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Indonesia Defence Forum

3rd Batch of leopard 2A4 and marder has arrived
Credit to 14aste
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credit due to pengamat.liar @kaskus.co.id

credit due to pengamat.liar @kaskus.coid
Wow, 110m cutter for the coast guard........do we design it our self or we use sigma design on these ship?
Wow, 110m cutter for the coast guard........do we design it our self or we use sigma design on these ship?

The banner said Palindo Marine, not PT.PAL, so... most likely this is indigenous design. More like glorified KCR-60, pretty nice ship. We can convert this design easily into OPV or even corvette in the future.

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Indonesian Air Force F-16A's and Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18 during Exercise Elang Ausindo 2015.

Photo: original photographer
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The banner said Palindo Marine, not PT.PAL, so... most likely this is indigenous design. More like glorified KCR-60, pretty nice ship. We can convert this design easily into OPV or even corvette in the future.

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Looks like American made Hamilton class Cutter on outer design, but bridge and superstructure is like sigma class design

" What a beautiful ship design ! "
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Indonesia, Egypt Agree to Cooperate in Fighting Terrorism


Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi, center right, accompanied by his Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo, center left, inspects a guard of honor prior to their meeting at Merdeka Palace in Jakarta, Sept. 4, 2015. AP/Achmad Ibrahim

During the meeting, Jokowi was accompanied by Foreign Minister, Retno P. Marsudi, Coordinating Minister for Economy, Darmin Nasution, Defense Minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu and Religious Affairs Minister, Lukman Hakim Syaifuddin.


During his visit, President Al-Sisi is also scheduled to meet the Secretary General of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Lee Luong Minh.

President Jokowi Receives Egyptian President El-Sisi | National | Tempo.Co :: Indonesian News Portal
Indonesia, Egypt agree to cooperate to fight terrorism
Jumat, 4 September 2015 21:16 WIB | 945 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The governments of Indonesia and Egypt have agreed to boost cooperation to fight terrorism, especially the kind spread through internet networks.

"We will also discuss the progress of democracy and Islam as a blessing for all, as well as radicalism and terrorism," President Joko Widodo said at a press conference after meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi at the Merdeka state palace on Friday evening.

The President said cooperation between the two countries would continue to be increased in various fields.

President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi said the two countries would face the challenges posed by radicalism and terrorism jointly through cooperation.

The two countries shared the view that terrorism is a common enemy and security cooperation is needed to deal with it.

They also agreed to ramp up their respective capabilities to deal with terrorism, including that spread through networks that exploit the internet as the base for their movement.

President Widodo was accompanied by Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Chief Economic Minister Darmin Nasution, Religious Affairs Minister, Lukman Hakim Syaifuddin and Minister/State Secretary, Pratikno.

Earlier in the day, President Joko Widodo welcomed President Al-Sisi upon his arrival at the state palace at 4.20pm.

President Al-Sisi received a state welcome marked by 21-cannon salute.(*)

Indonesia, Egypt agree to cooperate to fight terrorism - ANTARA News
Excellent news... finally decided.... Sukhoi SU-35 for Indonesia
View attachment 253005

MOD Will Replace F5 with Sukhoi SU-35
"We agreed (MOD, TNI Commander and Air Force Chief) to buy a squadron of Sukhoi SU-35 from Russia to replace F-5 Tiger," said the Minister of Defence, Ryamizard Ryacudu after the inspection of Army weaponry, Jakarta, Wednesday (2/9).

MOD also stated that in September 2015 there will be signing for the purchase of Sukhoi with the Russian. :tup:

Kemhan Akan Ganti F-5 dengan Sukhoi SU-35 | Hukum | Beritasatu.com

waiting to see in INDONESIAN airorce :)

Indonesian Air Force testing another type of UAV

Lanud Sulaiman Fasilitasi Uji Terbang UAV

Pen Lanud Slm - 2/09/2015


Lanud Sulaiman menjadi tempat untuk uji terbang UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) yang dilaksanakan di runway Lanud Sulaiman, Kec. Margahayu, Kab. Bandung. Rabu, (2/9).

Uji terbang UAV tersebut dihadiri Komandan Lanud Sulaiman Kolonel Pnb Olot Dwi Cahyono, Kolonel Lek Bambang Widjanarko selaku Kepala Bidang Teknologi perwakilan dari Kementrian Pertahanan RI Badan Sarana Pertahanan beserta staf dan perwakilan UMS Aero Group dan CWT Aerospace Services Pte Ltd Singapore, yaitu George Duncan beserta lima pendukung. Sedangkan dari PT. Putrindo Adiyasa Perkasa dihadiri Ibu Fera selaku Direktur.

Usai uji terbang UAV yang dilakukan Bagus Eko sebagai Teknisi Enginering Modifikasi Integrasi dan Testing bersama tim, pada kesempatan tersebut Direktur PT. Putrindo Adiyasa Perkasa dan George Duncan secara garis besar menjelaskan pula tentang spesifikasi kegunaan UAV.

Lanud Sulaiman Fasilitasi Uji Terbang UAV | Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Udara

Pameran Alutsista TNIPengunjung mengamati perlengkapan perang milik TNI yang dipajang pada Pameran Alutsista TNI di Kampus Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Minggu (6/9). Pameran yang dilaksanakan Kodam VII Wirabuana dengan Unhas Makassar tersebut bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan sistem persenjataan TNI kepada masyarakat. (ANTARA FOTO/Abriawan Abhe)
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