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A demo during handover ceremony to the new Commander of the 6th Kostrad Infantry Brigade. Credit to Sonya Fransisca.


Kodam III Siliwangi Help Community In Fight Against Motorbike Gang In Bandung... a "shady book club" got drag in during the sweep.

fyi siliwangi base cover a relatively huge area in Bandung. a nice area for those who wanna take a morning jog..

Kapendam Kodam III Siliwangi Letkol ARH M Desi Ariyanti menjelaskan, saat itu tengah dilakukan patroli dan penertiban komunitas geng motor di wilayah Jabar dan Banten.
at time they're doing a patrol and policing motorbike gang in western java and banten

Patroli ini terus dilakukan karena beberapa hal. Pertama, membantu pemda dan kepolisian dalam menciptakan keamanan dan kenyamanan masyarakat.

Pihaknya juga ingin memenuhi keinginan masyarakat yang kerap khawatir ketika bepergian malam karena kriminalitas.
the patrol was always done for several reason such as 1. helping the local gov and police to gives the community peace and comfort. they also want to make the community feel save from criminal activity if they wanna go out at night.

"Masyarakat khawatir terulangnya kembali kriminalitas yang dilakukan oleh komunitas, geng atau begal motor beberapa waktu lalu dan bahkan korban dari kriminalitas komunitas, geng atau begal motor tersebut sampai luka parah dan bahkan meninggal dunia," ujar Ariyanto dalam keterangan resminya, Senin (22/8/2016).
"the community are worried for the re-occurrence of criminal activity done by motorbike gang or robber sometimes ago whose victims are badly injured and some even died."

Kedua, kesepakatan di wilayah Bandung tentang aturan batas waktu berkumpul komunitas motor yang diizinkan hingga pukul 22.00 WIB. Kesepakatan ini diambil dalam pertemuan komunitas motor di Bandung dengan Dandim 0618/BS, beberapa waktu lalu.
2. the agreement in bandung area about regulation concerning time limit for motorbike community to be allowed to have activity was at 22.00.

"Kalau pun ada kegiatan harus memberitahukan dulu ke polisi atau Dandim setempat," tuturnya.
"even if they want to have an activity they must have a permit from the police or the local base commander"

Mengenai perpustakaan jalanan, Kodam III Siliwangi memberikan kesempatan untuk melapor ke Depok Bandung bila terjadi pemukulan saat patroli. Pihaknya akan menindaklanjuti hal tersebut sesuai hukum yang berlaku.
concerning the "street library", kodam III Siliwangi give chance to report to the authorities. they will follow-through the report/complaint according to the law.

"Namun perlu kiranya ditegaskan, tidak ada prajurit TNI dalam hal ini Kodam III Siliwangi yang melakukan tindak pemukulan. Yang ada adalah beberapa anak muda berkumpul malah membentak-bentak petugas yang sedang melakukan tindakan penertiban," ucapnya.
according to him "there are no TNI soldier (kodam III siliwangi) that done the clubbing. there was, however, some young folk who were hanging out at the time snapped against the officers that are doing the policing

Dalam rilisnya, Ariyanto mempertanyakan beberapa hal dan mengajak masyarakat berpikir logis. Pertama, mengapa kegiatan membaca buku dilakukan di malam hari di taman yang penerangannya kurang baik.

"Apakah tidak ada lagi tempat di bandung ini yang lebih baik?" tuturnya.

Kedua, sambung Ariyanto, mengapa kegiatan dilakukan lebih dari pukul 23.00?" Bukankah waktu tersebut sudah cukup larut untuk melakukan kegiatan berkumpul," tulisnya.

Ketiga, bagaimana dengan buku-buku yang dibawa oleh komunitas perpustakaan jalanan ini, apakah terjamin kredibilitasnya dan tergolong buku yang diperbolehkan.

he does wonder about this "book club"... like why a book club in the middle of the night on a place with poor lighting..
"are there no other area in bandung that are better?"
"secondly, why must it done at time more then 23.00?" the time is very late to have an assembly.
he also question about the credibility of the books the "street library" has

"Terakhir, Kodam III Siliwangi akan tetap menertibkan komunitas geng motor dan komunitas lain yang melakukan tindakan berkumpul tidak sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Hal ini dilakukan hanya untuk membantu pemda, pemkot, dan kepolisian wilayah Jabar dalam menciptakan keamanan, ketertiban, dan kenyamanan," tutupnya.
"lastly Kodam III Siliwangi will continue to regulate the motor gang communities and others that have an unregulated assembly that does not follow the rule/law. it is done to help local gov, city gov and the local police to create security, order, and comfort"

Penulis: Kontributor Bandung, Reni Susanti
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Based on the latest info available from "military analist" in Singapore .. It is confirmed that your Ministry of Defence has made final decision to cancel and/or delayed all of your modernization program under MEF2 ...

It confirmed now that the purchase of SU35 and additional units of PKR 10514 has been dropped from the list as well as your additional plan to purchase more KCR60, CBG submarine, LST from PT PAL and other local companies ...

It is very sad period for "Big Dreamers" ...But, you have to accept this reality ...Your have no "money" to touch your "Dreams" .....:-)
After TNI brutallity in Medan ... now it also happened in Bandung - West Java ..:-)

Any explanation why TNI did that (not police) ?


I LIVE in Bandung, I didn't see that kinda shit....

As @kaka404 said, they are in fact, biker gangs... You know what the biker gang members did to an Airforce cadet a few years ago? To a member of Kopassus some months back?
Based on the latest info available from "military analist" in Singapore .. It is confirmed that your Ministry of Defence has made final decision to cancel and/or delayed all of your modernization program under MEF2 ...

It confirmed now that the purchase of SU35 and additional units of PKR 10514 has been dropped from the list as well as your additional plan to purchase more KCR60, CBG submarine, LST from PT PAL and other local companies ...

It is very sad period for "Big Dreamers" ...But, you have to accept this reality ...Your have no "money" to touch your "Dreams" .....:-)

hey assholes why bother hanging there

just go and please go rot
hey assholes why bother hanging there

just go and please go rot

It would be better if you can give your support data/info that latest news or "rumors" from Singapore are not True .. :-)

If that "news" is true ... this will be a good news for the region, especially for Singapore, Malaysia and Australia ...
But, this news will be a good news for your people because Indonesia still need a huge money to develop your poor infrastructure, education, law etc etc ... How can you build your TNI if your economy is still "Weak" or "Under crisis" ...
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