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Indonesia Defence Forum

Itu apa ya? Cruise missile kah, atau drone...??
Gw ko baru lihat nih barang, buatan lipi kah dan namanya apa???
Kalau bisa ma speknya ya

By looking to the wing system and the engine ( turbo jet) it is a cruise missile. It is still top secret of course.....:P

All government agencies are united since 2005

Errr it is just me

But i thing Prof Josaphat had nothing to do with our military program. What he is doing right now is much more to served his own talents and dreams.

He is still active in developing our remote sensing program and there are Indonesians who are in his Japan laboratory. His present there make it easier for cooperation with Japan, LAPAN remote sensing satellite for instant will cooperate with Chibuya University, the university who fund his research program.
By looking to the wing system and the engine ( turbo jet) it is a cruise missile. It is still top secret of course.....:P

All government agencies are united since 2005

He is still active in developing our remote sensing program and there are Indonesians who are in his Japan laboratory. His present there make it easier for cooperation with Japan, LAPAN remote sensing satellite for instant will cooperate with Chibuya University, the university who fund his research program.

Actually still it has nothing to do with our military programme, you will be too naive in consodering his presence will make us easier to made a deal with Chiba univ. As long as you had money and projects to be offered to them they still will go to cooperate with you even Josaphat is no longer working for them. And one thing must to be considered, we had another Josaphats thousands or maybe more and they work at first class companies or institutions around the world, and it doesnt mean we had accesses to their works as their work is entitled to the places their working at. Same case with Josaphat
Komodo Tactical Vehicle, PT Pindad


Actually still it has nothing to do with our military programme, you will be too naive in consodering his presence will make us easier to made a deal with Chiba univ. As long as you had money and projects to be offered to them they still will go to cooperate with you even Josaphat is no longer working for them. And one thing must to be considered, we had another Josaphats thousands or maybe more and they work at first class companies or institutions around the world, and it doesnt mean we had accesses to their works as their work is entitled to the places their working at. Same case with Josaphat

Thats why Indonesian government must fund many of our bright scientist. The reason of Joshapat goes to Japan is because in there he will get huge fund for his research. But it doesnt mean he lost his love to Indonesia. It is so clear on how he prefer to give UAV project to Indonesian company ( at that time still so small, maybe the first project ) rather than others and he also keep Indonesian remote sensing students to learn in his laboratory.

By the way Joshapat has huge contribution in our remote sensing program, remote sensing building in our research agency (BPPT if I am not mistaken) is also named by his name.

Of course he has to get what he has worked for like using his patent.


Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan) bersama Chiba University, Jepang mengembangkan microsatelite canggih pertama di dunia yang menggunakan Sensor Aynthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).

Chiba University diwakili Josaphat Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory (JMRSL) milik Profesor Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo -- ilmuwan asal Indonesia yang punya nama di Negeri Sakura.

Kabid Teknologi Muatan Satelit Lapan, Wahyudi Hasbi mengatakan, pihaknya dengan Profesor Josaphat telah melakukan MoU pada Mei 2013 terkait pengembangan satelit bernama A-5 berbobot 100 kg ini. Lapan akan mengerjakan Platform/BUS-nya sedangkan Profesor Josaphat akan sensor SAR untuk payloadnya.

"Jika ini berhasil bagian dari suatu terobosan, karena kita bisa pasang payload SAR yang biasanya di satelit besar ke satelit yang kecil. Dari segi payload ini memang belum ada, nah itulah tantangannya. Kalau kelas 600-an kg, baru di Eropa kalau nggak salah itu Astrium, mereka sudah punya rancangannya," ucap Wahyudi kepada Liputan6.com.

Wahyudi menjelaskan, teknologi SAR ini adalah teknologi terbaru dan sangat sulit, oleh karenanya pihaknya mengajak Prof. Josh -- panggilan Josaphat-- yang sudah terkenal di dunia mengembangkan ini. Pihaknya pun akan berusaha agar Microsatellite LAPAN A-5 ini akan sangat bermanfaat untuk masyarakat Indonesia.

"Sekarang arah Pak Presiden Jokowi masalah maritim ya, jadi SAR ini sangat akan membantu makanya kita akan berusaha dan belajar. Untuk maritim itu sangat butuh SAR. Selain itu sesuai dengan pengalamannya, teknologi SAR bisa juga membantu pengamatan kota, lingkungan dan sebagainya. Selama ini satelit yang menggunakan optic bermasalah dengan awan, nah SAR bisa tembus awan bahkan hingga dapat menghitung ketinggian pohon," tambahnya.

Sementara itu, saat ditemui saat diundang memberikan kuliah umum di Institut Teknologi Bandung pada 05 November 2014 kemarin, Prof. Josh menuturkan, sensor yang ia buat juga akan sangat bermanfaat untuk program ketahanan pangan. Kualitas benih padi pun bisa dianalisa menggunakan satelit ini.

"Kita juga mengembangkan Microwave-Vigitation-Remote Sensing, itu menggunakan gelombang electromagnetic ini untuk melakukan monitoring tumbuhan. Jadi teknologi ini bisa melihat bibit padi apakah kualitas bagus atau tidak, ini yang sedang kita kembangkan," tutur Guru besar Universitas Chiba, Jepang ini kepada Liputan6.com.

Menurut Wahyudi, untuk desain pihaknya sudah ada. Saat ini tantangannya adalah memasukan sebuah radar yang biasanya ukurannya sangat berat ke dalam sebuah satelit dengan berat 100-200 kg. Untuk itu diperlukan ketelitian, namun ia yakin kita mampu menguasai teknologi ini.

"Satelit yang menggunakan SAR ini rata-rata biasanya ukuran 1-2 ton ke atas. Ini butuh power besar sampai 1.000 watt. Ini menggunakan solar panel, bayangkan jika satelitnya kecil harus punya power besar untuk memancarkan sinyal radar ke Bumi. Jadi tantangannya besar sekali," katanya.

"Kemarin itu Pak Josh ada beberapa perubahan misalnya antenna kita rencanakan deploy, nah sekarang itu beliau lagi rancang yang tidak perlu di-deploy jadi ukurannya diperkecil. Untuk teknologi antenna, beliau memang pakarnya di bidang itu," ungkapnya.

Komponen Dalam Negeri

Selain tantangan di bagian payload, pihaknya juga mendapatkan tantangan lainnya yakni dari segi anggaran pembuatan satelit ini. Direncanakan Satelit LAPAN A-5 ini bisa selesai pada 2019. Ia berharap pemerintah dan masyarakat mendukung dan mendoakan agar program ini bisa terlaksana dengan baik.

"Untuk membuat ini kira-kira biayanya di bawah Rp 150 milliar, kalau satelit besar (menggunakan SAR) itu bisa Rp 5-10 trilliun. Sekarang di Eropa juga sedang bikin Satelit SAR dengan berat 600-an kg, itu harganya Rp 1-2 trilliun. Karena sangat mahal dan melihat keterbatasan anggaran kita makanya kita berusaha semuanya yang kita bisa, kita mampu tapi semua itu butuh waktu. Kita harapkan tetap di-support oleh pemerintah," harapnya.

Prof. Josh yang lahir di Bandung, Jawa Barat pada 25 Juni 1970 mengaku, saat ini tidak ada masalah dalam pengembangan Satelit A-5 ini. Dengan didukung anggaran yang baik ia yakin pengerjaan satelit ini bisa lebih cepat.

"Pengembangan butuh kurang dari 3-4 tahun. Kalau ada biayanya, setahun atau 2 tahun sudah selesai. Untuk masalah saya rasa nggak ada, cuman masalah security aja, misalnya pengembangan radar dari saya, Lapan yang kembangkan satelitnya. Mudah-mudahan 4 tahun ke depan kita sudah bisa meluncurkan, tergantung masalah di atas tadi," tutur Josh yang juga menjadi Visiting Profesor di Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

Dengan pengalaman mengembangakan satelit A-1 hingga A-4, Wahyudi yakin Satelit A-5 akan "kaya" dengan komponen dalam negeri. Ia mencontohkan, dalam satelit LAPAN A-2 pihaknya telah berhasil membuat desain satelit, struktur satelit dan payload, stepper motor, magnetic coil, reaction wheel, power converter, harnessing satelite, test componen, sistem satelitnya, dan ground stationnya.

"Lapan A-3 yg sedang dikembangkan ini kita sudah bisa bikin Star Sensornya, jadi untuk attitude control satelit kita pakai sensor bintang itu kita sudah bikin sendiri di A-3. Nah makin kedepan Insya Alah kita makin tinggi kandungan dalam negerinya. Karena kita harapkan industri dalam negeri bisa support kita," ujar Wahyudi.

"Target kita 60-70 persen ya, cuman kalau kita hitung dari desain dari integrasi itu sudah 100%, hanya di level komponen ada beberapa kita masih impor karena kita nggak mungkin bikin sendiri. Misalnya, Gyro mau nggak mau kita harus impor. Itu masih ada lagi dari Prof. Josaphat yang sensornya dibuat sendiri, jadi kira-kira cukup besar ya. Nah beliau dihitung sebagai putra bangsa," imbuhnya.

Lalu bagaimana dengan peluncurannya?

"Untuk peluncuran kayaknya kita harus bersama Jepang ya, karena teknologi ini bisa dipakai untuk militer dan sipil jadi Jepang membatasi kita untuk tidak meluncurkan menggunakan yang lain kecuali sama mereka," jelasnya.

Karena ini pengembangan teknologi radar, ia berharap peluncuran sendiri dilakukan di orbit ekuator. Namun, karena menumpang ia menyerahkan semua kepada Jepang sebagai pihak yang membantu.

"Sebaiknya untuk SAR ini kita bisa di equatorial orbit ya, kita bisa dapat 14 kali revisit/kontak tiap hari dari satelitnya sendiri. Dan karena teknologinya radar yah, lebih baik di equatorial. Cuman itu kita harus melihat peluang peluncuran dengan Jepang itu, kalau mereka bisa ke Equatorial pasti kita ke situ. Cuman equatorial orbit ini peluangnya kecil sekali, mau nggak mau kita harus menunggu. Karena biasanya untuk satelit kecil kita numpang, sampai ada kesempatan," mintanya.

"Dapat 14 kali lewat, waktu untuk setiap kali kontak itu 7-12 menit. Saat ini Lapan sudah memiliki beberapa stasiun penerima data sehingga seluruh Indonesia dapat kita cover. Misalnya dari Papua 12 menit selesai lalu kita terima datanya dari Jawa nanti sampai ke Sumatera kita bisa terima datanya lagi," harapnya.

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) adalah suatu bentuk radar yang digunakan untuk membuat gambar dari obyek seperti Landscape. SAR biasanya dipasang di pesawat atau pesawat ruang angkasa dan berasal sebagai bentuk lanjutan dari Side Looking Airbone Radar (SLAR). Jarak perangkat SAR dikirim melalui Antenna Aperture.

Melalui pengembangan di Lab-nya, Prof. Josh mengaku teknologi yang ia kembangkan bisa menembus segala macam cuaca, kabut, awan, awan dan hutan. Circularly Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar (CP-SAR) ciptaannya pun banyak dilirik oleh Badan Antariksa Internasional.

"Karena teknologi SAR onboard di dunia itu selama ini hampir tidak ada. Dan yang bisa mengembangkan itu hanya ada di Lab saya. Karena itu mereka tertarik untuk mengimplementasikan hasil riset kita itu untuk pengembangan satelit-satelit mereka nanti.

Sedangkan, LAPAN saat ini telah menyelesaikan pengerjaan Satelit A-1, A-2, dan menyempurnakan satelit A-3 yang mempunyai lompatan teknologi yang cukup jauh dan mulai mendekati persyaratan operasi penginderaan jauh. Kemudian, Pusat Teknologi Satelit dan Pusat Sains Antariksa LAPAN akan mengembangkan Satelit A-4 dengan menambahkan teknologi sensor infra merah dekat tanpa cooler untuk monitoring kebakaran hutan dan pemantauan gunung berapi dan juga sensor medan magnet bumi yang akan digunakan untuk prediksi gejala alam dan juga penelitian geologi. (Ein)

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Hijab woman in our defense industry.....:-)

Satellite, LAPAN


KFX/IFX production facility development ceremony in Bandung / PT Dirgantara

PT Infra RCS CEO, Wiwiek Sarwi Astuti (Electronics, software, and radar for defense)

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Errr it is just me

But i thing Prof Josaphat had nothing to do with our military program. What he is doing right now is much more to served his own talents and dreams.

When you said "Prof Josaphat had nothing to do with our military program", it is like you are saying "When our military buying KRI Spica, it had nothing to do with our military program."

You are right, both have nothing to do with our military program.
Len Success in Developing Satellite Communications Systems for Navy

Bandung (8/11) - PT Len Industri (Persero) has cemented its position as one of the state Strategic supply defense electronics equipment, especially for providers of communications device or system. Latest, Len successfully developed Siskomsat (Satellite Communication System) which has now been used by the Navy.


[Caption: Kasal (holding microphone) and CEO Len, Abraham Mose (black coat) tries communication tool most owned by the Navy to communicate with some elements KRI running and some ZIP Navy located in the outer islands Indonesia. - SumberFoto: Koarmatim Navy]

The system was inaugurated by the Chief of Naval Staff (Kasal) Admiral Ade Supandi, SE, MAP in Koarmatim Ujung, Surabaya, Monday (7/12) at the Panti Fleet. Siskomsat is a sophisticated modern communication systems in the Navy era now.

In the implementation phase, the Navy has worked with Len in the technical planning stage, the stage of development of the software, the installation phase and system integration, to the procurement of hardware.

Abraham Mose said, "among Software being developed by PT Len is software used in radar equipment, camera surveillance / observation, Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver, which is independently developed by the engineers in the country and are owned by Len".

According to Kasal, in modern naval warfare, military communications technology largely determines the success of an operation. The development of information and communication technology requires the implementation of an increasingly complex operating title which guarantees smooth communication establishment, resilient, secure and reliable.

Kasal continue, current communication system ( before using satellite) within the Armed Forces both for onshore and warship (KRI) that uses radio device HF, VHF, and UHF, has limitations in its operation because it has a low data rate .

Additionally Navy is also cooperated with PT Telkom for the provision of backbone telecommunications. Siskomsat uses BRIsat Communication Satellite (satellite belonging to BRI), which has been orbiting since October 2015.

Able to Improve Operating Performance of the Navy

This system is realized in two activities: (1) Development Siskomsat Navy with Backbone C Band for the establishment of land and (2) Siskomsat Backbone of the Navy with Ku-Band for KRI.

"Application Siskomsat in pendirat and KRI of beater elements are expected to improve the operating performance of the Navy's to be world-class one," said Kasal Admiral Ade Supandi, SE, MAP

Siskomsat will be applied for the assignment of soldiers who served in the outer islands, surveillance, mobiletrunking, and backpack soldier Marine Corps. For the use of surveillance / observation, radar facilities Siskomsat equipped devices, cameras, Automatic Identification System (AIS), PSTN, and E-mail. For mobile trunking,Siskomsat vehicles equipped with devices Very Short Aperture Terminal (VSAT) and repeaters. And for applications backpack forces the Marine Corps, Siskomsat equipped with e-mail, PSTN and HT-based Internet Protocol (IP).

While Siskomsat Navy with Backbone KU-Band, applied to the KRI elements so that hitters Command and Control Operations can be carried out directly by the leadership to the perpetrators of the operation. Siskomsat on KRI has facilities in the form of data, PSTN and Visual Communications (Vicom) and equipped with a camera, radar and Automatic Identification System (AIS) Transponder. This year, Siskomsat with Backbone installed in the KU-Band Multi-Role Light Frigate Aaron Usman KRI-359 and corvettes KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda-367.


Corporate Communications Section

PT Len Industri (Persero/ State Owned Enterprises)

Len Sukses Kembangkan Sistem Komunikasi Satelit untuk TNI AL

Automatic translation with some fixing from me
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When you said "Prof Josaphat had nothing to do with our military program", it is like you are saying "When our military buying KRI Spica, it had nothing to do with our military program."

You are right, both have nothing to do with our military program.

Err your eQuation is wrong from the beginning

It is JosaPhat is part of our military reasearch programme to begin with? What i can see it is him under Chiba univ. Authoritative who cooperate with Indonesian agencies like Lapan

Meanwhile spica is a kri, so please give more efforts for better equation

And there is one false pressumption to think we are will be a capable nation since we had thousands of people like josaphat. Thats a fine example of brain drain. For godsake what i am mean right now is dont fixated your attention and effort into a lost cause like him. We had thousands maybe more talents in which had truly served our country directly in their own home country. It is them who actually need our and gov support mostly. I will be damned if some of them become like Josaphat in near future
Canada has an interest to buy N 219, there is a talk to assembly the plane in Canada, and that Canadian based aviation company will help Indonesia to get N 219 license there.
Our defense industry also needs to improve its marketing department, giving them good training and hire the best ones. It is the time to go international and proficiency in English is a must as well.
Canada has an interest to buy N 219, there is a talk to assembly the plane in Canada, and that Canadian based aviation company will help Indonesia to get N 219 license there.

any detail? they are producing twotter there.
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