, as well as in Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq, is recognized worldwide as striking the best balance between the simplicity of towed artillery and the mobility of a self-propelled system. Not only is the CAESAR® highly accurate and mobile, allowing it to evade counter-battery fire, it also has the lowest maintenance costs of any mobile artillery system on the market. It is in service with the armed forces of France, Indonesia, Thailand and a Middle Eastern country, and over 270 CAESAR® systems have already been produced. They have fired more than 80,000 rounds and covered a distance of over one million kilometers.

In addition to the artillery systems, Nexter will also provide its firing control system, FINDART®, CAESAR® simulators for training and over 50 artillery battalion auxiliary vehicles assembled in Indonesia by its local partner PT Pindad.

This latest success in Indonesia demonstrates that the impressive performances of CAESAR® meet the most demanding requirements on the ground in South-East Asia” commented Gilles Sarreau, Senior Vice President Artillery, Turret and Weapon System Programs.

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Okay thanks for your info,but what about the camo name?

If i'm not wrong the original colour scheme was a three-tone blue-grey camouflage. This was changed in 2000 to a grey-green camouflage being called the ‘Millennium scheme’.

Btw, you have make introduction dude


Bener tan, Tambah SUEK lagi datengin helo VVIP dirubah angkut berat/csar kopongan tanpa rampdoor,flir,bubble window,gundoor dll beli overprice dan bekas Tanpa ToT

Miris bener

This is rampdoor or not ? :p:

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Nexter announces the signing of a new contract to supply additional CAESAR® artillery systems to the Indonesian National Armed Forces


Abu Dhabi, February 20, 2017 –
Nexter, the leading French land defense company and part of KNDS Group, has been a longstanding partner supporting the modernization of the TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) since entering into an initial contract in 2012 to supply 36 CAESAR® artillery systems. Today at the IDEX 2017 trade show, Nexter is proud to announce the signing of a new contract to supply a further 18 CAESAR® systems to the Indonesian National Armed Forces.

The CAESAR® 155mm wheeled self-propelled howitzer, deployed by the French Forces during operations in Mali, as well as in Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq, is recognized worldwide as striking the best balance between the simplicity of towed artillery and the mobility of a self-propelled system. Not only is the CAESAR® highly accurate and mobile, allowing it to evade counter-battery fire, it also has the lowest maintenance costs of any mobile artillery system on the market. It is in service with the armed forces of France, Indonesia, Thailand and a Middle Eastern country, and over 270 CAESAR® systems have already been produced. They have fired more than 80,000 rounds and covered a distance of over one million kilometers.

In addition to the artillery systems, Nexter will also provide its firing control system, FINDART®, CAESAR® simulators for training and over 50 artillery battalion auxiliary vehicles assembled in Indonesia by its local partner PT Pindad.

This latest success in Indonesia demonstrates that the impressive performances of CAESAR® meet the most demanding requirements on the ground in South-East Asia” commented Gilles Sarreau, Senior Vice President Artillery, Turret and Weapon System Programs.

Good keep them coming
pesan 6 dari 2012, baru dua dikirim, dan itu juga nggak operasional. SUEK
Sepertinya divisi helikopter nya pt di, kok semrawut y... Padahal pesanan tni sendiri... Itu ec 725… . Apakah tindakan pt di yg seperti ini termasuk membahayakan keselamatan negara? Yang notabenya kebutuhan heli tni mendesak untuk pertahanan negara.
ah kl dipansus dpr malah jadi komoditas politik dan bargain chip partai dan oknum anggota dpr, mending undang KPK biar jelas dan terang, siapa yg bermain dan diuntungkan, mau punya Bintang dan jabatan, kl salah ya tebas...

pesan 6 dari 2012, baru dua dikirim, dan itu juga nggak operasional. SUEK

Bener tan, Tambah SUEK lagi datengin helo VVIP dirubah angkut berat/csar kopongan tanpa rampdoor,flir,bubble window,gundoor dll beli overprice dan bekas Tanpa ToT.

Nah, hal2 begini perlu di clearkan. Bukan cuma soal AW, tapi juga performa PT.DI versus kebutuhan real TNI AU. Klo menurut gw Pansus tetep perlu, supaya semua jelas. Klo memang bersih, kenapa risih... iya kan.
Indonesian PKR frigates feature Bakker Sliedrecht auxiliary propulsion

Dutch company Bakker Sliedrecht was responsible for the electrical auxiliary propulsion system installed on the first of two Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) guided missile frigates built for the Indonesian Navy Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding.

Key components of the electrical auxiliary propulsion system are two electric propulsion motors and two water-cooled variable-frequency drives with active front ends. Both frequency drives are cooled by one water-cool unit to save weight, space and costs.

After assembling the electrical drive systems in Bakker Sliedrecht workshop, the installations were delivered to Damen Shipyards were one of the ship segments was build. Damen installed the electrical propulsion system after which Bakker Sliedrecht conducted an installation check on the finished ship segmented. Then, the ship segment was shipped to Indonesia were all ship segments were connected to each other.

Each frequency drive is connected to the vessel’s power grid, without the use of a transformer, to save weight and space. Without certain measures, this direct (conductive) coupling can cause unwanted effects on sensitive operational equipment connected to the grid.

Bakker Sliedrecht participated in the sea trials that took place in Indonesian waters to verify the performance of the electrical auxiliary propulsion system.

Indonesia dan Korea Selatan Komitmen Jaga dan Tingkatkan Kerjasama Pertahanan

Di sela – sela menghadiri pameran internasional pertahanan IDEX 2017 yang diselenggarakan Kementerian Pertahanan Uni Emirat Arab, Menteri Pertahanan Republik Indonesia Ryamizard Ryacudu melakukan pertemuan bilateral dengan Wamenhan Korea Selatan, Minggu (19/2) di Abu Dhabi, Uni Emirat Arab.

Pada pertemuan yang sangat baik dan penuh rasa persahabatan kedua negara, Menhan RI dan Wamenhan Korea Selatan membicarakan tentang komitmen dan upaya meningkatkan kerjasama pertahanan khususnya di bidang industri pertahanan. Kerjasama strategis Indonesia dan Korea Selatan di bidang industri pertahanan yakni program kerjasama produksi bersama pesawat temput KFX/IFX dan kapal selam.

Selain terkait kerjasama pesawat tempur KFX/IFX dan kapal selam, dalam kesempatan yang baik tersebut juga di bicarakan peluang – peluang peningkatan kerjasama di bidang industri pertahanan yang bisa dijajaki oleh perusahaan strategis dari kedua negara.

Wamenhan Korea Selatan menyampaikan komitmen pemerintah Korea Selatan untuk terus melanjutkan dan meningkatkan kerjasama pertahanan dengan Indonesia. “Kami akan melanjutkan komitmen kami untuk memperkuat kerjasama kedua negara yang sudah dibangun”, ungkapnya.

Wamenhan Korea Selatan lebih lanjut menyampaikan terimakasih kepada Menhan RI atas dukungannya bagi peningkatan kerjasama kedua negara, dan sama halnya dengan Angkatan Bersenjata Korsel juga akan selalu siap memberikan dukungan penuh untuk kesuksesan setiap program kerjasama yang akan dilakukan dengan Indonesia.

Menurutnya, banyak potensi yang dimiliki Indonesia yang merupakan negara dengan penduduk terbanyak ke empat di dunia, kedepan diyakini akan menjadi salah satu negara yang kuat dan disegani di kawasan.

Sementara itu menanggapi Wamenhan Koresel, Menhan RI juga menyampaikan terimakasih atas kesempatan pertemuan tersebut dan berharap hubungan kerjasama kedua negara dapat terus dijaga dan ditingkatkan lebih baik lagi kedepan.

Indonesia juga berkomitmen untuk terus menjaga dan memperkuat hubungan kerjasama pertahanan dengan Korea Selatan yang selama ini terjalin sangat erat”, ungkap Menhan.

Menurutnya, tidak ada di dunia berdiri sendiri akan menjadi negara kuat, akan tetapi harus bersama – sama bekerjasama dengan negara – negara tetangga maupun negara lain di dunia. Untuk itu Indonesia selalu bersama-sama dengan negara – negara di ASEAN dan juga dengan negara-negara tetangga di kawasan seperti dengan Korea Selatan dan Jepang.(BDI)

Nexter announces the signing of a new contract to supply additional CAESAR® artillery systems to the Indonesian National Armed Forces


Abu Dhabi, February 20, 2017 –
Nexter, the leading French land defense company and part of KNDS Group, has been a longstanding partner supporting the modernization of the TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) since entering into an initial contract in 2012 to supply 36 CAESAR® artillery systems. Today at the IDEX 2017 trade show, Nexter is proud to announce the signing of a new contract to supply a further 18 CAESAR® systems to the Indonesian National Armed Forces.

The CAESAR® 155mm wheeled self-propelled howitzer, deployed by the French Forces during operations in Mali, as well as in Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq, is recognized worldwide as striking the best balance between the simplicity of towed artillery and the mobility of a self-propelled system. Not only is the CAESAR® highly accurate and mobile, allowing it to evade counter-battery fire, it also has the lowest maintenance costs of any mobile artillery system on the market. It is in service with the armed forces of France, Indonesia, Thailand and a Middle Eastern country, and over 270 CAESAR® systems have already been produced. They have fired more than 80,000 rounds and covered a distance of over one million kilometers.

In addition to the artillery systems, Nexter will also provide its firing control system, FINDART®, CAESAR® simulators for training and over 50 artillery battalion auxiliary vehicles assembled in Indonesia by its local partner PT Pindad.

This latest success in Indonesia demonstrates that the impressive performances of CAESAR® meet the most demanding requirements on the ground in South-East Asia” commented Gilles Sarreau, Senior Vice President Artillery, Turret and Weapon System Programs.


Good news ! :bunny:
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